Ezine Articles Account Suspended!

by sree94
167 replies
For some unknown reason, EZA has suspended my account

I had submitted 1100 articles to them, and on most occasions, they got approved right away

It is not a big deal to me anyway. I don't use EZA for backlinks at all, just to get human eyes to read my content. But I think it is kind of stupid for them to suspend me when THEY were the ones who approved my content!

I think their "tough guy" stance will be shortlived. See, Google can be sanctimonious and ban a bunch of Adwords users who spent $400 a day because they get revenue from Fortune 500 companies. How many Fortune 500 companies are putting their articles on EZA?
#account #articles #ezine #suspended
  • Profile picture of the author kimberly Aita
    I have had my account banned several times and I simply email support asking what the problem is (different pen names not listed so they think I took someone else article, more but can't think of them now) and once I address the problem or resolve it they immediately reinstate my account.

    Just try asking them what the problem is and how you can fix it.

    Hope that helps,
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    • Profile picture of the author skibbz
      Originally Posted by kimberly Aita View Post

      I have had my account banned several times and I simply email support asking what the problem is (different pen names not listed so they think I took someone else article, more but can't think of them now) and once I address the problem or resolve it they immediately reinstate my account.

      Just try asking them what the problem is and how you can fix it.

      Hope that helps,
      great advice, I dont think they could be that difficult. All you need to know is which one of their terms and conditions you had violated then rectify the problem. 1100 articles is alot of work, they cant expect you to let all of that go down the drain
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  • Profile picture of the author skorpion
    Wow...over 1100 articles and they suspend your account? Yea, I agree that is kind of "stupid" to do that since they supposedly already approved your content.

    I'm guessing this is them trying to satisfy the mighty G and that you're not the only one...

    Keep us updated if anything changes.
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    • Profile picture of the author bretski
      I got an email from someone that I am an affiliate for. I am betting that you do some work in the relationship niche?
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      • Profile picture of the author sree94
        Originally Posted by bretski View Post

        I got an email from someone that I am an affiliate for. I am betting that you do some work in the relationship niche?
        I have maybe 50 articles on there in the relationship niche, but got out of that niche two years ago

        I had about three pending articles submitted the day of the Google algorithm change as well as the day after. They were rejected, and I never re-submitted them

        I will readily admit that I was basically re-writing old articles I had submitted, just to get some traffic (again, no motivation to get backlinks.... I am involved in much more advanced SEO tactics than trying to get a backlink from EZA) But as I said before, they are the ones who approved the articles! And if they would have said "we are no longer going to accept content you have basically re-written" I would have been fine with it. But to just send out a blanket ban to someone who has submitted the amount of content I have is a bit overboard

        Still, I am hardly devastated. I have had MUCH more serious setbacks in IM than this. I mainly wanted to warn others out there who may have been unaware that this was happening
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
    I can't believe that they would just ban an account like that. They might as well start over and I guess that is what they are doing, starting fresh.

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  • Profile picture of the author seriousmny
    Sorry to hear about your account being banned. Maybe you can start another one under another name. Ezine Articles is a great resource but it is not the only game in town. It's kind of like getting banned from Adsense; you hate getting banned but you know you can still make money, just not from that source. Stay vigilant and don't let this little bump stop you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Worner
    What is your main author name?


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  • Profile picture of the author TimG
    Yes, they are suspending accounts as I have heard this from several different folks.

    Sorry to hear that happened to you.....was it based on any recent article submissions?

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    • Profile picture of the author gregbanks
      I got 3 of my accounts suspended on there.

      No surprise really - I've been submitting derivitive content for several months now and have been milking that system for longer still.

      But still, it's been a big relief for me. I mean, I've been spending hours and hours every day submitting my content to EZA, with the only benefit being that people would visit my sites. Granted, that generates sales - but it doesn't build a sustainable business unfortunately.

      I'm glad Google's having this crack-down. It's going to give a lot of "article marketers" the chance to break out of the article marketing circle and get making some real progress - with real products and real services.

      My main affiliate business has 3 types of site - a product centric site, a big ass authority site, and a small site that builds to a big site. With this recent crack-down, I've taken the decision to take the experience & knowledge gained from EZA to make some drastic changes to my working life. These changes are carrying some risk for me, but I'm going to use them to try and make some products / services that perpetually grow.

      I would recommend a lot of article marketers who've had their accounts suspended try the same. I mean you only live once - why spend it in front of a computer typing out content for some crappy site that no-one in the "real world" knows about.

      Originally Posted by TimG View Post

      Yes, they are suspending accounts as I have heard this from several different folks.

      Sorry to hear that happened to you.....was it based on any recent article submissions?

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  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
    WOW - is Ezine taking this whole change too far??? I know they had to make changes and it's good that they are getting rid of all the rubbish - but maybe they are taking it a little too far. If they keep going like this they'll lose all their writers - after all there are other options out there besides Ezines!
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    • Profile picture of the author TimG
      Originally Posted by Sheryl Polomka View Post

      WOW - is Ezine taking this whole change too far??? I know they had to make changes and it's good that they are getting rid of all the rubbish - but maybe they are taking it a little too far. If they keep going like this they'll lose all their writers - after all there are other options out there besides Ezines!
      Really hard to say what is the main reason for the rash of suspensions.....I would have expected them to simply purge articles and let their authors know which ones were on a QC watch list.

      This should be interesting to see how it all plays out.

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  • Profile picture of the author stephfoster
    They suspended my account once too, but I got it back. An article I submitted after posting on my site had been stolen with no credit to me or my site by someone, and so EZA assumed my article was not written by me.

    I pointed out the posting dates and wrote to the site that took my article and got them to take it down. EZA took a look and gave me my account back.
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    • Profile picture of the author PLR Basket
      Originally Posted by stephfoster View Post

      They suspended my account once too, but I got it back. An article I submitted after posting on my site had been stolen with no credit to me or my site by someone, and so EZA assumed my article was not written by me.
      Wow. That's smart. What a bunch of idiots.
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  • Profile picture of the author dgridley
    Funny that they would ban an author, rather than purging the articles, after already having approved them.. no good for business IMO.
    davew3b tumblr blog | davew3b posterous blog | God Bless You (Facebook)
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  • Profile picture of the author Anup Mahajan
    Sorry to hear that.. You should email them right away and ask the reason for their action. The recent Google changes have really hit them hard and forced them to do drastic changes. But suspending accounts left and right is not a solution and they should at least offer a reason if they are suspending any account.


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  • Profile picture of the author bhuff85
    If this is the case, I think EZA could risk losing more writers and cause some serious damage to their brand.

    Here is what I don't understand:

    EZA holds contests often to challenge people to "write 100 articles in 100 days" or gives advice like "you need to write 200 articles to make a dent in your niche", etc.

    Well, we all know that there are some topics that you can only say so much about so many times. Sure, you can uniquely original article after original article and tackle things at a different angle, but in the end, you'll have articles that may be in similar context, correct?

    Now all of a sudden they take this big, bad, "we won't approve anything that may have a phrase or two similar to any article written previously" approach, acting as if it's been this way the whole time, when we all know this isn't the case.

    Some authors ONLY write in one or two smaller niches. Besides, shouldn't it be that way anyway (hence the term "Expert Author")?

    So, you're telling people to bang out articles this whole time, essentially making it seem like the "pump and dump" method of writing is the way it should be, but then fault the writer and take no responsibility after the Google changes?

    My point is that unfortunately, a lot of "article writers" were bred to think that this was the way to do it. And for most, it was, because it worked for some time. EZA preached it, right up until they got nailed for it. I just find it funny that they don't speak out on it much and act as if it were always this way, when in reality, they were milking that Adsense for everything they could, pushing the ceiling up just a bit more until it buckled.

    Anyway, that's just one thing. To ban someone's account with zero notice all of a sudden when all previous content was accepted is pretty crazy, and a bit shady. If that's the route they're going, I'll probably refrain from submitting content there any longer. In fact, my submissions have slown down quite a bit, as I've moved to a few other directories and websites.

    Hopefully the banned account deal can be resolved and doesn't start happening to more folks around here.
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    • Profile picture of the author ajbarnes777
      Originally Posted by bhuff85 View Post

      If this is the case, I think EZA could risk losing more writers and cause some serious damage to their brand.

      Here is what I don't understand:

      EZA holds contests often to challenge people to "write 100 articles in 100 days" or gives advice like "you need to write 200 articles to make a dent in your niche", etc.

      Well, we all know that there are some topics that you can only say so much about so many times. Sure, you can uniquely original article after original article and tackle things at a different angle, but in the end, you'll have articles that may be in similar context, correct?

      Now all of a sudden they take this big, bad, "we won't approve anything that may have a phrase or two similar to any article written previously" approach, acting as if it's been this way the whole time, when we all know this isn't the case.

      Some authors ONLY write in one or two smaller niches. Besides, shouldn't it be that way anyway (hence the term "Expert Author")?

      So, you're telling people to bang out articles this whole time, essentially making it seem like the "pump and dump" method of writing is the way it should be, but then fault the writer and take no responsibility after the Google changes?

      My point is that unfortunately, a lot of "article writers" were bred to think that this was the way to do it. And for most, it was, because it worked for some time. EZA preached it, right up until they got nailed for it. I just find it funny that they don't speak out on it much and act as if it were always this way, when in reality, they were milking that Adsense for everything they could, pushing the ceiling up just a bit more until it buckled.

      Anyway, that's just one thing. To ban someone's account with zero notice all of a sudden when all previous content was accepted is pretty crazy, and a bit shady. If that's the route they're going, I'll probably refrain from submitting content there any longer. In fact, my submissions have slown down quite a bit, as I've moved to a few other directories and websites.

      Hopefully the banned account deal can be resolved and doesn't start happening to more folks around here.
      I have been trying to find the words to express my feelings with EZA, and you've pretty much just hit the nail on the head!

      In light of what's going on right now on EZA, I have been for the past week taking many of my EZA articles and putting them on other article directories to somewhat protect myself from any crazy action they may decide to do.

      I've also stopped submitting my daily articles to them now for the past week... and go figure, my stress levels have mysteriously went down...

      Nowadays I'm spending more time on my own blog(s), I'm submitting to other content directories, I'm doing more Yahoo Answers, I'm doing article repurposing (PDF documents, etc.), I'm still doing article syndication, and I'm about to get started with Tim G's WSO.
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      • Profile picture of the author TimG
        Originally Posted by ajbarnes777 View Post

        I have been trying to find the words to express my feelings with EZA, and you've pretty much just hit the nail on the head!

        In light of what's going on right now on EZA, I have been for the past week taking many of my EZA articles and putting them on other article directories to somewhat protect myself from any crazy action they may decide to do.

        I've also stopped submitting my daily articles to them now for the past week... and go figure, my stress levels have mysteriously went down...

