sad news... (no, really, it is!)

Peter Bestel
Profile picture of Peter Bestel
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31 replies
I'm sure you've heard of S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder*) the type of winter depression.

ver thought how it could be good for business?

I live in Scotland. I know Scotland isn't renowned for it's tropical climate, but the weather this summer is, well, let's be frank, crap! We've hardly had a day without rain. The only 'consolation' is that the whole of the UK has been pretty much the same.

Personally, I know that because of the disappointing weather I don't feel quite my normal self (I don't have S.A.D., which is quite a disabling condition) My energy levels are probably lower and I'm going outside less.

But here's the interesting thing... and the point of this thread

All this doom and gloom, I believe, could be having a positive effect on business. I've got no hard facts to back me up here, just a hunch and a general upturn in sales - but if my customers are anything like me (and some are) they'll be spending more time indoors, more time at their PC and hopefully spending more money.

With apologies to those of you in the outdoor swimming pool niche but who is capitalising on this phenomenon? If you have a product / service that makes people happy, makes people feel good, are you exploiting our current crappy weather in the UK?


*SAD - It's a biochemical imbalance in the hypothalamus due to the shortening of daylight hours and the lack of sunlight in winter. (and summer!)
#news #niche #sad #sales #seasonal #weather
  • Profile picture of the author JamesW
    Profile picture of JamesW
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    I live in Somerset, south west England and it's been just as bad down here. A terrible summer just like last year. I was walking round in a jumper yesterday and was still cold and it's supposed to the middle of August.

    Anyone the one positive is that I've managed to get a hell of a lot of work done from being stuck inside all summer. Sales have been good as well.
    • Profile picture of the author jensrsa
      Profile picture of jensrsa
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      All this doom and gloom, I believe, could be having a positive effect on business. I've got no hard facts to back me up here, just a hunch and a general upturn in sales - but if my customers are anything like me (and some are) they'll be spending more time indoors, more time at their PC and hopefully spending more money.
      In the days before home PC's, etc. people made babies when the weather was bad and the TV was on the fritz now they spend money.

      What's the world coming to?
      • Profile picture of the author sparrow
        Profile picture of sparrow
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by jensrsa View Post

        In the days before home PC's, etc. people made babies when the weather was bad and the TV was on the fritz now they spend money.

        What's the world coming to?
        Very funny but true,

        Here in the NorthEast of the US of A, we have had a similar weather pattern. Its been a long time seeing such weather like this.

        The positive part is nothing to compared to individuals in other parts of the country that had their towns and home destroyed from floods.

        That's a positive part of the weather I count my blessings for having.

        It's always if the glass half full or half empty.

        • Profile picture of the author nathanj
          Profile picture of nathanj
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          I have suffered from depression for a while now... has been hard sometimes.

          Especially being young it was quite hard to actually tell anyone... especially my family. I'm a really outgoing guy and easy to talk to but a lot of friends and family know I can put on a smile when it is needed.

          We are pretty much just coming out of the middle of winter here in Australia and Adelaide has definately had one of the worste winters on record. Because of this my family just worry cause they know about S.A.D. (just getting extra info on what I deal with).

          I haven't been diagnosed with S.A.D. but family n friends do see changes over the winter months. That just makes me try harder to put the 'Happy Nathan' act on.

          It is sort of like that saying... 'If you wanna be succesful... Act successful.'. And I want to be happy... so I act happy .

          So yeah the winter months do hinder me but I am glad I don't feel happy for half the year then know winter is coming and counting the days that I wont be happy. I'm glad I have balance lol... even if it is a feeling I wouldn't wish on anyone.

          • Profile picture of the author Peter Bestel
            Peter Bestel
            Profile picture of Peter Bestel
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by Nathan J. Hockley View Post

            I have suffered from depression for a while now... has been hard sometimes.
            I know where you're coming from Nathan, having been there myself. Thanks for sharing. I'm no psychotherapist, that's my wife's job, so I've no pearls of wisdom other than what helped me; a daily mantra of 'hang on in there - it will get better!' And for me, it did. In fact, I grew so much from the experience that it has re-shaped the lives of me and my family - for the better.

            Originally Posted by Nathan J. Hockley View Post

            It is sort of like that saying... 'If you wanna be succesful... Act successful.'. And I want to be happy... so I act happy
            Exactly. The 'As if' method is so simple it's ridiculous. But it works.

