whats the best route for me? im a begginer

by 55 replies
im new to this Internet Marketing but im aware of the methods you use in some degree..id like to know whats the best thing for me to start with...

a.purchase access to the war room?
b.buy some recommended guides for adsense?
c.buy some recommended guides for affiliate marketing?
#main internet marketing discussion forum #begginer #route
  • Beware what you ask for, a lot of people will try and get you to buy stuff from them when you are new, i would suggest check out fiverr.com it is very easy to start making money there
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    • Definitely not advisable to have an affiliate link in your post.
  • I really think you pay for the War Room, take some good method from there, focus on it, stop searching more "make money methods" until you make your first earnings, and try to improve your conversions (split testing, more traffic, etc) and stick on it for at least a couple of months then wash, rinse, repeat.
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    • I think if asked to choose directly from Zelai's 3 choices, I would second this.

      Otherwise, Zelai, it's hard to know without knowing you and what your strengths and/or passions are. There are many methods out there, if you're half-baked on a method and only see yourself 50% committed, then it's probably not the right one for you.

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    • There is something to be said for Warrior Special Offers too. There is lots of valuable information there that you can purchase. Most have reviews that you can trust.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • thanks vickybabe for the tip but i think members here is much transparent than the marketers who spam my email everyday hehe, am i right?

    ive come across this adsense guide here and it has some good reviews what do you think about it?
  • I always recommend newbies get started in Adsense...although Adsense won't make you rich in most cases, it is a very easy way to make money online and and to learn the basics of SEO...So I would personally recommend buying a top quality Adsense course...maybe you can find some in the War Room, otherwise check out Clickbank...
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • thanks a lot for your input, would you recommend 100k adsense guide? so start with adsense and grow from there? well im not focus on getting rich instantly ,as long as my earnings with adsense can help me to upgrade my skills and learnings in this field ^^,... so affiliate marketing is much better in terms of earning than adsense?
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  • Find a Niche you´re interested in or know something about. Put up a website. Give people some good info and collect them on you´re list. Review some products in your Niche with you´re affiliate link.

    Read everything you can about conversions and traffic.

    That´s all you need. Good content, Traffic and conversions.
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    • I'm in the same boat. There is SO MUCH to choose from in this arena. My biggest concern is the huge time suck that can occur from going down the wrong road.
    • thank you but i need at least something to guide me , i dont think theres a free info available online.

      regarding the list is it better to put it in a squeeze page (theres no choice give yuor email) or just optional inside your website?
    • Find leaders in the home business industry such as Stone Evans and follow them to learn how they achieved success. Stone has developed an amazing duplicable Plug-in Profit system for newbie's. After struggling with my home business for a long time, I am now finally making a nice profit following his program and his detailed training/steps to success.

      Best of luck to you!
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • @55sadhikar

    thanks for the offer but ill passed that its not for me.


    thanks for your honest opinion, do you think i can gain a lot from there?

    my situation is like this right now ive purchase this mmm for short the hottest in cb right know thinking i would benefit a lot from that program halfway there ive read a lot of negative comments about it that makes me lose my excitement hehe so far im stuck at 50 percent of the program, i have a domain according to their instruction and a half-baked site ..now where do i go from here? just go directly to war room and start again leave all that behind do you think?
  • Good questions!

    a. YES It is well worth your money!
    b and c. You could. You will find plenty of excellent guides in the war room.

    **I highly suggest you take part in HubPages and Squidoo, in particular. You will be able to apply much of what you learn for free and you make money along the way. Then you can venture off to your own websites, based upon what you learn.**
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • @roger

    thanks ill check that one if its good for me


    thanks for recommending the war room, i think thats what i need right now ...

    are you serious i can earn from hubpages and squiidoo , i thought those are just tools to help you building your links hehe
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    • Absolutely!

      Squidoo - You can use all of their affiliate programs and they split the commissions. You don't need to sign up for an affiliate, unless you want to do so. They have MANY affiliate accounts with many and then send you a monthly payment to PayPal. You just use the modules you want and can pick and choose.

      HubPages - You sign up for your own Google Adsense, Amazon, and Ebay (if you can get accepted, Ebay is picky). Very simple design and less modules, but it works great.

      I really like using HubPages to research niches and for extra money toward my own sites. It's fantastic!

