You would make 100s per day if you just did it

Profile picture of zerofill
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16 replies
Something has been eating at me awhile. I see it all the time...
People seem to not realize that in "DOING" you learn and understand why things work.

I am running into all kinds of people that need to know how:

A effects B and how that will effect C and how that will effect D if B changes...

Before they ever start to do anything!!!!!!!

If you spent as much time "DOING" as you spend thinking of ways everything can'd be making a lot of money right now.

People want to know all the variables on why something works before they do anything... and you just can't pass that much knowledge over like they did in the Matrix movie. I wish you could...but it just isn't possible. You learn a lot of it by doing. As a matter of fact...unless your don't understand anyway until you see it in action.

Also I am not trying to put any blatant advertising out here in what I am going to say now...but it is the best way I can think of to express what I am trying to say.

Jeremy Kelsall and myself have been showing people how to generate income online. You know..."Make Money Online" nothing new... We all talk about it on the forum here everyday...

We show people how to do it from scratch...Did it in front of their eyes from scratch... A lot of people took advantage of this and they followed the steps and bingo made a nice chunk of change. They now have a foundation and can build up from that and multiply their efforts and do really well. Many of them are already...

But then you have some that have to know why the sky is blue, why the ocean is salty, why trees need carbon dioxide to produce oxygen...
(exaggerating here) But...they need to know all this before they can even start!!

While the people that said screw it...I can see this works...I'm gonna do it. These people now know all the answers to the WHY? WHY? WHY? questions from just doing it.

Now as a programmer...I had a mindset similar to these people originally...
As a programmer/Developer you have to know why you are doing this and that and...what can cause things to fail so you don't make those mistakes.

Normally though there isn't someone your watching do it. Thus seeing it work before you begin development. So it is a totally different world...

Like I said a while back on the old forum too...I had to beat myself in the head with a hammer a long time ago to get out of the programmer mentality when it came to online marketing.

So my question is...What causes this mindset that prohibits so many people from actually starting and just "DOING"?

How do you change their mindset? Get them to take action prior to becoming Albert Einstein of internet marketing?

Many of these people have what I always felt is the only thing you need to be a success which is "Drive".
But they are stuck on who, what , when, and how...before they get to the starting line.

Many of you guys I know run coaching programs, training courses, etc...
How do you get these people out of that mode? I personally want to see them succeed...Just not sure what is actually stopping them from moving forward...

It can be very frustrating at times... I actually don't mind answering the questions when the people are actually taking action while asking. That is the way I want the questions to be asked. Not 7 million questions before they even get going.

I think what happens is the answers then overload them and they get frustrated and give up before they even start and see how easy it really can be...or how easy it can be to understand when you are doing it at the same time.

So I am really really curious how others handle and help these people.
#100s #day #make
  • Profile picture of the author Bai_Mike
    Profile picture of Bai_Mike
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    Give them the reason why then challenge them to do it.

    They ask why because they lack the "why". Motivation.

    The faster one challenge is accepted, the faster they'll move on to the next one. Take it as a kid who is starting out and kids learn and do fast.
  • Profile picture of the author Bryan Zimmerman
    Bryan Zimmerman
    Profile picture of Bryan Zimmerman
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    Originally Posted by zerofill View Post

    How do you change their mindset? Get them to take action prior to becoming Albert Einstein of internet marketing?

    You yourself cannot change their mindset. It is up to each individual to decide what they are going to do. Some will never do anything while others will take the ball and run with it. You can push, challenge, beg, plead and answer questions until you have solved all of Einsteins theorys but that still does not mean everybody will put it to use. As a member of your program I can tell you that you guys have laid it all out for anyone that WANTS to put it into action to be successful. It is all there in pretty plain english. Not to mentions you guys really do a great job of answering questions. I have and it has worked wonderful for me.

    It's like that old stupid phrase "you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink it". Corny but it's the truth. And while your good nature of truly wanting to see that people succeed is a great quality to have, the truth is people are going to disappoint you by not taking what you offerd and using it even after you have handed it them on a silver platter. Just the way it is.
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Kay King
      Profile picture of Kay King
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      It's an analytical way of thinking that slows people down and is often attributed to "mindset" or to "lack of motivation" or "fear of failure". It's none of those. It's a thought pattern often found in high IQ and in detail oriented people and common in those who choose careers such as engineering.

      For this type of thought pattern - it's hard to just do one thing without understanding how it relates to another thing and where it fits into the big picture.

      How do you get around it when training? Give them the big picture as a mindmap that clearly shows how each step leads to another. For these people "just do it" isn't enough - they want "just do it, because....".

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      • Profile picture of the author zerofill
        Profile picture of zerofill
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        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        Give them the big picture as a mindmap that clearly shows how each step leads to another.".