            Maybe it's precisely because of my own history of depression that allows me to consider this subject and look to see where the positives are. The one I suppose I'm suggesting in this thread is how to ethically exploit the market. As someone who knows what it's like to be down or depressed it gives me a unique insight into this niche. I'm using my experience of depression as a positive - I make money out of it and I enjoy it immensely.

            • Profile picture of the author Nathanial Anju
              Nathanial Anju
              Profile picture of Nathanial Anju
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              But keep the un SAD things up.

              Keep on doing good things, and let the rest to ....
              • Profile picture of the author Mac Wheeler
                Mac Wheeler
                Profile picture of Mac Wheeler
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                I lived with a girl for many years who was suspected of suffering from SAD, the doctors gave her this darn great light she used to switch on for a few hours a day, no joke it was like living on a football pitch under the floodlights during those hours. She turned out to be just your plain common or garden variety loony in the end though, so I wasted all that electricity for nothing!

                I have been keeping an eye on the UK weather lately, I haven't been home for 2 years, but have to pop back for a month in December, I think I am going to freeze now I am acclimatised to a tropical climate.
                Freelance Writer & Web Author
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            • Profile picture of the author nathanj
              Profile picture of nathanj
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              Originally Posted by Peter Bestel View Post

              I know where you're coming from Nathan, having been there myself. Thanks for sharing. I'm no psychotherapist, that's my wife's job, so I've no pearls of wisdom other than what helped me; a daily mantra of 'hang on in there - it will get better!' And for me, it did. In fact, I grew so much from the experience that it has re-shaped the lives of me and my family - for the better.

              Exactly. The 'As if' method is so simple it's ridiculous. But it works.

              Maybe it's precisely because of my own history of depression that allows me to consider this subject and look to see where the positives are. The one I suppose I'm suggesting in this thread is how to ethically exploit the market. As someone who knows what it's like to be down or depressed it gives me a unique insight into this niche. I'm using my experience of depression as a positive - I make money out of it and I enjoy it immensely.

              Hey Peter,

              I think I should become an actor... I could win an oscar with some of my 'Happy' performances.

              I would love to know about your site... if it is up-n-running.

              The only problem I have (and this could just be because of the way I think about it) is that because I feel like I put on such an act that I know its not 'myself' so to speak. Sometimes I chuckle internally knowing how 'easily' I could play with someones head... Selling ice to the eskimos comes to mind lol (which I see as a good trait in marketing, used ETHICALLY ofcourse).

              • Profile picture of the author Peter Bestel
                Peter Bestel
                Profile picture of Peter Bestel
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                Originally Posted by Nathan J. Hockley View Post

                Hey Peter,

                I would love to know about your site... if it is up-n-running.

                The only problem I have (and this could just be because of the way I think about it) is that because I feel like I put on such an act that I know its not 'myself' so to speak. Sometimes I chuckle internally knowing how 'easily' I could play with someones head... Selling ice to the eskimos comes to mind lol (which I see as a good trait in marketing, used ETHICALLY ofcourse).

                Nath, use whatever works. Milton Erikson, the legendary psychotherapist &
                hypnotherapist, famously told a patient with depression to count chimneys.
                The theory being that if you change your physiology ie. lift your head and
                look up, then you change your emotions and alter the chemicals that
                control your depression.

                This is an over-simplistic explanation, but I'm sure you get the drift.

                As far as what I offer, let me first clarify. We, my wife and I, do not offer
                solutions for depression, per se. We offer solutions to people who are
                stressed, quite often a forerunner for depression. My signature tells more.

                I won't go into more detail as this thread wasn't intended as self- promotion,
                but rather I thought it might be interesting to see if people were
                making positive use of the crappy weather we're having in the UK. I see
                from other threads that we're not alone, apparently the NE of the US is
                equally as bad.

                Maybe people who promote winter-related products are seeing an unusual
                upturn in sales?

                Anyone here sell brollies?

                And if you have seen an increase in sales, has it just happened organically,
                or have you made specific efforts?

                • Profile picture of the author mdunn123
                  Profile picture of mdunn123
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Every tried living in Seattle for a full year???!!!! You'll get sunny days up here from about july to end of august and that's it. Argghhhh....

                  But soon I'll be back home in sunny Texas!

                  I feel for ya man!
                  • Profile picture of the author Chipt
                    Profile picture of Chipt
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                    Originally Posted by mdunn123 View Post

                    Every tried living in Seattle for a full year???!!!! You'll get sunny days up here from about july to end of august and that's it. Argghhhh....

