Very Interesting LIST EMAIL tactic...
Dr Mani
David Vallieres
David Cavanagh
Willie Crawford0
Ben Shaffer
Today though I got an email from Dan Bradbury and he employed a very interesting HOT LIST TACTIC.
What he did is a "hook, line and sinker" marketing strategy.
Basically, Imagine you receive this email from me (Sam Beatson)...
================================================== ==
"Watch GURU NAME Video Coaching ... & A Worldwide First"
================================================== ==
Automatically, if you're like me, you'll associate my organisation with GURU NAME and not only that, but it is a worldwide first.
Then, when opening the email you get this.
1. Welmeda Launches Digital Coaching Technology
I'm excited to announce a worldwide first:
At Welmeda Law Of Attraction Hypnosis Meditation|Meditation Results we've launched a new breed of coaching technology - digital brain training embedded with hypnotherapeutic processes AND subliminal messaging on 3 different levels. Results are guaranteed for a full 60 days, and whilst we seem to promise a lot, we believe you will achieve these results. Get there now for a discounted offer - Welmeda Law Of Attraction Hypnosis Meditation|Meditation Results
2. GURU NAME Video Coaching - Online Now
GURU NAME coaching is now available online for free via youtube - check out this video LINKTO://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZSGWdFxTdI&feature=PlayList&p=E5FF72A0CDB 6C08F&index=0]
3. Blah blah blah blog announcement...
You may unsubscribe etc etc
I found it quite sneaky because I opened the email thinking it was about the well known (it wasn't GURU NAME, it was Paul McKenna incidentally) but the number 1 announcement was not about it - it was the world first. I had to go back a second time and see the "&" in the subject.
Now, I found this very effective in getting me to open the email at least, also to start to believe the person was closely affiliated with the organisation - after all I could claim had I taken one step further a poss deal with P McKenna training I was getting to organising a couple of yrs ago.
Announce a youtube vid in your email about someone famous as though you are directly in business with them, plug your event or product and then give the information about the well-known in a "sandwich". Yes you'll give away some clicks to another business, but the leverage you get off the subject line might get more interest than normal. [edit] Big question of ethics consideration validly risen by below comments. This was just a braindump and I'd just got up when I wrote it. Seems I can be influenced by other warriors here in the trenches.
Just a morning thought.
#3 - Seminar Presentation | #4 - Offline Sales "Poster" | #5 - Offline Postcards
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