        Nowadays I'm spending more time on my own blog(s), I'm submitting to other content directories, I'm doing more Yahoo Answers, I'm doing article repurposing (PDF documents, etc.), I'm still doing article syndication, and I'm about to get started with Tim G's WSO.
        Those are the hot spots and best courses of action at the moment:

        article syndication
        article repurposing - Huge opportunity here
        article guest blogging - Another huge opportunity

        Between those three targets identified above there is plenty of places to submit articles and obtain a large ROI from the content.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
    Exactly! I had an article rejected yesterday because it "does not include enough original and informative content". It is a unique article and good quality (in my opinion anyway) but it's not 'original enough'. They are making it very hard for anyone to want to continue submitting articles to them.
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    • Profile picture of the author TimG
      Originally Posted by Sheryl Polomka View Post

      Exactly! I had an article rejected yesterday because it "does not include enough original and informative content". It is a unique article and good quality (in my opinion anyway) but it's not 'original enough'. They are making it very hard for anyone to want to continue submitting articles too them.
      I believe that the next few weeks will be very tough for a majority of authors submitting to EZA. However, I think the standards will relax slightly after that time period has elapsed other wise they very well may experience a drop in submissions.

      What does surprise me is that nothing has been mentioned on the EZA blog yet regarding the possibility of suspensions taking place unless I just missed it somehow.

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      • Profile picture of the author bhuff85
        Originally Posted by TimG View Post

        I believe that the next few weeks will be very tough for a majority of authors submitting to EZA. However, I think the standards will relax slightly after that time period has elapsed other wise they very well may experience a drop in submissions.

        What does surprise me is that nothing has been mentioned on the EZA blog yet regarding the possibility of suspensions taking place unless I just missed it somehow.

        Actually, as soon as I saw a few people say their account was banned, I jumped over to their blog to see if there was any news on this, but wasn't able to find anything in any previous posts.
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        • Profile picture of the author TimG
          Originally Posted by bhuff85 View Post

          Actually, as soon as I saw a few people say their account was banned, I jumped over to their blog to see if there was any news on this, but wasn't able to find anything in any previous posts.
          Thanks for confiming that. I was also not able to find anything out on their blog and would not have even known people were having their accounts suspended had I not been emailed by a few folks.

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    • Profile picture of the author bhuff85
      Originally Posted by Sheryl Polomka View Post

      Exactly! I had an article rejected yesterday because it "does not include enough original and informative content". It is a unique article and good quality (in my opinion anyway) but it's not 'original enough'. They are making it very hard for anyone to want to continue submitting articles to them.
      I'll say this - Their "top producer" is still churning out articles that are the same ol' rehashed information. Funny how their articles are still getting approved. I noticed this with a few other authors as well who have fairly high numbers. The "unique and original" part of their articles just isn't there - It's the same stuff delivered in a different perspective.

      To a certain extent, isn't most information similar, delivered in different tones and through different writing styles? For example, we all know that in order to lose weight, you need to diet and exercise, yet there are a zillion ways you can deliver that information. I know I'm being extremely broad here, but you get the point.

      Anyway, IMO, just because an article may have a similar "theme" or could possibly be similar to another article doesn't mean it's not of high quality based on that merit alone.

      Now, in no way am I saying to go out and re-write the same article 100 times. That would be entirely pointless and add no real value. What I'm saying overall is that it's not entirely possible that someone else hasn't written or covered a similar subject, topic or idea that another may write about.

      So, why are other authors who are STILL pumping out the same stuff over and over getting their articles published? That's a question that I've asked EZA already and they chose to not answer, but dodge the bullet instead. Take it for what it's worth I guess.
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      • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
        Since EZA's income depends on Google you're really writing for Google and not for yourself or EZA. EZA is now just a manager trying to decipher what it is that Google wants and expecting you to comply.

        Example: a zillion posts on this forum, including many on this thread, are of much better quality than many articles on EZA.

        Why? Because you're writing for yourself and also to convince others. If you were posting here with the goal of just trying to get a backlink or to target certain keywords hoping for a search ranking your posts would be very different.

        EZA and many article writers still have not figured out that basic quality issue.
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        • Profile picture of the author Steadyon
          Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

          Yes; it's because of EZA's terms of service. "One account per human" is the rule (and - somewhat oddly - that's exactly how they word it, too, as I remember!). And if/when they discover that people have more than one account there, they close down the lot and ban people.

          There's no problem maintaining discretion about your identity, for professional reasons, regarding your readers. But to expect to fool the owners of a site where you want to publish your work about your identity is, naturally enough, a very different proposition altogether. I certainly wouldn't want people doing that if I owned the site. Would you?

          It's a hypothetical question, as I don't submit there.

          If I did, I certainly wouldn't submit 1,000 under the same account.

          Is this against their TOS? From what you said it is. It seems they can delete your account for whatever reason they choose, so risking all in one account seems rather shortsighted and naive.

          I would have thought their main concern was quality articles and if someone had more than one account it was the lesser of two "evils".
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          • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
            Originally Posted by Steadyon View Post

            It's a hypothetical question, as I don't submit there.
            We'd never have guessed from what you're saying. :rolleyes:

            Originally Posted by Steadyon View Post

            If I did, I certainly wouldn't submit 1,000 under the same account.
            Then it's good that you don't use them, because breaching their terms of service helps nobody - least of all yourself.
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    • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
      Originally Posted by Sheryl Polomka View Post

      Exactly! I had an article rejected yesterday because it "does not include enough original and informative content". It is a unique article and good quality (in my opinion anyway) but it's not 'original enough'. They are making it very hard for anyone to want to continue submitting articles to them.
      I agree with this ^

      Had the same thing happen to me!

      Also it was a good article if I do say so myself :p

      Had proper grammer, no speling mistaks and everthang!

      Just kidding!

      It was 900 words - split up into sections and was actually an article for my blog so I made sure it was informative.

      I see the market open for another Ezine you know.

      I realize they are in defensive mode and the article reviewers will be REALLY strict but think they might be killing the site.

      Just my opinion.

      Also there ARE other article directories out there that work well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    I rather doubt it was article quality since your post is well written and clear, unless your articles were produced by someone else for you.

    I'm not asking to know your niche, but is it possible your content was primarily written for one of the markets they have declared as targeted for heavy purging?
    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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    • Profile picture of the author TimG
      Originally Posted by Barry Unruh View Post

      I rather doubt it was article quality since your post is well written and clear, unless your articles were produced by someone else for you.

      I'm not asking to know your niche, but is it possible your content was primarily written for one of the markets they have declared as targeted for heavy purging?

      Purging is one thing but suspending folks that submit articles in those niches without really alerting them is a bit of a slap in the face. I'm not sure I qualify their blog post mentioning that they were considering those niches as being over-saturated as much of a warning.

      I'm willing to bet that tens of thousands of authors still don't even know that the minimum word count has changed to 400 words.

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  • Profile picture of the author masterjani
    Accounts suspended these days because of too many article submissions at a time.I contacted the customer support and they reinstate myaccount,so best way is to contact them with complete details
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
      I've actually heard from a bunch of people that their accounts have been banned...like A BUNCH of people.

      It's a whole new world...article marketing has been evolving for the last few months at least, now the stuff is hitting the fan...Kind of interesting to watch the fall out.

      EZA has made it clear in the past that they don't like Affiliate Marketers, so don't expect any decency, warnings, or understanding on their part...and I know some people that aren't showing them any either.

      I'm in a skype group with a few people who had their accounts canned, who have over 1,000 articles each. The way they handled it was to simply redirect all of their old URL's that don't generate any traffic to "bad neighborhoods", plus taking any blocks of content that havn't been mass distributed...and mass distributing them. - not saying that is right, but I don't imagine that it will do much for EZA's rankings either.

      A backlink from EZA at this point is GARBAGE...USELESS...A WASTE OF TIME

      If they are not providing you DIRECT traffic that is CONVERTING...don't waste your time.
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      • Profile picture of the author mitoshthewarrior
        Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

        I've actually heard from a bunch of people that their accounts have been banned...like A BUNCH of people.

        It's a whole new world...article marketing has been evolving for the last few months at least, now the stuff is hitting the fan...Kind of interesting to watch the fall out.

        EZA has made it clear in the past that they don't like Affiliate Marketers, so don't expect any decency, warnings, or understanding on their part...and I know some people that aren't showing them any either.

        I'm in a skype group with a few people who had their accounts canned, who have over 1,000 articles each. The way they handled it was to simply redirect all of their old URL's that don't generate any traffic to "bad neighborhoods", plus taking any blocks of content that havn't been mass distributed...and mass distributing them. - not saying that is right, but I don't imagine that it will do much for EZA's rankings either.

        A backlink from EZA at this point is GARBAGE...USELESS...A WASTE OF TIME

        If they are not providing you DIRECT traffic that is CONVERTING...don't waste your time.
        EZA staff redirected the URLS in author's bio box to bad neighborhoods? Did I hear this correctly?

        "Do the actors on Unsolved Mysteries ever get arrested because they look just like the criminal they are playing?"

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        • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
          Originally Posted by mitoshthewarrior View Post

          EZA staff redirected the URLS in author's bio box to bad neighborhoods? Did I hear this correctly?
          No, the people whose account was suspended redirected the URL's...

          I don't think I would personally spend time doing anything if they suspended my account to be honest. There are other sources of traffic out there that are BETTER than EZA at the moment.
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          • Profile picture of the author mitoshthewarrior
            Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

            No, the people whose account was suspended redirected the URL's...

            Ahh, ok. Was going to say, WTF.

            "Do the actors on Unsolved Mysteries ever get arrested because they look just like the criminal they are playing?"

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          • Profile picture of the author TimG
            Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

            No, the people whose account was suspended redirected the URL's...

            I don't think I would personally spend time doing anything if they suspended my account to be honest. There are other sources of traffic out there that are BETTER than EZA at the moment.
            Were they targeting the taboo niches or just ordinary niches?

            Also, not sure if those folks will gain anything from that because EZA checks the outbound links in the articles and if they link to a bad site they don't publish the article. If the article is already published they can either remove it or disable the link.

            If anything those people may have created more work for the staff at EZA which is not something they need right now because they are busy enough trying to recover from this mess.

            Still, it does suck for those folks to be slapped in the face after providing content to EZA for as long as they did.

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            • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
              Originally Posted by TimG View Post

              Were they targeting the taboo niches or just ordinary niches?

              Also, not sure if those folks will gain anything from that because EZA checks the outbound links in the articles and if they link to a bad site they don't publish the article. If the article is already published they can either remove it or disable the link.

              If anything those people may have created more work for the staff at EZA which is not something they need right now because they are busy enough trying to recover from this mess.

              Still, it does suck for those folks to be slapped in the face after providing content to EZA for as long as they did.

              Tim, Taboo niches.

              Like you said, I'm sure that the links won't be up long, but Google spiders EZA quite a bit, and I'm willing to bet that a couple links going to a donkey show or two have already been picked up.

              I didn't do that...I don't think that my account has been suspended, but don't know for sure because I havn't checked.

              Not sure if I'm adding to the confusion here because I am interchanging suspended and banned in my writings...Not doing it for any reason, just free writing and interchanging them apparently causing confusion
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3488449].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author TimG
                Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

                Tim, Taboo niches.

                Like you said, I'm sure that the links won't be up long, but Google spiders EZA quite a bit, and I'm willing to bet that a couple links going to a donkey show or two have already been picked up.

                I didn't do that...I don't think that my account has been suspended, but don't know for sure because I havn't checked.

                Not sure if I'm adding to the confusion here because I am interchanging suspended and banned in my writings...Not doing it for any reason, just free writing and interchanging them apparently causing confusion
                Thanks for confirming that they are taboo niches. I really wish EZA would not suspend people's accounts and could instead just tell them they are not accepting articles for those niches at the moment.