                    But soon I'll be back home in sunny Texas!

                    I feel for ya man!

                    A couple of my own personal points here... one related and one maybe not...

                    In my own circumstances related to this post, one other thing that helped me was when I made the conscious and on-purpose choice to be 'happy' [whatever that is] and to stop giving other people the power to upset me... and it was a difficult daily decision for a long time...

                    And d*amn, all that baggage can get so heavy and change the way we sometimes meander through life instead of follow a well-thought out path...

                    And as far as my business went... I just didn't give a flip about it ... or about anything else for a long time [just the truth.]

                    = = = = =

                    When I was in Seattle on business a few years ago, I thought it was a cool place other than all the unfortunate homeless people I saw in lots of places...

                    But -- my point here -- since I had heard the "It rains all the freakin' time here" story, I called a local Seattle TV station and talked to the weather guy, and he said...

                    "We get about the same amount of rain here as Atlanta gets. The difference is that here it comes in a continual misting that seems to last for 365 days a year... but the total rainfall is about like Atlanta."

                    I thought that was pretty amazing myself...

                    And, BTW, I my long-time travels, I used to live in North Austin, and I thought Austin was a gas. I enjoyed going to the Oasis for fahitas and ritas... 6th Street was very cool... but I never made it to "Hippie Hollow."


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          • Profile picture of the author Greg Cooksley
            Greg Cooksley
            Profile picture of Greg Cooksley
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            Originally Posted by Nathan J. Hockley View Post

            I have suffered from depression
            for a while now... has been hard sometimes.

            Especially being young it was quite hard to actually tell anyone...
            especially my family. I'm a really outgoing guy and easy to talk
            to but a lot of friends and family know I can put on a smile
            when it is needed.

            We are pretty much just coming out of the middle of winter here
            in Australia and Adelaide has definately had one of the worste
            winters on record. Because of this my family just worry cause
            they know about S.A.D. (just getting extra info on what I deal

            I haven't been diagnosed with S.A.D. but family n friends do
            see changes over the winter months. That just makes me try harder
            to put the 'Happy Nathan' act on.

            It is sort of like that saying... 'If you wanna be succesful...
            Act successful.'. And I want to be happy... so I act happy .

            So yeah the winter months do hinder me but I am glad I don't
            feel happy for half the year then know winter is coming and counting
            the days that I wont be happy. I'm glad I have balance lol...
            even if it is a feeling I wouldn't wish on anyone.

            Hey Nath,

            I hear you loud and clear....I have suffered with depression
            for 18 years now. I'm on a daily dose of a serotonin (happy hormone)
            based drugs.

            A long time ago, I decided to talk openly about depression because
            of the social stigma associated with it. You know - if you're
            depressed you need to be in an institution with padded walls....

            In the latest studies, they have shown that 2 out of every 10
            people suffer with depression at some or other time in their
            lives. The medical fraternity has made great strides in recent
            years because they have begun to understand the chemical interactions
            in the synapses of the brain's nerves.

            In most cases, people suffer from endogenous depression which
            is basically a chemical imbalance in the brain. It can be hereditary,
            so you could have picked it up from your grandparents. I say
            this because, in the olden days, you never talked about it openly.
            And if you were depressed, you probably became reclusive and
            isolated and grumpy.

            You have absolutely no control over it BUT the good news is that
            you can get help.

            The key issue is this - IT"S NOT YOUR FAULT!!!!!!!!!

            My advice, after talking to lots of people and researching
            the different conditions, is for you (or anyone else reading
            this) is to go and see a doctor or psychologist. Get the right
            advice up front.

            BTW - there are a lot of homeopathic remedies as well, so you
            don't have to go the drug route.

            For those of you that live in grey, sunless environments - invest
            in a lightbox (search for lightbox + SAD). It is reported that
            a 20 minute session under the lightbox is all you need daily
            to improve your mood.

            Help is available.....

            PM me if you want to chat...

            Hope this helps...


            • Profile picture of the author nathanj
              Profile picture of nathanj
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by Greg Cooksley View Post

              Hey Nath,

              I hear you loud and clear....I have suffered with depression
              for 18 years now. I'm on a daily dose of a serotonin (happy hormone)
              based drugs.