        You have me thinking on this one Kay...I love that idea. Maybe that view which shows them the roads they have to travel and the ending results will get them moving.
        Serp Shaker
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  • Profile picture of the author absolutelee
    Profile picture of absolutelee
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    You've got a point. There's truly a time and a place for "Ready, Fire, Aim"!
  • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
    Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
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    When you give them or help them create motivation then they will do anything you ask.. Motivation is the key missing into opening that door to opportunity. When we are motivated then getting things done is so much easier.

    There are many ways to create motivation.. You can even force yourself to be motivated if you think out-side-the-box on how to go about things. First and foremost, and this is my personal opinion, money should not be the basis for motivation. When you use money as a motivation factor you are holding yourself back because you are thinking of that money only.

    Setting a goal to make $x amount is a good things but using $x as your sole factor for motivation is the wrong way to go about things. Instead you should be focused on other factors such as:

    * Helping Others
    * Building a Life for your Family
    * Creating a Good Reputation

    Plus many other things.. Motivation is one of the hardest things to get started but yet is is one of the easiest things to implement..

  • Profile picture of the author Denise Hall
    Denise Hall
    Profile picture of Denise Hall
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    Sigh... "The Newbie Syndrome."

    I can understand why they think they need to learn it all before they get going. I was there once, and I'm sure a lot of others were, too. But I learned that once I took action and got going on something, I started to make money.

    I think the problem with most newbies is that they don't know what to do first, so they go in circles trying to figure it out.

    I don't mind answering people's questions, but what bothers me is giving advice that doesn't get acted upon. I think a lot of people have the idea in their head that "it can't be that simple" so they keep looking for more pieces of the puzzle.

    Just my two cents.

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    • Profile picture of the author zerofill
      Profile picture of zerofill
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      Originally Posted by Denise Hall View Post

      I think a lot of people have the idea in their head that "it can't be that simple" so they keep looking for more pieces of the puzzle.

      Just my two cents.

      You know...
      A lot of good ideas here...but you are right on this one I think...

      Some people look at it and go "DUH" thats friggin easy...

      Then other people go "There is no way it is that easy to do this"

      Originally Posted by SuperAffiliatesTraining

      People "work" when they need money not when they want money
      Very true too...Often waiting til one day they are desperate rather than taking action to insure they never are.

      Originally Posted by Allen Graves


      I never thought I'd say this...but you're right! <evil smile>
      What??? I'm always right where the heck you been? LOL

      Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim

      If you don't understand something as you're doing it, you can ask a question
      about it. But don't ask me why you're doing it beforehand. I won't tell you.

      That's it. I lay down the law and I make it clear right from the start.
      I think it is one of the pitfalls we face form doing it at such a low price range... You get both "Action Takers" and "Dreamers"

      I totally understand where you are coming from on this though Steven.

      So now I got myself caught in the loop of trying to figure out what they are thinking lol...instead of just continuing to take action myself...
      How ironic huh?
      Serp Shaker
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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    Profile picture of Raydal
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    Note: This is a general response and NOT targeted to you because
    I don't know about your coaching program.

    A million questions is the same indicator as no questions at all--Poor

    If people are paying for a coaching program they ARE motivated enough
    to pay otherwise they'll hold on tho their money. Could it be that you
    promised something that you are not delivering?

    In other words, you have to start looking at YOU the teacher and not
    just the student.

    This may be a tough cookie to swallow, but simply because you know
    how to do something doesn't qualify you to teach it. Sometimes the
    better you are at a skill the more you are disqualified to teach it
    because you assume that the student know too much.

    And this applies to anyone running a coaching program--why not
    do some reading on how to teach if you've never done so
    before. Buy a book on how to present seminars. These all
    discuss how to reach different types of students etc.

    The type of student you are complaining about are the "Why?"
    students. They want their "why's" answered BEFORE they do
    anything. So how do you teach them? You assign them
    problems to solve--don't tell them everything.

    Most likely YOUR learning style is very different from those students
    you are not reaching.

    Here is a helpful handout that may help ....

    Sometimes we have to take another look at ourselves as coaches and
    adjust to the students. It's not always their lack of motivation. Many
    times it's OUR lack of teaching skills.

    -Ray L.,
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
  • Profile picture of the author Allen Graves
    Allen Graves
    Profile picture of Allen Graves
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    I never thought I'd say this...but you're right! <evil smile>


    I found this out a long time ago when I was trying to develop some websites. I would sit there with a pad and pen trying to write out what the site would look like and what pages to add to it etc...

    But once I got in and actually started designing the sites, it all came together...and usually it was nothing like what I had designed on paper.

    If you apply this to everything else...which I have also will notice a HUMONGOUS increase in your online income in the coming year.

