Your Account Has Been Deleted
What is the answer? Make sure you obey the TOS of every service you do business with? Is this enough? Absolutely not. I have lost accounts of various services while trying my dead level best to follow the TOS. The Google Slap is probably the best example. Can anybody figure out for sure what Google wants exactly? Very frustrating! They change all the time themselves.
So the bottom line you can lose any of your valuable services at anytime by one unilateral decision. No discussion no recourse.
What can you do?
First realize this. You are not safe. Have back ups to your back ups. Do not put all your eggs in one basket. Always be thinking what would I do if I lost this service. Defense must be a habit and it must take place when everything is going great. You cannot wait until everything is gone! Prepare for the worst!
Have you ever had any of your valuable accounts deleted arbitrarily without notice? I would like to hear about your experiences and how you and the service administrators responded. Let me know your stories, the specific services and companies you dealt with. Rant away. I want to know the gory details. Thank you for sharing.
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