Is Any Warrior Making Money from eBay, or at least Still Interested In How To Do It?

eric w
Profile picture of eric w
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130 replies
Everyone is chasing what's hot and flashy at the, backlinks, adsense, wp plug-ins.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm getting my share from some of these markets:rolleyes:

but a resource that has kind of went by the wayside still has, in my experience, all of those requirements for easy

-major targeted traffic (overwhelming majority ready to buy)
-instant traffic/buyers who've purchased before
-people with money in hand (paypal), ready to buy
-open 24hrs
-etc, etc.

eBay has been a cash cow for me for the last few years, but look on the warrior forum and you're hard pressed to find an eBay wso, or even alot of info on making money with eBay

So, my question to you......Are any of you still making money from eBay?

Are you interested in learning how to make money on eBay?

Do you think eBay has become a "scam haven" with a bunch of china made products (eyephones, fake louis vuitton, etc.) bought from sites like DHgate?

Let's hear it.....
#ebay #interested #making #money #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author lotsofsnow
    Profile picture of lotsofsnow
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That's great that eBay is making money for you. You might be very lonely with that. As far as I know eBay makes money. Whether anybody else really makes money is more than questionable.

    I tried it a few years ago. Made it to power seller within 4 weeks. Result money wise: Everything eaten up by fees.

    But if it works for you: Cool. Continue.

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  • Profile picture of the author bbqhotgamesb
    Profile picture of bbqhotgamesb
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    I've been making some money via the ebay partner network. I am currently working on using the API to get a better site up. The sad thing is that it does make money, and this is with minimal effort. It's just my laziness that has stopped really getting the full potential.

    The API is incredibly powerful, but also large and unwieldy. They have consistency issues and getting all the data with smart caching and the like requires a fair bit of programmatic effort.

    I'll be sure to let you know how I go though.

    In terms of just buying and selling on eBay, not really interested, too much walking to the post office...
  • Profile picture of the author fanimal
    Profile picture of fanimal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Exactly the fees are way too much on Ebay. I always thought they just take the listing fee. I learned it the hard way after I sold couple of items.
    • Profile picture of the author Stuart Macfarlane
      Stuart Macfarlane
      Profile picture of Stuart Macfarlane
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      Originally Posted by fanimal View Post

      Exactly the fees are way too much on Ebay. I always thought they just take the listing fee. I learned it the hard way after I sold couple of items.
      They are reviewing and reducing fees in May 2011

      Also the more you sell and the higher level you gain on eBay the higher your discount becomes on your fees.

      I think the top level gives you a 30% discount on all listing and final value fees.
      • Profile picture of the author Stuart Macfarlane
        Stuart Macfarlane
        Profile picture of Stuart Macfarlane
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        ps: I started producing and selling vinyl stickers on eBay and I'm doing pretty well. It's not serious money but then I've only got around 25 stickers on eBay...

        I've also got the same stickers listed on eBid which is a UK alternative and thats done zero sales!

        To make money on eBay you need to make sure your profit per item is greater then your listing and final value fee and that you sell at least 1 of every product per month to make it viable.

        I'm considering just going into production of Vinyl stickers and offering a drop shipping service to other eBayers.
  • Profile picture of the author Fernando1954
    Profile picture of Fernando1954
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes been my main source of income for last 2 years,it's like everything else you have to choose right niche and maketing to make it pay.

    Only down side is can be a lot of hassle sometimes with very demanding customers.I sell the same items on my web site and very seldom get complaints but ebay is very different ball game.

    The good side is it puts your products in front of a large buying audience, just wish i could get the same amount of sales on my web site.

    Thing is they feel safe when buying from ebay compared to a normal web site and as some of my items are high ticket the site doesn't generate anywhere near same amount of sales as ebay.
  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    Profile picture of sloanjim
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    yeah looked into it several times...even tried it but i can't see an edge at all. Fees. ebay and paypal eat up your profits and then there are the customers.....who play you like a puppet. I bailed.

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  • Profile picture of the author premiumplr
    Profile picture of premiumplr
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The changes ebay has implemented in the recent years has caused many sellers to bail. Between 1998 and 2003, 90% of my income was from ebay, but I wouldn't sell a stick of gum there now. Say what you will about Meg Whitman, when she was there ebay rocked!

    But that is just my opinion and experience. If you're in the right niche it's still a goldmine from the exposure alone. Also there are other online marketplaces like that are doing very well and attracting top sellers. So if you were considering offering a product about making money with ebay, perhaps you could expand it to include other marketplaces?

    Just a thought.
    • Profile picture of the author niffybranco
      Profile picture of niffybranco
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Ebay was the first place i made money online and i still make a healthy residual income from ebay every month like clockwork , I joined ebay after the ban on digital products and after the fees were changed which for me was a good thing , the fees structure has changed again , now you do not pay listing fees for your first 50 auction listings a month which is a good thing for any newbie who is worried about listing fees. You can check out my WSO in my sig i explained the methods i use to profit from ebay inside.
  • Profile picture of the author Apollo-Articles
    Profile picture of Apollo-Articles
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    My problem with Ebay is that they wont accept you if you have any other advertising (of any kind clickbank, adsense ect) on your website.

    So I'd first have to build a quality website with no advertising and then wait a while to apply.

  • Profile picture of the author AdmiralGloom
    Profile picture of AdmiralGloom
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I still have a closet full or ebay stuff. Slowly working my collection down.

