New Offer Help - Sell it, or Build a List?

9 replies
I have just launched my first offer. An eBook for 19.99. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in taking a look at my landing page and offer. I have a long history of email and internet marketing for my full time job, so this is my first gig on my own. The premise of the book is how I was able to switch jobs 6 times in the past 5 years, on my own accord all for better opportunities, which the past 5 years has been in a down market. So I know what it takes to get hired and I give real-life examples and how-to's. It's a product I truly stand behind.

I am torn between offering it for free to gather email names or try and sell it. Much like many of you who have started up, I have a limited budget. The website is up, clickbank is ready and approved, just have to push traffic.

But I am thinking it might be better to build a list.

Any help?

Thanks guys!
#build #list #offer #sell
  • Profile picture of the author pringrod
    If you sell it through E-Junkie, you can integrate it with your autoresponder so it automatically collects the email for your list as well as processing the payments and you can try and get affiliate there too.. This way you can develop a buyers list..and earn something along the way
    Safe Vape - Electronic Cigarettes, Premium E Liquids and General Vaping shop based in the UK..Visit our store in Hebburn shopping Centre, UK or order on-line..
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  • Profile picture of the author junobeach
    Does Click Bank not give you the email address of the customer?

    Also, what would be the best way to push traffic? I am hesitant on dropping a few hundred in Google AdWords and not trying other methods.

    I am kind of at a road block.. Got the website. Got the offer. Know how to email. But no list
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    • Profile picture of the author AdamCBR
      Clickbank does give your the email address. Easiest thing though, is to set up an autoresponder saying 'thankyou for purchasing, please click the following link to access your product'.

      then when they click that link, it takes them to a page with an opt-in. put on that, 'please input your name and email address to receive your download details'. that way, you can create a mailing list on aweber whilst also getting them to actually opt in - rather than just taking their address from their invoice.
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  • Profile picture of the author junobeach

    That is actually a great idea. I never thought of having them input their email address to download the eBook.

    Any thoughts on how to push traffic?
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  • Profile picture of the author AdamCBR
    also, am i right in assuming that the original question was more to ask whether its more effective to sell your first product or give it away for free to build up a healthy mailing list?

    the answer would be both! give away something, but not ur product. and then use the offer of a 'free report' to get their email address and sell them the actual product ur trying to sell.
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  • Profile picture of the author junobeach
    It's actually a threaded with numerous questions

    So let me ask you this, which would you push more traffic to? The Free Report or the actual Hard Offer?

    And, can the Free Report be a "little snippet" from the Hard Offer?
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  • Profile picture of the author AdamCBR
    well, you would have two pages. your squeeze page and your sales page. the squeeze page would be the page to offer the free report and get their email address. the sales page is what really sells the product.

    the freebie can be a snippet of the hard offer, providing it's offering good information. it's no different from an author offering the first chapter of their new book for free - to try and get them interested in buying the whole book.

    as for the squeeze and sales pages - ur more likely to use them depending on who you're promoting to. cold leads are better being sent to squeeze page. warmer leads (ie. people coming from JVs etc...) would usually be directed to the sales page.
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  • Profile picture of the author DeborahDera
    Originally Posted by junobeach View Post

    I have just launched my first offer. An eBook for 19.99. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in taking a look at my landing page and offer. I have a long history of email and internet marketing for my full time job, so this is my first gig on my own. The premise of the book is how I was able to switch jobs 6 times in the past 5 years, on my own accord all for better opportunities, which the past 5 years has been in a down market. So I know what it takes to get hired and I give real-life examples and how-to's. It's a product I truly stand behind.

    I am torn between offering it for free to gather email names or try and sell it. Much like many of you who have started up, I have a limited budget. The website is up, clickbank is ready and approved, just have to push traffic.

    But I am thinking it might be better to build a list.

    Any help?

    Thanks guys!
    As far as free vs. sale goes - how long is the product? If it is lengthy, save it for sale. I'd suggest creating a 5 page eReport on the same/similar subject to give your subscribers to get them to opt-in; then push for the sale later.
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  • Profile picture of the author junobeach

    Thanks. That is what I am going to do. In my eBook I have a section of 25 Things you should and shouldn't do. I think I am going to extract that into a Free Report, but still keep it in my full eBook.
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