Outsourcing Dilema - Paid but now no contact
I am curious about what you guys would do. Last Sunday I paid a outsourcing here from the warrior for hire section to write 10 articles for me.
He said they would be finished on Thursday. Well Thursday came and went, no articles and no email. So Friday I sent him a email and a Skype message. Nothing.
If he needed more time, that is not a problem. But I would expect an email saying something like, "Sorry dude, accepted more work than I can handle at the moment. It is going to take me another week." But I got nothing.
On Monday sent another email and a PM. I simply said once again. "Just looking for an update. Let me know something"
And once again I have heard nothing from him. I don't think it is too much to ask to drop a quick note and say the articles are coming. Not hearing anything is making me wonder if he plans to actually finish the articles.
What would you guys do?
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"DO or DO NOT. There is NO try!" -- Yoda
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"DO or DO NOT. There is NO try!" -- Yoda