                Some craziness going on and I blame it on the "Charlie Sheen Effect"......similar to the "Butterly Effect" only in this case "CSE" is causing worldwide pandomonium

                Article Marketing Soldiers - The Best Selling Article Marketing Product On The Warrior Forum Is Now Looking For Affiliates! Make Over $25 Per Sale With This High Converting Product.

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                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3488712].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
                  Originally Posted by TimG View Post

                  I really wish EZA would not suspend people's accounts and could instead just tell them they are not accepting articles for those niches at the moment.
                  Yes indeed ... they've always been a bit trigger-happy on this front.

                  If you put an article on your own site, and wait a while before submitting it to them, and someone else steals it during that period and publishes it on their site under their name without you noticing, EZA will traditionally deal with this situation by suspending your account first, then telling you why, then acknowledging your explanation and re-instating you. I suppose it suits them, for some reason, to do it that way round, but it does seem rather a cumbersome and heavy-handed approach. :rolleyes:

                  Originally Posted by TimG View Post

                  Some craziness going on and I blame it on the "Charlie Sheen Effect"......similar to the "Butterly Effect" only in this case "CSE" is causing worldwide pandomonium
                  Eew, he has a bit to answer for ...
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3488732].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author ksmusselman
            Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

            No, the people whose account was suspended redirected the URL's...

            I don't think I would personally spend time doing anything if they suspended my account to be honest. There are other sources of traffic out there that are BETTER than EZA at the moment.
            I've always had much better success and a lot more traffic from ideamarketers.com I love it over there.

            And now after reading this, I think I might just top using eza all together and just go straight to ideamarketers.com.
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            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7143164].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
              Originally Posted by ksmusselman View Post

              And now after reading this, I think I might just top using eza all together and just go straight to ideamarketers.com.
              Hi Karen - the thread is from March 2011, you know? It's just been bumped today to discuss a fresh instance of a problem - now resolved because it's turned out that EZA did have grounds for declining an article.

              If observations are welcome, I have to say that in my opinion, from an article marketing perspective, abandoning EZA and going to ideamarketers.com instead would be such a huge mistake that there are barely words to describe it.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7143196].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author ksmusselman
                Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

                Hi Karen - the thread is from March 2011, you know? It's just been bumped today to discuss a fresh instance of a problem - now resolved because it's turned out that EZA did have grounds for declining an article.

                If observations are welcome, I have to say that in my opinion, from an article marketing perspective, abandoning EZA and going to ideamarketers.com instead would be such a huge mistake that there are barely words to describe it.
                aaahhhh :p Thanks Alexa!
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                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7143216].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author debtreliefadvice
                  I have not been on the forum for about a week. However, I saw this topic when I logged in, and I can certainly add my three cents.

                  I have submitted well over 1,000 articles over the past 5 years to a number of article directories.

                  However, I avoid Ezine Articles for a couple of reasons.

                  As stated correctly above, Ezine Articles uses articles for THEIR benefit, and not that of the author.

                  I don't really know what they want from me on my "landing page." For one business line, I designed a special landing page just for them. I recall that it had over 1,500 words. Ezine Articles kept rejecting the article because they claimed that the page needed more content.

                  Isn't circa 1,500 words enough? I guess not.

                  Furthermore, the landing page did not have any advertising or images. Just the logo for my site as well as a navigation bar.

                  I checked the landing page to see if it was compatible with both IE and Firefox, and it was. So that wasn't the problem,

                  Life is too short, and I do not have time for their nonsense.

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7143561].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author ksmusselman
                    I had that happen too. What I love about them is they send you an email that you have a "problem" with your article but they don't tell you what that "problem" is so you can simply go and edit the article and resubmit.

                    Just last month they rejected four of my articles because my blog at the time was hosted on The Empower Network, so the links in my resource box pointing to a related article on my blog was a violation simply because it was empowernetwork.com/ksmusselman... They thought I was linking to an affiliate site. So they penalized me for the hosting platform I chose.

                    oookay. So I changed the link to my Plug-In Profit blog hosted on GVO. It was my own domain and the link was to a related article of over 650 words. Rejected again because the blog's footer was preloaded with a Traffic Swarm banner.

                    oookay. But they didn't reject it because of the Empower Network banner on the PIP blog? Interesting.

                    I've since shut down both of those blogs and moved all of the content from both blogs back to my original domain on NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-, no links to either EN or TS, and they rejected the article again because the link in my resource box pointed to an article without "enough" content. 650+ words not enough content. :confused:

                    So I chose a completely UNRELATED article, changed the resource box - again - and this time it was finally accepted. :rolleyes:

                    All this time I'm thinking - hey EZA - is it your time of the month or what?

                    Then I go over to ideamarketers with the same articles and the ORIGINAL resource boxes I'd been rejected for on EZA - went right through. No problems.

                    And yes, I think they'll continue to stay "bitchy" for some time to come.
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                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7143692].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
                      Originally Posted by ksmusselman View Post

                      Then I go over to ideamarketers with the same articles and the ORIGINAL resource boxes I'd been rejected for on EZA - went right through. No problems.
                      I hear you. I understand your frustration. That isn't a reason to use ideamarketers.com instead, though.

                      Ezine Articles
                      is the one that the publishers, looking for content to syndicate, have heard of (and there are reasons for that). This is all that matters, in the long run (as far as article directories go, I mean).

                      No article marketer, for all the reasons explained in this post, should want to get potential customer traffic coming to their site from an article directory.

                      Congratulations on your decision to abandon the Empower Network, Karen.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7143736].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author ksmusselman
                        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

                        I hear you. I understand your frustration. That isn't a reason to use ideamarketers.com instead, though.

                        Ezine Articles
                        is the one that the publishers, looking for content to syndicate, have heard of (and there are reasons for that). This is all that matters, in the long run.

                        No article marketer, for all the reasons explained in this post, should want to get potential customer traffic coming to their site from an article directory.
                        That's just one resource of traffic, but not all of it. My stats for syndicated articles are higher from ideamarketers than from eza too. I don't know why, it just is. Maybe the market, the audience using ideamarketers vs eza?

                        I sometimes think article directories are like browsers - IE vs FF vs Chrome vs whatever else... different audiences have different preferences. I've also been on Marnie Pehrson's list for some time and I like their submission interface a lot better than eza.

                        I'm still using both, and I'm going to start submitting to articlesbase again too, and maybe goarticles. I used to have a "system" for article distribution but for some reason I got away from it. I should probably dig that back out again. :rolleyes:

                        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

                        Congratulations on your decision to abandon the Empower Network, Karen.

                        I should probably work on that article too. I was in another forum and I was discussing EN there and I saved all my responses for a lengthy "review" article based on my experience; my initial reason for signing up and my final decision to drop it. I was 'commended' for my 'insights' into the program from some current members so I thought it would make a good article - will probably also publish as a PowerPoint video too.
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                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7143967].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
                          Originally Posted by ksmusselman View Post

                          I was in another forum and I was discussing EN there and I saved all my responses for a lengthy "review" article based on my experience; my initial reason for signing up and my final decision to drop it. I was 'commended' for my 'insights' into the program from some current members so I thought it would make a good article - will probably also publish as a PowerPoint video too.
                          That would be a really valuable article, for people.

                          One of the problems with that, and with so many similar business opportunities, is that all the readily accessible "reviews" are actually by people who are promoting it. It's comparatively rare to see write-ups from people who joined, tried it for some months, decided it wasn't for them and explain why. Whenever there's such an opportunity floating about, its own distributors'/affiliates' sites occupy the front page of the SERP's for the search term "XYZ Opportunity Scam" with all their reviews titled "Is it a scam?" and explaining that it isn't at all. So it's often kind of difficult for other opinions to be found. Which is, of course, why they're typically encouraged to do exactly that. (And even when they are found, they often turn out just to be from people promoting some other, competing equivalent and making out that theirs is better than the one "reviewed". Even if 90% of people don't get far with such businesses (and of course I have no idea whether that's true, so far, with this particular one, and very few people know that), opinions from people who have real experience of it and "decided it wasn't for them" are hard to come by. "Just saying".)
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7144020].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author ksmusselman
                            Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

                            That would be a really valuable article, for people. ... Even if 90% of people don't get far with such businesses (and of course I have no idea whether that's true, so far, with this particular one, and very few people know that), opinions from people who have real experience of it and "decided it wasn't for them" are hard to come by. "Just saying".)
                            That's why I wanted to do it, for the people. If I'm going to promote anything with it, it'll be the network marketing program I'm STILL with and really, truly enjoy. I'm not making much with it - yet - but it's early days, and I've made more with it than I did with EN - which was ZERO.
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                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7144132].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
                      Originally Posted by ksmusselman View Post

                      I had that happen too. What I love about them is they send you an email that you have a "problem" with your article but they don't tell you what that "problem" is so you can simply go and edit the article and resubmit.

                      Just last month they rejected four of my articles because my blog at the time was hosted on The Empower Network, so the links in my resource box pointing to a related article on my blog was a violation simply because it was empowernetwork.com/ksmusselman... They thought I was linking to an affiliate site. So they penalized me for the hosting platform I chose.

                      oookay. So I changed the link to my Plug-In Profit blog hosted on GVO. It was my own domain and the link was to a related article of over 650 words. Rejected again because the blog's footer was preloaded with a Traffic Swarm banner.

                      oookay. But they didn't reject it because of the Empower Network banner on the PIP blog? Interesting.

                      I've since shut down both of those blogs and moved all of the content from both blogs back to my original domain on NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-, no links to either EN or TS, and they rejected the article again because the link in my resource box pointed to an article without "enough" content. 650+ words not enough content. :confused:

                      So I chose a completely UNRELATED article, changed the resource box - again - and this time it was finally accepted. :rolleyes:

                      All this time I'm thinking - hey EZA - is it your time of the month or what?

                      Then I go over to ideamarketers with the same articles and the ORIGINAL resource boxes I'd been rejected for on EZA - went right through. No problems.

                      And yes, I think they'll continue to stay "bitchy" for some time to come.
                      I'm starting to think that this is one of the (many) reasons that EZA mails out pens, coffee mugs, t-shirts, etc. after you've submitted a few articles because their editors can drive you nuts sometimes. lol

                      "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
                      - Jim Rohn
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7144088].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author ksmusselman
                        Originally Posted by Rod Cortez View Post

                        I'm starting to think that this is one of the (many) reasons that EZA mails out pens, coffee mugs, t-shirts, etc. after you've submitted a few articles because their editors can drive you nuts sometimes. lol

                        Hey! I have one of their mugs!!! (and a notepad, and I think a mousepad and a pen...) ROFLMAO!!!
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                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7144108].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
                      Originally Posted by ksmusselman View Post

                      ......What I love about them is they send you an email that you have a "problem" with your article but they don't tell you what that "problem" is so you can simply go and edit the article and resubmit.
                      I rarely use EZA these days. I submitted an article just over a week ago that was rejected. I scoured their guidelines, could find nothing wrong so resubmitted - unchanged. It was accepted.

