What are THE BEST "Weight Loss" Affiliate Programs?

59 replies
Hi guys,

We all know that there are tons of "Weight Loss" affiliate programs out there.

But what are THE BEST weight loss affiliate programs that have made money FOR YOU, personally?

#affiliate #programs #weight loss
  • Profile picture of the author christopher jon
    Affiliate programs don't make money for you, you make money for them.

    A good marketer can make money with any of them.
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    • Profile picture of the author Martyn_MN
      Originally Posted by christopher jon View Post

      Affiliate programs don't make money for you, you make money for them.

      A good marketer can make money with any of them.
      This is very true, if you can get targeted traffic to a site you can get sales (providing the content is good)

      I would however say that it is important to have products that are good quality and products that are being searched for.

      Not to self promote or anything but MoreNiche do offer a wide range of health and weight loss products. Some of which do get some newspaper PR which can result in sales.
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      • Profile picture of the author SoundsGood
        Originally Posted by Martyn_MN View Post

        it is important to have products that are good quality and products that are being searched for.
        Right. My question still stands.

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        • Profile picture of the author Martyn_MN
          Originally Posted by SoundsGood View Post

          Right. My question still stands.

          Im sorry I thought I answered your question, MoreNiche did make money for me before I became Affiliate Manager - if that helps
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          • Profile picture of the author SoundsGood
            Originally Posted by Martyn_MN View Post

            Im sorry I thought I answered your question
            Oh, I was referring to the other guy's answer.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alex Barboza
      Originally Posted by christopher jon View Post

      A good marketer can make money with any of them.
      And a good marketer cares about what to offer to his/her precious subscribers.
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    • Profile picture of the author Gary Ning Lo
      Originally Posted by christopher jon View Post

      A good marketer can make money with any of them.
      Sorry but you can't make a living online promoting a crappy product with a crappy sales page..

      And even if you're super lucky and manage to do it, it would be a waste of resource...


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  • Profile picture of the author Lee Belch
    To the OP.

    I found the diet solution program to convert very well on CB, i have made around 200+ sales.

    Hope that helps

    p.s. I do not own nor work for the diet solution program
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      Best is subjective, and I wouldn't use that term as applicable to all. But Amazon has a wide array of weight loss products. I sell in large quantities to health food stores, fitness centers, professionals and other outlets.
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      • Profile picture of the author Hamida Harland
        I do well with The Diet Solution and Fat Burning Furnace on Clickbank. Also Proactol and Phen375 on Moreniche.

        Not that it will help you knowing that though - what converts for someone else may not convert for you. It all depends on how YOU market them.
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      • Profile picture of the author Lea Karana
        Originally Posted by myob View Post

        Best is subjective, and I wouldn't use that term as applicable to all. But Amazon has a wide array of weight loss products. I sell in large quantities to health food stores, fitness centers, professionals and other outlets.
        How do you sell to health food stores or fitness centers, do you own the product? or if you are an affiliate how do you sell the actual product to them?

        I'm just curious

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        • Profile picture of the author myob
          Hi Lea

          Basically all I do is write articles for ezine publishers, websites, and offline publications such as trade journals and newsletters of which the targeted decision makers read. These publications allow a resource box or byline with a link to my website promoting these Amazon products. Amazon subsequently handles everything else.
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    • Profile picture of the author Qamar
      Originally Posted by Money Maker VIP View Post

      To the OP.

      I found the diet solution program to convert very well on CB, i have made around 200+ sales.

      Hope that helps

      p.s. I do not own nor work for the diet solution program
      Can i know how long did you take to achieve that kind of sales? Thanks

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  • Profile picture of the author SoundsGood
    Thanks, guys. Any others worth mentioning?
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    • Profile picture of the author la dominatrix
      Originally Posted by SoundsGood View Post

      Thanks, guys. Any others worth mentioning?
      Strip that Fat has worked for me
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    • Profile picture of the author simon1234bunny
      I use Shareasale they have some interesting ppl on there and my commission isn't to bad but other than that just Amazon (seriously limited) if you want to sell fitness equipment ie treadmills, exercise bike and rowing machines. there's a fair choice for those!

      Simon Watson the MD at Can I Lose Weight Fast. Site https://whatisweightlossabout.com

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      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Noticed where Nutrisystem in the last month or has two cut their affiliates' slice from 15% to 7%.
        A big cut in commission
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  • Profile picture of the author shuvo
    There are different weight loss affiliate programs you can get in clickbank or commission junction.However you also may work with moreniche.Moreniche has some highly paid products to promote.
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  • Profile picture of the author lunchboxdiet
    I've made money promoting to my diet list for Diet Solution, 7 Day Belly Blast, Turbulance Training also Panic Away works well due to the similar nature of issues with the market, worth considering.

    NEW Weight Loss Hypnosis Affiliates Make $199
    Diet affiliate? Click here
    The Lunch Box Diet has had more offline media coverage than any other online diet...

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  • Profile picture of the author SoundsGood
    Okay guys. Thanks again.
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  • Profile picture of the author JayWeir
    I made decent money with the diet solution as well.