    I have noticed my sales have dropped, but an extra $50-$100 every week or so helps.
  • Profile picture of the author Rob Marr
    Rob Marr
    Profile picture of Rob Marr
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    I stopped along time ago because of the fees...the powerseller status doesn't really benefit you in any way. They make it sound you're special but in the end you still need to pay your fees.
  • Profile picture of the author Tim Franklin
    Tim Franklin
    Profile picture of Tim Franklin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ditto on much of what has been said, Ebay was the first site where I made a good profit started out in 1999 selling auction items from a local auction house, did really well then things just changed, the cost of shipping just keeps going up and up and the fees keep going up, later I made some good revenue as an affiliate then ebay changed the way they pay out and my affiliate pay flatlined, (sadly and allegedly this looks like it was planned by ebay) as a method of phasing out an effective affiliate policy, strange behavior over all I have stopped doing business with ebay and even paypal is now developing hiccups that are irritating to me, I really wonder about who is in charge of this FUBAR mess over at ebay and when they will hire someone to repair the mess they have.

    One thing is for sure Amazon is kicking their butts.
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    • Profile picture of the author Diane S
      Diane S
      Profile picture of Diane S
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      Originally Posted by Tim Franklin View Post

      ... I made some good revenue as an affiliate then ebay changed the way they pay out and my affiliate pay flatlined, (sadly and allegedly this looks like it was planned by ebay) as a method of phasing out an effective affiliate policy, strange behavior over all I have stopped doing business with ebay...
      I was also making good money - for a newbie - through the eBay partner network. Then came the day when eBay decided it was being too generous to its affiliates in comparison with other similar sites. It went from paying $25 everytime someone created an eBay account after visiting your website to their strange "We will pay you what we feel like for every new account" - during those months I was getting $37 a sign-up and my ePN sites were nothing special. Then a few months later it eliminated all sign up payouts and started paying a paltry amount per click which is mysteriously tied to item sales. I still have a small network of epn sites that pay their own rent, and turn enough profit to pay all my hosting and registration costs for my entire IM empire. So I keep them, and I keep renewing them, and I keep adding more auctions to them.

      ePN used to be a great way for a newbie to get some quick income while learning more about IM. Sadly those days are gone...
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      • Profile picture of the author John Durham
        John Durham
        Profile picture of John Durham
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        My firends ebay site does about 5k per month. In fact we just hired some people from here on the wf Trini and Jason EIV to help us take it to the next level! Going to the top. Some of his competitors do 30k per mth.... (Wallpaper).
      • Profile picture of the author premiumplr
        Profile picture of premiumplr
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        Originally Posted by Diane S View Post

        I was also making good money ..."We will pay you what we feel like for every new account" ... those days are gone...
        Boy did you bring up bad memories. I think I'd repressed that one. . I remember that was the beginning of the end. That whole " We'l determine the value of the customer and pay you that amount" was a load of malarkey.

        Within 3 months the new feedback changes went into effect and then those DSRs.
  • Profile picture of the author Murt@gh
    Profile picture of Murt@gh
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    As a few others have said, the fee's are just too much for my liking. I do sell stuff on there from time to time, but I just sell stuff I no longer want.
    • Profile picture of the author eric w
      eric w
      Profile picture of eric w
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thanks everyone for all of the great feedback! "premiumplr", yeah, that was the plan. I'm thinking of doing an ebay case study. I was selling 1 type of product and only 1 version of it (there are hundreds of types of these and it's one of the most searched items on ebay and the internet)

      I was doing an ebay arbitrage, making good money..mainly last year..I did $6,900 plus in august 2010.

      Actually, you never have to leave your home to do it..even though I did..and despite the Michigan weather, I don't mind going to the post office.

      The start up cost can be $50 on up.

      Anyway, I definitely appreciate the feedback. I'm going to put that idea on the shelf for a while and go with some other ideas.

      If you need some niche keywords and FREE plr articles (thousands of them)..then save yourself the time it takes to research all that and invest in my 1st wso...check my signature

      Thanks again
      eric w
  • Profile picture of the author mkt
    Profile picture of mkt
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    I've pretty much given up on ebay. It was too much work for me in the niche I was in.
  • Profile picture of the author TheDebtEliminator
    Profile picture of TheDebtEliminator
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Greetings Eric,

    EBay is a great place to learn about niches that have demand and test out your selling ideas.

    If you can find a niche that your all of your eBay fees do not each up your profits ... Then it is quite easy to scale up your activity and increase your bottom line.

    It is still a great place to do your research and modify your marketing ideas.

    Wishing you and your family all of the very best ... Ron
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  • Profile picture of the author dericks3
    Profile picture of dericks3
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    But the truth is if you research properly and find the right supplier you can start making money the same day on Ebay.
    As opposed to waiting weeks or months for free traffic for your website.
    Ebays traffic is already there you just need to know how to skirt the bottom feeders
    Sure Ebay and Paypal are going to hammer you with fees,thats why you need hot items with good profit margins.