      All free.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • @davidmeeonline

    can you tell what program? i want to check it out
  • @tritain

    thats very helpful..=)..now i regret buying this mmm, people here in wf is much better guiding newbies hehe


    can i find him in the war room? im just new here and get overwhelmed with so many topics and categories and confusing sub forums etc hehe
  • @donhx

    would you recommend me your top 3?

    is that a monthly thing? where they showcase their stuff
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    • Every time I read the words "I'm a beginner", I think, "Uh oh, here come the sharks for this poor little minnow!"

      But, hey, this was not the case this time! You guys are the greatest for really helping out without screaming, BUY MY PRODUCT!

      So many great ideas and opinions. I am still working out the best route for me. But I agree with aidanjb1 re: starting out with adsense.

      Yes, it's not an millionaire overnight product but it is, IMHO, the standard in online advertising. If you can make Adsense money without getting banned, you can make it online (and still be wearing a white hat).

      I would recommend that a beginner set up a simple Word Press blog and blog-journal everything he/she learns, chronicling his success and failure, his research and ideas, always being aware, of course, of 'idea thieves'.

      The blog could be monetized with Adsense and eventually monetized in other ways. This blog would also be great practice in writing content.

      Best of luck to you!
  • oops sorry i think you have your own wso, ill check it out hehe sorry im just new here
  • I personally don't think you need to "buy" anything. affiliate marketing seems to be where things are headed and I'd recommend it to anyone getting into internet marketing despite the fact that it isn't my main source of income at the moment. I think there is a lot of money to be made there and it is easy to get involved in.

    What I would recommend though is that if you want to get into affiliate marketing, start out by reading Nickycakes newbie guide posted on his site. I think it is a good basic start-up for most people just getting into affiliate marketing and exactly how it works. Do a few google searches as well, just spend a few hours reading.

    Beyond that, once you have the basic idea. I recommend jumping in and testing the waters. You don't need to spend too much time reading because the best education is merely doing it yourself and learning along the way.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I personally found the war room to be very helpful to me, but everyone learns differently.

    You should also check the product reviews section of the forum to see what others are saying about products you may be considering.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Why not get started with Social Media? It's Free to sign-up with most networks (Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter), and it can drive an insane amount of Free traffic if you put the work in. I've found it can also send you campaign viral.
    However, before you start working on the traffic, which isn't a problem by the way, you should research and consider your niche and products. Do you plan to market affiliate products or do you have your own product. Laser beam focus is a must!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • im thinking of marketing affiliate products..
  • The best method is to find 1 way and stick to it. I suggest list building and then product creation.
  • Becoming a paid member to war room is good.
    I don't think Adsense is the 1st thing you should start with unless
    you are making a blog and having adsense on it. Just my opinion, it takes a long time to see big money from Adsense,
    Affiliate marketing is good but you still need to know about driving traffic

    first and foremost find something you are passionate about to promote. Don't listen to the naysayers, many people quit too easily, or don't work hard enough so they think no one can be successful online.
    Don't be so eager to buy things, seek free info first, there is much you can glean here in the warrior forum for free or greatly discounted.
    I hope that helps
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • @smswordsmith

    thanks for your honest opinion hmm im choosing between adsense and war room now hehe
  • @tishwash

    so you think war room is good but not necessary..i just need to do some research forum by forum?
  • You can buy war room. It is good for making money.

    If you have some good skills then you also do freelancing. It is one of the fastest and reliable way of making money online.

    There have other good way of making money from Internet and that is blogging. You can make blogs and apply Adsense for earning. After passing some time and learning more you can start Affiliate.

    For the success in IM you need patient. This is the key of success.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • i agree thanks for the advice..i like adsense, i just need a no bs guide
  • I am a big fan of people starting with Fiverr. The other advice on here is good as well but you can post a Fiverr gig and make real money in less than a week in many cases whereas with adsense it can take months before you make enough money to even get paid. The War Room is an excellent investment but may serve to confuse you more than it helps at this point.

    The most important thing is to stick with whatever method you choose to start with or you will find yourself jumping from one "big thing" to the next and never accomplishing anything.