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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    Originally Posted by Ken_Caudill View Post

    The HGC program on CJ.
    yes we have had some small success with this over the years.

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  • Profile picture of the author SoundsGood
    Originally Posted by Ken_Caudill View Post

    The HGC program on CJ.
    Which program is this?
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  • Profile picture of the author DanMurray
    fat loss 4 idiots has done so much testing and tweaking the conversions i have been getting recently are ridiculous so that is what i will recommend to you,

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    • Profile picture of the author mlmguru
      Beachbody's products have worked for me, they are very popular and not sold in stores so people are actually out there looking for these particular products. P90x, Insanity, Turbo Fire, and 10 Minute Trainer are just a few of the popular ones. Although this isn't an ordinary affiliate program, is an actual home based business with a small monthly fee, but sales are made the same way, through links that are all tracked to the individual. An experienced affiliate marketer would do well selling these products.
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  • Profile picture of the author Money on the Side
    Check CB in the Health & Fitness category and rank by gravity. That will give you the products that are paying out to affiliates.

    For me, I've sold a gazillion copies of P90X. You can sign up as an affiliate through Pepperjam or you can become a rep through Beachbody. P90X gets over 2 million searches a month on Google. Pepperjam pays $25 per copy sold and beachbody pays $30
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    • Profile picture of the author Naeem Sikandar
      yes , you are right .there are are too many fat loss products to promote.
      but the famous one this year is "FAT LOSS 4 IDOTS". it has done a huge business and affiliates are making a ton of money with it.

      Naeem Sikandar
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    • Originally Posted by killercopy View Post

      Check CB in the Health & Fitness category and rank by gravity. That will give you the products that are paying out to affiliates.
      In before Alexa :rolleyes:

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      • Profile picture of the author myob
        Originally Posted by killercopy View Post

        Check CB in the Health & Fitness category and rank by gravity. That will give you the products that are paying out to affiliates.
        LOL! The Clickbank products in the Health & Fitness category with some of the highest overall avg affiliate payouts have gravity scores under 10.

        For example, one is yafood, but the sales page is so crappy hardly anyone seems to be promoting it. Others are totalwellnesscleanse and sexybuttmakeover.

        Redo these sales pages, do reviews, promote to your lists etc with a direct link to the payment pages, and you've got killer products with almost no competition. (get permission from the vendors)
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  • Profile picture of the author SoundsGood
    I took a peek at that Moreniche program. Looks interesting. Anyone know if they've got any reps in the United States?

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  • Profile picture of the author Anup Mahajan
    The weight loss market is huge. You can not only sell ebooks but also pills, exercise equipments, books as well as promote CPA offers. So depending on what you want to promote you'll come up with different answers.

    Plus new fads keep coming in this market all the time. So in my opinion there are variety of products that can be labeled as best in this market.


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    • Profile picture of the author SoundsGood
      Originally Posted by Anup Mahajan View Post

      The weight loss market is huge. You can not only sell ebooks but also pills, exercise equipments, books as well as promote CPA offers.
      Which of these weight loss niches would you guys say is the best to promote?:

      1. weight loss diets ?

      2. weight loss products ?

      3. weight loss programs ?

      4. weight loss (something else) ?

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  • Profile picture of the author MarQueteer
    HCG rocks, no matter if the actual product or any weight loss guides related to it. No sports, no diet weight loss always sells and in this case it's even actually true.
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesGw
    Doesn't P90X have an affiliate program? I'm more into weight gain and general fitness than loss, so I can't help you much there.
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  • Profile picture of the author pharman
    NatraBurst Is A Great Product
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  • Profile picture of the author SoundsGood
    Okay, thanks guys...
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    NOt many people are going to reveal their products to you, as they have spent many months testing and tweaking trying to hit it out the ball park.

    While I think this is a good niche, I am not going to reveal my favourite two, as its taken time to master. I suggest you do the same. but I sell lots of CB diet stuff, and good sized lists in this niche. It has taken a long time to acheive this and there really is no holy grail.

    Just work hard and build you lists up, give them good info and you will see what converts the best.

    Once I have a email offer that converts I add it to my autoresponder series. WIN WIN.
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  • Profile picture of the author SoundsGood
    Is building a list the only way to go?

    Or ???
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  • Profile picture of the author MontelloMarketing
    I've written more than a dozen sales letters in various sub-niches of "fitness." And most of them end up in the top 5 at some point. But... when it comes to weight loss you just can't do any better than fatburningfurnace.com.

    He's been my client for years. Great funnel... great guy to deal with... great money to be made for affiliates.

    Also... look for a new one to be coming out next month called Attack The Fat. Shhhh... you didn't hear it from me.
    The Montello Group
    Your Premier Conversion Cooperative

    Join Us For Free Conversion Webinars
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    • Profile picture of the author SoundsGood
      Originally Posted by MontelloMarketing View Post

      Also... look for a new one to be coming out next month called Attack The Fat. Shhhh... you didn't hear it from me.
      Well... I'm sitting on a few well-aged "category killer" domain names in the weight loss space that I'd like to do something with. So if you (or anyone else here) can think of a way that we can help each other (you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours) hit me up via PM and let's discuss.