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    • Profile picture of the author madpoet
      Profile picture of madpoet
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I swear in the good old days of Ebay you could sell a box of grandma's kitchen doilies as rare antiques and make a mint. I used to go to tag sales at the end of the day and buy boxes of crap and turn it around for huge profit. Now it's so amazingly saturated I find I do better with Craigslist, or even better specialized niche forums that allow you to post sales threads. But it is SOOO much more work.
  • Profile picture of the author ladywriter
    Profile picture of ladywriter
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Started with ebay over 10 years ago. Was actually fun for a while but I never had the knack for knowing what would sell well. I envied the people who made a living on ebay, still do. Toss my hat into the ring every now and then even though the unholy union of ebay and Paypal is not one I approve of.
  • Profile picture of the author ladywriter
    Profile picture of ladywriter
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    And everytime eBay is brought up I'm always DYING to know what the big rollers sell (other than information products lol)!
  • Profile picture of the author shireen
    Profile picture of shireen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Shireen here :-)

    I make most of my money on ebay selling resell rights products + my own ebooks.

    My wso is about ebay too :-)
  • Profile picture of the author Beatrice
    Profile picture of Beatrice
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Are any of you still making money from eBay?
    Yes I do, but nothing compared to what I used to make a couple of years ago.

    From being a main source of income, Ebay has now moved to the the sideline. To be honest nowadays there are a lot less buyers around and they tend to be a lot more demanding!
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  • Profile picture of the author cage73
    Profile picture of cage73
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    I have been selling on eBay for nearly 10 years. I started out selling items lying around the house that I no longer had a use for.

    Several years ago I began selling products I created from public domain works and continue to do so. At one point eBay was my main source of income.

    I still make a decent income from eBay but it is no longer my main income source.

    Although I sometimes have fits about eBays policies and such, I don't see myself ever going away from selling on eBay because of the reasons pointed out in the original post...

    -major targeted traffic (overwhelming majority ready to buy)
    -instant traffic/buyers who've purchased before
    -people with money in hand (paypal), ready to buy
    -open 24hrs

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    • Profile picture of the author eric w
      eric w
      Profile picture of eric w
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      Originally Posted by cage73 View Post

      I have been selling on eBay for nearly 10 years. I started out selling items lying around the house that I no longer had a use for.

      Several years ago I began selling products I created from public domain works and continue to do so. At one point eBay was my main source of income.

      I still make a decent income from eBay but it is no longer my main income source.

      Although I sometimes have fits about eBays policies and such, I don't see myself ever going away from selling on eBay because of the reasons pointed out in the original post...

      -major targeted traffic (overwhelming majority ready to buy)
      -instant traffic/buyers who've purchased before
      -people with money in hand (paypal), ready to buy
      -open 24hrs
      Definitely agree with you, cage73

      Originally Posted by tadaszem View Post

      I am using ebay for 6 years now. I sell my info products, products from China, use optin box to collect info and so on. It is really good place and what I like is that all people are customers they are looking to buy.

  • Profile picture of the author Tad 100
    Tad 100
    Profile picture of Tad 100
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am using ebay for 6 years now. I sell my info products, products from China, use optin box to collect info and so on. It is really good place and what I like is that all people are customers they are looking to buy.

  • Profile picture of the author prasanth5
    Profile picture of prasanth5
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Making money on eBay is a separate subject by itself. It is a slow process but a sure one I believe.
  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    Profile picture of seobro
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    Fee bay kept raising fees and increasing prices. Also, the ban on ebooks hurt us. Well, guess what ebooks are selling now more than paper backs and hard covers. Fee bay shot themselves in the foot - again.

    They were great back in the 90's because people could sell old junk from their attic and make money. I believe the motto then was TURN TRASH INTO CASH.
    • Profile picture of the author eric w
      eric w
      Profile picture of eric w
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      The fee raising and price increases did make it challenging to make a profit, but there are several easy ways to eliminate those 2 issues from seizing your way is all about how you enter have to have an exit before you enter

      meaning, you've got to go in with your sell price, product costs, and fees already guarantees your profit..or at least that you break even..but over 90% of the time you'll profit

      Originally Posted by seobro View Post

      Fee bay kept raising fees and increasing prices. Also, the ban on ebooks hurt us. Well, guess what ebooks are selling now more than paper backs and hard covers. Fee bay shot themselves in the foot - again.

      They were great back in the 90's because people could sell old junk from their attic and make money. I believe the motto then was TURN TRASH INTO CASH.
      • Profile picture of the author eric w
        eric w
        Profile picture of eric w
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        HD is all about learning how the game works and then making adjustments.

        When you read this thread, there are so many people frustrated, rightly so I may add, with the eBay fee raises and price add the paypal's just seems that eBay has gone by the warrior friend

        eBay still has the characteristics of a cash sucking machine! just have to discover how to benefit from it....

        eBay is ranked #24 most popular (traffic) websites in the world by alexa

        don't concern yourself with how it's dropped, but judge by the amount of traffic it still gets.....remember these are mostly buyers

        people on eBay are generally looking to buy something

        it's still a huge traffic/profit source
      • Profile picture of the author jiantastic
        Profile picture of jiantastic
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        Originally Posted by eric w View Post

        The fee raising and price increases did make it challenging to make a profit, but there are several easy ways to eliminate those 2 issues from seizing your way is all about how you enter have to have an exit before you enter

        meaning, you've got to go in with your sell price, product costs, and fees already guarantees your profit..or at least that you break even..but over 90% of the time you'll profit

        raising the fees and putting pressure on sellers using payment holdups was the best thing that ever happened for me. it put a lot of people down under allowing people who correctly monetize to draw in big money. plus if you do right with your buyers eBay gives 20% fee credit and a 1.5% Paypal fee. so for me it's not that much to pay.
        It was a good movement to stop scams and knock out a lot of weak eBay sellers.
        for those that got hit by this big shift in eBay by John Donahoe I feel for you. It definitely is a sucker punch for a lot of honest sellers.
        Once you found the right sources and know how to sell the right way, its not hard to make money on eBay, especially with the large amounts of buyers willing to click "Buy Now" at any given moment. You just need the right packages.
        • Profile picture of the author ladywriter
          Profile picture of ladywriter
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          Originally Posted by jiantastic View Post

          You just need the right packages.
          This is where most people have a problem in any industry. If you don't know what customers want you're going to be floundering around and trying your luck.