                      That's not the first time that has happened to me.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7144152].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
                        Originally Posted by rosetrees View Post

                        I rarely use EZA these days. I submitted an article just over a week ago that was rejected. I scoured their guidelines, could find nothing wrong so resubmitted - unchanged. It was accepted.

                        That's not the first time that has happened to me.
                        A coffee mug or mouse pad should be enroute to you shortly.

                        "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
                        - Jim Rohn
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7144156].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
                        Originally Posted by rosetrees View Post

                        I submitted an article just over a week ago that was rejected.
                        Bizarre. From many people, I wouldn't react much to such a post, but I'd have put money on your not having had one declined, Carol. :p

                        Originally Posted by rosetrees View Post

                        resubmitted - unchanged. It was accepted.
                        My guess is that they were training new editorial staff, and someone just made a mistake. :rolleyes:
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7144197].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author ksmusselman
                        Originally Posted by rosetrees View Post

                        I rarely use EZA these days. I submitted an article just over a week ago that was rejected. I scoured their guidelines, could find nothing wrong so resubmitted - unchanged. It was accepted.

                        That's not the first time that has happened to me.
                        Oh man, I do hate when that happens. It leaves you scratching your head like WTF side of the bed did their reviewers get up on THIS time??

                        Not only is it annoying, it is such a TOTAL waste of time having to submit, resubmit, resubmit and maybe get it accepted on the FIFTH try.

                        And "if" it still holds true that we're supposed to wait until the infamous eza gods accept and approve the article first before submitting them elsewhere, well doesn't that just hold up the whole process.

                        You know, now that I think about it, I think that's why I stopped doing so many articles a while back and starting looking for other ways to generate backlinks and recognition - i.e., Video.

                        So I think I'm going to try something... just out of plain ol' curiousity. I'm going to submit the article to ideamarketers first THEN submit it eza and see what happens. If they say, "It's already been published elsewhere," I'll come back, 'Well, snooze you lose. You just take too long to approve and accept them because you're too *()^%* worried about Google!"
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                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7144218].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ameerulislam10
    Originally Posted by sree94 View Post

    For some unknown reason, EZA has suspended my account

    I had submitted 1100 articles to them, and on most occasions, they got approved right away

    It is not a big deal to me anyway. I don't use EZA for backlinks at all, just to get human eyes to read my content. But I think it is kind of stupid for them to suspend me when THEY were the ones who approved my content!

    I think their "tough guy" stance will be shortlived. See, Google can be sanctimonious and ban a bunch of Adwords users who spent $400 a day because they get revenue from Fortune 500 companies. How many Fortune 500 companies are putting their articles on EZA?
    is that One thousand and one hundred? They could at least sent you an email before their action. Was their a mistake? Have you sent an email to them?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3485005].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Marketing Cheetah
      Originally Posted by ameerulislam10 View Post

      is that One thousand and one hundred? They could at least sent you an email before their action. Was their a mistake? Have you sent an email to them?
      It is not about the numbers and this is not something real bad they are doing to you. This is something common in ezinearticles.com. 1100 articles is not a big number. Most of the expert authors hold articles in that range. Even if you have 10k articles in your account, don't think you will not get a suspension. Suspension is nothing more than temporary block of your account just because you didn't follow the ezinearticles.com guidelines like:

      1- You resubmitted the article rejected by ezinearticles.com without correcting
      2- You wrote article on a subject which is prohibited by ezinearticles.com

      etc etc.
      Pretty small reasons.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3485026].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Marketing Cheetah
    This is very common. Send message to their support through your ezinearticles.com account. You will get reply in few hours with the reason of suspension. My account gets suspended after every few months and after correcting the problem they tell me, everything gets back to normal.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3485012].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rjademegillo
    Maybe there are rules or policy that has been break that's why they suspended your account. Well, just appeal to them maybe they will restore your account.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3485069].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Lee
    Originally Posted by sree94 View Post

    For some unknown reason, EZA has suspended my account

    I had submitted 1100 articles to them, and on most occasions, they got approved right away

    It is not a big deal to me anyway. I don't use EZA for backlinks at all, just to get human eyes to read my content. But I think it is kind of stupid for them to suspend me when THEY were the ones who approved my content!

    I think their "tough guy" stance will be shortlived. See, Google can be sanctimonious and ban a bunch of Adwords users who spent $400 a day because they get revenue from Fortune 500 companies. How many Fortune 500 companies are putting their articles on EZA?

    Did EZA tell you the exact reason why they suspended your account? It may just be a misunderstanding. Try contacting their helpdesk and clearly explain your side.

    If their reason for suspension is valid, you could apologize and tell them you have learned your lesson and it will never happen again.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3485250].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Talinn
    It is because of all the rewrites. It has happened to someone I know (who has 1000+ articles) and I am expecting it to happen to me any day now (I have 2000+ articles).

    This just goes on to show how desperate they are, suspending accounts of their biggest authors. And how little sense it makes. THEY approved those articles, and I sort of understand how they want to purge rehashed content, but nowhere in the world are new laws RETROACTIVE. It's even in the friggin' Universal Declaration of Human Rights that you can only be subject to the laws at the time you did the deed! You can't change the rules and kill everyone whose content was accepted by YOU in the site in the first place.

    Just delete the rewritten articles, send the author a warning / message that they will no longer be accepting rewritten content and if he tries to do so again, then you may ban him. Accepting rewritten articles and then banning the authors out of desperation is just unfair.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3485605].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    Well it seems to be the norm these days biut compnaies ban first act later. Ebay/PP/all the same. Beware and do not put all your eggs in one basket

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3485824].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AzzamS
    Were do we sign up for the ezinearticles revolt?
    These people have no business sense at all.

    Why did they put all their eggs in one basket in the first place anyway. And the audacity that all that labour someone else has put in has to go down the pan.

    Seriously members of the IM community should built a platform out of collaboration that challenges all of these problems.

    If someone comes up with an idea for a curator style type of site that benefits the community let me know and I will make a contribution
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3486270].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Chris Worner
      Originally Posted by AzzamS View Post

      Were do we sign up for the ezinearticles revolt?
      These people have no business sense at all.
      Really? I would argue that the people who submit articles to EZA for back-linking reasons(Which is not what EZA was intended to be used for) are the ones with no business sense.

      Honestly, the nerve of EZA to act within their ToS.

      Why did they put all their eggs in one basket in the first place anyway. And the audacity that all that labour someone else has put in has to go down the pan.
      Seriously members of the IM community should built a platform out of collaboration that challenges all of these problems.
      If someone comes up with an idea for a curator style type of site that benefits the community let me know and I will make a contribution
      Well, I hope that contribution makes more sense than what you wrote above


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3486309].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
        Hey guys, everybody here defending EZA, please let's call a spade a spade.

        EZA has done everything it could to milk as much income for itself as possible
        including Adsense ads that take up more space than the damn articles
        themselves and incentives for authors to write like madmen.

        Suddenly, Google basically says to EZA, "You suck" and EZA is like, "Holly
        sh*t Batman...We better do something."

        So NOW they're dropping the hammer and running the directory the way
        it SHOULD have been run right from the start.

        And they're doing it for only one reason.

        To save their ass.

        Well folks, it was THEIR greed that put them in this position in the first
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3486500].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
          Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

          Well folks, it was THEIR greed that put them in this position in the first place.
          It depends what you mean by "greed", Steven. That part's just a little subjective, isn't it?

          Everything else you say, of course, is entirely true.

          But not much of a criticism, really? They're running a business, after all: it's normal and surely (in a capitalist society) even commendable to do that so as to maximise the profits/returns for the company's owners, and to be alert to sudden external changes making swift alterations to the day-to-day operations desirable? There's also (in most countries) even a statutory obligation on companies to do so.

          Given my fairly openly and vociferously posted statements about article marketing here over the last couple of years, I'm now keeping out of many of these slightly hysterical threads, for fear of inadvertently coming across as saying unsympathetically "I told you so" when that isn't my intention at all.

          Nevertheless, in this instance, the blinding truth of what you've just said above compels me to mention (while obviously not referring to yourself!) that the time has clearly come for many marketers here, who imagined that their business model was based on "article marketing" when it was in fact based only on "article directory marketing", to consider a little more seriously the extent to which they choose to allow their businesses to be unnecessarily and most inadvisably dependent on the vaguaries and vicissitudes of third-party businesses whose management, operations and commercial decisions are entirely outside the marketer's control.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3486573].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
            Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

            Nevertheless, in this instance, the blinding truth of what you've just said above compels me to mention (while obviously not referring to yourself!) that the time has clearly come for many marketers here, who imagined that their business model was based on "article marketing" when it was in fact based only on "article directory marketing", to consider a little more seriously the extent to which they choose to allow their businesses to be unnecessarily and most inadvisably dependent on the vaguaries and vicissitudes of third-party businesses whose management, operations and commercial decisions are entirely outside the marketer's control.
            Business is about opportunities EZA provided an excellent opportunity at one time, and still do to some extent or another. Anyone who is savvy in the slightest is going to jump on an opportunity and ride it until the opportunity is no longer profitable.

            Targeting specific sites for traffic and profit will ALWAYS be a viable way to build upon your business - I agree, not a smart "business model", but a viable way to build upon and finance parts of a business nonetheless.

            I agree with Steven 100%.

            What EZA is reaping right now is exactly what they sowed. One could argue that they have even perpetuated the situation with some of the things that they have done - in my opinion INTENTIONALLY, because they just like many people marketing with content saw the opportunity.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3486783].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
              Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

              Business is about opportunities EZA provided an excellent opportunity at one time, and still do to some extent or another.

              As Bill, myself, and one or two others have been saying for the last week or so, some of us are doing rather better, for ranking some of our sites, since Google's algorithm change.

              And of course many of us have been openly welcoming all these EZA editorial changes and describing them as "long overdue". (Ok, I was a little bit churlish, myself, and described them in one post as somewhat "too little, too late", but I still welcome them ).

              Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

              Anyone who is savvy in the slightest is going to jump on an opportunity and ride it until the opportunity is no longer profitable.
              I agree. Well, article marketing is certainly a tremendous opportunity. Article directory marketing maybe a little less so, for many people, it seems. (For a long time, as can be seen from so many threads here, not just over these recent changes, of course.)

              Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

              Targeting specific sites for traffic and profit will ALWAYS be a viable way to build upon your business - I agree, not a smart "business model", but a viable way to build upon and finance parts of a business nonetheless.

              (Yes - not a smart business model at all.)

              Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

              I agree with Steven 100%.
              As do I.

              Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

              What EZA is reaping right now is exactly what they sowed.
              For sure. No question about that.

              It's easy to imagine one would have done better. I'm not sure I would, though. What matters now, from their perspective, is how they recover. My guess is that (as on so many previous occasions) they'll still be very much flourishing when many other directories have thrown in the towel. They've lasted a decade in a field in which the average survival time is months rather than years, after all, so their long history of decision-making would seem to be pretty much out of the top drawer, really.

              Originally Posted by Steadyon View Post

              please can someone explain to me why you would want to put all 1,000 articles under the same account at EZA?

              Why not have 10 accounts
              Yes; it's because of EZA's terms of service. "One account per human" is the rule (and - somewhat oddly - that's exactly how they word it, too, as I remember!). And if/when they discover that people have more than one account there, they close down the lot and ban people.