    Allen Graves
    Every day I check the obituaries. If I don't see my name there, then I know it's going to be a good day!
  • Profile picture of the author zeppb
    Profile picture of zeppb
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    This is so true and very inspiring. I've even found myself spending too long researching on the forum and other places when I should of been doing something. Writing articles or building backlinks. Just something.
  • Profile picture of the author moneymaker1206
    Profile picture of moneymaker1206
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    I have to agree. I know it can be hard as someone just starting out because the internet overwhelms us with so much information, and newbies have a hard time finding where to start.

    But this paralysis by overanalysis will get you nowhere. Another thing people have to realize is that you can't truly succeed until you have failed, but the only way to get there is by action.

    Success does not come overnight, but if you never give up, and you do take action instead of just being scared to fail or having information overload, then over time you will find the success you dream of.

    I hope this helps.
    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Steven Wagenheim
      Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Don, here is the answer to your question with my mentoring program and
      it's very simple.

      First of all, not everybody can even get into it. I have a rigorous screening
      process and reject 90% of the applicants.

      Once in, I have one rule.

      You do as I say...period.

      If you don't understand something as you're doing it, you can ask a question
      about it. But don't ask me why you're doing it beforehand. I won't tell you.

      That's it. I lay down the law and I make it clear right from the start.

      Today, I am successful enough that I can be very choosy about who I

      It's that simple.
      • Profile picture of the author Kevin Flask
        Kevin Flask
        Profile picture of Kevin Flask
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        People want to know all the variables on why something works before they do anything...
        I am totally guilty of this.

        Some of it is fear of failure, some of it is fear of success because success
        can certainly bring on a new reality I haven't experienced before, and not
        sure how to handle it.

        Some of it is wanting things to work in the best way possible and not to
        take so long to see successful results or take up too many resources that
        cannot be risked...whether this is a valid point or just my neuroses... I don't know.


        It's an analytical way of thinking that slows people down and is often attributed to "mindset" or to "lack of motivation" or "fear of failure". It's none of those. It's a thought pattern often found in high IQ and in detail oriented people and common in those who choose careers such as engineering.

        For this type of thought pattern - it's hard to just do one thing without understanding how it relates to another thing and where it fits into the big picture.

        How do you get around it when training? Give them the big picture as a mindmap that clearly shows how each step leads to another. For these people "just do it" isn't enough - they want "just do it, because....".
        You are absolutely right.

        I have been in distribution operations for 16 years, and for the past 12 years I
        am responsible for maintaining inventory and accuracy through our computer
        programs, as well as its processing.

        A lot of my training is involved with knowing how A, B, and C work together
        and how any variable can cause different results.

        I don't know about the high IQ part.... but I do have very strong problem
        solving skills...maybe that's why I been involved in the same area for 12 years

        I would offer that a reason (probably my personal) would be not being
        able to see the bigger picture than just the smaller components.

        Planning a business needs a broader scope of vision and therefore, planning
        in stages for desired results.

        But, zerofill, you really hit that nail on the head.

        Being paralyzed by too much information, or not the perceived correct
        information one needs, just leads to more of the same......getting nothing
        done, not learning, not building a business, not earning.

        Thanks for the slap upside the head....

        All the best,

  • Profile picture of the author learnmore
    Profile picture of learnmore
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    Hi zerofill,
    I can appreciate the fact the people coming from programming background look for precision because that's what's valued in that realm. May be providing a blueprint or an outline of why things has to be done in a certain way to make the "system" work will probably help "know-as-much-as-possible-before-doing" kind of people. I am guilty of being in that population myself . Just my two cents.

    Originally Posted by zerofill View Post

    Now as a programmer...I had a mindset similar to these people originally...
    As a programmer/Developer you have to know why you are doing this and that and...what can cause things to fail so you don't make those mistakes.
  • Profile picture of the author Steven Fullman
    Steven Fullman
    Profile picture of Steven Fullman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Perfect post. Thank you.


    Not promoting right now

  • Profile picture of the author AndyCamden
    Profile picture of AndyCamden
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    So my question is...What causes this mindset that prohibits so many people from actually starting and just "DOING"?

    How do you change their mindset? Get them to take action prior to becoming Albert Einstein of internet marketing?
    Great post. I agree with it. Most people don't take any action whatsoever.

    Could be that they fear success or they don't want to make any mistakes. Could also be that they just don't know where to begin. It weird to watch someone in a camtasia video doing the actions, yet it is another to do it yourself.

    In fact, most of the times when I get done watching a video, I then put into action what I saw and learn that it is 10 times easier than I thought.

    They are the only ones that can ultimately decide to take action. When it comes down to it they have to develop a burning desire within themselves to really want to make money on the internet. So them benefit after benefit and constantly remind them of those benefits.

    Take people that want to lose weight. Why do most of the fail? Its because they don't really want it bad enough. SO they eventually fail. They have not taking the time to develop that burning desire within themselves to succeed.

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