          And it's hard to find help for this because those who KNOW aren't always willing to share, understandably so.
          • Profile picture of the author jiantastic
            Profile picture of jiantastic
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            Originally Posted by rosegrower76 View Post

            This is where most people have a problem in any industry. If you don't know what customers want you're going to be floundering around and trying your luck.

            And it's hard to find help for this because those who KNOW aren't always willing to share, understandably so.
            exactly true. people who know would not want to sell their ideas for fear of competition, but there are a few that will point you in the right direction.

            Originally Posted by eric w View Post

            yes! jiantastic......also when you're making a certain amount of sales, ebay and paypal give you a special code and phone number that allows you to get preferential treatment

            i'm just saying,.... it is what it is...learn how the game works and make your adjustments
            hells yes Eric, I get treated like royalty. Their automated system tries to hold my payments. I just phone up to get the holds released in 5 minutes flat.
            • Profile picture of the author eric w
              eric w
              Profile picture of eric w
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              You can go to ebay pulse and look at the top 10

              Click on 1 of'll notice that most are electronic items, with the exception of p90x and coach handbags.

              Let's take the xbox 360.....there are several sub-niches for it....used xbox 360 360 games...

              Let's look at used xbox 360 and click the "used" link and then click on "us only"

              Now, click on "completed listings" must be logged in to ebay to use this last feature

              You'll notice that there were over 5,300 ebay will show you 50 listings per page as the default and you'll notice that the whole page is for april 17th, 2011..

              and you'll notice that most of the transactions are green..meaning it sold...

              now, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "100" (bottom right) ebay will show you 100 completed listings per page

              the majority are april 17th and there are some sold april 16th..these are saturdays and sundays

              this has the beginning signs of a hot, hot market

              also, just because there's red (item not sold) sprinkled amongst the green, doesn't mean that the market is not good

              you have to know how to interpret the stats and not just look on the surface...for instance

              most, if not all, of those red auctions indicate that the seller had a buy it now price too high and/or their bid started too high....not meaning too high in general...because $9.95 isn't that much....

              but meaning too high for these buyers

              Sometimes you can start your bidding low, very low, if running an auction, and get more money from it than if you did a buy it now, because many are bid happy

              However, i rarely run auctions...the overwhelming majority of my auctions are buy it now....that's instant cash when done right
  • Profile picture of the author HD
    Profile picture of HD
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    eBay, in my humble opinion, is a lot like the United States of America where you have the top one percent as well as the bottom 90 percent.

    On eBay you have a handful making 10 20 30,000+ per month (top 1%) and the rest of us (bottom 90%) making next to nothing after fee's/expenses.

    What does the future hold for eBay? Same thing as America. Crash and Burn similar to the Roman Empire.

    Some will say, "eBay makes millions a minute, it will never crash and burn." :confused: That may be true, however let 1000+ of us bottom-feeders get together to purchase 10's of 1000's of items from you 100% feedbackers to turn around and completely demolish your spectacular feedback rating with negs.

    No, no, no, not suggesting anything. Merely giving my opinion. Feedback? DSR's? Incredibly ridiculous. How will America crash and burn? Oh that's simple.... 'Vote Republican for Pres. 2012'. :p

    Have A Nice Day and a Prosperous New Year!!!

  • Profile picture of the author jiantastic
    Profile picture of jiantastic
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I started in eBay during 2006. from there on I was making 6 figures every year then in 2008 I switched over to a bigger form of business from all the money I saved. so yes, eBay is very very lucrative if done right. I don't do eBay anymore but I know people here in NYC that use eBay to make a killing, but like anything else you have to work and continue to monetize.

    glad to hear you are one of those that are above the rest.
  • Profile picture of the author rocky80
    Profile picture of rocky80
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great thread, I think eBay is still ok to use but again you have to do your homework and find products with a good profit margin.
    • Profile picture of the author eric w
      eric w
      Profile picture of eric w
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      exactly rocky

      Originally Posted by rocky80 View Post

      Great thread, I think eBay is still ok to use but again you have to do your homework and find products with a good profit margin.
      • Profile picture of the author eric w
        eric w
        Profile picture of eric w
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        CrescentReviews, it's mainly about what items you have to make adjustments to the offense that's coming at you

        I say, find the hot market on eBay first!

        then, you get the product and your profits are pretty much guaranteed!

        I know it sounds over simplified, but that's it in a nutshell.

