19 replies
I'm sure many of you already do this, but for the newbies out theres:

Instead of changing your permalinks to:
Change them to:
Good day.
#tip #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author Maayan Gordon
    good tip! I love using wordpress because its easy, but i wish it was most customizable.
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    • Profile picture of the author TheCG
      What does adding the html do?

      Yes, by the way, I AM in the Witness Protection Program. I could tell you who I am but then I would have to kill you.

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    • Profile picture of the author mikeroosa
      Some people believe Google likes this better which is the reason people do it.
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      • Profile picture of the author ray777
        Originally Posted by mikeroosa View Post

        Some people believe Google likes this better which is the reason people do it.
        And is there any truth to it?
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        • Profile picture of the author WPpro
          Originally Posted by ray777 View Post

          And is there any truth to it?
          There are over 30 million sites that run WordPress. Google knows this of course.

          It'd be cool to see some sort of stats about .html versus no .html.
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        • Profile picture of the author mikeroosa
          Originally Posted by ray777 View Post

          And is there any truth to it?
          I don't really know. I just know that's one of the reasons people do it. I've had plenty of wordpress blogs rank on page 1 and they don't have the .html extension.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sheila Atwood
    I was at a seminar put on by several people from SEO.com and they recommended

    WordPress Freak

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    "You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself in any direction you choose." -Dr. Suess
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  • Profile picture of the author UMS
    I would like to see some hard evidence/facts that this makes a difference.

    There's so much folklore in the SEO world that gets taken as being gospel without anything to back up the claim.

    I'm not saying adding .html doesn't help, but I certainly wouldn't say that it does without some type of proof.
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  • What does this do for me? is it just good to end in .html versus % ? I'm new to wordpress, so some explaining wouldn't hurt.
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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    It is, most likely, one of the urban myths around WP... that gets promoted around the web by all the half-educated WP users

    Never seen any hard evidence about the usefulness of it!

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    • Profile picture of the author Evan-M
      Originally Posted by Istvan Horvath View Post

      It is, most likely, one of the urban myths around WP... that gets promoted around the web by all the half-educated WP users

      Never seen any hard evidence about the usefulness of it!
      I agree 100%...technically you could argue the other way, and say Google would prefer the shorter name without the .html

      if you your to believe it makes a difference, then it opens up another can of worms,

      do they prefer .html .php .asp .htm etc etc..


      Easily The Worlds Best Wordpress Popup plugin

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  • Profile picture of the author bilzz
    kool Sharing .thanks For this
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  • Profile picture of the author madpoet
    It is true that Google used to have a harder time with PHP than HTML. But that was several years ago, and I have no idea why this would make a difference. Hey, if it does, cool
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  • Profile picture of the author WindowGang
    thanks for this tip!
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    • Profile picture of the author AITpro
      Well that video is from 2009 and Google has probably made at least 200 changes to their algorithm since then so it may or may not still do what it did back then.

      But without even considering whether or not it works or not it is good to know the basics - that Google does not evaluate PHP / WordPress and HTML pages in the same way. There are SEO techniques that work great for HTML that do not work well for WordPress. So logically if you are going to try and mimic an HTML page with WordPress then you would also have to use the SEO techniques that work best with HTML pages to make the WordPress page rank as high as if it were actually an HTML page. That brings me to the most obvious conclusion - why bother trying to mimic an HTML page instead of just actually creating the HTML page and then linking to it from WordPress or using a 301 redirect if you want to make it appear as if it just another page in your WordPress site? The bottom line is there are SEO basics that should be followed for any type of platform, but what makes a page rank #1 in the World for a particular search term is going to be using the techniques that work best for each particular type of format, platform or whatever else. I have tried using the exact identical SEO techniques for PHP and HTML pages and have gotten completely different ranking results. As you continue to tune your SEO on a specific type of page and get a page ranking in the Top 10 page positions you end up seeing how differently Google evaluates and ranks them by the different techniques you end up having to use. Even though Google changes their Algorithm on a very regular continuous basis the SEO techniques that are effective for HTML sites and WordPress sites have remained fairly consistent. Of course you are always adapting and modifying the general techniques in relation to what the latest Algorithm is putting more weight on, but I have not deviated much from the same techniques that worked for the last 5 years. Any way to finish my point why mimic when you can just create both and SEO them appropriately instead of trying some hybrid thing out that will most likely just make you put in extra SEO effort with an end result of achieving less desirable ranking results.
      And without coming off like a link troll here. Do this Google search "first search page rank" this is obviously not a very desirable search term. It was an SEO experiment years ago. You will find a trashy looking HTML page (yes it's mine from my old site) that ranks #1 in the World right above some Wiki pages. I tried the same exact SEO techniques and content in a WordPress post and that post ranked somewhere around page 7. So the difference is ranked #1 in the World to ranked somewhere around page #7. Just a slight difference. LOL And finally just for fun i keep a link to the old site from my new WordPress site. Why not? That page believe it or not brings in a few hundred visitors a month. People will click on anything. ha ha ha.
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  • Profile picture of the author VegasGreg
    Originally Posted by doorkicker13 View Post

    I'm sure many of you already do this, but for the newbies out theres:

    Instead of changing your permalinks to:
    Change them to:
    Good day.
    Why would they need to do this? Or are you just letting them know it can be done?

    Google has specifically said that the end of a URL (.php/.html/,asp...etc) plays NO part in SEO.

    Only people selling training stuff tell us that because they don't know the technical stuff, just how to sell stuff.

    Greg Schueler - Wordpress Fanatic... Living The Offline Marketing Dream...

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    • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
      Originally Posted by VegasGreg View Post

      Only people selling training stuff tell us that because they don't know the technical stuff, just how to sell stuff.
      Amen to that

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