              There's no problem maintaining discretion about your identity, for professional reasons, regarding your readers. But to expect to fool the owners of a site where you want to publish your work about your identity is, naturally enough, a very different proposition altogether. I certainly wouldn't want people doing that if I owned the site. Would you?
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            • Profile picture of the author shmeeko69
              Anyone who's wanting to focus on article marketing, should start thinking about moving away from the main directory - Ezine, as their new rules seem to stink of something brown and they're refusing everything. That's my third article in a row, which they stuck on problem resolution and I've over 220 articles approved by them. I think they're trying to get people to pay for their services and if they start refusing everyone on free services then, they've only two options available, either move on to another directory like Go articles or pay the minimum monthly premium fee of $97, which is quite expensive for most IM's.

              Thank you for your submission to EzineArticles.com titled "The Easy Steps In How To Make Money With Facebook" (6013480).
              We would like to help you get this article approved but there is an issue which needs to be resolved first.
              Please contact us at Contact EzineArticles.com for more information.

              The above is the latest rejection and for no particular reason other than to contact customer services, which I've done!

              The Rock n Roll of Marketing Reviews
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            • Profile picture of the author taffie
              I honestly think there must be an issue which needs addressing, I think they are usually good with that, like someone has said, it probably is a question of getting in touch with the support team and see what it is. They are not as nasty as the big G. At least they haven't been to me so far lol. Have been suspended in the past, but with communication, I was reinstated, which I think is fair.
              Coach | Mentor | Consultant | I work with business owners, marketers, experts, or coaches/ and mentors who want to understand new media or digital marketing better https://llpgpro.com/Internet-Marketing-HQ/
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              • Profile picture of the author wpo1408
                EZA told me I would be reinstated probably, if I went through my 986 approved articles and deleted ones that were similar.

                I won't be doing that.

                I've moved on, they can get on with whatever they are doing.

                Behind The Smile ~ the Story of Lek, a Bar Girl in Pattaya, Thailand ~
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3557061].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                  Originally Posted by wpo1408 View Post

                  EZA told me I would be reinstated probably, if I went through my 986 approved articles and deleted ones that were similar.

                  I won't be doing that.

                  I've moved on, they can get on with whatever they are doing.

                  Owen, that sounds like an absolutely awful amount of work - I'd not have done it either. EZA is not the only good article directory out there, and I definitely think you've made the right choice here.

                  >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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                  • Profile picture of the author wpo1408
                    Thanks, Paul, I do too.
                    Behind The Smile ~ the Story of Lek, a Bar Girl in Pattaya, Thailand ~
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          • Profile picture of the author Robert Puddy
            Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

            Given my fairly openly and vociferously posted statements about article marketing here over the last couple of years, I'm now keeping out of many of these slightly hysterical threads, for fear of inadvertently coming across as saying unsympathetically "I told you so" when that isn't my intention at all.
            Allow me to do it for you Alexa... WE TOLD YOU SO
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          • Profile picture of the author rts2271
            Nevertheless, in this instance, the blinding truth of what you've just said above compels me to mention (while obviously not referring to yourself!) that the time has clearly come for many marketers here, who imagined that their business model was based on "article marketing" when it was in fact based only on "article directory marketing", to consider a little more seriously the extent to which they choose to allow their businesses to be unnecessarily and most inadvisably dependent on the vaguaries and vicissitudes of third-party businesses whose management, operations and commercial decisions are entirely outside the marketer's control.

            I think business in general is going to wake up to the fact that Google and a few other third party SAAS providers are in many cases their competitors not their friends.
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        • Profile picture of the author Ernie Lo
          Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

          Hey guys, everybody here defending EZA, please let's call a spade a spade.

          EZA has done everything it could to milk as much income for itself as possible
          including Adsense ads that take up more space than the damn articles
          themselves and incentives for authors to write like madmen.

          Suddenly, Google basically says to EZA, "You suck" and EZA is like, "Holly
          sh*t Batman...We better do something."

          So NOW they're dropping the hammer and running the directory the way
          it SHOULD have been run right from the start.

          And they're doing it for only one reason.

          To save their ass.

          Well folks, it was THEIR greed that put them in this position in the first
          I personally think it's too late for them Steve. I don't see Google giving them a chance. The crud articles are still on the site, it doesnt matter what rules they force on authors going forward.
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        • Profile picture of the author maverick4u
          Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

          Hey guys, everybody here defending EZA, please let's call a spade a spade.

          EZA has done everything it could to milk as much income for itself as possible
          including Adsense ads that take up more space than the damn articles
          themselves and incentives for authors to write like madmen.

          Suddenly, Google basically says to EZA, "You suck" and EZA is like, "Holly
          sh*t Batman...We better do something."

          So NOW they're dropping the hammer and running the directory the way
          it SHOULD have been run right from the start.

          And they're doing it for only one reason.

          To save their ass.

          Well folks, it was THEIR greed that put them in this position in the first
          Exactly. Basically EZA is a content farm which Google just came down on hard. If EZA wants to continue to make 6 figures a month with adsense then they need to come down hard on their worker bees to give them top notch content. What do they have in the back of the house now? English and literature Phd's?

          They banned my account too-no reason given and I haven't even submitted any articles there for months.
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          • Profile picture of the author madison75074
            I had a guy I had used for some time to write articles for me most of which I posted on my own sites. He literally had thousands of articles on ezine articles. I just went to check his page and the account is gone which I assume means he was banned.
            This guy was a great writer too. After the way ezines has handled this, I can't imagine many people will be spending much time in writing articles for ezine articles anymore. From what I've seen, they are banning some really good people over there. Meanwhile, my pathetic little account with less than 50 articles is ok so far.
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      • Profile picture of the author AzzamS
        Originally Posted by Chris Worner View Post

        Really? I would argue that the people who submit articles to EZA for back-linking reasons(Which is not what EZA was intended to be used for) are the ones with no business sense.

        Honestly, the nerve of EZA to act within their ToS.

        Well, I hope that contribution makes more sense than what you wrote above

        If you want to argue that the quality of the content is not good enough consequently accounts are suspended then sure you can state that the people submitting have no business sense.

        But to argue that a service provider works within its own TOS and does not turn a blind eye in its own interest is plain ridiculous.

        Ezine were fully aware of what people were doing and did not discourage the actions of submitting articles with backlinks but now since they are under pressure they have decided to take that heat out on others.

        Sure you can state they are clearly legal however the actions are not ethical and poorly communicated to the wider community, consequently there is this backlash that could be avoided if they had business sense
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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3486693].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author pavionjsl
          Originally Posted by AzzamS View Post

          If you want to argue that the quality of the content is not good enough consequently accounts are suspended then sure you can state that the people submitting have no business sense.

          But to argue that a service provider works within its own TOS and does not turn a blind eye in its own interest is plain ridiculous.

          Ezine were fully aware of what people were doing and did not discourage the actions of submitting articles with backlinks but now since they are under pressure they have decided to take that heat out on others.

          Sure you can state they are clearly legal however the actions are not ethical and poorly communicated to the wider community, consequently there is this backlash that could be avoided if they had business sense
          Agree completely, They used the content for their benefit, not ours. They now are desperate to do a Squidoo move in content quality. I do not use them anymore, could care less.
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          • Profile picture of the author StephanieMojica
            eHow removed a bunch of my articles that were generating us both revenue for no real reason...sadly this happens a lot in article marketing, which is why I definitely urge people to diversify and not use articles as their only passive income stream or business marketing method.

            Good luck getting it resolved!

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          • Profile picture of the author mistermint
            Thats the good old American way ..shoot first ask questions later lol..

            I guess if everyone read their gudlines and stuck to them ezas entire business would collapse over night...

            There are 5 adsense blocks on each article page...you try doing that on your own site and see where the big G puts you...:rolleyes:

            Make cash flow forecasts in openoffice.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3497641].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author bhuff85
              Originally Posted by mistermint View Post

              Thats the good old American way ..shoot first ask questions later lol..

              I guess if everyone read their gudlines and stuck to them ezas entire business would collapse over night...

              There are 5 adsense blocks on each article page...you try doing that on your own site and see where the big G puts you...:rolleyes:
              EZA has a premium Adsense account, which entitles them to extra perks and more ad placements on every page.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
        Originally Posted by Chris Worner View Post

        Honestly, the nerve of EZA to act within their ToS.
        EZA and their TOS...hmmm where to begin...

        EZA is the equivalent of a common street hooker giving public service announcements on abstinence.
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    • Profile picture of the author Britt Malka
      Originally Posted by AzzamS View Post

      Were do we sign up for the ezinearticles revolt?
      These people have no business sense at all.
      No need for a revolt ;-)

      It's their business, but you can choose to take yours elsewhere. Ezine Articles may be the first, but they are not the only ones on the market.

      ArticlesBase seems to do much better, by the way. If my husband or I have submitted articles to them, they often rank higher than EZA's, and they are more frequently syndicated from AB.
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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3507056].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author AD25
        Originally Posted by Britt Malka View Post

        ArticlesBase seems to do much better, by the way. If my husband or I have submitted articles to them, they often rank higher than EZA's, and they are more frequently syndicated from AB.
        Yes Articlesbase does seem to rank higher/faster.
        Too bad about the nofollow though.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3551467].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ksmusselman
        Originally Posted by Britt Malka View Post

        No need for a revolt ;-)

        It's their business, but you can choose to take yours elsewhere. Ezine Articles may be the first, but they are not the only ones on the market.

        ArticlesBase seems to do much better, by the way. If my husband or I have submitted articles to them, they often rank higher than EZA's, and they are more frequently syndicated from AB.
        Thanks for that reminder!!! I think I'll head over there today along with ideamarketers.
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  • Profile picture of the author jessica.n
    you better to build your own blog my friend
    with 1100 articles your can make a bucks from adsense
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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    You were not responsible for rewriting articles, since they were approved. We must condemn EZA’s team for simply approving articles they should have rejected. They would oblige everyone to follow their rules instead of closing their eyes before ridiculous content.

    I’m one of the best EZA’s authors who writes at least one original article everyday. For me nothing has changed, on the contrary, I’m having only advantages with Google’s change. However I’m revolted with EZA’s attitude. They cannot correct their mistakes by killing their authors. This is not fair. They made the mistake to accept whatever, now they don’t have the right to simply kill those who were not guilty for submitting articles that they were accepting. You must protest and Demand your account back, and all your author rights.

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  • Profile picture of the author HigherPrThanGod
    Quick, someone register notezinearticles.com
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  • Profile picture of the author shalone86
    Unfortunately we cannot control what companies like EZA do. They are not in it for our benefit. They are in the business to make money. Plain and simple. We do not wish to help EZA, so why should we assume they are looking out for us? 1000 articles or not, you are just another customer. If they feel they have the pr to get new writers, who submit just as much content, well you are expendable.

    No offense, but this is how many major companies think. Profits are God in their eyes, but sometimes they forget that good loyal customers bring profits not the other way around. Good luck with EZA. I'm sure there are other Ezine Directories out there with better customer service.

    Anybody know of any? Can we get some links posted please?
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  • Profile picture of the author Talinn
    Google's algorithm change is for Google US only. They still haven't changed results all over the rest of the globe. Keeping in mind this is quite a substantial change, it doesn't make sense for them to be doing this. After all, if they hate content farms, shouldn't French people get rid of them as well in their searches?

