Niche Marketing on Crack: Worst Product Name Ever

David Michael
Profile picture of David Michael
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94 replies
It's obvious the creator had no clue about urban lexicon. When you state someone or something "is on crack" it is never viewed as a positive connotation. However, if he had stated Niche Marketing is Crack it would have changed the whole view of the product. Crack is powerful, it is addictive, it controls the user. Being "on crack" makes you weak minded, an addict someone with no control.

To sum this up, make sure you choose your product name wisely and look at all the possible connotations. Failing to do so can cost you many customers.
#crack #marketing #niche #product #worst
  • Profile picture of the author milan
    Profile picture of milan
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    To sum this up, the product name made you post a thread about it. That makes it very good.
  • Profile picture of the author KateD
    Profile picture of KateD
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    I'm not sure how many customers he lost. I think most people assume that it isn't real crack.

    And besides, it's a kickass product.

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
    Michael Oksa
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    Hi David,

    Looks like the creator of this product changed the meaning of the term, at least among IMers.

    Also, it could be possible that the connotation you mention is what "on crack" means in Toronto, but slang is regional, and may have the positive meaning somewhere else.

    Whatever the case, I find the term repulsive and have not purchased any product that ends with 'On Crack'

    All the best,

    "Ich bin en fuego!"
    • Profile picture of the author David Michael
      David Michael
      Profile picture of David Michael
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      Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

      Hi David,

      Looks like the creator of this product changed the meaning of the term, at least among IMers.

      Also, it could be possible that the connotation you mention is what "on crack" means in Toronto, but slang is regional, and may have the positive meaning somewhere else.

      Whatever the case, I find the term repulsive and have not purchased any product that ends with 'On Crack'

      All the best,
      Well IM aren't always the brightest minds.

      This is urban lexicon that has crossed cultural lines, this is not regional and only has one meaning. He has not changed the meaning of the term on the internet nor in the real world. Calling someone a crackhead or on crack is always negative. Fiends are erratic, weak, unhealthy. Crack itself, while negative, has positive connotations such as it is addictive, controls the user, mind blowing high etc.

      It maybe a good product, I can't comment on the content as I have not purchased it. But that title :confused:
      Traffic Automation Solutions
      • Profile picture of the author Lance K
        Lance K
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        Originally Posted by David Michael View Post

        It maybe a good product, I can't comment on the content as I have not purchased it. But that title :confused:
        Well you say you can't comment on the quality of the product because you haven't purchased it.

        Yet you're comfortable commenting on the title without knowing how effective it is rearding sales. You're commenting purely on opinion formed without all the facts. The very thing you won't do about the quality of the product (good idea). But it's ok when it comes to the product title?

        Do the "On Steroids" products make you think of shrunken balls and man boobs?
        "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
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        • Profile picture of the author David Michael
          David Michael
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          Originally Posted by Lance K View Post

          Well you say you can't comment on the quality of the product because you haven't purchased it.

          Yet you're comfortable commenting on the title without knowing how effective it is rearding sales. You're commenting purely on opinion formed without all the facts. The very thing you won't do about the quality of the product (good idea). But it's ok when it comes to the product title?

          Do the "On Steroids" products make you think of shrunken balls and man boobs?
          Of course I can comment on the title, because of said title, I decided not to purchase. There is your stat regarding sales.

          To me it sounds like someone who tried to hop on urban lexicon trying to be cool, but ended up creating an epic fail "product title" (can't comment about the actual product). Sales my have been great for the creator, (JV lists start most product launches) had he did a split test with a different title is the only way we would know the effectiveness of changing "on" to "is".

          Steroids has positive connotations as well, larger muscles, increased endurance, increased strength, where the negative connotations are fewer and don't always appear in every user.
          Traffic Automation Solutions
          • Profile picture of the author Lance K
            Lance K
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            Originally Posted by David Michael View Post

            Of course I can comment on the title, because of said title, I decided not to purchase. There is your stat regarding sales.
            I'm not trying to be an ass, and I hate to burst your bubble...

            But NO IT'S NOT!
            "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
            ~ Zig Ziglar
          • Profile picture of the author Kristi Lane
            Kristi Lane
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            Originally Posted by David Michael View Post

            I am commenting solely based on the title. That why this thread states "worst product name ever" not "worst product ever". I had no interest in purchasing it as it didn't suit my needs.
            Originally Posted by David Michael View Post

            Of course I can comment on the title, because of said title, I decided not to purchase. There is your stat regarding sales.
            Can't make up your mind?

            I've heard and perhaps even used the phrase ______ on crack for years, Andrew's not the first to use the phrase in that manner. He may well be the first to have used it in a product name and judging by the huge number of purchases vs a small number of "complaints" it seems to have worked out ok for him.

          • Profile picture of the author Hesaidblissfully
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            Originally Posted by David Michael View Post

            Sales my have been great for the creator, (JV lists start most product launches) had he did a split test with a different title is the only way we would know the effectiveness of changing "on" to "is".
            True, but then how can you make a claim about the effectiveness of a name without any data (except for your own) to back it up?

