Yahoo! Answers traffic.

7 replies
When I first read about getting traffic via Yahoo! Answers, I thought it was genius. It was a place where people were asking questions about my market and I could answer them with content from my site. Within 1 hour of posting my first batch of answers, I got my first hostgator commission.

But there is a problem. As most of you know, once you post your link a few times in an answer, it is bound to get flagged as spam, therefore getting your account suspended.

I have read that in order to not get suspended/banned, you have to post a link about 1 in 10 answers. It seems like that almost makes it useless to use for traffic. Has anyone else experienced this? What do you do to avoid this?
#answers #traffic #yahoo
  • Profile picture of the author Kierkegaard
    I've never been flagged for spam and I leave my link every single time.

    I did build my score up first though so perhaps I've got a lot of credit in the bank with them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bozigian
    I use Yahoo Answers as one source of traffic but dont expect people to buy from your website,

    On the questions that I answer. I give a very detailed answer and about 75% of the time, it gets marked as "best answer"

    at the bottom where it says resource box.

    I put the name of my website in http://www.

    I have done this about 37 times and have not gotten any sales.

    I answers somtimes one quesiotn right after another giving my website as the resource.

    Maybe I do not get flagged as spam because I actually give the person who asked the questio, a very good and detailed answer
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    • Profile picture of the author DanielEngland
      I've never considered this marketing strategy but now you've brought it up I think I'll give it a go. Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Williams
    I got suspended after breaking 4000 answers

    It was quite sad, then I made a new account and continued on. Ended up with about 250 yahoo! answers accounts before deciding to change traffic techniques.
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesPenn
    I've used Yahoo Answers effectively in the past - but I was kind of naive when I did it.

    Over the course of about 5-6 days, I answered about 80 questions. Each of the questions asked something specific and I provided a link to a post on my health blog that helped solve their issue.

    Here's my Yahoo Answers traffic stats for the past three years and a few days:

    In total it took me about three or four hours to answer so many questions since I was just posting a link to my blog and saying something like "here, this should help you out..."

    Within the week my account had been banned.

    But, for those three hours of work, I've generated over 3,000 highly targeted unique visitors - so 1,000 uniques per hour of work.

    I'm happy to work for that.

    And I'm still getting 2-3 visits per day from Yahoo Answers traffic.

    Let's say that you can now only post a link in 1/10 answers. That would mean instead of getting 1,000 visitors for an hours work, you'd get 100.

    Now what if for each visitor you generated $0.25. That's $25 per hour. Would you work for that?

    If not, why not hire someone else to do it for you for $10 per hour? Or even less if you want to hire someone from the Philippines or India.

    As with any traffic strategy, give it a go, see how it works for you and then if it works great then scale it up.

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  • I think it will work well, as long as you don't keep posting the same link. Try to mix it up with links from other websites as well.

    Apart from that, make sure your answers are detailed, and list your website as the source. Don't just post a short answer, and tell the person to refer to your website.

    The answer to the question should be in your post, and your websites is just a reference.
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