    Which leads me into thinking that maybe this is a test... the change is quite radical and it hurt the sites Google wanted to hurt, but on the other hand I hear there are quite ridiculous sites taking their place.

    So, I think Google is testing. If they like the results, they'll apply them to international searches as well. If they don't, I see them taking it back or maybe weakening its effects a bit. If the former, EZA could take an even more crushing blow and honestly I don't see them recovering soon. If the latter, they can recover easily.

    What I don't think is that the current algorithmic disparity between US and Int. results would go on forever.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steadyon
    I'm no ezinearticle expert.

    I have only ever submitted a handful of articles to them and most were accepted.

    What this again reminds me of is the maxim of "Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket".

    I don't think the OP has necessaily, but please can someone explain to me why you would want to put all 1,000 articles under the same account at EZA?

    I vaguely recall that if you get to a certain number your status is upgraded. But why oh why put them all in one account.

    Why not have 10 accounts, each with 100 articles or so in them.

    Then if one gets closed down, you still have 900 or so left.

    Please tell me why.

    And don't say because it is against their T.O.S. If you think like that you will never make big bucks.

    I recall someone on here having a mega blog hosted with wordpress that got huge traffic and he made over $100,000 of residual income from. Someone complained and wordpress didn't like it for some reason. So they closed his blog. He lost his income. If he had hosted it on his own domain then there wouldn't have been a problem.

    So don't put too much faith or reliance on other business or websites to look after you when the sh*t hits the fan.
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  • Profile picture of the author Talinn
    The entire "get ex back" niche (Relationships:Conflict), consisting of maybe a million articles maybe more, is built upon a SINGLE suggestion: "Leave your ex alone for some time and then initiate contact. Don't beg."

    All right, I am exaggerating, but I am fairly sure around 80% of those articles are saying this.
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  • Profile picture of the author LauraJames
    Wow! With all those articles, one might think an account suspension would not occur. Then again, rules sometimes change fast and life is not always logical. One time my account was suspended unexpectedly. It took time for me to resolve the issue with Ezines customer service. Hopefully, the issue is remedied quickly for you, if it has not been already.

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  • Profile picture of the author monsterrager
    When they ban your account like that, do they take all of the articles you submitted out of their database?
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Is it just me? Or does anyone else think it's a little strange that half the people in this thread are talking about "banned" accounts and the other half about "suspended" accounts, and everyone's apparently quite happily using the terms as if they were entirely interchangeable and as if nobody were talking completely at cross-purposes with anyone else ... just wondering ...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3487775].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author TimG
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        Is it just me? Or does anyone else think it's a little strange that half the people in this thread are talking about "banned" accounts and the other half about "suspended" accounts, and everyone's apparently quite happily using the terms as if they were entirely interchangeable and as if nobody were talking completely at cross-purposes with anyone else ... just wondering ...
        I noticed the same thing and was wondering what was going on...I've been referring to suspended accounts because hat is the only thing I am aware of taking place.

        Banned accounts would seem to indicate major infractions taking place by an author with no way of having it reinstated.

        Suspended accounts would seem to indicate a minor infraction by an author that is recoverable.

        Either way both stink but if an author was doing something without malicious intent than it really stinks.

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  • Profile picture of the author Rach72
    Have to agree that EZA have made their own bed here but the way that they are frantically trying to offload the blame onto their authors is very annoying and certainly not in their best interests.

    Case in point - I wonder how their 100 Articles in a 100 Days challenge is going now? I would have thought that if anything encouraged duplicate, dodgy and grammatically incorrect content it would be this...

    Anyway Jennifer Ledbetter has done an interesting blog post and analysis on this and the EZA/Google thing...

    (I can't post the link, but go to potpiegirl [dot] com and scroll down to where she does the Keyword analysis - it's really interesting)
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  • Profile picture of the author theemperor
    Sree, I had the same thing. It sucks

    After submitting some high quality articles too. Oh well it's not that hard to set up other EZA accounts.
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  • Profile picture of the author JordanFrancis
    If I were suspended, and I still might be...I would politely ask EZA why. I'm not a betting man, but I'd wager many, like Francie above, would be reinstated without much bother at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paleruby
    I got crossways with EZA a long time ago. they rejected my article saying I had plagiarized someone else's work (which was bullsh*t). Sometimes there is only so much that can be said about a subject and your going to have overlap.
    So now I just hire someone off of fiver to write and submit. Saves me a lot of grief

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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Paleruby View Post

      I got crossways with EZA a long time ago. they rejected my article saying I had plagiarized someone else's work (which was bullsh*t). Sometimes there is only so much that can be said about a subject and your going to have overlap.
      So now I just hire someone off of fiver to write and submit. Saves me a lot of grief

      Are you really sure that's the best course of action to take, given EZA's tough new stance on quality? When you purchase articles, what you should really care about are their ROI, and not just the lowest cost possible.

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author ejb2059
    I agree .. EZA is a royal pain in the but! I get that they want "quality" content by my God, they act like they are the NYT Best Seller list the way they nitpick ..

    Apparently they haven't realized they aren't the only game in town and that if they get to tuff to work with, their authors will go else where ..
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  • Profile picture of the author Ozwald01
    Yeah, had my account suspended as well.

    I wrote to them and apologised for what I had done.

    They then re-instated my account, no problems.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      For whatever this is worth (probably not much) I don't submit nearly as much to EZA as I used to. Well, on 3/2 I submitted 2 articles and as of 3/8
      they are still not accepted. This is a record wait time for any of my articles
      and I'm one of their top authors.

      Make of it what you will. Maybe they're cracking down on the MMO niche.
      Maybe they're looking to give me the boot because I've been so vocal
      about them. Honestly, couldn't care less. Don't need them anymore.

      But eventually, if they keep biting the hands that feed them, especially
      the ones who actually write worth a damn, they're going to end up to be
      one of the biggest riches to rags story in the history of the Internet.

      Mark my words folks.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3495398].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author TimG
        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        For whatever this is worth (probably not much) I don't submit nearly as much to EZA as I used to. Well, on 3/2 I submitted 2 articles and as of 3/8
        they are still not accepted. This is a record wait time for any of my articles
        and I'm one of their top authors.

        Make of it what you will. Maybe they're cracking down on the MMO niche.
        Maybe they're looking to give me the boot because I've been so vocal
        about them. Honestly, couldn't care less. Don't need them anymore.

        But eventually, if they keep biting the hands that feed them, especially
        the ones who actually write worth a damn, they're going to end up to be
        one of the biggest riches to rags story in the history of the Internet.

        Mark my words folks.

        Might be the MMO niche they are targeting or they could be backlogged significantly with folks trying to submit articles in light of the new changes.

        What's really a shame is if they outlive their usefulness for authors then they will really be in bad shape.

        Also, I don't think anything you have ever said about EZA has been malicious or bad.....the truth speaks for itself.

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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3496664].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author TimG
        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        For whatever this is worth (probably not much) I don't submit nearly as much to EZA as I used to. Well, on 3/2 I submitted 2 articles and as of 3/8
        they are still not accepted. This is a record wait time for any of my articles
        and I'm one of their top authors.

        Make of it what you will. Maybe they're cracking down on the MMO niche.
        Maybe they're looking to give me the boot because I've been so vocal
        about them. Honestly, couldn't care less. Don't need them anymore.

        But eventually, if they keep biting the hands that feed them, especially
        the ones who actually write worth a damn, they're going to end up to be
        one of the biggest riches to rags story in the history of the Internet.

        Mark my words folks.
        Saw that your articles were published today so looks like you are still welcomed at EZA.......at least I think they were the 2 articles you were referring to in your post.

        Looks like they are finally clearing out some of their backlog and hopefully their publishing cycle gets smoother as the days go by.

        Article Marketing Soldiers - The Best Selling Article Marketing Product On The Warrior Forum Is Now Looking For Affiliates! Make Over $25 Per Sale With This High Converting Product.

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        • Profile picture of the author Shakakka
          What's happening here is a bad situation, but I think Alexa makes the most important point: it's how they handle things going forward that will make or break the future of Ezine Articles itself.

          You, me, that other guy, Ezine's editors... we all knew what we were doing. We were writing (and they were approving) content that was sometimes nothing more than a differently worded approach to a previously written article. But as long as these articles were well-written and still informative? They were readily approved.

          Hey, upon article submission I never expected Ezine to go through my past 350+ articles and say "Whoa... wait a minute, this article has the same basic premise as that one..." That's wholly unreasonable, and I'm not sure it's even possible. IMO, Google needs to somewhat realize and concede that point.

          At the same time, Ezine was definitely approving these articles. To turn around now and remove those articles because they're not what google wants? That's fine with me. Ezine is a business, and ultimately they're trying to do what's necessary to stay profitable.

          What's NOT okay (and rather shady) however, is to arbitrarily ban people who've written such articles long after Ezine already approved them. This is a punch to the throat of everyone and anyone who's spent time submitting quality articles to their website.

          It's like saying "Okay, we loved all the revenue your articles made us over the years, but now momma google's mad. Blame's on you. We can't hang out anymore."

          Ezine would do best to adopt a resolution that would appease both google and it's dedicated authors. There are ways of satisfying both google's need for quality, unique content, and their authors' need for getting their articles out there for people to read and click-through to their websites.

          Best case scenario if I were them?

          1. Remove the content google deems unnecessary.

          2. Flag those authors to receive notices (non-threatening notices, mind you) that explains why those articles have been taken down.

          3. Explain to those authors that all future submissions must be more unique, and that re-worded content may violate future policies.

          4. Identify which topics/niches are considered taboo, bad, less-desirable, or whatever they want to call it.

          5. COMMUNICATE with their authors rather than maintain silence.

          Letting us know where they're at will help us help them. Because right now? A lot of their best and most dedicated authors are either walking away, or afraid to make a move because they don't know what's going on in Ezine's head.

          In any case, persecuting authors for past work Ezine already approved is an unprofessional and even finger-pointing approach that's only going to piss everyone off. They've already pissed off google... now might not be a good time to keep beating the hornet's nest.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    You got banned? If your articles weren't good enough in the first place (for them), then they shouldn't have approved them before. I agree.
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  • Profile picture of the author Elkinton
    Originally Posted by sree94 View Post

    For some unknown reason, EZA has suspended my account

    I had submitted 1100 articles to them, and on most occasions, they got approved right away

    It is not a big deal to me anyway. I don't use EZA for backlinks at all, just to get human eyes to read my content. But I think it is kind of stupid for them to suspend me when THEY were the ones who approved my content!

    I think their "tough guy" stance will be shortlived. See, Google can be sanctimonious and ban a bunch of Adwords users who spent $400 a day because they get revenue from Fortune 500 companies. How many Fortune 500 companies are putting their articles on EZA?
    It's unfortunate to be suspended; do research, and try to resolve the issues at hand? Communicating with the 'source' adds value, and makes easier to fix the difficulty. Being aware that they are willing to work with you gives greater value. If it's a platform you can do without- Still or perhaps accept the help that is offered.
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  • Profile picture of the author Glengara
    I suggest you move on, don't have all your eggs in the same basket
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    • Profile picture of the author mistermint

      EZA has a premium Adsense account, which entitles them to extra perks and more ad placements on every page.
      Thats what you get for publishing millions of spammy articles

      Glengara Way to go; screw them before they screw you...