            Any of us could make claims like this all day. Personally I think all the Google Assassin/Google Bitchslap/Google Decapitation type names have gotten pretty ridiculous. But unless I have tested sales data versus another name, my argument couldn't hold any weight.
    • Profile picture of the author Alton Hargrave
      Alton Hargrave
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      Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

      Hi David,

      Whatever the case, I find the term repulsive and have not purchased any product that ends with 'On Crack'

      All the best,
      I agree and I refuse to buy such products.


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  • Profile picture of the author Christopher R Everson
    Christopher R Everson
    Profile picture of Christopher R Everson
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    The idea is that being on crack makes you tweak, stay up, and be over active.

    In the sense of niche marketing on crack, it relates that you'll pump out so many niche sites, so quickly, that people may wonder if you are on crack.

    The name obviously works because there is a thread about it, and you remembered it. That's more than 98% of products out there can say.

    It's like the HeadOn, APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE HEAD commercials. It was dumb, but people talked about it, and people bought it. Done deal.

    You could say the same thing about Bum Marketing. The story is that it's so easy a bum could do it.

    Another person might think you are sticking flyers onto bums on the street, or giving them stickers to put on stuff. You might think that it's just a really lazy form of marketing, when it fact it can be the opposite.

    Money isn't real, George. It doesn't matter. It only seems like it does.

  • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
    Profile picture of JayXtreme
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    I think you'll find that to be "on crack" is relative to the preparation method of the crack..

    The sensation, reaction, feeling, experience, buzz, and excitement from Crack is different with each different preparation method...

    Maybe the product owner is referring to the "high" state of euphoric over drive that is associated with some crack preparation?..

    Just sayin'



    Bare Murkage.........

    • Profile picture of the author David Michael
      David Michael
      Profile picture of David Michael
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      Originally Posted by JayXtreme View Post

      I think you'll find that to be "on crack" is relative to the preparation method of the crack..

      The sensation, reaction, feeling, experience, buzz, and excitement from Crack is different with each different preparation method...

      Maybe the product owner is referring to the "high" state of euphoric over drive that is associated with some crack preparation?..

      Just sayin'


      I don't get what you mean by preparation. Crack is make with cocaine and baking soda or even similac, cooked in a pot.

      If he was referring to the feelings associated with crack then he should have stated that niche marketing "is" crack. The product gives the stated euphoria, buzz, high etc, not the user. The user experiences those feelings, the product creates those feelings.

      Next IM launch "Craigslist Marketing on Skid Row"
      Traffic Automation Solutions
      • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
        Frank Donovan
        Profile picture of Frank Donovan
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        Sheesh. It's just a name. I'm almost certain there were no real drugs in the product.

        And regarding product names with negative connotations - killer, assassin, crusher, stomper - these have all been applied to successful products and we accept that they're not to be taken literally. :rolleyes:

        I'm sure Andrew must have considered names such as "Niche Marketing done in a rather lively fashion" but thought them not sufficiently memorable.


        PS I'm told there are even some peaceniks in the "Warrior" forum. Surely not

      • Profile picture of the author ddasilva
        Profile picture of ddasilva
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        Originally Posted by David Michael View Post

        I don't get what you mean by preparation. Crack is make with cocaine and baking soda or even similac, cooked in a pot.

        If he was referring to the feelings associated with crack then he should have stated that niche marketing "is" crack. The product gives the stated euphoria, buzz, high etc, not the user. The user experiences those feelings, the product creates those feelings.

        Next IM launch "Craigslist Marketing on Skid Row"
        So you think it would've been better as "Niche Marketing is Crack"? no way..... that sounds more drug oriented than "Niche Marketing on Crack".... He's basically just saying that your Niche Marketing efforts are going to be super charged.... You're looking WAY into this title for a product that came out like 2 years ago... I'm surprised you actually started a thread on it and try to relate it to "real" crack and cocain"... He was just using a figure of speech, and it worked very well.

        Just for your information, Niche Marketing on Crack is probably one of the best products I've ever bought online and I've bought over 100+. The product backs up the title's claims, and it was a huge success. NMOC is the product that opened my eyes and got me started in affiliate marketing and my whole life has changed as a result. Before buying NMOC I was ready to give up after 8 months of failure. Fast forward to 1 1/2 years later and I'm now making a full time income from affiliate marketing. A huge part of my success is due to NMOC.

        The product was not re-hashed information that you could find all over the internet... The information inside the product was unique at the time, and I think the title of the product reflects that as well. The title was unique and gained people's attention... It sure got mine and it looks like it got yours as well :-)
  • Profile picture of the author Gary McCaffrey
    Gary McCaffrey
    Profile picture of Gary McCaffrey
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    'On Crack' makes me think 'Gone Crazy'...

    Weird choice of name but it did make me take notice and I definitely looked at the sales page the first time I heard mention of the product. If the salesletter had piqued my interest enough to buy, the product name would not have mattered.

