Why do some people give up too easily...

37 replies
I remember having a conversation with a good friend who
was a hypnotherapist he knew all there was to know about the
mind and getting ourselves to go beyond our fears.

One thing I always remember... he said that running a successful
business is like learning to walk.

When we fell down our positive mother picked us up and said go on
you will learn to walk keep trying until you can walk...

Can you imagine if she said that's your lot.. you'll never master
this skill.. where would we all be today....

So why do people start an internet business then give up before
they "learn to walk" with all the help we have at our fingertips.
Now there is a difference between the useless help and the resources
that will really help us to get to the next stage.

I think more new people just starting out on the internet need to have
a Rhino mindset as Jerry Clarke put it and keep charging.

You'll never do everything right and you'll never do everything wrong.
As long as you do more right than you do wrong you'll move ahead and
"learn to walk" and maybe even make some sales.....

I hope this helps some of you who need that extra boost of encouragement !

Thanks for your comments.....
#easily #give #internet #listbuilding #making money online #newbies #people
  • Profile picture of the author Heavenstorm
    very nice post for people trying to succeed. I feel alot of people who starts IM because they saw some ads "make $5k in 10 days" kind of stuff and they believe it will work. When 10 days passed and they did not make a single cent, most of them are disappointed and feel IM cannot work or they feel they are a failure which is not true.
    How To Lose Weight Fast
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  • Profile picture of the author chrissyb
    The fear of flogging a dead house? I think people are worried about the effort to return ratio, the thought of sitting there for months and getting no return.

    I'd love to hear some more success stories, or even if the forum allows for it some failure stories!
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    • Profile picture of the author Giftys
      Originally Posted by chrissyb View Post

      I'd love to hear some more success stories...
      I started off in a small 8 X 10 room in my house. I now have a 7000 sq. ft. office/warehouse, several employees, 2 retail stores, a gift portal and a large music and gift network. I worked harder than anyone I knew. I lost a lot of sleep through those years. Definitely wasn't the healthiest thing but I was determined to succeed. I also thank God for helping me. I continually prayed for his guidance.


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  • Profile picture of the author Giftys
    I believe it's a reflection of our "instant-gratification" society. We're used to getting things right away and when we can't have it right away, it's easy to think of giving up. They always say the strong will survive. It definitely applies to business too.


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  • Profile picture of the author Claude7
    Thanks for your comments folks,
    As Chrissyb said I too would love to hear success and failure stories as I'm sure we can all learn from them ...
    Learn why you internet business is not making any sales and what you can do to change it.
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  • Originally Posted by Claude7 View Post

    he said that running a successful
    business is like learning to walk.
    Very true indeed. I think this is the main reason why people fail on-line (been there in the past myself). They start of with a bang, go flat out and then don't see results after 3 weeks and throw in the towel. My attitude is that the next year is going to pass by anyway, so why not keep plugging away at something that can potentially provide me with the freedom to live my life the way I want to. At the moment I still work a day job, but I'm starting to see some real success online now and hoping to make this my full time job a year from now.

    Great post
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  • Profile picture of the author Sebastian Oudot
    I believe it's a reflection of our "instant-gratification" society. We're used to getting things right away and when we can't have it right away, it's easy to think of giving up. They always say the strong will survive. It definitely applies to business too.
    I agree with that.

    Not only, but I think at that time of human history, people can have access to everything very quickly.

    I remember 15 years ago, I was searching for a limited edition of a Laser Disc Movie. At this time I was living in France and the product was only available in U.S. So I had to find the shop, send a post mail etc...
    It took me almost three month to finally have it.

    Nowadays, you can find anything in few minutes, and receive it in few days.

    So it's kind of really rapid results, and when people don't get rapid results, they think that they will find it quicker but in a other way. So they quit, or stop and do something else.
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  • Profile picture of the author dadamson
    I think a lot of people think that internet marketing is the newest form of free cash and it is easy to make a million dollars overnight online :-/
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    • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
      I think that many people give up because it's the easy way out. You won't become successful without some hard work and persistence and patience and the quitters generally lack these skills.

      Anything worth having is worth the hard work.

      Cheers, Laurence.

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      • Profile picture of the author Dan Triplett
        Originally Posted by laurencewins View Post

        I think that many people give up because it's the easy way out. You won't become successful without some hard work and persistence and patience and the quitters generally lack these skills.

        Anything worth having is worth the hard work.
        You only fail when you stop trying.
        People matter most.

        I could not say it any better.

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  • Profile picture of the author SpikeS
    Alot of things contribute. Of course as mentioned the instant gratification society plays a huge role - partly why so many people cannot stick to a diet. They spend years getting fat then want to lose it all in 10 days or less!

    Another contributing factor might be the false promises given by alot of IMers. Eben Pagan for one, on his courses tells people "you can make $10K in the next 10 minutes". Granted he does make milliions (apparently) but he didnt make it in 10 minutes, but he leads people to believe he did.

