Is this a "hack?" on my site??!!! (please help :)
I was working on one of my wordpress sites today, changed the theme, checked the footer, added some adsense, etc. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Everything was working fine, looking great..
I click on my site, and also wp-admin and get a parse syntax error message for WP-Config.php line 76.
I compare that file with another wp-config.php on a different site and the only difference is ... there's a weird <i-frame> tacked at the bottom (which when opened in browser goes to google home page)
the iframe starts with:
1ytr4(dot)com/index.php?tp=fe9676f8675d022e" width="1" height="1" frameborder="0"></iframe> (I took out the http to post here)
so I take the iframe out and upload a new copy - then notice.. ALL THE FILES HAVE BEEN CHANGED with this iframe added at the bottom.
Is this a popular Hack?? Is there an easy fix for this? Or, do I have to manually go in and edit each one..
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