        Sometimes we want to give people what we like and are comfortable with and alot of buyers don't have the same interests as we,

        eBay is a great arena to find a hot, money-being-spent-in market, that will trip over itself to give you cash!
        • Profile picture of the author eric w
          eric w
          Profile picture of eric w
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          yes! jiantastic......also when you're making a certain amount of sales, ebay and paypal give you a special code and phone number that allows you to get preferential treatment

          i'm just saying,.... it is what it is...learn how the game works and make your adjustments
          • Profile picture of the author Hamida Harland
            Hamida Harland
            Profile picture of Hamida Harland
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            I made quite a bit of money with Ebay before I got in to Internet Marketing. I quit because of the high fees, I had issues with Paypal, and I hated the daily trips to the post office :rolleyes:.

            The competition there is DEADLY too - every time I came up with a new product to sell, I'd have 10 other people selling the same thing (and even copying my listings) within a few days.

            Still, although alot of people seem to have turned their backs on eBay, I think there are probably plenty people who would like to read about someone else's success. I'm sure there are alot of newbies who wouldn't mind dipping their toes in if they thought it would bring them some success.
            • Profile picture of the author Anthony C
              Anthony C
              Profile picture of Anthony C
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              Ebay was the first money I ever made online. The most profitable year for me was when I started selling test equipment I won from gov liquidation auctions. I made over $3000 dollars on a lot that I won for $250. In my listings all I said about the equipment is that it powered up when I plugged it in and the display changed when I pushed the buttons. Sold as is. Fees weren't an issue for me then with that kind of ROI.
              • Profile picture of the author eric w
                eric w
                Profile picture of eric w
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                Marucho, fees are never an issue when you know your exit going in. There are alot of people who are frustrated with ebay's rising fees, but there is a simple fix.

                Fees are an expense, just like in any other business. You've got to have your costs and profits calculated before you even think of making your auction.

                This way, the product you choose will match your cost/profit calculations and not the other way around.

                Originally Posted by marucho View Post

                Ebay was the first money I ever made online. The most profitable year for me was when I started selling test equipment I won from gov liquidation auctions. I made over $3000 dollars on a lot that I won for $250. In my listings all I said about the equipment is that it powered up when I plugged it in and the display changed when I pushed the buttons. Sold as is. Fees weren't an issue for me then with that kind of ROI.
          • Profile picture of the author Charles E. White
            Charles E. White
            Profile picture of Charles E. White
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            I did pretty well on eBay, my best day was over $7,000. I have all 100% positive feedback but eBay decided to penalize me on my DSR rating. My DSR was not bad, it was all good too but most of my buyers did not leave a DSR rating. That is something I have no control over yet eBay penalized me for it. I quit selling on eBay several years ago!

            Charles E. White
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          • Profile picture of the author venk1986
            Profile picture of venk1986
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

            I also made most of my money using ebay. In my case I have paid very less fee and generated more income. Even i planned to make wso on my ebay experience. Speaking about making money, again it depends on the amount of work we invest.

            But still in order to generate steady flow of income I would advise to follow other sort of marketing techniques. Because we cannot rely on ebay for a long time. The digital marketers who depended on ebay two years ago were blown out after ebay stopped advertising digital products {This is my own view. Opinion differs :-) }

            But I strongly advise newbies to use ebay, so that they can earn some money in short span of time and use it for their future marketing needs.
            • Profile picture of the author eric w
              eric w
              Profile picture of eric w
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              venk1986, I agree with most of what you said.

              Actually, I learned that when ebay stopped the digital delivery, the profit pool got better..because most of the cheats got out or at least this made it difficult for them to scam people.

              Right now ebay has select areas where you can profit...and I agree it's not as easy as it used to be, but it's still easy when you know how

              I will keep making this point about ebay and harping on it...

              ebay is an instant buyer traffic machine

              The majority of the people on ebay are looking to buy something...these are buyers with money....and the traffic is instant!

              And what's really interesting from my experience is that for many products, you don't need alot of traffic to make money.

              I've sold products on ebay that sold within 10 minutes of me putting up the auction!

              Now, you don't always need products like that to make money on ebay...there are plenty of products to sell on ebay that can net you $5-$10 per sale and you can sell 10-30 of them per week.

              $50-$100 per week on ebay is very doable with minimal effort.....

              I know many people have these dreams of making $1000 per day (which I've done on ebay) and that's fine, but I say to you to start with the low hanging fruit and get $100, $250, $500 per month and build from there.

              eric w
              Originally Posted by venk1986 View Post


              I also made most of my money using ebay. In my case I have paid very less fee and generated more income. Even i planned to make wso on my ebay experience. Speaking about making money, again it depends on the amount of work we invest.

              But still in order to generate steady flow of income I would advise to follow other sort of marketing techniques. Because we cannot rely on ebay for a long time. The digital marketers who depended on ebay two years ago were blown out after ebay stopped advertising digital products {This is my own view. Opinion differs :-) }

              But I strongly advise newbies to use ebay, so that they can earn some money in short span of time and use it for their future marketing needs.
          • Profile picture of the author Silas Hart
            Silas Hart
            Profile picture of Silas Hart
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            So many people fail on eBay because they:

            Do not know how to adapt to eBay's changes
            Do not know how to run a business, and thus treat their business as a table at a flea market
            Do not have a full-term mindset
            Do not know how to transition from being self employed to being an entrepreneur
            Do not know how to market, or look at past sales data to determine how much to invest in inventory
            Make eBay their sole market or way to sell things online, instead of making eBay or Amazon a branch

            and the top 2 reasons why people can't make real money on eBay:

            People can not go straight to the source, and instead buy from middlemen on Alibaba and DHgate so their profit margin isn't enough to sustain them.