    At least it was original and made a change from the multitude of products that are doing steroids!
  • Profile picture of the author Christopher R Everson
    Christopher R Everson
    Profile picture of Christopher R Everson
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    The Bum Marketing method is one of the most frequently quoted and used methods of advertising here.

    Bums as a concept and in popular culture are homeless, have no work ethic, often are mentally unstable, are generally alcoholics or have equal addictions, and can be violent street criminals.

    Almost no connotation of Bum is a positive one.

    Yet people buy it, and people love it.

    I'm going to defend Niche Marketing on Crack, because the concept does work, and at the time I read it, it stood up, and delivered wholly on everything it promised, and was right for the price. It was a very solid product.

    Whether you want to admit to it or not, the fact that you are stirring up commotion about the name, is in fact proof that the name elicits response and remembrance.

    The name may have turned you off personally, but I can promise you multiple people who read this title went out to check the product out, some may have bought as well.

    If this product turned you off, I can only imagine what other successful products turn you off:

    The Internet Marketing Slut. Offensive, lewd, best selling.

    Any of the "For Dummies" book. Who wants a book that assumes they are dumb? Seems like half the world does.

    Bitch in the Kitch cooking book. Stereotypes, negativity, best seller.

    I could go on for days.

    I'll go out on a limb here, and say that basing and forming an opinion of the content of a product solely on it's name is downright ignorant.

    Money isn't real, George. It doesn't matter. It only seems like it does.

    • Profile picture of the author David Michael
      David Michael
      Profile picture of David Michael
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      Originally Posted by Christopher R Everson View Post

      The Bum Marketing method is one of the most frequently quoted and used methods of advertising here.

      Bums as a concept and in popular culture are homeless, have no work ethic, often are mentally unstable, are generally alcoholics or have equal addictions, and can be violent street criminals.

      Almost no connotation of Bum is a positive one.

      Yet people buy it, and people love it.

      I'm going to defend Niche Marketing on Crack, because the concept does work, and at the time I read it, it stood up, and delivered wholly on everything it promised, and was right for the price. It was a very solid product.

      Whether you want to admit to it or not, the fact that you are stirring up commotion about the name, is in fact proof that the name elicits response and remembrance.

      The name may have turned you off personally, but I can promise you multiple people who read this title went out to check the product out, some may have bought as well.

      If this product turned you off, I can only imagine what other successful products turn you off:

      The Internet Marketing Slut. Offensive, lewd, best selling.

      Any of the "For Dummies" book. Who wants a book that assumes they are dumb? Seems like half the world does.

      Bitch in the Kitch cooking book. Stereotypes, negativity, best seller.

      I could go on for days.

      I'll go out on a limb here, and say that basing and forming an opinion of the content of a product solely on it's name is downright ignorant.

      Ignorant is using lexicon out of context.

      Would you eat a Mc sh!t burger from McDonalds?

      As stated unless a split test was done what you are saying means nothing.
      Traffic Automation Solutions
      • Profile picture of the author Lance K
        Lance K
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        Originally Posted by David Michael View Post

        As stated unless a split test was done what you are saying means nothing.
        Two way street my friend.
        "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
        ~ Zig Ziglar
  • Profile picture of the author cesarsan
    Profile picture of cesarsan
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    English is my second language and I perfectly understood what the author meant to say using the expression "on crack". Mission acomplished I would say.
  • Profile picture of the author Clark
    Profile picture of Clark
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    Excellent title which suits and speaks directly to the demographic (tribe) Hansen was going for.
  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Then
    Joseph Then
    Profile picture of Joseph Then
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    I don't understand why people prefer to look at the name and comment about it and had not tried the actual product.
    • Profile picture of the author David Michael
      David Michael
      Profile picture of David Michael
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      Originally Posted by Joseph Then View Post

      I don't understand why people prefer to look at the name and comment about it and had not tried the actual product.
      I am commenting solely based on the title. That why this thread states "worst product name ever" not "worst product ever". I had no interest in purchasing it as it didn't suit my needs.
      Traffic Automation Solutions
      • Profile picture of the author Mike McBride
        Mike McBride
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        Originally Posted by David Michael View Post

        I am commenting solely based on the title. That why this thread states "worst product name ever" not "worst product ever". I had no interest in purchasing it as it didn't suit my needs.
        You know, it's threads like this - the OP and those that have wholeheartedly agree with it - that tells me two things:
        1) they don't understand marketing;
        2) they don't have a clue.

        You should come up with such a memorable name, let alone such a successful (and good) product.
        • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
          Steven Wagenheim
          Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
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          Where's Andrew when you need him?

          All kidding aside, where is Andrew? I haven't seen him post here in ages.

          Anyway, this to the OP of this thread.

        • Profile picture of the author Tom B
          Tom B
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          Here is what I know.

          I have heard of the product.

          I have heard of the author.

          I have heard of some of his other products.

          He seems to be doing very well with his online business.

          The reason I have heard him was because of Niche Marketing on Crack which was a good read.

          Oh, I almost forgot.

