Yet Another Blog Question -- Regarding SEO

by esr
1 replies
I just saw a post on another forum where the OP suggests that you add meta tags to your blog and also a Google Sitemap.

Since he also suggested that you use Blogger, I assume you can do these with Blogger, but how?

I assume the meta tags can be added via the HTML editor in each post, right?

But, how do you add a Google site map? Would you simply link to it? And if so, can it be linked through another domain?
#blog #question #seo
  • Profile picture of the author grumpyjacksa
    he was obviously referring to free blogs.

    on blogger, you can add meta tags into your template html. you can create a sitemap, but you will have to update it regularly.

    on the other hand, if you use self hosted wordpress, you can use the all in one seo plugin, allowing you a title, description and keywords for the whole blog AND every post, and you can use a google sitemap plugin that will automatically update itself on the fly.

    if you don't want tp pay for hosting just yet, go to 110mb hosting - they offer a good free package

    for a better url, go to after you created your blog, and get a redirect to

    you will have access to all the wonderful things wordpress can offer. you will never look at blogger again.

    just my 0.02c......
    Ex-ghostwriter now writing exclusive PLR ebooks - Limited PLR Club
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