    Another contributing factor has to be the ease at which anyone can set up a blog, website or other online business. You can literally set up a blog, with ads in under 4 minutes. Heck with article directories you dont even have to create your own content! Even in the offline world it's not hard to set up a business, or even to get customers. What's hard is making it profitable in the long run!
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  • Profile picture of the author paologiannone
    It depends, time and money are the two biggest online business killers. I am still working full time and i know how difficult is to come back from work and work on your sites, marketing and so on. Money is also a deciding factor. thankfully i can afford to buy the tools i need to make my life easier. you can do it on the cheap but you definately need more time.

    Either way if you really want it, you will make it happen
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  • Profile picture of the author Random101
    Never looked at it that way, thanks for the share =)
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    • Profile picture of the author funkynassau
      I think some people believe they can get rich overnight and when that doesnt happen they pack it in. They think because they want it, it will happen. It doesnt work that way. You have to stay the course, learn what you can to make your product a success, get help when needed, and believe in yourself.

      We started our online biz last May, so just about a year ago. Sales from May to Dec. were really good, I just added up the numbers as it's tax time here in Ontario. We did better than we'd hoped. Given it was the first year, we did lose a bit of money, as it costs money to make money and get set up, and we are pleased with how well we've done.

      2011 is off to a great start and yes we are very happy. Our son is a marketing student and he's got some good ideas for us. I have found a great geek who's got some ideas to revamp our website. We have all of our supplies for our product on hand. We have our advertising in place. So I think 2011 is going to be a good year.

      If you don't put in the work, how do you think you are going to be a success? We have been prepared to work hard since before Day One, and it's paying off.

      ChipFixx custom mixed auto touchup paint kits.

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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Some find to their utter shock and horror that making money online actually requires a plan and hard work ...
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    • Profile picture of the author Dan Triplett
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      Some find to their utter shock and horror that making money online actually requires a plan and hard work ...
      What a shocker, the magic buttons don't work, so it is back to the basics.

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  • Profile picture of the author paulbinmaison
    Most people out there want to get an easy decision in the blink of an eye. It certainly has become the norm in an individual. Perhaps 80 percent who want all the things that are easily obtained, but lazy to do it. Sorry if offend some people but is in fact true. So no wonder that many are failing for the first time will continue to give in without identifying their weaknesses.
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  • Profile picture of the author cashcow
    Most people do not want to do what it takes to "make money online".

    Most times it requires giving up nights in front of the TV and weekends with friends. If you want to grow your business, it requires reinvesting the money you earn ( or investing money from your regular paycheck) instead of spending it.

    Unfortunately, it seems most people don't have the mind set to stick it through until their business takes off and they can enjoy the good times.

    Gone Fishing
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    • Profile picture of the author Dan Triplett
      Originally Posted by cashcow View Post

      Most people do not want to do what it takes to "make money online".

      Most times it requires giving up nights in front of the TV and weekends with friends. If you want to grow your business, it requires reinvesting the money you earn ( or investing money from your regular paycheck) instead of spending it.

      Unfortunately, it seems most people don't have the mind set to stick it through until their business takes off and they can enjoy the good times.

      Simply put, it does take hard work. No way around it.

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  • Profile picture of the author esk
    the problem is, that the bizop vendors are making statements as "Make $1000 in your first 3 days". Of course the promise is not true. People come into IM thinking i can make 1000$ in 3 days.

    Of couse they do not make a single cent in the first 3 days and of course they are disappointed and think this stuff does not work.

    I really think that the biggest Problem are the vendors with their statements "chill out and collect millions every 5 seconds."

    People get into IM with complete idiotic believes
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    • Profile picture of the author Dan Triplett
      Originally Posted by esk View Post

      the problem is, that the bizop vendors are making statements as "Make $1000 in your first 3 days". Of course the promise is not true. People come into IM thinking i can make 1000$ in 3 days.

      Of couse they do not make a single cent in the first 3 days and of course they are disappointed and think this stuff does not work.

      I really think that the biggest Problem are the vendors with their statements "chill out and collect millions every 5 seconds."

      People get into IM with complete idiotic believes
      You hit the nail square on the head.
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  • Profile picture of the author Claude7
    Thanks for all your comments folks....

    The key element is hard work, sacrifice and discipline I like Lee Dobbin's comment about
    "giving up nights in front of the TV and weekends with friends."
    I've found this has always been my starting point yet most people wouldn't even get into the game.
    Wouldn't it be interesting if more sales pages said.. "This system requires hard work, patience and time before you see the fruits"
    I really hope that some of the newer people on here understand that it takes hard work to build a long term business...
    Learn why you internet business is not making any sales and what you can do to change it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fazal Mayar
    There are way too many informations out there and you don't know what to do most of time. This is why people give up but we should never give up.