            Aren't creative enough to find profitable niches, and thus crash and burn trying to sell iPad cases or something similar.
        • Profile picture of the author sal64
          Profile picture of sal64
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          An interesting thread as I was discussing this with my neighbor on Sunday.

          His son works for a company which sells via ebay and sources products direct from manufacturer.

          I find it interesting that people have complained about fees. Why is this? Is it because the fess no longer make their product viable? Or because you don't like paying fees?

          I have always seen fees as a cost of doing business.

          My second question is regarding what people sell. Did most of you give it away because of their ban on digital products?

          FYI, my wife sources and sells physical products and does ok from eBay on a part time basis.

          Once again, interesting and useful thread.
          Internet Marketing: 20% Internet - 80% Marketing!
          You Won't See The Light Until You Open Your Eyes.
          • Profile picture of the author eric w
            eric w
            Profile picture of eric w
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Exactly sal64!....those fees are just a cost of doing business...when you know your profit going in, fees are just a minor part of the profit equation

            Originally Posted by sal64 View Post

            An interesting thread as I was discussing this with my neighbor on Sunday.

            His son works for a company which sells via ebay and sources products direct from manufacturer.

            I find it interesting that people have complained about fees. Why is this? Is it because the fess no longer make their product viable? Or because you don't like paying fees?

            I have always seen fees as a cost of doing business.

            My second question is regarding what people sell. Did most of you give it away because of their ban on digital products?

            FYI, my wife sources and sells physical products and does ok from eBay on a part time basis.

            Once again, interesting and useful thread.
  • Profile picture of the author CrescentReviews
    Profile picture of CrescentReviews
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I used to make some spare cash using Ebay a couple years ago. My father was an antique dealer and I picked up pretty quickly on which items were worth something and which items weren't. I'd pick up about 60-70 dollars a month going with him to popular estate sales and flea markets. Considering I was in my early teens at the time that was quite a lot of money to me!

    In the economy today though antique sales have plummeted. The recession cut out a lot of the antique market and most of those valuable ones are selling for something between a fourth or a fifth of their worth. I bought up a few antiques that I know are worth something with plans to sell them off on e-bay when the economy recovers, but it's gotten much more difficult to make cash out of e-bay. And an eye for antiques is one of the few talents I have in that area.
  • Profile picture of the author bmillionaire324
    Profile picture of bmillionaire324
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am interested, I am always open for new ideas, so if you are sharing any info I'll be glad ot receive it! haha
  • Profile picture of the author Gifted SEO
    Gifted SEO
    Profile picture of Gifted SEO
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I used to make a lot of my income on eBay and I'll admit it is one of the easier ways to start building an online income stream. But I have actually just sold my eBay business... I have just found that IM is a much more enjoyable way to make money;

    It takes a little more work to get started, but I think it is more scalable personally.
  • Profile picture of the author dc_publius
    Profile picture of dc_publius
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I import stuff via alibaba and sell on ebay. If you get a unique product that people want it's easy money until your competitors track down where you get your supply.
  • Profile picture of the author phmoisan
    Profile picture of phmoisan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    One of my friends is still making money on eBay. He buys stuff from garage sales and sells it. Not making a fortune, but good money.
  • Profile picture of the author madpoet
    Profile picture of madpoet
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Found out this weekend my across the street neighbor actual runs a virtual bookstore on Ebay. She buys bulk discards from big stores in specific genres and sells them cheap. Not a fortune, but decent money supposedly.
  • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
    Rob Whisonant
    Profile picture of Rob Whisonant
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I use to sell on eBay a lot but not so much anymore because of the amount of time it takes to deal with physical products.

    This is going to sound crazy but most of the items I sold on eBay I purchased from Walmart. Walmart has a tendency to discontinue items even when they are still popular and red tag them to make shelf space for newer items.

    When I see a cart of something marked down big time and know it's still selling I'll grab the entire cart and hunt down the store manager and offer about half of the marked down price if I take all of them. Most of the time the manager is happy to get rid of the items.

    Many times other eBay sellers ended up buying out my stock on a bulk deal. When I see the right item I will still do this. Just not as much as before.

    Rob Whisonant
    • Profile picture of the author eric w
      eric w
      Profile picture of eric w
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Rob, I have done the same with Home Depot...I sold an 8'x7' garage door, hanging plant baskets, lamps, medium sized wicker baskets on eBay.

      Made a little here and there, but it wasn't until I started selling small, yet high value items such as software and cell phones, that I had $500, $800 and $1,200 net profit days!

      Originally Posted by Rob Whisonant View Post

      I use to sell on eBay a lot but not so much anymore because of the amount of time it takes to deal with physical products.

      This is going to sound crazy but most of the items I sold on eBay I purchased from Walmart. Walmart has a tendency to discontinue items even when they are still popular and red tag them to make shelf space for newer items.

      When I see a cart of something marked down big time and know it's still selling I'll grab the entire cart and hunt down the store manager and offer about half of the marked down price if I take all of them. Most of the time the manager is happy to get rid of the items.

      Many times other eBay sellers ended up buying out my stock on a bulk deal. When I see the right item I will still do this. Just not as much as before.

      Rob Whisonant
    • Profile picture of the author sal64
      Profile picture of sal64
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Rob Whisonant View Post

      I use to sell on eBay a lot but not so much anymore because of the amount of time it takes to deal with physical products.

