I'm gonna loose my home tommorrow and I'll pay you $1000 to help me!

10 replies
I'm not sure which mindset is worst...the people who have supposedly exhausted all avenues and are desperate for money or the ones that are willing to pay you exorbitant sums to have a "system" handed to them.

Internet marketing is just direct marketing that uses a new resource...

The same truths hold true, you have to WORK, STUDY, ACT, and PERFORM

I'm taking a short hiatus from my offline marketing to help a dear friend get his offline business back up and running, and it has been a learning experience for me.

This man has a wildly profitable brick and mortar, but the overhead is enourmous (sp?), just keeping the 400,000 gallon swimming pool treated with chemicals each week cost him more than most of you would be willing to pay for a coaching program that would make you thousands.

Stop thinking of Internet Marketing as a last resort "Get Rich Scheme" and treat it like a business.

Once you realize that Internet Marketing is just another way of presenting a product, although cheaper to get into, and quit treating it like a get rich scheme, those opportunities that we are all seeking will become more realistic and I won't have to fight the "scam factor" everytime I call a prospective client.

Stephen D. Marsh
#gonna #home #loose #pay #tommorrow
  • Profile picture of the author robbeh
    Agreed, and nice of you to help a friend like that!

    But the reality is many people get into IM because they are sold on it as a last resort. Money issues are practically the number 1 issue in the world.

    No one seems to have enough.

    So IM's take advantage of this and offer a "solution" to their problem...

    It sucks but without them a lot of IM's wouldn't exist!

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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by robbeh View Post

      Agreed, and nice of you to help a friend like that!

      But the reality is many people get into IM because they are sold on it as a last resort. Money issues are practically the number 1 issue in the world.

      No one seems to have enough.

      So IM's take advantage of this and offer a "solution" to their problem...

      It sucks but without them a lot of IM's wouldn't exist!

      It is indeed a sad state of affairs when so many desperate people down to their last few dollars think that internet marketing can somehow become their savior which saves them literally overnight.

      Nothing could be further from the truth, but somehow this myth has been perpetuated into some sort of an urban legend, where huge sums of money are materialized within hours or days owing to the 'magical' power of the internet.

      It is this myth which keeps all these "pushbutton money overnight" programs thriving and multiplying. I don't see any signs of them slowing down for now, but I really don't like the fact that they give the IM industry in general such a bad reputation.
      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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      • Profile picture of the author cjreynolds
        Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

        It is indeed a sad state of affairs when so many desperate people down to their last few dollars think that internet marketing can somehow become their savior which saves them literally overnight.

        Nothing could be further from the truth, but somehow this myth has been perpetuated into some sort of an urban legend, where huge sums of money are materialized within hours or days owing to the 'magical' power of the internet.

        It is this myth which keeps all these "pushbutton money overnight" programs thriving and multiplying. I don't see any signs of them slowing down for now, but I really don't like the fact that they give the IM industry in general such a bad reputation.
        I'm pretty new to this, but I've read enough first-hand accounts from regular people to know that you can make fast money w/IM.

        The problem I have had, and those that are desperate for money, is that yes, you can make money with little effort, and you can boost your income quickly when you need it - IF you started 1 month ago, or 6 months ago... There is quick money, but it takes time and effort to get to that point. Yah, these "gurus" can pump an extra $5-10K or so into their bank account whenever they need it, but they fail to tell you that they already have sites w/traffic, huge email lists, etc. that allow them to do that on a moment's notice. Lots of work went on beforehand to get those kind of results.

        If you're sitting there with no website, no product, no list, etc. you probably won't make $1,000 in the next week. You have to have prepared for this in advance, in order for it to save you now. If you're desperate for money and you're just now considering IM, then it's too late for IM to save you - get a job - go out to elance of guru.com and get some online work. IM won't save your bacon overnight, it takes some "prep work" to get to that point.


        I just added this sig so I can refer to it in my posts...

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        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
          Originally Posted by cjreynolds View Post

          I'm pretty new to this, but I've read enough first-hand accounts from regular people to know that you can make fast money w/IM.

          The problem I have had, and those that are desperate for money, is that yes, you can make money with little effort, and you can boost your income quickly when you need it - IF you started 1 month ago, or 6 months ago... There is quick money, but it takes time and effort to get to that point. Yah, these "gurus" can pump an extra $5-10K or so into their bank account whenever they need it, but they fail to tell you that they already have sites w/traffic, huge email lists, etc. that allow them to do that on a moment's notice. Lots of work went on beforehand to get those kind of results.

          If you're sitting there with no website, no product, no list, etc. you probably won't make $1,000 in the next week. You have to have prepared for this in advance, in order for it to save you now. If you're desperate for money and you're just now considering IM, then it's too late for IM to save you - get a job - go out to elance of guru.com and get some online work. IM won't save your bacon overnight, it takes some "prep work" to get to that point.

          Agreed! You have a pretty good understanding of how things work - you need to have your web assets in place first - advertising, traffic, list, etc. Once you have all this in place, you make money just like clockwork, for the most part.

          It takes time and effort to build up to this point, but it's not as long as you think - the issue, as I see it, is that many newbies expect instant gratification for their efforts in IM - this is very unlikely to happen in your first few weeks (especially if you're utilizing a longer-term strategy like SEO, for example).

          They expect to make money immediately, and when it doesn't happen, they complain that it doesn't work and then give up. They'd be much better off providing IM-related services on the side (while gradually building up their IM business) if they need cash quickly - this will sustain them during this initial phase while they're trying to get things off the ground.

          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author Ouroboros
    Everybody sells you a magic solution, and some are actually workable, but unless there are enough customers in that "niche" that can actually find you, all else is to no avail.

    Need a Simple Product/Service to Market to Offline Clients? Sell Them DFY Custom Videos. https://www.fiverr.com/users/gigsiteguy

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  • Profile picture of the author BrianTerr
    One thing I have found about the people that post that sort of desperate thread, is that they do it multiple times, they don't know the difference between loose and lose, and they have trouble spelling simple words, such as "tomorrow".

    Stop looking here, the important stuff is back up there. /\

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  • Profile picture of the author misterkailo
    This same goes to all the multi-level marketing businesses out there. A lot of new people who join in are expecting miracles to happen and become millionaire the next day. The people who made it to the top did not make it from doing nothing.
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  • Profile picture of the author designerjack
    I'm 100% on board with him. The moment you stop learning and improving your business, is the moment you begin to decline your profits. In fact, if you are not hunting to avoid the mistakes that people have made in history of your industry then you will probably be next on the list to see your business drop significantly.

    STUDY what people have done WRONG in your INDUSTRY in the past... and you should AVOID making those mistakes. Avoid doing what has NOT worked for people.

    Next thing you know, you're an awesome internet marketer with a strong business.

    Seen the connection? I knew you would!

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    • Profile picture of the author aminwasu
      Thanks for your advice Stephen!
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      • Profile picture of the author chrissyb
        Nice to read some sensible comments about I.M. I'm new and have turned to it not to get rich quick to build a sustainable business. I'm not anticipating earning millions - I just want to earn an average wage...But having said that I can't wait 2 years to start earning $5 in adsense...
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