    I hope this helps!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • ok ill start with this fiverr thing hehe and hopefully earn from it so i can purchase war room, wso, adsense guides and affiliate guide hehe , i like all of these lols but i know itwill take a year before i can do all of these things but now ill focus on this first.
  • I would seriously look round for a while here at the warrior forum.See what people are talking about look at the problems they are coming across and then decide what direction you want to go in.Also check out peoples signatures, you can get great information that way.(quite often for free)
    The war room is probably some where you will get to at some point but there really is no rush.
    Good Luck.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • im starting to like members here in this forum, thank God i found this site hehe..i hate those marketing videos saying they are earning thousands in a day just 5 min of work wew
  • Most guides will not be able to help you if you're on a tight budget because they are only offering information on a specific subject.

    What I recommend you taking a look at is around this forum and especially the "all in one" threads.
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    • Hi

      It is daunting and overwhelming with so much information online, everybody is selling the 'make money today' product.

      Personally I would first assess how much time you have for your new online business. Will you be working full time / part time besides your new online business?!

      Once assessed look for something that fits within your time frame... some ways of making money require more time then others.

      The again if you have more money then time, you could outsource some stuff straight away.

      My personal favourite way of making money on line is Blogging. It is the best way to establish your self as an authority in your niche.

      Always make sure to choose a niche you are passionate about!

      Using the right media channels and you will have 'magnetic attention' quickly.

      I write a free guide for beginners which you can download if you wish (see signature)

      Although I would suggest you don't start blogging if you don't have much time. It requires regularly writing blog posts and creating 2-3 podcasts per month (add to iTunes - this will provide you with great 'magnetic attention' - like a mini Oprah effect)

      Hope that helps but whatever you choose, stick with it for a number of month to give it a fair change and make sure to only do something you are passionate about.

      Warm regards
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    • God bless for this help , just want to ask what category ? the number of threads is overwhelming hehe
  • I would definitely recommend buying War Room access, the amount of great content and resources you have at your disposal is priceless.

    One thing I would recommend doing, if you're able, is to start up a service of your own. If you have any marketable skills, whether it be building website, writing articles, graphic design etc... you can start making money fairly quickly by creating a service thread here or even over on fiverr.

    And of course buy one of my websites! (I jest)

    CPA is certainly a lucrative avenue for you to go though .
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • if you have a simple guide on how it works then theres no problem purchasing your websites as long as your honest no bs marketing ..
  • I have some knowledge of IM and looking someone to start things let me know if you want to hang with me
  • There are two courses out there I am familiar with that focus on building simple one page web sites and getting them to rank on the first page on google with minimal effort. Personally I think this is a good business model for anyone starting out. Relatively Quick & simple.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • thanks for this also, about the 2 courses you recommend tell me more about it, is that the one in your sig?
  • I found a great beginners site that leaves NOTHING out. This is for true beginners. This guy is the real deal. You will hear that from everyone, though. So please, please be careful!! I bought so much crap at first. I clicked on his site once and didn't stay long enough. I wish I would have, because he would have saved me so much money. He has filled in the blanks for me. The problem with most programs is they sell you instructions that leave the important stuff out and then force you to buy more information. When I started, the biggest problem was I watched instructional videos that were too advanced for me. Trying to figure out what they were explaining would side track me to more sites, which just confused the heck out of me. I had no one to explain the very basics of internet marketing and to help me to truly understand all of it. You'll get a ton of offers since you asked. You just have to research and decide which direction to go.
    Please BE Careful...there is no get rich quick in this business. It requires work and learning new skills. My site is below my name
    Wishing you the best,
  • I want to thank all of you who posted their suggestions, very helpful in my decision making..
    God bless all your online businesses. ^^,
  • One thing you have to look out for is all these guides and courses made by people who think in certain ways. Just because they made money a certain way does not mean that you can. You don't think the way they do. And vice versa.

    So make sure to only go with material that makes sense to you. Do an inventory of different successes you've had and try to understand how you think.

    Here's the application:
    Some people make better bloggers than PPC experts. Some people's brains are better suited to making micro niche sites (lots of very targeted but less time consuming consumer based info sites.)

    You've got to play to your strengths. Try to find a method that makes you feel confident with the way you think and a method that you feel good about committing to.
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    • thanks ill keep that in mind
  • you can buy the war room membership if you want as I feel its really worth it. After that you can try to make back the money spent from fiverr.com by providing some simple services. Website Promotion Blueprint this website also teaches you free stuffs...(not my website)
  • i believe it would be better to go for affilate marketing...
  • Hi,
    Why cant you open a online store ,
    making a drop shipping it is very easy making drops hipping
    and maintaining online store

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