Making my product size smaller

Profile picture of Undercovercash
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
1 replies
HI guys

I am currently selling a product using DL guard. It is around 220 Mb, It has worked perfectly until now, but in the last couple of days people have been having trouble downloading the product.

The download simply stops midway.

It is a couple videos and audios that are a one zip file.

Is there any way to make this zip file smaller?

I need everything to be one single file since that is what dl guard accepts.
#making #product #size #smaller
  • Profile picture of the author webapex
    Profile picture of webapex
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You would make the biggest improvements by re-compressing the video using a more efficient codec, lower quality settings or smaller dimensions.
    Users with limited download speed would appreciate a low bandwidth option with lower res video or audio only in place of the video file.
    Zip files can't reduce videos very much, in fact, reducing the size significantly, would indicate you are using an older, less efficient avi format.

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