              In the latest studies, they have shown that 2 out of every 10
              people suffer with depression at some or other time in their
              lives. The medical fraternity has made great strides in recent
              years because they have begun to understand the chemical interactions
              in the synapses of the brain's nerves.

              You have absolutely no control over it BUT the good news is that
              you can get help.

              The key issue is this - IT"S NOT YOUR FAULT!!!!!!!!!

              My advice, after talking to lots of people and researching
              the different conditions, is for you (or anyone else reading
              this) is to go and see a doctor or psychologist. Get the right
              advice up front.

              BTW - there are a lot of homeopathic remedies as well, so you
              don't have to go the drug route.

              Help is available.....

              PM me if you want to chat...

              Hope this helps...


              Hey Greg,

              Yeah I went and saw my doc n a psychologist. I was taking 'Zoloft'
              but felt sick in the stomach whenever I took it. Researched it and
              it does have that affect on some.

              They got me onto Effexor XF or FX or XR or RX... lol I can't remember
              I just take them! They have helped a lot more (no sickness).

              It seems the 'situations' I was in had the biggest affect on me. Was
              just unable to cope mentally (obviously). Physically I'm fine, active,
              go to the gym, play tennis at a high level (was an international junior
              player)... so that physical fitness has definitely helped.

              I'll PM ya or just add my skype on the left there.

              Also, my marketing efforts have helped a lot... when I say a lot I mean
              a-Fricken-lot. Having early success (by doing everything stated, and
              taking action of course) with product creation and online efforts outside
              of IM have shown me how to apply myself to something new. Marketing
              is a big part of my uni degree so it almost felt like something I should be
              able to do. Of course there are differences... but the basic principles of
              selling-attraction-advertising etc make the path that much quicker to
              walk along.
      • Profile picture of the author fred67
        Profile picture of fred67
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by jensrsa View Post

        In the days before home PC's, etc. people made babies when the weather was bad and the TV was on the fritz now they spend money.

        What's the world coming to?
        Yeh, we had our eight kids before the PC.
        None since coincidentally. But plenty of money spent.

        Are you 'The Second Coming? :- )

        Free E-book Library/Business Promotion Resources
  • Profile picture of the author Chipt
    Profile picture of Chipt
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    Hey, Peter and James -

    Sorry to hear about your crummy weather. Perhaps a consideration for you...

    It's medically proven that on gloomy and grey days the rods and cones in your eyes do NOT get stimulated sufficiently to stimulate your body to act 'normal.'

    [This is one reason we feel like sleeping all day on rainy days.]

    You might consider adding a lot of bright lights to your home and workspace to stimulate your eyes' rods and cones to do their job the way you need it done on these grey and dreary days.

    This is typically called 'light therapy' if you want to learn more.

    Wishing you sunny days fast -

    Chip Tarver

    Improve your online success permanently right now. Joint Venture Masters tell you the real insider info. Save $450 right now by checking out my *limited time* FCS WSO and change your JV success in a radical way permanently at and for less than $20 you can really save up to half your gasoline costs at

  • Profile picture of the author milan
    Profile picture of milan
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    Why don't you travel now? Summer is a good time to take a break and visit some other (warm) countries.
  • Profile picture of the author faranak
    Profile picture of faranak
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    i use to live in the uk an due to the weather i moved out amongst other things .for me it has been the best thing ive done.i have no mortgage and everyday i go swimming sometimes i go to the beach for the day as is only 40 minutes away and in the winter we go skiing as the sierra nevada is only 1 hour away.the cost of living is about the third of what is in the uk and my kids paly out late as where we are is a safe village .i use to suffer from depression also but everything is a lot better since we moved out since the stress levels are cut down dramaticly.
  • Profile picture of the author Chipt
    Profile picture of Chipt
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    Hey -

    Great info being shared here I think... and here are a couple of things that have really helped me... when I learned how to say...

    "It ain't nothin' but a thang." [Tennessee version]


    "It will be whatever it is."

    Trust me when I tell you that simply learning to think, say, and believe these 2 simple little ideas can take the weight of the world off your shoulders every day.

    It has worked beautifully for me since the horrendous event in Feb. '05.