          I don't know David Michael.

          I never heard of any of his products.

          I don't know if he is doing well ( I can honestly say I doubt it since he is wasting his time arguing about the title of a ebook).
          • Profile picture of the author Kay King
            Kay King
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            Of course I can comment on the title, because of said title, I decided not to purchase. There is your stat regarding sales.
            NMOC was launched in 2007. It has sold extremely well and has been a successful method for many who purchased.

            The method requires some knowledge of marketing so not purchasing was probably a wise decision for the OP at this point. There is no upside to analyzing and complaining about a product you don't own and don't sell.

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            • Profile picture of the author Rich Blondi
              Rich Blondi
              Profile picture of Rich Blondi
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              How stupid.

              If I could have as many sales and positive press about my products as that one does..I'd name all my products "on crack"

              Cure Your Yeast Infections On Crack!

              Solving Bad Breath On Crack!

              The Crackheads's Guide to Internet Marketing!

              Know what else is a stupid name? Ebay. Google. Wal-Mart.

              I'm so smart. I can critique anything.

              What an armchair quarterback.
              • Profile picture of the author Clark
                Profile picture of Clark
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                Originally Posted by Rich Blondi View Post

                Cure Your Yeast Infections On Crack!
                Dude, you made me dry heave with that one.
              • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
                Steven Wagenheim
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                Originally Posted by Rich Blondi View Post

                How stupid.

                If I could have as many sales and positive press about my products as that one does..I'd name all my products "on crack"

                Cure Your Yeast Infections On Crack!

                Solving Bad Breath On Crack!

                The Crackheads's Guide to Internet Marketing!

                Know what else is a stupid name? Ebay. Google. Wal-Mart.

                I'm so smart. I can critique anything.

                What an armchair quarterback.

                Or how about...Steve Wagenheim on crack?

                Now that is a product that could be real dangerous.
                • Profile picture of the author Mark Brock
                  Mark Brock
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                  Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

                  Or how about...Steve Wagenheim on crack?

                  Now that is a product that could be real dangerous.
                  How many articles would you be able to do per day if you were "...on crack" Steven?

                  You'd put the rest of us out of business! lol

          • Profile picture of the author David Michael
            David Michael
            Profile picture of David Michael
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            Instead of quoting all the insipid comments in this thread I'll list a few points.

            • I don't sell info products.
            • I have an outsourced marketing (barefoot, SMG) team that handles marketing and I was researching techniques to forward to them, saw the product, it ended up sounding like someone trying to hard.
            • You may have heard of my company, maybe not. I do quite well, however.
            • You may have even promoted me if you are with any of the top 10 CPA Networks. Thanks!
            • Depending on your age you may have seen my adverts in some National Publications. 16-24 demographic.
            • Overly sensitive would be trashing the Author, content.
            • I was analyzing the branding of the product, if you can't comprehend something as simple as negative branding, well continue your article marketing on squidoo. Good Luck!
            • Tying negative connotations with products are never a smart long term business decision. (baby shaker anyone?)
            • It did cost him a customer.

            New Product Launch

            Marketing Sodomy: Rape the Competition and Leave 'Em With Bleeding, Gaping A-Holes. use coupon code: Plunger upon checkout.
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      • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton
        Martin Luxton
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        The worst product name ever was the Ford Nova in Spain because "no va" in Spanish means "doesn't go". Sales of that model did not "va" at all.

        I see no problem with the title being discussed. What I understand from it is that the book contains a system for making loads of money from niche marketing.

        I think it's an excellent title - memorable and to the point.

      • Profile picture of the author Joseph Then
        Joseph Then
        Profile picture of Joseph Then
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        Originally Posted by David Michael View Post

        I am commenting solely based on the title. That why this thread states "worst product name ever" not "worst product ever". I had no interest in purchasing it as it didn't suit my needs.
        If you are not interested in product just don't open a thread and start talking about the name.

        If I open a thread that says, "David Michael: Worst Name Ever" would you be happy?

        Respect the product owner + all those who uses the word "crack" in their product name, please.
  • Profile picture of the author Christopher R Everson
    Christopher R Everson
    Profile picture of Christopher R Everson
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    Ignorant: Unaware, uninformed, untrained.

    Judging something by it's title and nothing else leaves you unaware, uninformed, and untrained about what exactly it is, leaving you Ignorant of that product, and applied to a persons character and behavior, ignorant as a whole.

    You however, are not using the word Lexicon correctly.

    If I saw a "McShi% Burger" from McDonalds, I would look at it with a level of intelligence that would allow me to do the following:

    1. Realize that McDonalds as a corporation has certain operating guidelines that create a minimum level of service, so I know that at the very least, it shouldn't hurt me or taste repulsive.

    2. I could see what exactly it is, before casting it off on it's name alone.

    3. I could ask other people and find reviews and resources relating to it, and make an INTELLIGENT and INFORMED decision.

    By your logic, you would gladly eat a McAwesome burger, filled with cyanide and razorblades, because apparently the products content has no part in determining whether or not it's in fact a good purchase.

