Clickbank or Amazon affiliate?

by 18 replies
Hey guys, I have three questions.

Based on personal experience and/or based on what you've heard, which would you suggest being an affiliate for? Also, if I want to later go into email marketing, which is easier to transition from? Is the method for being an affiliate for either one basically the same?

See, I've always had issues with clickbank products. I'd say at least 60% of them are just bland crap made in haste to make some quick bucks by the maker. Very few of them provide any real value or content. The obvious pro is that they provide a good commission rate.

Amazon, on the other hand, has this teeny-tiny commission rate that garners merely pennies compared to the actual product you're promoting. The obvious pro is that Amazon is a trusted website.
#main internet marketing discussion forum #affiliate #amazon #clickbank
  • Remember that Amazon commission increases the more you sell but the cookie length is the biggest issue for me.

    Check some of the many networks and you'll find high commissions and longer cookie lengths.
  • Based on my experience, I would go with amazon. Although it offer lower affiliate commission rate, the number of people buying amazon products is undeniable. Added the fact that clickbank is getting bombarded by refund requests. Amazon over clickbank...
  • Write or commission an clickbank product and then sell that.

    There is an excellent quote about science fiction that I remember the gist of but never the exact words. Basically, its something like compare to other genres sci-fi has a far higher percentage of rubbish but the good stuff is truly excellent. So if someone recommends a book and says its sci-fi you think its probably going to be rubbish but very occaisionally you are very pleasantly surprised.

    The same is true for clickbank. Yes there is a huge pile of excreted rubbish but there are a few high quality books.

    So, get an excellent book written for you in an area you know you can sell through your lists and you'll make a good return. Or write one yourself.
  • Depending on how you are going to market them. If you are going to market them fully online, I think amazon is the better choice as they are easier to rank high on search engines as compared to Clickbank products. But Clickbank on the other hand are more versatile as they can be promoted offline as well as online and the commissions are good too.

  • I think Amazon Affiliates is better. As the users before me said, the commission grows the more you sell.
    On an Amazon help page it says:

    Good luck!
    Have a great day.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I only have experience in clickbank, the refund is about 20%. For clickbank, I will choose gravity >20 and must have very good sales page.

    I did promote amazon product but never make any sales. Can anyone share how to find profitable amazon product?
    • [1] reply
    • Wow, you're marketing products with a 20% refund rate? Is that common on Clickbank? How do you remain profitable?
  • If you can come up with landing pages that presell and convert, combined with targeted traffic, I would go with Clickbank because of the higher commissions.
  • I have used both,amazon can be very good and is a steady income stream but i have earned more with clickbank but i see no reason why you could not use both on the same site.
  • I have read good reviews about being amazon affiliate but it wouldn't hurt if you would try both (amazon and clickbank)
  • Depend on the product you choose. some products is below 5%. I usually choose high commission product at least have $50/sale so that can be profitable.

    You can use CBEngine to check product refund rate, but need to pay about $37 for lifetime membership.
    • [1] reply
    • That's not real. CBEngine doesn't know about refund rates than you do. They use a silly formula to approximate it, and it is completely wrong.
      • [1] reply
  • I have had more success with Clickbank. I tried Amazon but haven't had much luck. May be it wasn't targeted well.
  • Okay thanks guys. I guess I'll do a split-test (am I using the term right?) of both to see which one is more suitable.

    How about the other two questions? Which one is easier to transition into email marketing with and also, is the method for advertising for both companies the same?
  • I think it depends on Traffic type. I choose Search Engine traffic for Amazon and Paid traffic for Clickbank. That formula showed me a good result. So you can decide upon your traffic method and time.
  • How about cb-analytics? Which one is more accurate?

    And the other two questions I have, does anyone have any insight into those?
  • Selling products is easier. People already know Amazon, most of them have already bought from them or have a friend or family member who has. Your 'job' is just to show them Amazon has a product that is related to whatever it is they were looking for when they stumbled across your site.

    That being said, amongst the giant amounts of rubbish, there are some gems to be found at clickbank and there is good money to be made.

    cliff notes: amazon provides a good "base income", Clickbank can bring you in some nice short term "income spikes"

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  • 21

    Hey guys, I have three questions. Based on personal experience and/or based on what you've heard, which would you suggest being an affiliate for? Also, if I want to later go into email marketing, which is easier to transition from? Is the method for being an affiliate for either one basically the same?