You can do EVERYTHING wrong and still make money!

20 replies
Yes, this is true.

You can really forget everything that you've learned about SEO, keyword research and other marketing methods and still make money!

How's that possible?

I want to tell you a little story. This is a case study. A case study of my first online campaign.

Like one and a half year ago I've finally decided (after 4 or 6 months of reading and studying) to start building my online business. I've decided to promote ClickBank products using Squidoo.

I've picked up a course called "One Week Marketing" by PotPieGirl, and I followed that course to the letter.

I've made 5 lenses about World of Warcraft raiding, and WoW items (I've chose this niche, because I was pro in WoW, knew everything what you could know about the game). So I've made these 5 lenses.

This was my very first campaign, so I've totally screwed with keyword research (took a high competition, low search volume keywords), I've messed the SEO (looking at my lenses today they are SEO nightmare!), and I've done everything else that you could do WRONG! (that's something what every marketer would tell you).

However, those lenses made me over $600 to this day, and it only took me an afternoon to build them (well maybe a little more, but no more than 5 or 6 hours). And I was just starting out.

So if I did everything wrong, what I did right that I made $600? I provided a value. I knew everything about World of Warcraft, so I could write in gamer's language. I provided them a true content, even if I messed everything I could in the marketing scene.

That is what's important - good content.

Once you provide a great content - your business will skyrocket!

Why I'm posting this? Well, probably because nowadays there are tons of "gurus" out there that recommend you doing MORE instead of doing it BETTER. They suggest you using article spinners, making youtube videos that only take you to make couple of minutes and so on...

Well, these techniques works indeed, and you will earn money, but I believe that you will earn a lot more if you provide a TRUE content.

P.S. Sorry if there are grammar errors
#make #money #wrong
  • Profile picture of the author Diane S
    Originally Posted by Emilis Strimaitis View Post

    That is what's important - good content.

    Once you provide a great content - your business will skyrocket!

    Why I'm posting this? Well, probably because nowadays there are tons of "gurus" out there that recommend you doing MORE instead of doing it BETTER. They suggest you using article spinners, making youtube videos that only take you to make couple of minutes and so on...

    Well, these techniques works indeed, and you will earn money, but I believe that you will earn a lot more if you provide a TRUE content.

    P.S. Sorry if there are grammar errors
    I have done both and both make money. Just a matter of personal preference of how you want to spend your time. And also, what you believe you know about Google. I don't pretend to know how Google operates, Matt Cutts or not, so instead of having all my eggs in one basket I have lots of little eggs in the quantity basket and some larger eggs in the quality basket. Both are providing steady income. Right now I don't care which basket is making more money, as I am deep in product creation. When it is time to scale up, I will compare the baskets and decide which eggs to scale up...
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  • Profile picture of the author Emilis Strimaitis
    I'm not saying that spinning articles is bad for Google. I just tend to think that re-hashed and re-used content is not so effective as fresh, quality content
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  • Profile picture of the author trytolearnmore
    Yeah, you're right. Although having content is not enough - it is all about the number of people that will read it. That's why you need to learn marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author VOnline
    How about do both- content and SEO/marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author Emilis Strimaitis
    Deffinetly you should care about SEO! That's the number 1 reason why I am making more money today than I was making back then. As I've said I've done EVERYTHING wrong, I only provided content.

    Today I believe that I do most of the marketing stuff right.

    It's all about getting those two - content and seo - work hand in hand!
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  • Profile picture of the author Emilis Strimaitis
    I liked one quote about internet marketing: "If you treat it like hobby, you'll get hobby results. If you treat it like business, you'll get business results"
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  • Profile picture of the author thebitbotdotcom
    People can tell real content from just content. Our brains are very good at picking it out. I agree whole-heartedly with the OP. High calorie content will rise to the surface like fattening cream in non-homogenized milk.
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  • Profile picture of the author iStealSushi
    This is an absolute yes.

    I cannot even begin to tell you the number of times I came across an article or landing page (as a customer) to buy something, only to find myself going, "Does this person really know what he/she is talking about?".

    As a Starcraft 2 gamer myself, I've actually had the misfortune of reading some severely misinformed articles written by people who clearly knew nothing about the game and was writing simply for the sake of promoting a product.
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  • Profile picture of the author Crispell0606
    When you are running a business it's a good idea to try both SEO and content because one is not always enough and you need to get noticed to be successful.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    The key is good/great content, and you clearly provided it in your lenses. Even without proper keyword research, your intimate knowledge and passion shined through - you provided valuable content that your site visitors actually wanted to read.

    All the keyword research and article spinning in the world won't make people want to read your content unless it provides value - this is a key lesson for anyone starting out in IM. If you're knowledgeable/passionate about the topic, it's going to make your task so much easier, so don't think that you should just pick the most profitable niche when starting out, instead try to get into something that you have at least a passing interest in!

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  • Profile picture of the author Emilis Strimaitis
    It's not necessary to know a lot about some subject or niche, but it's very important to have the will to learn more about that subject. If you are going to produce the content just by reading some bullet points, in my opinion, you'll get low quality content.

    It's important to have an interest in what you are writing about, because then you will know the ups and the downs, and everything that might be interesting for the reader.
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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Emilis Strimaitis View Post

      It's not necessary to know a lot about some subject or niche, but it's very important to have the will to learn more about that subject. If you are going to produce the content just by reading some bullet points, in my opinion, you'll get low quality content.

      It's important to have an interest in what you are writing about, because then you will know the ups and the downs, and everything that might be interesting for the reader.
      I totally agree. With information about almost any topic you can imagine freely available on the internet, obtaining it isn't that hard at all, but if the interest and/or passion isn't there, what you write is probably going to come across as dry and uninteresting.

      This is why for beginners, it's going to be infinitely easier for them to pick a niche/topic that they at least have some interest in, so that researching and writing content won't become a chore and a burden.

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author tarek2000
    thanks for sharing ,good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author marketwarrior06
    thanks for sharing and it was awesome. good luck to you too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    You have a point there. I do believe in that, I was once a newbie as well and as a newbie I dont know anything about PR, SEO, keyword research or even tafs until I did my freelancing journey of course. My old blog in which I just expressed my thoughts is still getting steady flow of visitors and clicks in Adsense.

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    • Profile picture of the author schttrj
      Originally Posted by Andrea Wilson View Post

      You have a point there. I do believe in that, I was once a newbie as well and as a newbie I dont know anything about PR, SEO, keyword research or even tafs until I did my freelancing journey of course. My old blog in which I just expressed my thoughts is still getting steady flow of visitors and clicks in Adsense.

      Tell you what, I have seen something...GOOD CONTENT is always going to get up on Yahoo and Bing. But Google is a whole different ball game!
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