    Money isn't real, George. It doesn't matter. It only seems like it does.

  • Profile picture of the author Davegfx
    Profile picture of Davegfx
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    Honestly, it was the first product i came across that I actually considered buying. The name is memorable, you've got to give it that.
    • Profile picture of the author Jenni Mac
      Jenni Mac
      Profile picture of Jenni Mac
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      What on earth is the OP talking about? The first rule of marketing that I ever learnt was to stand out and be memorable! NMOC does that hands down!
      • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
        Steven Wagenheim
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        I can't wait to see how many extra sales this thread brings Andrew.

        If it does, he deserves it.

        If I'm not mistaken, wasn't there actually a special forum or link somewhere
        on the main page where Allen was promoting the product at one time?
      • Profile picture of the author Angela V. Edwards
        Angela V. Edwards
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        Originally Posted by Jenni Mac View Post

        What on earth is the OP talking about? The first rule of marketing that I ever learnt was to stand out and be memorable! NMOC does that hands down!
        He's overanalyzing the term "on crack". Yes, in the vernacular "crack" is an addictive drug and all that, but the phrase 'on crack' usually means something slightly different. It usually means over-the-top, BIG, and FAST. People who are "on crack" are usually hyperactive and can't slow down.

        My former Assistant Manager used to jokingly call me a "crackhead" (he was somewhat of a goofball; very funny and made me laugh a lot) when I would be super active with focus about my job. Niche Marketing on Crack to me is a very descriptive title and I never once got a bad 'vibe' about the product from its name.
  • Profile picture of the author Haddor
    Profile picture of Haddor
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    Gee!! Seems so easy a caveman could do it.... LOL
  • Profile picture of the author BIG Mike
    BIG Mike
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    • Profile picture of the author Dean Shainin
      Dean Shainin
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      Originally Posted by BIG Mike View Post

      You're about a year or so too late to criticize it. As far I can recall, it was a huge success and spawned a bunch of other "...On Crack" type products, which presumably had similar successes.

      You're making assumptions and generalizing based on your impression of the product name - not on any actual empirical data. You do not know if it cost him customers nor do you know if others found it negative.

      You only know that you found it negative and did not purchase it. I'm not sure if you're assuming that your opinions are representative of a significantly large demographic, but I find that unlikely.

      I do agree with you that choosing a product name wisely is important and I think Andrew accomplished just that with his choice.
      This thread is a blast from the past.

      I created a product related to Niche Marketing On CRACK and it was very successful but my mother was visiting and noticed the sales copy I was writing and thought it was not cool. It was too late the idea had already been created. I was really getting ready to pull it when my mother said she did not like the name but at the time figured most would know it related to Andrews Niche Marketing On CRACK.

      Here was the product name and the sub-head.

      Niche Marketing Keywords On CRACK!

      "How Would You Like My Enormous Confidential Keyword List, Save Hundreds Of Hours On Research, D.O.M.I.N.A.T.E Your Niche, Cash In With Bum Marketing, Squidoo, Niche Marketing On CRACK, ClickBank, and Google AdWords!"

      The product package was very successful to say the least but I always felt a bit strange about the name anyways...


  • Profile picture of the author Matt MacPherson
    Matt MacPherson
    Profile picture of Matt MacPherson
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    Don't judge a book by it's cover and don't judge an eBook by it's title.
    The product is solid and I recommend it to friends and family who are
    just starting out in the IM world.

    Secondly, it's a great marketing tactic. You will automatically have
    overly sensitive people complaining about the name on various forums
    which leads to free publicity. Especially if the product is actually GOOD
    and a debate like the one above forms.

    Makes me wonder if threads like this are created on purpose.

  • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
    Profile picture of JayXtreme
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    @the OP

    Niche Marketing ON Crack..

    Meaning your niche marketing efforts become crack fuelled in their projection, accelerating at a much faster rate...

    damn this is ludicrous....I cannot believe we have to explain this



    Bare Murkage.........

    • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton
      Martin Luxton
      Profile picture of Martin Luxton
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      I was just thinking.

      I've never fought in a battle - should I resign from the Warrior Forum?

    • Profile picture of the author Mark Brock
      Mark Brock
      Profile picture of Mark Brock
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      Originally Posted by JayXtreme View Post

      @the OP

      Niche Marketing ON Crack..

      Meaning your niche marketing efforts become crack fuelled in their projection, accelerating at a much faster rate...

      damn this is ludicrous....I cannot believe we have to explain this


      I agree.

      I would have thought the fact that this product was/is one of the top selling IM products around would have been explanation enough?!

      Memorable title made people curious, led to sales!

    • Profile picture of the author David Michael
      David Michael
      Profile picture of David Michael
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      Originally Posted by JayXtreme View Post

      @the OP

      Niche Marketing ON Crack..

