Vendors - What Do You Use To Sell Your Info Products?

Daniel Scott
Profile picture of Daniel Scott
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
1 replies
Hi guys,

A lot of people have been saying something is up with Clickbank lately. I don't want to stay with a network that will shaft my affiliates, and am thinking of moving.

However, I would like fellow Warriors to give me some input on what they use and what is good for them.

I have tested CB against (using PayPal) and found that CB pulled WAY better than PDC - something like 3 times better (just for an order link! Crazy, no?).

However I'm wondering if anyone else out there has a different suggestion or a solution that I might be inclined to try.

What do you use? What kind of results do you get? Do you check shopping cart abandonment, and if so, what general rates do you get with your system?

Thanks in advance. Hopefully we can use this thread to generate some solid information about the better ways to process funds and manage affiliates.

#info #products #sell #vendors
  • Profile picture of the author joblythe
    Profile picture of joblythe
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    If you want a great system which will handle everything from Sales Pages, OTO's, Give Aways, auto Opt-Ins, affiliate management, instant affiliate commission rates and payments, JV's, Equity Partners et all -- go no further than RAP (Rapid Action Profits).

    If you ever decide and want an affiliate link just PM me.

    All the best . . .

    (P.S. Sid - can I have a job?)

    Kind Regards
    Auntie Jo

    Back Up Your Filez! or how about a . .PLR Pack! . . and an OTO Link Manager!

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