Just got offered a "strategy session" from the 5th person...
Now, I am certainly not complaining. I am on these lists to watch and learn what the best are doing. But I am more and more convinced that there are only a couple of original minds there and the rest are just searching just like many of the newbies at this very forum.
There is a big difference between building a business and just making money... If you are jumping from this to that, then you will often end up hating what you are doing and feel like you are missing out. Which is what it seems is going on with many of these guys.
And I am not bashing them for trying a new technique. I actually told a buddy of mine to use that very technique - but with local businesses. But that would take work to actually go out and get new leads. It is much easier to just come up with some story and blast your list that you had just said you had the new thing 3 months ago...
My takeaway from this is that these people will only diminish as one can only offer the same shared list the same product so many times... and my advice is that you need to try DIFFERENT things. That is how you learn. That is how you get good at this business. That is how you make the big bucks - on your own terms.
Don't be a sheep. The internet is the opportunity of our lives. Be creative. Pick a business model and stick with it and try stuff. Thats how you innovate. Thats how you build a business that you dont hate.
Jesus Perez -
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