      Meaning your niche marketing efforts become crack fuelled in their projection, accelerating at a much faster rate...

      damn this is ludicrous....I cannot believe we have to explain this


      That makes absolutely 0 sense

      Traffic Automation Solutions
  • Profile picture of the author Steve Iser
    Steve Iser
    Profile picture of Steve Iser
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    Epic fail troll.

    Anyway the product's good, and it spawned a bunch of crack products.
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    • Profile picture of the author sylviad
      Profile picture of sylviad
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      First impressions of the product...

      Wow. This will make my marketing efforts soar.
      Having never used crack or had anything to do with anyone using it, although having heard something in news stories... my understanding is that crack makes you hyperactive and dangerous.

      If you are a hyperactive and dangerous internet marketer, that would be a good thing, would it not? Hence, Niche Marketing on Crack would be a great product to follow.

      I bought it. I'm working through it. I'm convinced it will make me at least a little more hyperactive and dangerous.

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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
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        Originally Posted by Lance K View Post

        Well you say you can't comment on the quality of the product because you haven't purchased it.

        Yet you're comfortable commenting on the title without knowing how effective it is rearding sales. You're commenting purely on opinion formed without all the facts. The very thing you won't do about the quality of the product (good idea). But it's ok when it comes to the product title?

        Do the "On Steroids" products make you think of shrunken balls and man boobs?
        Along with back acne, uncontrollable rage and home run records...:p

        Originally Posted by Martin Luxton View Post

        The worst product name ever was the Ford Nova in Spain because "no va" in Spanish means "doesn't go". Sales of that model did not "va" at all.

        I see no problem with the title being discussed. What I understand from it is that the book contains a system for making loads of money from niche marketing.

        I think it's an excellent title - memorable and to the point.

        I thought Chevy made the Nova, and many of them lived up to their name...

        I believe it was Gerber that tried to market baby food in some African country where the people are largely illiterate, so food companies put pictures of the contents of jars and cans on the label. Imagine picking up that jar with the smiling baby on the label...

        And I think it was Coke that picked the wrong symbol when they started in China. They wanted "refreshing" and got "dung" instead.

        Looking at 'bum marketing' from another angle, isn't 'bum' a slang term for arse?

        When NMOC first came out, I patiently waited for the hoopla to die down. Clever title, lots of buzz, well done. When the flood of products followed, all on crack or steroids, I did start a thread questioning those titles. I asked for some creativity - how about PHP on php, or affiliate marketing on angel dust (same associations as crack)? Email on Ecstasy (make readers crave contact)? Or even autoResponders on Rufies (makes subscribers cooperative and compliant)? :rolleyes:

        By the way, if anyone decides to use one of those, I'd appreciate a little sumpin' sumpin' for the idea...
        • Profile picture of the author Mark Brock
          Mark Brock
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          Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

          how about PHP on php, or affiliate marketing on angel dust (same associations as crack)? Email on Ecstasy (make readers crave contact)? Or even autoResponders on Rufies (makes subscribers cooperative and compliant)? :rolleyes:

          By the way, if anyone decides to use one of those, I'd appreciate a little sumpin' sumpin' for the idea...
          John, you missed "Binge Thinking!" - (do all of your weeks' work in the space of one night!)

    • Profile picture of the author tiger325
      Profile picture of tiger325
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      haha this is bringing him many more sales
    • Profile picture of the author AndrewHansen
      Profile picture of AndrewHansen
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      I was at a Tony Robbins event a week or so back and got to talking to a few people about SEO and such...

      I had introduced myself and we'd gotten into a good chin wag...

      Suddenly, one of the guys stopped and was like:

      "Wait... Andrew Hansen... where do I know you from online?"

      Me: You probably remember Niche Marketing On Crack?


      Laughs and high fives ensue, and a relationship begins, of which who knows what great benefits could come? And I can't tell you how many similar conversations and introductions have happened that same way.

      Naming that product was one of the best decisions I ever made


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      • Profile picture of the author Jenni Mac
        Jenni Mac
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        Originally Posted by AndrewHansen View Post

        I was at a Tony Robbins event a week or so back and got to talking to a few people about SEO and such...

        I had introduced myself and we'd gotten into a good chin wag...

        Suddenly, one of the guys stopped and was like:

        "Wait... Andrew Hansen... where do I know you from online?"

        Me: You probably remember Niche Marketing On Crack?


        Laughs and high fives ensue, and a relationship begins, of which who knows what great benefits could come? And I can't tell you how many similar conversations and introductions have happened that same way.

        Naming that product was one of the best decisions I ever made

        From the horses mouth!
        • Profile picture of the author ExRat
          Profile picture of ExRat
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          Hi David,

          It is obvious the average age on this forum is about 50 so I will forgive those who believe being "on crack" is ever viewed in good light, and are not current with today's slang.
          Ever heard of a 'crackberry'?

          The biggest mistake of the many you have made here is the assumption that because YOU didn't buy it, that the product creator made a mistake. This exposes you as a consumer rather than a marketer.

          You assumed that the product creator was not targetting his market and that he simply desired to sell as many units as possible.