      Had a few autoblogs deindexed and trying to find a pattern...must have left a big foot print..

      Make cash flow forecasts in openoffice.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3499886].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Player87
    I have been banned there for duplicating content. Once I emailed, they were quick to reply back andn re-activated my account.
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    • Profile picture of the author skibbz
      Ezine articles is over-rated there are so many other places you can get quality backlinks and traffic. why do we bow to them?
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by skibbz View Post

        there are so many other places you can get quality backlinks and traffic. why do we bow to them?
        I don't bow to them at all.

        I submit all my articles there, though, because that's part of how I make my living, by getting my articles syndicated by others who use EZA as an article directory (i.e. as a source of content).

        I certainly don't depend on any article directory for traffic and backlinks, though: that's always been a very forlorn attempt at "article marketing".
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3500058].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by skibbz View Post

        Ezine articles is over-rated there are so many other places you can get quality backlinks and traffic. why do we bow to them?
        You shouldn't have to bow to any at all. Look, if you write high quality articles that provide value, they should be able to stand on their own at your website. While you'd ideally want to syndicate your content afterwards (so that you'd get supplementary traffic), you're not relying only on one source of traffic. That'd putting all your eggs in one basket, which is definitely not advisable when you're marketing on the internet.
        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author bhuff85
    Originally Posted by Eddyjangle View Post

    how did you get them approved right away?
    Pay the $97 a month for "Premium" status. However, that doesn't guarantee your articles will be accepted if they don't meet the criteria.
    Want to speed up your writing and save time?
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  • Profile picture of the author bhola badshah
    thats bad, lets find out ezine alternatives.
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  • Profile picture of the author mmoreal
    I submited 2 articles to EZA 4 days ago but they are still pending in queue. what happen?
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  • Profile picture of the author eppingvonryan
    I do not use them anymore but when i did i had multiple accounts with different pen names and email addresses ...
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by eppingvonryan View Post

      I do not use them anymore but when i did i had multiple accounts with different pen names and email addresses ...
      Just as well you're not using them any more, really, then. These days they enforce their "one person, one account" rule pretty strictly, and if you got caught with multiple accounts you'd very quickly have them all closed down anyway.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3506189].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    EZA is having a very hard time right now. They approved all my articles at once finally, after delaying an entire week. I don’t see many of my articles’ links sending traffic to my websites like before (through statcounter). I have many links from Google. This means that EZA needs support right now.

    I believe that if your account was suspended while you had your articles accepted you can politely demand your author rights, stating that you are aware of Google’s changes and your next articles will follow the new rules. However, you are not responsible for rewriting your articles if their editors were accepting them. EZA cannot kill you this way. You have the right to keep your position since you are innocent.

    Your next articles won’t be like the ones you rewrote, but you deserve to keep your author rights. It’s not your fault if their editors closed their eyes to your repetitions. Why should you waste your time writing something better if they were accepting whatever you would submit for publication? They cannot kill you now. You didn’t know that you shouldn’t submit low quality articles.

    Conclusion: since EZA is in a bad situation, you can easily recuperate your account if you’ll simply tell them that you will help them get back the traffic they lost with the new, very interesting articles, you intend to write for them. First of all you must demand your rights because you shouldn’t be in the position of a victim right now. It was not your fault. It was their fault. They were approving your ridiculous articles. You are not responsible for writing what they were approving. Then, tell them that for now on you’ll help them face the new challenge, with your new, improved articles.

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  • Profile picture of the author BonganiS
    They did that to me sometime ago thinking I had taken someone else's article. Fortunately, before posting to EZA I had posted the article to my blog. So when looking at the dates of posting, it became obvious that the guy had stolen the article from my blog.

    Find out the reason for suspending your account. You may find that the issue can be sorted.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Well, I got my account suspended too because they claim that I copied someone else.

    This is not true at all.

    So I asked them to re-activate my account which they did and a day later, they suspended it again. Maybe it is because I changed all the resource box links to new ones and that got them really mad because they had to do extra work.

    I Emailed them twice in the past 4 days and they have not gotten back to me. If they choose not to work with my and get my account LIVE again, I will move on and forget about them.
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  • Profile picture of the author wpo1408
    I agree, EA is giving a knee-jerk response to being Google-slapped and they are cheesing off a lot of their best article-writers.

    Behind The Smile ~ the Story of Lek, a Bar Girl in Pattaya, Thailand ~
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Harper
    It sounds like Ezine is being highly reactive here.

    Panic is never a good business model.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ducksauce
    In Post #30 on page 1 of this thread, 'Jeremy Kesall' said :
    "I don't think I would personally spend time doing anything if they suspended my account to be honest. There are other sources of traffic out there that are BETTER than EZA at the moment."

    Can he or someone else please give me, a newbie some tips please of these other sources?

    Thanks all in advance

    I love life an everything in it. Don't worry, be happy.

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    • Profile picture of the author TimG
      Originally Posted by Ducksauce View Post

      In Post #30 on page 1 of this thread, 'Jeremy Kesall' said :
      "I don't think I would personally spend time doing anything if they suspended my account to be honest. There are other sources of traffic out there that are BETTER than EZA at the moment."

      Can he or someone else please give me, a newbie some tips please of these other sources?

      Thanks all in advance
      Here are a few suggestions:

      Yahoo Answers.com

      Look for guest blogging opportunities - there are too many out there to list here.

      Write your articles with a focus on quality in order to increase their chances for syndication

      Repurpose your articles in to videos for Youtube (and other video sites). Also turn them into PDFs for submission to sites like Scribd.

      Find forums related to your niche and post quality content which will help brand you and drive traffic back to your site (provided you have a signature file).

      Make blog comments but not the spammy 3 sentences type - I mean quality comments.

      Also, if you don't want to submit to EZA you can still make comments on the articles already published. There is an opportunity there for minor traffic to your site.

      Hope those help get you started.

      Article Marketing Soldiers - The Best Selling Article Marketing Product On The Warrior Forum Is Now Looking For Affiliates! Make Over $25 Per Sale With This High Converting Product.

      Make More Money And Spend More Time With Your Family By Becoming A Scentsy Consultant - I Provide Personal Assistance And Help With Growing Your Business.
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  • Profile picture of the author zena lour
    i dont really know exactly whats going on with ezine
    they say that they are changing everything and i still see some people's 200some words articles getting approved till this day.

    ezine need to make up their mind about their TOS

    they dont need to be bending over backwards over google

    well i hope they reopen your account

    good luck
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  • Wow 1100 articles and they ban your account!! I am really sorry to hear about that. There are many other places to submit your articles as I know you are aware. Maybe if you ask them what their reasoning for doing this you can fix it and they will allow you to submit articles again. I did not realize until reading this thread that this seems to be an issue many people. I am in the process of writing some articles right now and am wondering whether to submit to them or not. They are not the only fish in the sea.
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    • Profile picture of the author wpo1408
      I have 986 500+ word articles at EZA.
      I was reduced to Basic on Wednesday 9th.
      I had 22 articles awaiting approval (I was writing 4 a day) and they rejected 6 for not being original enough. I had never had a rejection before.
      I did not agree and said I would not rewrite them.
      On Thursday my a/c was suspended.
      Behind The Smile ~ the Story of Lek, a Bar Girl in Pattaya, Thailand ~
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  • Profile picture of the author Vyliss
    I've had mine suspended many times too. For dumb things or for articles thatwere approved in the past. Ezinearticles is so not worth the trouble anymore.
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  • Profile picture of the author luvtrees
    That's some nerve to ban accounts with over 1000 articles, when those articles were all approved by them previously.

    Nowadays, if I spend 2 hours writing an amazing article, I am sure as hell not going to give it to them to make money off of, I'm posting it to my own site. If you just want backlinks, there's always Goarticles, Articlesbase, ArticleDashboard, ArticleBiz and a bunch of others, no need to submit to EZA anymore, especially when it takes longer to submit to them.
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    • Profile picture of the author wpo1408
      You know, the funny thing is, EZA are running around like headless chickens, down-grading and suspending a/c's and rejecting articles, while Knol, Google's own article database has happily accepted all the articles that I sent to EZA, but which were rejected there for lack of original content (ie I had said something similar in a previous article or two.

      Knol wasn't downgraded though was it?
      Behind The Smile ~ the Story of Lek, a Bar Girl in Pattaya, Thailand ~
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  • Profile picture of the author Jess Baylon
    EZA has been too dependent with adsense for their income. They should have anticipated this a long time ago. They have been enjoying the fruits of our labor for a long time that they have become complacent.

    Now that google has slapped their website, they panicked.

    I don't know what kind of people they have in their management team but suspending or banning authors left and right just to appease google won't do any good for their business. If they thought the solution they came up is already the best way to handle the situation then they'll be in for a lot more trouble. I hope someone with the right management skills in their team can come with a better solution to handle their predicament.

    To EZA: Stop panicking! Remember that we, the authors are the lifeblood of your business. You don't kill the goose that lays the golden egg, right? If google slaps you, then find another way! But, please, don't just arbitrarily ban or suspend accounts without giving any reason just because your adsense earnings has drastically gone down. We have high respect for you, but the way you handle things right now, it leaves so much to be desired.

    *[/B] If you want Original and Quality Articles written at the Cheapest Cost Then Join Our Article Alliance! Click Here:

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  • Profile picture of the author Nikhil V Nair
    Originally Posted by sree94 View Post

    For some unknown reason, EZA has suspended my account

    I had submitted 1100 articles to them, and on most occasions, they got approved right away
    Sorry to hear that, but this is what I think about your suspension

    1) The Niche: Registry clean. One of the niches(along with enlargement, run car on water, watch TV on PC etc) affiliates used ruthlessly and now authorities(google,EZA,Squidoo,Hubpages etc) are really careful about.

    2) Many of your articles are really short that may not be satisfying their guidelines.

    Since you had many live articles, they might not have carefully reviewed many of your articles before approval.

    Just my thoughts

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  • Profile picture of the author roley
    Originally Posted by sree94 View Post

    For some unknown reason, EZA has suspended my account

    I had submitted 1100 articles to them, and on most occasions, they got approved right away

    It is not a big deal to me anyway. I don't use EZA for backlinks at all, just to get human eyes to read my content. But I think it is kind of stupid for them to suspend me when THEY were the ones who approved my content!

    I think their "tough guy" stance will be shortlived. See, Google can be sanctimonious and ban a bunch of Adwords users who spent $400 a day because they get revenue from Fortune 500 companies. How many Fortune 500 companies are putting their articles on EZA?
    I wouldnt worry it was only a matter of time. EZA is crapping their pants right now as sites like Ehow, about.com, huffintonpost and many others are being cracked down on by google classing them Content Farms

    They are a mission to push out sites
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3516162].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Vic Carrara
    On a similar vein, I had my signature refused by EZA because it linked to one of my sites which promoted software that they didn't like ... The article was fine, as it was accepted after I changed my signature - it was just the website which is a legit site selling software many of us use ...
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  • Profile picture of the author lottomasta
    Interesting ....

    EZA suspends my account, tells me my articles are no longer acceptable ...