      This is going to sound crazy but most of the items I sold on eBay I purchased from Walmart. Walmart has a tendency to discontinue items even when they are still popular and red tag them to make shelf space for newer items.

      When I see a cart of something marked down big time and know it's still selling I'll grab the entire cart and hunt down the store manager and offer about half of the marked down price if I take all of them. Most of the time the manager is happy to get rid of the items.

      Many times other eBay sellers ended up buying out my stock on a bulk deal. When I see the right item I will still do this. Just not as much as before.

      Rob Whisonant
      That's a very good method which most people will be too lazy to do.

      If you have some cash, running shoes are also great to pick up at clearance sales. Especially superseeded brand names.

      One thing my wife did a few years back was to meet me in Hawaii. I was travelling back home from a seminar in Texas.

      She came with empty suitcases and bought a ton of label clothes that were out of season. Came back and sold them all in Australia... and pretty much paid for her vacation.
      Internet Marketing: 20% Internet - 80% Marketing!
      You Won't See The Light Until You Open Your Eyes.
  • Profile picture of the author playersjohn
    Profile picture of playersjohn
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    its very tough to make money with ebay.
  • Profile picture of the author Ducksauce
    Profile picture of Ducksauce
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    bbhotgamesb said in post #3 of this thread, I've been making some money via the ebay partner network. I am currently working on using the API to get a better site up. The sad thing is that it does make money, and this is with minimal effort. It's just my laziness that has stopped really getting the full potential.

    The API is incredibly powerful, but also large and unwieldy. They have consistency issues and getting all the data with smart caching and the like requires a fair bit of programmatic effort.

    What is "API" ?

    I love life an everything in it. Don't worry, be happy.

  • Profile picture of the author lacraiger
    Profile picture of lacraiger
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    the only one making money on ebay is ebay itself
  • Profile picture of the author Ducksauce
    Profile picture of Ducksauce
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This thread go me revisiting ebay, and checking it out. I remember the screams of pain by many people when they change the affiliate sign up rate or program, destroying it effectively, (opinion).

    I have spent the last hour looking into their click program on their 'Partner Network'. When you embed some ads into your site or blog and get a PPC commission, If you scroll down to "HOW IT WORKS" on this site:

    In Particular EPC Amount posted, it looks litke you get PPC money only when people spend money at ebay. Does anyone know if they payout great PPC rates when a clicker is a high quality person and buys up big on ebay? I can see why they have done it this way, they can't loose.

    But I wonder how it compares to Amazon and even Adsense ?

    Thanks you so much Warriors here, I learn so much.

    I love life an everything in it. Don't worry, be happy.

    • Profile picture of the author markowe
      Profile picture of markowe
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Ducksauce View Post

      This thread go me revisiting ebay, and checking it out. I remember the screams of pain by many people when they change the affiliate sign up rate or program, destroying it effectively, (opinion).

      I have spent the last hour looking into their click program on their 'Partner Network'. When you embed some ads into your site or blog and get a PPC commission, If you scroll down to "HOW IT WORKS" on this site:

      In Particular EPC Amount posted, it looks litke you get PPC money only when people spend money at ebay. Does anyone know if they payout great PPC rates when a clicker is a high quality person and buys up big on ebay? I can see why they have done it this way, they can't loose.

      But I wonder how it compares to Amazon and even Adsense ?

      Thanks you so much Warriors here, I learn so much.

      OK, we are mixing up the affiliate program (eBay Partner Network) with regular eBay selling again (that's what happened in the Digital Point forums, drove me crazy, but happily sent me to WF instead ). But just briefly, my experience with EPN - bear in mind I have mixed feelings about it even though I have a vested interest of sorts:

      - very hazy earnings model
      - occasional suspicions of tracking problems
      - strict rules about getting in
      - apparently low click value under the QCP model (quality click pricing - their PPC model)

      - huge increase in EPC when big sales are made, which affects clicks across a whole campaign, even the non-earning clicks
      - EASY sales, even for newbies, eBay converts like crazy
      - no limit on CTR - 30% CTR is normal
      - loads of untapped niches, especially used and collectible items, which you just can't earn from through Adsense.

      So I wouldn't compare it to Amazon etc. - it's different, another program to add to your online earnings mix. E.g. I had a site (a sploggy thing which has got Google-slapped now, rightly so, I must confess ) which was earning around $300/month with just a dozen sales, including one or two big-ticket used items ($1000+) every month which really boost things. No, you don't get 5% of that $1000 directly, but it all sort of works itself out in the end.

      BTW, EPN have really tried to improve their PR lately, after a number of fiascoes following the move from Commission Junction. Check out their blog.

      Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

  • Profile picture of the author Ducksauce
    Profile picture of Ducksauce
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for a fantastic reply. Just what I was looking for.

    I love life an everything in it. Don't worry, be happy.

