Making a multi page mini site quick question

Profile picture of ShiningHero
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
9 replies
I'm using the same template over about three times for a 3 page minisite. I brought up index.html in dreamweaver and there is only one thing I am unsure of. See, I've never made more than a one page site before (non wordpress). That being said, index.html was one file I would upload.

But now am I going to have 3 "index.html"s uploaded to my server? I don't understand, does one of them have to be named "index.html" or can I name them whatever I want like "thankyoupage.html"

And can they be easily linked together in dreamweaver? Thanks.
#making #mini #multi #page #question #quick #site
  • Profile picture of the author Jay_Selders
    Profile picture of Jay_Selders
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you want three pages, One home, one download, one other page (say an affiliate page) take the index.html you were given and make three copies of it, then rename them to be
    download.html (or something that would be harder for someone to guess if they wanted to steal your product)
    and an
    Then you can use dreamweaver to add all of your content to each of the pages.
    you can then link them together using a code like this
    HTML Code:
    <a href="">Affilates Click Here</a>
    Upload them to your server and you should be good to go.

    For future reference you can just name them what you want, just don't mess with the extension (html) and link them together.
    • Profile picture of the author ShiningHero
      Profile picture of ShiningHero
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Jay_Selders View Post

      If you want three pages, One home, one download, one other page (say an affiliate page) take the index.html you were given and make three copies of it, then rename them to be
      download.html (or something that would be harder for someone to guess if they wanted to steal your product)
      and an
      Then you can use dreamweaver to add all of your content to each of the pages.
      you can then link them together using a code like this

      Upload them to your server and you should be good to go.

      For future reference you can just name them what you want, just don't mess with the extension (html) and link them together.
      Hey Jay thank you but I have one more quick question. Does that mean the site link will actually have .html at the end of it? How do I do something like without .html in the url?

      • Profile picture of the author Jay_Selders
        Profile picture of Jay_Selders
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by warhero View Post

        Hey Jay thank you but I have one more quick question. Does that mean the site link will actually have .html at the end of it? How do I do something like George Brown's Google Sniper 2.0 without .html in the url?

        If you want a to do something like that you need to go into your main, root folder, and make a new folder (or sometimes called a directory) with the name of what you want the page to say.
        Ex: if you want then name the folder "launch"
        then in that folder upload a file called index.html, that index.html will appear when you navigate to
        • Profile picture of the author ShiningHero
          Profile picture of ShiningHero
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by Jay_Selders View Post

          If you want a to do something like that you need to go into your main, root folder, and make a new folder (or sometimes called a directory) with the name of what you want the page to say.
          Ex: if you want then name the folder "launch"
          then in that folder upload a file called index.html, that index.html will appear when you navigate to
          By root do you mean just inside the domain name folder?
          • Profile picture of the author Jay_Selders
            Profile picture of Jay_Selders
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by warhero View Post

            By root do you mean just inside the domain name folder?
            It varies from host to host, and your hosting may have every domain name in a different folder.

            • Profile picture of the author ShiningHero
              Profile picture of ShiningHero
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by Jay_Selders View Post

              It varies from host to host, and your hosting may have every domain name in a different folder.

              I see, so a VPS host provider that doesn't allow root access wouldn't allow you to change the .html then I assume?
              • Profile picture of the author Cosmo Demopoulos
                Cosmo Demopoulos
                Profile picture of Cosmo Demopoulos
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                Originally Posted by warhero View Post

                I see, so a VPS host provider that doesn't allow root access wouldn't allow you to change the .html then I assume?
                No, not all all. "Root" assess is a totally different concept than "root" folder - nothing in common.

                "Root access" means administrator (also known as "root" or superuser) access to the machine.

                "Root folder" refers to your top level folder. You have access to this. "Root access" not required

                Confusing terminology for sure, but "root access" comes from Unix where the root account (you literally login as the user "root") is the admin account.

                Root folder simply means the top level folder.
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  • Profile picture of the author TylerRWS
    Profile picture of TylerRWS
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Warhero...

    I'm no HTML expert (and have only played around with Dreamweaver), but from what you're asking, you would name all of the pages different names (any name you want).

    So would have an index.html, thankyoupage.html, contactus.html, and so on.

    Also, what you would do is upload each page to your websites main directory. So, depending on who's hosting your site you would upload your pages to your main directory using an FTP client (I use HostGator as my host, so I use their File Manager application).

    But load them up individually into your main directory. Then, link to your subpages (thankyoupage.html, etc.) from your home page (index.html).

    Hope this makes sense, and hope it helps!


  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
    Mike Hill
    Profile picture of Mike Hill
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    Man, you guys are making this out to be more difficult than it has to be, that's for sure.

    If you name all three index.html then they cannot go in the same folder or they will replace one another.

    If you want your links to look something like then you would have to create a folder named page2. Inside that folder would be a page titled index.html (That would be your page 2)

    The main URL would be your sales page so just title it index.html (no folder)

    For subsequent pages just create a folder and insert the correct index.html page.

    index.html is the default page in a folder or main root directory so you do not need to add the index.html at the end of your URL, it will automatically go to that page as it takes priority. That's why you need an index.html in every folder as well.

    Again, here's an example if you have 3 pages (main sales page, thank you page and an order page) (You sales page will be index.html) (The page 2 is a folder you created in your domain. The page in this folder will also be index.html) (The page 3 is a folder you created in your domain. The page in this folder will also be index.html)

    Do you understand?

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