What Software Shall I use to Create My E-Book?

10 replies
Hello , I was wondering which software is the best for creating Ebooks. I've seen many , such as open office-But they don't suit my Needs. If theirs any of The e book creators here , Can they inform me on which software they use.

Many Thanks.
#create #ebook #software
  • Profile picture of the author Kael41
    Why would you need anything other than openoffice or microsoft word? Last i checked, both will output to a pdf?
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  • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
    Originally Posted by simplybeastz View Post

    Hello , I was wondering which software is the best for creating Ebooks. I've seen many , such as open office-But they don't suit my Needs. If theirs any of The e book creators here , Can they inform me on which software they use.

    Many Thanks.
    Easiest would probably be OpenOffice, it has a built in option to automatically convert your writing to a PDF file. Why doesn't OpenOffice "suit your needs"?
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    • Profile picture of the author simplybeastz
      I can't seem to Hyper Link the table of content , to the individual Pages. Also I'm worried about the legal side , Which may ebooks seem to have sorted out. For example your email is in the footer of each Page.
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  • Profile picture of the author vishalduggal
    I use Abode Acrobat to create E-books. Works great like charm. However you can also create a Microsoft DOC file and then convert it to PDF using below website.
    Convert Word to PDF / DOC to PDF online for free. Single click!
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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
      Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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    • Profile picture of the author TylerRWS
      Microsoft Word works like a charm!

      Type your book, choose Save As, then select Adobe PDF. It'll convert your book in seconds.

      As far as hyperlinking the table of contents...no matter which program you choose, you're going to have to manually do that yourself.

      The good news is...there are tutorials on the net just for that!

      For example, I just went to Google and typed in "how to hyperlink table of contents in word 2007" (without the quotes) and a whole slew of results popped up.

      Hope this helps!


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  • Profile picture of the author Coby
    Yeah I think Open Office is your best bet. I've used it to make dozens of pdfs with no problems.

    As for the table of contents use the tutorial Paul posted.
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    • Profile picture of the author ginak59
      There's a great little article on Kindle which was probably the best 99 cents I've ever spent " How to Publish and sell your Article on the Kindle" by Kate Harper. She goes into a nice step by step about formatting using word, adding hyperlinks and images. There's a good resource section too.

      Gina K
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  • Profile picture of the author Rough Outline
    Photoshop. Easiest to use once you know what you're doing and it makes creating professional e-covers very easy.
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  • Profile picture of the author CheapTrafficDude
    I use Open Office, it does all the work I want it to do. You can make some nice stuff with it and best of all it's free!! You can also import as PDF and I believe you can even password protect it also. Great tool, even greater price
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