    BUT, continues to leave them live so they can collect Adsense income.

    Am I the only one that has a problem with this?

    50 articles with 1,317,999 views - my articles could not have been that bad.

    Talking nicely to EZA got me nowhere; today I deleted all 50 articles and will reuse on my own blogs.

    Since just about every article had been used elsewhere (more proof of quality!), better start some re-writes now ...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3550253].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wpo1408
      Same for me, 986, a/c suspended but not deleted.
      Reason for problem?
      Some of my articles are similar to some of my articles.
      Behind The Smile ~ the Story of Lek, a Bar Girl in Pattaya, Thailand ~
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3550620].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Vic Carrara
      Originally Posted by lottomasta View Post

      Interesting ....

      EZA suspends my account, tells me my articles are no longer acceptable ...

      BUT, continues to leave them live so they can collect Adsense income.

      Am I the only one that has a problem with this?

      50 articles with 1,317,999 views - my articles could not have been that bad.

      Talking nicely to EZA got me nowhere; today I deleted all 50 articles and will reuse on my own blogs.

      Since just about every article had been used elsewhere (more proof of quality!), better start some re-writes now ...
      I was told that I could no longer use this particular website in my links, but as you, they kept all my previous articles and links the same.

      My account is still live, so I use it to promote other sites. Submitted an article over a week ago though, and still waiting to read whether it has been accepted.
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  • Profile picture of the author aaronngoh
    Perhaps it is time to move out from EZA and look for other alternatives

    There are many other article directories to focus on
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  • Profile picture of the author Hamida Harland
    Originally Posted by Chris Kent View Post

    I've never understood why EZA don't like pen1s enlargement articles. They've mentioned this before but I see the niche as being a subset of cosmetic enhancement.

    There's nothing negative about it.
    The niche itself wasn't the problem - it was the articles that were being submitted in that particular niche. There were authors there submitting up to 20 articles a day, all saying the exact same thing. It was probably the worst niche for almost entirely derivative content.

    I once reported an author who had submitted the same article rewritten 10 times (the title and content were almost exactly the same each time) - they did nothing about it. Looks like EZA have learnt their lesson now though.
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  • Profile picture of the author parsibagan
    Sorry to bump this post, but yesterday, my son's platinum Ezine account got suspended as well. He has sent an email to them, but I have requested him to forget and move ahead in life. Ezine is not the end of the world.
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  • Profile picture of the author jebjeb
    Originally Posted by sree94 View Post

    For some unknown reason, EZA has suspended my account

    I had submitted 1100 articles to them, and on most occasions, they got approved right away

    It is not a big deal to me anyway. I don't use EZA for backlinks at all, just to get human eyes to read my content. But I think it is kind of stupid for them to suspend me when THEY were the ones who approved my content!

    I think their "tough guy" stance will be shortlived. See, Google can be sanctimonious and ban a bunch of Adwords users who spent $400 a day because they get revenue from Fortune 500 companies. How many Fortune 500 companies are putting their articles on EZA?
    No loss!!

    I just opened a account with them, I had a 800 word article and all original content, and no spelling issues and little if any punctuation problems.

    they disapproved my article, after waiting 4 days to get approval.

    I asked them why, and got no response!!

    When people act like that, the word travels fast especially online!!

    Who needs them!

    There are plenty of article sites in Alexas top 1,000 and Google lives on them.

    Later Ezinesssssss!!! lol
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  • Profile picture of the author siddhu
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    • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
      Originally Posted by siddhu View Post

      Yesterday I have received an email from EZA " Hello Somen Siddhanta,
      Thank you for your submission to EzineArticles.com titled "Web Design Advice For Novices" (7319661).
      We would like to help you get this article approved but there is an issue which needs to be resolved first.
      Your article does not adhere to the following Editorial Guideline: Section 1.b.i

      Your article contains content which is an exact match or substantially similar to material attributed to another author/source here: We have placed your account in suspended status and all your pending articles are on hold until this issue is resolved. We require that all submitted articles be either original articles written by you or articles to which you have an exclusive right to. Please keep in mind that to have an exclusive right to an article, only your name may be associated with it. If you purchased this article as part of a pack or received it from a distributor/affiliate site, so have others so you do not have an exclusive right to it. Can you please explain the above? What is the source of your article? "

      What should I do now? I have posted 45 articles.
      This is easy. Just tell them the source of your article. Is the article an original work?

      What they are telling you is that your submitted article is way too similar to an article they've seen before. Without actually saying it directly, they are hinting strongly that this is PLR article that's been making the rounds on the Internet.

      You need to contact them directly and straighten this out.

      "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
      - Jim Rohn
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7141844].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by siddhu View Post

        What should I do now? I have posted 45 articles.
        ^^^ As RoD says (post #136).

        One possible approach, that may get you out of trouble if you have actually submitted a PLR article or something similar to them, is to throw your hands up in horror with a touch of the "mea culpa" and tell them that you simply made a terrible mistake, were using the PLR article for another purpose altogether, got them mixed up and submitted the wrong one to them, and that it's something you'll take great care never to do again, and that in fact it's been such an alarming experience for you that you'll never have anything to do with PLR again for the rest of your life.

        It can work.

        I appreciate that that may not necessarily be the exact problem here, but whatever you do, make sure you understand clearly yourself exactly what the problem was here, so that you can apologize for it appropriately and make it look like you know what you did wrong!

        (What was the source of your article, anyway?)
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  • Profile picture of the author wpo1408
    I agree with Rod.
    Tell them where you got it from and offer to delete it
    Behind The Smile ~ the Story of Lek, a Bar Girl in Pattaya, Thailand ~
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  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    I can hardly believe they suspend an account with over 1.1k articles published there.... Maybe you can try to reach them to address the problem, I'm positive you'll get the account back once it's solved..

    For best hostel in malang https://bedpackers.com & mold inspectors orlando : https://waterdamagerestorationorland...d-inspections/

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  • Profile picture of the author HarryBee
    wow , i think they are trippping big time, i have never liked ezine articles.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarcusJohnson
    I am sorry to know that, well, me too have been banned a couple of times but I always use a pen name so it doesn't hurt that much. And talking about over a thousand articles without prior notice or any warning from them is really disappointing. You may try contacting them or might as well check out other article directories. Besides they're not the only article directory that can bring more web presence to your site, there are others too which gives as much results as EZA.
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  • Profile picture of the author marketwarrior06
    In Case of EZA I am the worst person in this world.
    They activated my account. But I didn't use it for more than 2 months. Suddenly one day I saw that my account is suspended.
    I reactivated the account. Still now I don't have the privilege to post an article
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  • Profile picture of the author siddhu
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7142596].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      It's very mysterious and unfortunate, then. I think you need to contact them, and just tell them that, perhaps mentioning that you wrote it yourself and that you'd be interested to see exactly what the content is which they feel is "an exact match or substantially similar to material attributed to another author/source" there. :confused:

      I wish you good luck in resolving it.

      It really isn't easy to imagine how this can happen. So much so that I'm wondering if they might have made a mistake? They're pretty human and will admit it openly, I think, if they have.

      (Just curious, but why do you feel the need to check with Copyscape articles which you've written yourself? It's not something I've ever done ...).
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    Or as an alternative, would you like to post the article here Siddhu? Let's see if it's actually unique...
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  • Profile picture of the author Adenan
    if your account got suspended, what happen to all of your 1100 approved articles there?
    still alive or get removed from the site?
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    Do you own any of the following sites? Here is where it is showing up:


    All of those sites are hosting the article, all without a resource box. So there is no chance of them being syndicated by you. Only one of these website owners can be the original author.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7142882].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by Joseph Robinson View Post

      All of those sites are hosting the article, all without a resource box. So there is no chance of them being syndicated by you. Only one of these website owners can be the original author.
      The mystery is resolved, it seems.

      I thought you said you wrote this article, and owned all the rights to it, Siddhu?! Might it be that you bought it from a "writer" who pretended to write it for you and actually owes you "an explanation" (not to mention a refund)?!

      If that's the case, you're not the first person to whom that's happened, and you can explain the situation to EZA, apologize for it, assure them it'll never happen again because you'll never use that writer again and will check much more carefully in future, and all will be well, I think.

      Alternatively, if you did write it yourself and all those other people have stolen it from you, unattributed, in-between your publishing it and your submitting it to EZA, just tell them that instead. It will also not be the first time that's happened, and of course they do understand that it's possible.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    The article isn't on that site. It's on the sites mentioned above, and all but whynotsolar.org attribute the article to Andrew Wilson. So are you sure it's your article? Did you write it yourself or buy it from a writer?

    Right now, it's looking like you're kind of SOL.
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  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    Yeah, just went through a version of that myself. Turns out I had 2 accounts and they suspended both and customer service, though a series of 4 emails, got me back on track. Wish you luck my friend....

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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    Yes I did abpout 4 years ago. Couldn't beleive it. I wrote hundreds of high qulaity articles and then one day bam..banned.

    I didn't bother even asking them. It's useless now anyway.

    Banned from G adwords (they classed my site as affiliate when it wasn't)

    Limited by paypal becaue of a few chargebacks....

    No wonder I gave up I.M.

    Talk about chasing your tail.

    15 Minute Forex Bar Trading System Free at

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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    It's just how it is on the Net. They treat small business , especially IMers like a number. Ban 200+ per day they send canned responses out. They just do not have the manpower to look into individual cases.

    Think long and hard if this is how you want to do business.

    Oh man, I do hate when that happens. It leaves you scratching your head like WTF side of the bed did their reviewers get up on THIS time??

    Not only is it annoying, it is such a TOTAL waste of time having to submit, resubmit, resubmit and maybe get it accepted on the FIFTH try.

    And "if" it still holds true that we're supposed to wait until the infamous eza gods accept and approve the article first before submitting them elsewhere, well doesn't that just hold up the whole process.

    You know, now that I think about it, I think that's why I stopped doing so many articles a while back and starting looking for other ways to generate backlinks and recognition - i.e., Video.
    So I think I'm going to try something... just out of plain ol' curiousity. I'm going to submit the article to ideamarketers first THEN submit it eza and see what happens. If they say, "It's already been published elsewhere," I'll come back, 'Well, snooze you lose. You just take too long to approve and accept them because you're too *()^%* worried about Google!"

    15 Minute Forex Bar Trading System Free at

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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    I can see it from thier point of view as well.

    I know we are all honest and ethical biz people (:0 ) but I'll bet for every one of us there are 100+ trying to "game" the system (cheat,lie,look for loopholes, spam,scam,you name it) So they become jaded and have to lump eveyone together with created "systems".

    Google, paypal, Ebay, CPA networks, all the same. Probably flooded with complaints all day long.

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  • Profile picture of the author jclindayag
    Hi sree94!

    I know some people who have the same situation as you. As far as I know, Ezine Articles has changed their system in order to keep up with the pace of the latest algorithmic changes in Google. They have become more strict in terms of quality and backlinking.

    Before they are able to accept spun versions of articles but today, they are not allowing it anymore. In you case, I don't know what seems to be the problem. But anyway, I just want to share the update about the system in Ezine.

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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by jclindayag View Post

      Hi sree94!
      Sree94 made his post in early 2011 (and hasn't posted here at all since May).
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