    Blogger at RicherOrNot.com (Make Money online blog but also promoting ethical internet marketing)

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  • Profile picture of the author coronaborcalis
    Thanks for firing me up with your posting, I'm in the line of desperate with my site, now my spirit is back!!!
    BisnisOnlineZ - Indonesian Make Money Online Blog

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    • Profile picture of the author Claude7
      Originally Posted by coronaborcalis View Post

      Thanks for firing me up with your posting, I'm in the line of desperate with my site, now my spirit is back!!!
      fantastic... it's made a difference to 1 person... awesome
      Learn why you internet business is not making any sales and what you can do to change it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dan Triplett
      Originally Posted by coronaborcalis View Post

      Thanks for firing me up with your posting, I'm in the line of desperate with my site, now my spirit is back!!!
      Hang in there and continue to work hard.
      In the end you will make it.
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  • Profile picture of the author YellowGreenMedia
    Because a lot of people think its easy, i have been in the business for almost 10 years now and it never was or is "easy" like a push of a button here comes the cash easy, when they find out this is a job to and they don't make a lot in their first year, they quit.

    I would never quit even if i had to struggle, i don't see me working for a boss ever again... this job gives you a lot of personal freedom then you can't find anywhere.

    But a lot a people don't want that, they want security...
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    • Profile picture of the author chrissyb
      I think to be fair there's a lot of people who don't think they're going to be millionaires overnight, who are more savvy about how the game works.

      I've actually come into this not wanting a free lunch. I want to be like normal people...

      I'd like to rent an office, get up in the morning and go to work...Just without the breathing down my neck - that's the fantasy...
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  • Profile picture of the author J R Salem
    Unfortunately, most people overcomplicate things.

    They tend to think there is some hidden magic they need to discover.

    Trial and error is the best way to learn. Keep it simple and take action!
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    • Profile picture of the author Dan Triplett
      Originally Posted by Jeremy S View Post

      Unfortunately, most people overcomplicate things.

      They tend to think there is some hidden magic they need to discover.

      Trial and error is the best way to learn. Keep it simple and take action!
      With ACTION being the key to everything.
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      • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton
        For a lot of people, giving up doing IM is the best decision they'll ever make.

        Not everybody is cut out for business.

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  • Profile picture of the author bmillionaire324
    I totally agree with you Claude, I was almost giving up with my site, because it was running for more than a month without any sale, I was mad going to CB and finding 0.0 balance, but then suddenly I made a big sale, more than $200 now I said dang it, itdoes work, slow but works, I don't do any ppc or anything like that, just some article submissions every once in a while and ranking in google is all I have.... now I have 7 sites up, if they give 200 a month I am ok with it! btw I am going for more haha
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  • Profile picture of the author CrescentReviews
    I agree completely, some people give up way too early in the game and they end up losing out on a number of possibilities with their business. But at the same time some people set themselves up for failure.

    When children learn to walk they do something like "research", they watch the adults around them get up, walk around, run, etc. They don't just think to themselves "oh I think I'll stand on two legs now".

    A lot of people going into internet businesses have the mindset "oh, I'll just start an internet business, this'll be easy". They forget that a business is a business whether it's on the internet or in another area. It requires research, practice, time, and patience.

    I guess you could think of it as people giving up too quickly or giving up before they even begin.
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  • Profile picture of the author sjetton
    I believe that it comes from a breakdown in one of more of three areas: Education, Understanding, and/or Implementation. Information overload can interfere with any of these, and cause one to throw in the towel. To overcome this, one must first pick one thing to market, at least for the learning process. From personal experience this was about the end of my career in affiliate marketing. I took a little break in time and started the right way.
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  • Profile picture of the author CheapTrafficDude
    I'm a HUGE fan of Jerry "D Rhino" Clark, glad you brought him up, he's a great source of inspiration

    Here's one thing he said in a seminar...

    In life, you have Rhinos and Cows... The Rhinos are risk takers, Cows enjoy the "assured security", safety net if you will. The Rhino might have to struggle out in the jungle in order to get food, water etc... The cows are guaranteed their food and water, not knowing that they will soon become the food .

    I believe most people give up because they don't believe in themselves to start with and will listen to other cows. Don't go in the jungle, you'll get eaten alive!! Stay with us and get your daily portion of food and water.

    Cow thinking = Cow life
    Rhino thinking = Rhino life

    I also think the big problem is all the dollar signs flashed around, make $X in Xdays. Push the button, collect the money. Get unlimited traffic for free. Laziest way to make money online. It's a rather sad environment but those who don't give up on their dreams will succeed.

    "Do what you love doing, the money will come" - Indian Larry
    "Don't do what you like doing, do what you're good at" - My dad
    "Business is so great because it's always about money" - Kevin O'Leary

    The only thing I ever quit was my 9-5 job
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    • Profile picture of the author akmartinez585
      I think of it like this. I can spend 2-6 years going to school for a traid and then get a job in that traid to make ok - good money. Or I can do the same thing with I'M. Spend a few years learning and trying things untill I make a living with it some day. Ethr way your not going to make much money when your learning. You don't get paid to go to school really. Most have to work a part time job and pull out loans. I beleave if you think of it this way the work for return ratio is high for I'M.
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