  • Profile picture of the author USGTMauthor
    Profile picture of USGTMauthor
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Can you sell digital products or must you deliver a physical book. I have a few ebooks, I would like to sell more of and was wondering if ebay is a viable way to sell them. Thanks
  • Profile picture of the author JamesGw
    Profile picture of JamesGw
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'd love to try to make money with Ebay, but their new affiliate approval process is a pain.
  • Profile picture of the author phanes
    Profile picture of phanes
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    eric w I hope you do release your product. I would love for something like that to hit the market and I would be your first customer :-)
    I sell on ebay and amazon (mostly amazon) and I am looking to expand beyond high 3 figures to try and get to the mid 4 figures in the next 6 months.
  • Profile picture of the author ManieE
    Profile picture of ManieE
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think it is worth a try
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  • Profile picture of the author stepiw
    Profile picture of stepiw
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    eBay business is like a sand castle. You can be a power seller, have 100% positive feedback and then suddenly get suspended because someone falsely reported you for Vero.
  • Profile picture of the author maxjpip
    Profile picture of maxjpip
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I gave up on ebay since it requires too much work. Especially in my niche

    # Product + System + Traffic = ??

  • Profile picture of the author 7krt
    Profile picture of 7krt
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Eric,

    When you have that product ready please let me know by PM also. Thanks!

  • Profile picture of the author noangel
    Profile picture of noangel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I find it rather amusing when people talk about the high fees ebay charges.

    Are the people abandoning ebay, not the same people who then spend money
    on driving traffic and monetising sites, in the hopes of getting one iota of the
    traffic freely available on ebay?

    Sure there are fees involved, but on the other hand, eBay is handing you hungry
    buyers on a proverbial plate.

    The problem is that people don't know how to sell on ebay, they think it means
    undercutting other buyers and dropping their prices. In fact, it's just the opposite.

    You can charge more and still get buyers flocking to your items, if you know how
    to work the system. There are certain criteria ebay buyers are looking for that
    transcends price.

    It amazes me that people realise they need certain skills to be a success in IM,
    yet they treat ebay like a totally different animal.

    • Profile picture of the author eric w
      eric w
      Profile picture of eric w
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      You are right on point Angela!

      You don't have to spend a dime to get traffic from ebay!

      2 of the most under-rated traffic sources are ebay and the warrior forum......both have instant buyer traffic

      Originally Posted by noangel View Post

      I find it rather amusing when people talk about the high fees ebay charges.

      Are the people abandoning ebay, not the same people who then spend money
      on driving traffic and monetising sites, in the hopes of getting one iota of the
      traffic freely available on ebay?

      Sure there are fees involved, but on the other hand, eBay is handing you hungry
      buyers on a proverbial plate.

      The problem is that people don't know how to sell on ebay, they think it means
      undercutting other buyers and dropping their prices. In fact, it's just the opposite.

      You can charge more and still get buyers flocking to your items, if you know how
      to work the system. There are certain criteria ebay buyers are looking for that
      transcends price.

      It amazes me that people realise they need certain skills to be a success in IM,
      yet they treat ebay like a totally different animal.

    • Profile picture of the author sal64
      Profile picture of sal64
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      This is soooo true.

      It's amazing really. Everything you learn about IM translates and applies to eBay.

      If you're prepared to put in... you'll make money.

      And as stated... let's compare the cost of generating traffic (no such thing as free traffic) to eBay fees.
      Internet Marketing: 20% Internet - 80% Marketing!
      You Won't See The Light Until You Open Your Eyes.
  • Profile picture of the author grumpyb
    Profile picture of grumpyb
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Like many before me my start in on line selling was vai eBay listing and selling items that we did not use anymore.
    From that little beginning we have grown to sell around $80,000 a month on eBay and of course we now sell on our own web sites as well.

    The biggest complaint I read from other people is the Fees that eBay charge and I find this strange as from where I sit the fees are cheap. I mean if you look at getting the traffice and the exposure that you can get on eBay via other avenues the cost is extremely high. I am more than happy to pay the fees they charge me.

    However the experince is not always a happy one and IMHO the biggest problem with eBay is the lack of stability. They constantly change the rules and it is not always for the better. It is a full time job trying to keep up with the changes to policy and to keep changing tack all the time costs sellers time and money.

    The second complaint that I have is that eBay customers are very high maintenance when compared to web site customers. The eBay system breeds this.
    They will pester you with inane qustions for which the answer is frequently in the listing description. You answer one question and often they will send another and another and if you dont respond in 5 minutes the will rate you badly for communication.

    The fees are fine but as for the the rest of it......... and No I am not brave enough to dump $80,000 a month of sales so I am stuck with it.

    But to answer the OP in my opinion there is still HUGE amounts of money to be made selling on eBay but they have banned digital items like ebooks on how to get rich quick You need to sell physical items and on eBay almost anything sells.

    Despite my complaints its still the easiest way to get started and and make a dollar on line.
  • Profile picture of the author junilerick
    Profile picture of junilerick
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    eBay was actually my first attemp at trying to make money online. I have to admit I failed spectacularly. I think the main problem is I didn't really have enough (well basically none at all) capital to start.

    I believe almost all that make decent money have probably a semi-large scale operation. If you don't lower your costs through bulk purchases and streamlining the process somehow, the competiton and the "tax" you pay to eBay can make it a pretty miserable place to make a living.

    Still, I don't regret doing it as I learned quite a bit and it eventually led me to SEO. I'm still making peanuts now but more than I've ever made there and I believe it will only get better from here.

  • Profile picture of the author athanne
    Profile picture of athanne
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I will keep in touch to enable me learn more about making money on Ebay
  • Profile picture of the author Zaney
    Profile picture of Zaney
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    ebay is a great site, but i stop using them due to their high fees.

    Dont get me wrong ebay is a great place for selling, but me personally do not use them anymore.

    Im glad that it still working for you.
    Good to know

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