    Keep on keepin' on -

    Chip Tarver

    Improve your online success permanently right now. Joint Venture Masters tell you the real insider info. Save $450 right now by checking out my *limited time* FCS WSO and change your JV success in a radical way permanently at and for less than $20 you can really save up to half your gasoline costs at

    • Profile picture of the author Greg Cooksley
      Greg Cooksley
      Profile picture of Greg Cooksley
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      Originally Posted by Chipt View Post

      Hey -

      Great info being shared here I think... and here are a couple
      of things that have really helped me... when I learned how to

      "It ain't nothin' but a thang." [Tennessee version]


      "It will be whatever it is."

      Trust me when I tell you that simply learning to think, say,
      and believe these 2 simple little ideas can take the weight of
      the world off your shoulders every day.

      It has worked beautifully for me since the horrendous
      event in Feb. '05.

      Keep on keepin' on -

      Chip Tarver
      Hey Chip,

      You're right about one's attitude to everyday life and the things
      that happen to us, good and bad.

      However, what people don't understand (especially family and
      close friends) is that you don't have control over this thing.
      You can go to bed feeling perfectly fine and wake up feeling
      like death itself.

      My family initially used to say - "pull yourself towards yourself"
      or "pull yourself up by your bootstraps". But when you feel that
      blue, you don't even won't to be awake!!!

      Even though I take medication, I still have the odd blue day
      where absolutely nothing looks good or inviting. I'd rather pull
      the blanket over my head and sleep the day away...

      Hopefully, they will soon develop newer drugs that are more effective
      with fewer side effects.

      Hope this helps someone....


      • Profile picture of the author Chipt
        Profile picture of Chipt
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Greg Cooksley View Post

        Hey Chip,

        You're right about one's attitude to everyday life and the things
        that happen to us, good and bad.

        However, what people don't understand (especially family and
        close friends) is that you don't have control over this thing.
        You can go to bed feeling perfectly fine and wake up feeling
        like death itself.

        My family initially used to say - "pull yourself towards yourself"
        or "pull yourself up by your bootstraps". But when you feel that
        blue, you don't even won't to be awake!!!

        Even though I take medication, I still have the odd blue day
        where absolutely nothing looks good or inviting. I'd rather pull
        the blanket over my head and sleep the day away...

        Hopefully, they will soon develop newer drugs that are more effective
        with fewer side effects.

        Hope this helps someone....



        Hey, Greg [and everybody here] -

        Thank you for your reply.

        First, please understand that I am not for one single second minimalizing, marginalizing, or diminishing the validity of all this stuff for a second.

        Not one single second... because when my wife was killed instantly in a car wreck in Feb. '05, I lived it... for a long time [years.]

        I just wanted to share with the group here what worked for me. One caveat though -- it did not work instantly. It took practice, and it took healing for me to get through it and get over it...

        I thank God that I received both. And I also learned that the keyword there is 'received.'

        Always the best to you -


        Improve your online success permanently right now. Joint Venture Masters tell you the real insider info. Save $450 right now by checking out my *limited time* FCS WSO and change your JV success in a radical way permanently at and for less than $20 you can really save up to half your gasoline costs at

        • Profile picture of the author Greg Cooksley
          Greg Cooksley
          Profile picture of Greg Cooksley
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          Originally Posted by Chipt View Post

          Hey, Greg [and everybody here] -

          Thank you for your reply.

          First, please understand that I am not for one single
          second minimalizing, marginalizing, or diminishing the validity
          of all this stuff for a second.

          Not one single second... because when my wife was killed instantly
          in a car wreck in Feb. '05, I lived it... for a long time [years.]

          I just wanted to share with the group here what worked for me.
          One caveat though -- it did not work instantly. It took practice,
          and it took healing for me to get through it and get over it...

          I thank God that I recevied both. And I also learned that the
          keyword there is 'received.'

          Always the best to you -

          Hey Chip,

          I'm really so sorry to hear about your loss.....

          I didn't mean to come across in a way that minimized your viewpoint
          at all.

          It's just that this whole issue of depression still has so much
          baggage associated with it. There's a lot more public education
          needed to de-stygmatise the condition.

          How many times have you heard of someone committing suicide and
          all those around them never saw it coming. Perhaps, a large
          percentage of those could have been avoided if people knew what
          the warning signs were.

          Again, please accept my apologies and condolences.....

          You're right about thanking God though.....


      • Profile picture of the author johntanyishin
        Profile picture of johntanyishin
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        It's all in the mind. Do you remember a test where people were given a drug with no effect at all, to cure their headaches?

        Yeah, we need people to create medicine with lesser side effects but we also to maintain a healthy mind and body.