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  • Profile picture of the author imdomination
    Fat Burning Furnace is the best clickbank product I've promoted in the weight loss niche. Definitely a much better conversion rate that the others.

    I've made tens of thousands with CPA weight loss offers, but the ones I used to promote are all gone now sadly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Barboza
    I'm with Vin. I have sold Fat Burning Furnace (Spanish version) and it has sold quite well. Better than expected actually.
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    • Profile picture of the author SoundsGood
      Originally Posted by Alex Barboza View Post

      I'm with Vin. I have sold Fat Burning Furnace (Spanish version) and it has sold quite well. Better than expected actually.
      Sounds like this one's a winner. Thanks, Alex.
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  • Profile picture of the author mediaspree
    Try BistroMD, Medifast, and others in Commission Junction.
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  • Profile picture of the author brute77
    The diet solution program converts pretty well, i made 50+ sales..
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  • Profile picture of the author damyhealth
    Hey guys,

    I recommend checking out Amy Layne's program at damyhealth (dot) com. She does really well and her members have amazing results.

    Promotion is really easy because there are so many good testimonials to use. Some affiliates are doing really well too. I work with her on the website so we are always open to suggestions to making the affiliate program better.

    Hope some of you will check it out.

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    • Profile picture of the author joven
      What is the best program you ask. My answer to you is that there many excellent weight loss programs available. The question what are you looking for? Are you looking for a weight loss program that sells itself or you want to struggle selling it? From my experience I can tell you that no matter how good the product is, it does not sell itself. You must market it yourself. The satisfaction comes from offering one the very best programs today and with a company that has ideas to help you market the product. Would you like to take a look? Take a look a my affiliate program.

      Weight Loss program from the #1 nutritional company in the United States.


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      • Profile picture of the author SoundsGood
        Originally Posted by joven View Post

        What is the best program you ask. My answer to you is that there many excellent weight loss programs available. The question what are you looking for? Are you looking for a weight loss program that sells itself or you want to struggle selling it? From my experience I can tell you that no matter how good the product is, it does not sell itself. You must market it yourself. The satisfaction comes from offering one the very best programs today and with a company that has ideas to help you market the product.
        Such a helpful post... :rolleyes:
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    • Profile picture of the author joven
      I am sorry!

      I am having problems with my signature. I do not understand why it simply not showing up. I promise this is the last message I send you. If I do not get my signature I will consult the Warrior Support.

      It is an embarrassing situation for me. Again, I apologize.

      Weight Loss program from the #1 nutritional company in the United States.


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  • Profile picture of the author joven
    Hello fellow Warriors!

    My apologies. In the previous post I have the wrong signature. Please take a note the one below. I am hoping I did not confuse anyone.

    Many thanks!

    Everett Larreynaga

    Weight Loss program from the #1 nutritional company in the United States.


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  • Profile picture of the author Alpha123
    I am creating a product which will be immense.
    As an affiliate, what do you want from selling a product?

    What does it have to have, to make you want to sell it? (I am new to this so thought to ask and get some tips)

    It will be a great product so what else does it have to have for you?
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  • Profile picture of the author jamescanz
    Originally Posted by SoundsGood View Post

    Hi guys,

    We all know that there are tons of "Weight Loss" affiliate programs out there.

    But what are THE BEST weight loss affiliate programs that have made money FOR YOU, personally?

    The top clickbank offers have done well for me.

    Fat Loss Factor and Customized Fat Loss, testing out Venus Factor now.

    Depends on the audience though.

    For me...

    FLF has worked best for women

    And CFL has worked best for men
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  • Profile picture of the author RobLevin
    Hi everyone,

    I'm the creator of the Scientific Weight Loss Factor. It is the weight loss plan completely based on scientifically proven weight loss methods. As you probably know, people are way more likely to buy a health product if it is backed by science.

    If you are interested here is the link to our affiliate page: scientificweightlossfactor.com/affiliates

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  • Profile picture of the author OfferGrind
    We have numerous diet offers in our network at top payouts. They are killing it with high EPCs!
    Top Converting Offers | Highest Payouts | On Time Payments

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  • Profile picture of the author LeadStorm
    I promote weight loss in Europe and LipoPro.de with 1 click upsell to DetoxPro.de works really well. The payout is $55 on step 1 and $55 on step 2. I consistently get $2-$3 CPC's. They are set up for German, French and Dutch traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author fiverrurassistant
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    • Profile picture of the author gavinwalsh1
      There are tons of offers on Clickbank.

      1) Fat Diminisher
      2) Venus
      3) 3 Week Diet (although looks a little shady to me)
      4) Diet Free Weekends
      5) LEAN IN 19 (Shameless plug for my own product).


      Are you in the fitness & fat loss niche, check outLEAN IN 19 EXTREME FAT LOSS PLAN for some extra $$$.

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  • Profile picture of the author jex1
    Fat Diminisher is not converting for me. I also notice the big "add to cart" link does not change no matter whos affiliate link I hit the landing page from. It SEEMS like the guy who owns it strips the link... not good?
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