The Easiest Place To Start Making Money Online Is...

by 12 replies

Yep, that's right! you might have been expecting something else?

Well let me explain...

Over the last year, I've been doing a lot of cool stuff that I never thought I would be. Jan 4, 2010 my deli opened here in Orlando and we're now a Top 50 rated restaurant in Orlando.

I also started taking my business much more seriously and focusing on my PASSION which is product creation in the IM niche.

The funny part about this whole thing is this all seems just so simple looking back...but it took me a long time to really get something going and out there.

Sure, I've created products before...

But I didn't spend all my working moments focusing on launching, creating, and systemitizing my processes until about 5 months ago.

See...back in December, I hit a milestone.

My deli was about a year old, growing steadily, and I had more time to spend intellectually plotting out my business. In 2009 and 1st half of 2010, I spent my time growing my list of prospects through Free WSOs and Adswaps and while I made decent money doing this, I wasn't having a lot of fun.

I didn't really spend my time focused on the things that I would just do because I loved them.

That's the secret: build a business around something you'd do for free just because you love it...

Now, I'm sure many will disagree and that's great...the whole of a forum is to be open, honest, and get other people's opinion...and I'm by no means anywhere in the same breath as the smartest people on this whatever.

But to me, everything changed when I started building more products, setting them up, finding ways to do it faster w/o reducing quality, and just learning new stuff I could teach to people who didn't have quite the curiosity level that I did.

And you know what...I started hooking up with more people.

1. More People wanted to work with me.
2. I met more friends through my customer lists.
3. I got increased sales from my list b/c my passion shone through.
4. And Overall, I was a hell of a lot happier.

In my opinion, many people out here on the forum are looking at this business wrong.

We're in the information way or another. We get paid because we have the information.

It really doesn't matter if you're building adsense stuff or offline're paid for your information.

Who the hell wants to learn information on a subject they don't like?

Want to get more money? Learn more information...

Want to learn more information? Do something you like...

By that logic...

Earn more money= Do Something you like...

Now some might disagree again...but that's cool. If you're reading this right now to this point, hopefully you're starting to see the power of loving what you do.

And maybe internet marketing isn't something you love...

That's the scope of your what you love and you'll make more money.

The economy won't affect you b/c you'll be better than others.
You'll adapt when technology changes...

And most importantly, you'll get a lot more people being magnetically and cosmically placed into your life to help you get ahead, live a more rich lifestyle, and have more "wealth" (not money...wealth...big difference) into your life.

I hope this makes a difference for you and if not, thanks for spending the time reading it.


#main internet marketing discussion forum #easiest #making #money #online #place #start
  • Great Post. Follow Your Passion...Happiness Or Money) Follows
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Hey Brad, I agree it's a heck of a lot easier to do something you love, of course if you're goal is to make money in the process you need to think about that as well.

    ...if you're thinking, "but I don't love anything that will make me money online"

    Then you're simply not trying hard enough to figure out what you like doing, it could be a business model like Brad likes product creation - it doesn't have to be a specific niche

    Awesome stuff Brad, I'm glad you shared that
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Most definitely - You have to be passionate if you want longevity.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [2] replies
    • Wholeheartedly agree, many people just chase after money and realize they hate what it is they are trying to succeed with financially.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • hmmm follow my passion, how come i didnt think of that.

      if i were following my passion i would be somewhere in a recording studio recording my songs.

      but internet marketing is my new passion now.. things change but you must always have a dream to work for.

      great post though

      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Sage advice, Brad. Excellent discussion...

    Following your passion can be a great starting point.

    And that is certainly what I started with...I followed my passion.

    But your passion may not be profitable. I think it has to be a profitable passion.

    And others need to be passionate about it as well. Does that make sense?

    If no-one is interested in your cannot market to anyone.

    You need to have a passion that others are interested in as well.

    Seems like you picked some great niches.

    Keep following your passion, Brad, it will only get better!

    I have always said:

    Have passion and then take action!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Great post Brad! Makes total sense. I agree with you... By doing something you love you'll be SO much happier and richer and fulfilled every day of your life - things no amount of money can buy...
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I couldn't agree more! Its way to easy to let IM become just a job instead of combining it with your passion and having fun with it.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Well here's the thing...there's so many passions out there that surely one of yours will be profitable.

      Rarely, do people enjoy something that thousands of other people don't enjoy as well.

      For example.

      1. If there's a magazine then it's a profitable niche.
      2. If there are authority sites, it's profitable.
      3. If there are catalog companies it's profitable.

      I mean those are just a few "common sense" niche/passion finding ideas that I have.

      Thanks for spreading your good energy on this thread. I was worried this message was going to get lost on people...that's part of the reason I don't post as much in the main discussion forum is because the last few times I've spent writing important one replies so I appreciate you taking the time to reply.


      • [1] reply
  • Hey Brad,

    Thanks for starting this thread. You're totally spot-on with this and I wish everyone on the planet were doing what they loved to do. Without being all esoteric or anything, I reckon the world would be such a better place.

    Talk soon,


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