        Depression is scary. Just the word itself makes me depress. Put a smile on your face and hey, you'll realize people around you start smiling as well. Try it. =)

        • Profile picture of the author chriswight
          Profile picture of chriswight
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Ugh, the weather has been the same here in the Northeastern US. Rain rain rain. And I KNOW it's affecting my mood.

          My fiancee and I got one of those crazy lights a couple years ago for the winter months. It might sound silly, but those things really work. I'd spend 20 minutes in front of one while getting dressed for work and I didn't need any coffee to perk me up!

          Maybe it's time I bust that thing out again...
        • Profile picture of the author nathanj
          Profile picture of nathanj
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          Originally Posted by johntanyishin View Post

          Depression is scary. Just the word itself makes me depress. Put a smile on your face and hey, you'll realize people around you start smiling as well. Try it. =)

          Yeah dude!

          Unfortunately it only works on those that 'know' you're not putting on an act (or I should say those that have no idea you're putting on an act). But what you say is correct. People see you smiling and think "man he's a happy guy".

          The biggest thing for me is not hiding in the corner but ACTIVELY talking to new people... I actually feel confident meeting new people... especially girls I meet out on the town. I doubt I would have the courage without depression. Actively trying to go outside my comfort zone is actually a bit of a thrill and everything seems to fade away except for the situation you are in at that moment.
        • Profile picture of the author fred67
          Profile picture of fred67
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          Originally Posted by johntanyishin View Post

          It's all in the mind. Do you remember a test where people were given a drug with no effect at all, to cure their headaches?

          Yeah, we need people to create medicine with lesser side effects but we also to maintain a healthy mind and body.

          Depression is scary. Just the word itself makes me depress. Put a smile on your face and hey, you'll realize people around you start smiling as well. Try it. =)


          Sorry, but you didn't put a 'smiley' at the end of your post.

          (It WAS a joke, Wasn't it???)

          Free E-book Library/Business Promotion Resources

      • Profile picture of the author fred67
        Profile picture of fred67
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        Originally Posted by Greg Cooksley View Post

        Hey Chip,

        You're right about one's attitude to everyday life and the things
        that happen to us, good and bad.

        However, what people don't understand (especially family and
        close friends) is that you don't have control over this thing.
        You can go to bed feeling perfectly fine and wake up feeling
        like death itself.

        My family initially used to say - "pull yourself towards yourself"
        or "pull yourself up by your bootstraps". But when you feel that
        blue, you don't even won't to be awake!!!


        You're right there Greg.

        My wife suffered for 15 years with depression.
        Everyone told her to pull herself together 'For the kids sake'.
        She loved the kids more than life itself, but most days she'd just sit there in a world of her own, not able to get up and wash, or even make herself a drink.
        Other days she'd be TOO much to handle, the complete opposite.

        The effects finally caught up with her almost 3 years ago now.

        Depression has to be the epitomy of 'A Living HELL'. Where no matter how hard you try, it's always like 'living' that bad dream most of us have, where you're running as fast as you can to get away from something, but somehow it just keeps 'sucking' you in.

        Good luck with your own problems.

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          Greg Cooksley
          Profile picture of Greg Cooksley
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by fred67 View Post

          You're right there Greg.

          My wife suffered for 15 years with depression.
          Everyone told her to pull herself together 'For the kids sake'.
          She loved the kids more than life itself, but most days she'd
          just sit there in a world of her own, not able to get up and
          wash, or even make herself a drink.
          Other days she'd be TOO much to handle, the complete opposite.

          The effects finally caught up with her almost 3 years ago now.

          Depression has to be the epitomy of 'A Living HELL'. Where no
          matter how hard you try, it's always like 'living' that bad dream
          most of us have, where you're running as fast as you can to get
          away from something, but somehow it just keeps 'sucking' you

          Good luck with your own problems.


          Hey Pete,

          Yes, for those that live with it, it's a living hell. You can't
          actually understand how other people can just be happy. They
          can just wake up every day with a zest for life and a sunny countenance.

          It just doesn't seem fair.......but as I learnt long
          can't demand fairness in life, it doesn't exist. You have to
          make the best of the life you have.

          I'm sorry to hear about your wife....

          I think there is a lot to be said for making the choice to be
          happy. I must admit that I don't always succeed at it but I do
          find that when I'm busy working, doing artwork or playing golf
          it's much easier.

          Anyway, strength to all of you. Have a great weekend...



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