Need some conversion help!
Quick background:
Been internet marketing for six years, but most of that has been for online gambling with lots of referalls and offline techniques.
I am just now having my first successes with natural seo based internet marketing. Let me tell you where I am at:
Currently my site is getting about 40 to 50 unique visitors per day that are finding specific product pages on my website. So say for example they search for "Blue Widget XL 552" and find that particular page.
Of these unique visitors I am getting about 30% of them to exit the site through the "purchase now" button. I cannot sell these products directly on my site so I have to refer them to the vendor's site.
I am finding an order rate of about two to three percent...So basically at this point I am finding I need anywhere from 35 to 50 people to exit the site to get an order.
Does that sound low? High? Sometimes to me it seems low but I am not sure what my strategy should be:
1. Really work on product landing pages and increase exit link rate.
2. Its all a numbers game, just get more traffic (by adding more products) so you get more people exiting to the vendors site.
Any insight as to where I stand and what the next step should be? My current goal is to get one order per day and then build from there.
Benoit Tremblay