I need your suggestions for my site...

9 replies
I made my site last december (2010) and I believe I need the expert suggestions of all the warriors here. Any suggestion or comment will be greatly appreciated :-) My site can be found in my signature...
#comment #site #suggestions
  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Hill
    Your headline needs work. It doesn't really capture attention enough for me to read.

    If you have IT professionals and hackers talking about your book -- as you say in your headline-- you need to have their testimonials on the page.

    There are absolutely NO benefits in your letter - or how your ebook is going to make my life better.

    It is a start, but needs some work. Go to click bank, look at some of the top sellers, and study them,

    Just some tips,
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    • Originally Posted by Kevin Hill View Post

      Your headline needs work. It doesn't really capture attention enough for me to read.

      If you have IT professionals and hackers talking about your book -- as you say in your headline-- you need to have their testimonials on the page.

      There are absolutely NO benefits in your letter - or how your ebook is going to make my life better.

      It is a start, but needs some work. Go to click bank, look at some of the top sellers, and study them,

      Just some tips,
      Thanks for your suggestion. I still need to gather testimonials from the buyers themselves. I will also ask hackers and I.T. experts to make testimonials for my e-book.

      THE INTERNET SECRET BOOK: How to Find Anything on the Internet by Periander Esplana


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  • Profile picture of the author Agep_flippo
    Just my quick review..
    You still can increase your image quality. Build it more glossy. Also, your ebook cover need more simplified. There are too many image on there. Commission-crusher.com, this site can be used for your reference. And for the download image, I think it is not the best idea for combining red with blue color. If the background color is blue, so your font color should be yellow.
    just my2cent.

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  • Profile picture of the author DontWorryBeHappy
    This site needs a serious overhaul i'm afraid. The main images doesnt fill the page, the images are shoddy and whilst your tick list is reasonable the rest is lost in a case of too much content. Reorganise would be my best advice and make your images more professional looking.
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  • Profile picture of the author Christian Little
    All I can say is to get a uniform color scheme...right now you've got a rainbow splash kinda scheme and it's actually hurting my eyes.

    Just looking at your site for a few seconds I see grey, white, black, red, yellow, green, and blue. That's 7 colors. It's really disorienting IHMO. Pick 2-3 colors, 4 if you really wanna stretch it. The technicolor scheme was popular in the late 90's, today is frowned upon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
    It is almost a bit dizzying with all the colors and I would fix the ebook cover. Good luck!

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