Cool (Free) Resource For Wanna-Be Bloggers

3 replies
I came across this guy Yaro Starak's website a couple of weeks ago. He's an Australian blogger (he may post here for all I know) who writes about entrepreneurship, blogging, and business. He has a free report called the "Blog Profits Blueprint" where he outlines strategies for creating, developing a readership and ultimately profiting from a blog. Definitely worth checking out if you're new to blogging and want to build a successful one. If you're already making money blogging, you may know most of this stuff, but still some great tips on coming up with content, IMO. You can grab the report from his website below. (And no, I don't know the guy or anything )

Internet Business Blog - by Yaro Starak
#blog #bloggers #blogging #cool #free #make money blogging #resource #wannabe
  • Profile picture of the author Tim Dixon
    I've been following Yaro for a while now, enjoy his posts immensely.

    I don't think he posts here, but I could be wrong.

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    • Profile picture of the author melanied
      Yeah, since I've been becoming more involved with the blogosphere, I've noticed a definite divide between people who consider themselves part of the "blogging" world and people that consider themselves part of the "internet marketing" world. Yaro is definitely of the "blogging" world!

      He's got great information about blogging - good stuff!
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  • Profile picture of the author grumpyjacksa
    yes, he has responded here........

    along with a few other legends.........

    as warriors we have the privilege of being in the company of greatness.....
    Ex-ghostwriter now writing exclusive PLR ebooks - Limited PLR Club
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