Need Marketing Suggestions

Profile picture of Probb
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OK.. Here goes.

I have been online for about 10 years and have done well in the health/fitness industry. Recently, I wanted a new challange and decided to get into the bodybuilding/fitness industry. Due to some of my other businesses, I have an HD film studio, in house production company, web designers and coders and thought that I could bring my FRESH ideas to the industry and challange the industry leaders.

My website is .com . This is a billion dollar industry and in my opinion, I can take a big chunck of the pie because of the very few people at the top.

At the moment, it is being developed and should be live in 2 months. I have already got several of the biggest names in bodybuilding on staff and will be offering them to the viewers to communicate with and ask questions. The viewers will type their questions in the forum and the Bodybuilder will be on video answering the fans questions live 7 hours M-F. On top of that, we have great articles, motivational videos, weekly amatuer contests ($4,000 monthly), over 200 video exercise tutorials, photo galleries, Message Board, "musclespace" bodybuilding community like myspace, interviews, competition results, on and on and on.

Anyway... I am in a position to challenge the industry leader ( .com) who has been around a loong time and has a HUGE customer base. They get around 11-12 MILLION visits each month and the fitness market is NOT one that is very faithful. They go where the new information is as well as the sites that are fresh with content. I KNOW that I can keep the members on my site once I get them there, but I am wondering the best way to do that without spending crazy money in magazines (which I do not think work anyway).

I have another related website that gets around 500k visits each month and I can direct traffic from that site to this one, but I really want to learn how to reach a lot of the same people who will WANT to find a website like mine. Once I get them there... I will probably keep them because there is only really one other place to go and they have not done much lately to keep things interesting.

Any suggestions?

#marketing #suggestions

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