          It's obvious the creator had no clue about urban lexicon. When you state someone or something "is on crack" it is never viewed as a positive connotation.
          So you can only sell products via positive connotations? Perhaps a little research of Hollywood, the music industry or the media in general might clear that up for you.

          Roger Davis

  • Profile picture of the author Chris Lockwood
    Chris Lockwood
    Profile picture of Chris Lockwood
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    I'm glad this thread was started, so I could finally learn why that product sold so poorly.

    Wouldn't the worst product name ever be a name you can't even remember?

    Niche Marketing Done in Such a Way as to Not Offend Anyone, With Some Work Required, Yet Not So Much as to Make it Unfavorable vis a vis Working a Regular Job, in Such a Way as to Acquire for Oneself Such Profits as to, in Effect, Support Oneself and Provide Oneself with Necessary Food, Clothing and Shelter, So as Not to Become a Burden on Society, With Liberty and Justice for All
  • Profile picture of the author Marhelper
    Profile picture of Marhelper
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    Originally Posted by David Michael View Post

    It's obvious the creator had no clue about urban lexicon. When you state someone or something "is on crack" it is never viewed as a positive connotation. However, if he had stated Niche Marketing is Crack it would have changed the whole view of the product. Crack is powerful, it is addictive, it controls the user. Being "on crack" makes you weak minded, an addict someone with no control.

    To sum this up, make sure you choose your product name wisely and look at all the possible connotations. Failing to do so can cost you many customers.

    I get what you are saying but co-mingling with that is my utter disdain for the age of political correctness we are living in. Everyone is offended by something ... where do we draw the line? Ultimatley, do NOT buy the product if it offends you, period!
  • Profile picture of the author richfit
    Profile picture of richfit
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    How about what do you think about that name?
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    • Profile picture of the author sylviad
      Profile picture of sylviad
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      I just remembered...

      Many moons ago, a common phrase was to call someone a "crackpot". That was long before crack the narcotic became popular. According to the Heritage dictionary, "Crackpot = an eccentric person, especially one espousing bizzare ideas"

      My mother often called me a 'crackpot'. Now I'm wondering just what she DID mean.

      There is also a village called Crackpot in Northern Yorkshire, England. Ah, Yorkshire... my family home! Maybe she was referring to the town, rather than the eccentric, although I do have some bizzare ideas sometimes.

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  • Profile picture of the author Diana Lane
    Diana Lane
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    My dad always referred to state benefits as 'the pancrack' - no-one was ever on the dole, they were always 'on the pancrack'. NMOC makes me think of that whenever I see it. Different things mean different things to different people, but you generally see the intent of the originator and just start using their expression as they meant it instead. Here in the UK, I don't think anyone's about to abandon 'bum marketing' in favour of 'arse marketing'.

    I've been wrong before, though. It could catch on if we abandon 'viral marketing' too, for something with a bit more whizz behind it. 'Spliff Marketing - Nothing Gets Passed Around Quicker!'..?

    No problem with NMOC here.

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  • Profile picture of the author BizBooks
    Profile picture of BizBooks
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    Robert Plank has a whole "on Crack" series.

    he has many many dedicated followers who buy everything he puts out!

    I think that finding a name like "on crack" which is memorable but not overused, is a great way to mark and brand your products...

    Robert can take any nice, make a report on it, and name it "keyboard shortcuts on crack" (maybe someday) "macros on crack" (hmm? robert?) "membership sites on crack"' (done) "php on crack" (done) or "blogging on crack" (not done, but robert will get there someday..)

    the fact that it's memorable and that people are more likely to buy something that is one of a series of products they have learned to be comfortable with and that provide great value for the money- is a winner in my book.

    and, if you don't like the term "on crack" but saw the product had great reviews, a good price, and a money back guarantee...

    wouldn't you buy it?

    and once you did, woun't you buy future offering from the author?

    food for thought, eh?

  • Profile picture of the author J.Knight
    Profile picture of J.Knight
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    Originally Posted by David Michael View Post

    It's obvious the creator had no clue about urban lexicon.
    Hey dude... I could say your ancestors 'had no clue' when it comes to names, as Michael is usually a christian name and not a surname.

    But, that would just be rude.

    • Profile picture of the author David Michael
      David Michael
      Profile picture of David Michael
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      Originally Posted by J.Knight View Post

      Hey dude... I could say your ancestors 'had no clue' when it comes to names, as Michael is usually a christian name and not a surname.

      But, that would just be rude.

      Who said it's my last name?

      Clues are being handed out at Walmart this season. Pick one up.

      It is obvious the average age on this forum is about 50 so I will forgive those who believe being "on crack" is ever viewed in good light, and are not current with today's slang.

      That being said, this reminds me when the Baha Men came out with "Who Let the Dogs Out" (which was actually written and performed by a Canadian which was stolen and he successfully sued the group and their label) everybody and their grandma was saying the phrase. My middle aged, not in her prime, Prof at the time was even saying the phrase.

      All the while she had no clue the song meant who let the ugly ladies out.

      Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof

      Thread Closed!
      Traffic Automation Solutions
      • Profile picture of the author Jenni Mac
        Jenni Mac
        Profile picture of Jenni Mac
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        We ALL know the actual urban meaning of CRACK, we're not idiots.

        It's just that most of us also see the brilliance of using it as a marketing tool and clearly it's worked.

        Relax, you started a debate and some here don't agree with you, it's allowed.

        Oh and you can't "close" a thread like that.
      • Profile picture of the author Lance K
        Lance K
        Profile picture of Lance K
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        Originally Posted by David Michael View Post

        That being said, this reminds me when the Baha Men came out with "Who Let the Dogs Out" (which was actually written and performed by a Canadian which was stolen and he successfully sued the group and their label) everybody and their grandma was saying the phrase. My middle aged, not in her prime, Prof at the time was even saying the phrase.

        All the while she had no clue the song meant who let the ugly ladies out.
        So what you're saying is that even though people interpreted the meaning of the song wrong, it sold like hotcakes. So I'm left with one question...

        Are you trying to prove or disprove your own argument?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Pereira
    Jason Pereira
    Profile picture of Jason Pereira
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    It sold, and pretty damned well at that so it's hardly the worst product name ever. I'd name a product Doggy Doo Doo if it sold as well as NMOC.
  • Profile picture of the author J.Knight
    Profile picture of J.Knight
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    Your own thread is proving that pure nonsense presented in the 'right' way (read, 'controversial') can prove to be 'popular'.

    As Lance notes above me...what on earth are you trying to prove?

    This game is about sales. Making money. Being remarkable. The Purple Cow. Creating buzz. (Read what Mark Hughes and Seth Godin have to say on the matter).

    Sure a name can harm perception. In this case, whether you like it or not, it didn't.

  • Profile picture of the author napoleonfirst
    Profile picture of napoleonfirst
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    One of the best methods to get top 10 rankings is exposed in NMO. This guy rocks.
  • Profile picture of the author Mike McBride
    Mike McBride
    Profile picture of Mike McBride
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    Why is this thread still going on? Didn't you read where Our Lord and Master, His Royal Highness David Michael, proclaimed:
    Thread Closed!
    On your knees, maggots, in the presence of Greatness! :rolleyes:
  • Profile picture of the author Musika
    Profile picture of Musika
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    I actually really liked the title when I first heard of it. The "on crack" part is what got me more enthused, in reality. When I read "on crack", I thought of "out of control", and "dangerous", which I then transferred to the product itself "This thing must be wild, crazy, and out of control! It must convert very well!"
  • Profile picture of the author Vin_J
    Profile picture of Vin_J
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    But what if you like crack?
  • Profile picture of the author zerofill
    Profile picture of zerofill
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second would be cooler if it was:
    "Niche marketing for CRACK!"

    Now you can afford all your crack from money you make online instead of stealing your neighbors stereo, xbox, or car...WOOHOOO!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Big Al
    Big Al
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    Maybe he mis-spelt it and meant 'craic' -- my mum always goes to parties to see what the craic's like..

    On a sidenote - I understand what he 'means' by the title in terms of upbeat, unstoppable....

    Shall we move onto rap?
  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    Profile picture of GeorgR.
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    thats interesting since i did some brainstorming for my latest "affiliate power script" recently and that term came to my mind. But i scrapped it due to negativity associated with it, it also sounds very unprofessional.
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    • Profile picture of the author Hesaidblissfully
      Profile picture of Hesaidblissfully
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      Originally Posted by GeorgR. View Post

      thats interesting since i did some brainstorming for my latest "affiliate power script" recently and that term came to my mind. But i scrapped it due to negativity associated with it, it also sounds very unprofessional.
      The market is another consideration. I doubt the author would've named it Niche Marketing On Crack if his target market was little old ladies or if it was a mainstream b2b product. His "niche" was internet marketers, who as a group (at least according to the replies here) seem not to have been bothered by it.
  • Profile picture of the author valerieSONORA
    Profile picture of valerieSONORA
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    Niche Marketing on Crack-never offended me in the slightest. And I don't use crack and people here are called crackpots if they are idiots.

    That post about sodomy, rape, bleeding a-hole, that offended me and yeah I reported that. How could the guy be offended by the word crack but not the other crap he posted? I'm not one to report often but if someone talks about stuff like that on a marketing forum, that's not right.

    siggy taking a break...

  • Profile picture of the author Colin Evans
    Colin Evans
    Profile picture of Colin Evans
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    Everywhere I've been, coke = cocaine and coke = coca-cola (I don't think I've ever actually heard anybody say "I'm going to buy some coca-cola")

    Hmmmmm... So according to the OP's logic...
  • Profile picture of the author Sylvia Meier
    Sylvia Meier
    Profile picture of Sylvia Meier
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    You know what, he was the product creator, he decided on the name and it sold like hot cakes. So what if it offends some. No matter what you do or say you can't please everyone, but by how well it sold and how well known it is, I would say he made more sales than offended customers.

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