Your Account Has Been Deleted

42 replies
Your account has been deleted, your account has been suspended for violations of our terms of service. These are words which make most of us internet marketers hearts drop. Our web hosting, autoresponder services, Google Adwords, Adsense, domain registration YouTube, Facebook, Twitter accounts, Warrior Forum Account and posts(LOL), can all be deleted by one arbitrary click. No trial, no jury, no discussion. Click your business is gone. This is the uncertainty that so many us of working full time on the internet deal with.

What is the answer? Make sure you obey the TOS of every service you do business with? Is this enough? Absolutely not. I have lost accounts of various services while trying my dead level best to follow the TOS. The Google Slap is probably the best example. Can anybody figure out for sure what Google wants exactly? Very frustrating! They change all the time themselves.

So the bottom line you can lose any of your valuable services at anytime by one unilateral decision. No discussion no recourse.

What can you do?

First realize this. You are not safe. Have back ups to your back ups. Do not put all your eggs in one basket. Always be thinking what would I do if I lost this service. Defense must be a habit and it must take place when everything is going great. You cannot wait until everything is gone! Prepare for the worst!

Have you ever had any of your valuable accounts deleted arbitrarily without notice? I would like to hear about your experiences and how you and the service administrators responded. Let me know your stories, the specific services and companies you dealt with. Rant away. I want to know the gory details. Thank you for sharing.

#account #deleted
  • Profile picture of the author quickregister
    P.S. I just backed up this post to the drafts are of my blog in case anybody deletes it here. I will then back up my blog database with Backupsmart automatically to my hardrive. I will then use a cloud service to back up my data on my hardrive automatically to their servers....Not kidding.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ben Armstrong
    It's probably fortunate it happened to me at the start, but I got a life ban from Google adwords when I followed some advice from an IM guru.

    Anyway... It just meant I took a different path into IM, not that I lost my whole business or anything.

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  • Profile picture of the author quickregister
    Hi Ben, you are not alone on that one. Thousands were banned by Google. Many were able to come back though. I find often we find better alternatives when we lose valuable services and it makes us grow.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greyhounds
    I guess the best thing we can do is stick to the rules and "don't put all of your eggs in one basket!"
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  • Profile picture of the author Claire Sharp
    So far, i haven't experienced it. You will happen to be on it if you did not obey their TOS. Just as simple as obeying the TOS, you will never get the chance that your account will be deleted, blocked or banned.
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    • Profile picture of the author quickregister
      Unfortunately I have found that even if you scrupulously follow the TOS it is still possible to have your accounts deleted. Sometimes companies change their TOS.
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    • Profile picture of the author ray777
      Originally Posted by Claire Sharp View Post

      So far, i haven't experienced it. You will happen to be on it if you did not obey their TOS. Just as simple as obeying the TOS, you will never get the chance that your account will be deleted, blocked or banned.
      Yeah but when you sign up for something do you read the terms of service? Or do you just click accept? If you do read it can you understand it all?

      A few days ago I signed up for a youtube account. I copy and pasted their TOS into my word processor and it was 19 pages. I gave up reading and just clicked accept.
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  • Profile picture of the author Christian Little
    People get suspended all the time, especially if you are with HostGator, they are a little trigger happy with the ban hammer.

    As the owner of a web hosting company, I can say that in the past 4 months or so I've had to suspend 3 accounts because they violated our AUP. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. 2 of the people I suspended probably knew it was going to happen, they didn't even try to contact us.
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    • Profile picture of the author zeeawk
      Originally Posted by Christian Little View Post

      People get suspended all the time, especially if you are with HostGator, they are a little trigger happy with the ban hammer.

      As the owner of a web hosting company, I can say that in the past 4 months or so I've had to suspend 3 accounts because they violated our AUP. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. 2 of the people I suspended probably knew it was going to happen, they didn't even try to contact us.
      What are some reasons a web hosting account would be suspended?
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      • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
        Originally Posted by zeeawk View Post

        What are some reasons a web hosting account would be suspended?
        Spamming, spamvertising, hosting CPU-intensive scripts, using the account for illegal purposes, hosting files that aren't linked to the web pages on the site, running scripts or bots that are easily exploited or used to exploit other sites' weaknesses, phishing, any TOS violations... probably a bunch I'm not thinking of at the moment, too.

        Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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        • Profile picture of the author zeeawk
          Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

          Spamming, spamvertising, hosting CPU-intensive scripts, using the account for illegal purposes, hosting files that aren't linked to the web pages on the site, running scripts or bots that are easily exploited or used to exploit other sites' weaknesses, phishing, any TOS violations... probably a bunch I'm not thinking of at the moment, too.

          Thanks. Would this include spamming blog comments pointing back to your site?
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          • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
            Originally Posted by zeeawk View Post

            Thanks. Would this include spamming blog comments pointing back to your site?
            Depends on the host's terms of service. That might not be spelled out.

            Some hosts consider that abuse of other sites. Some don't.

            Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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      • Profile picture of the author Christian Little
        Originally Posted by zeeawk View Post

        What are some reasons a web hosting account would be suspended?
        It really depends on the specific hosting company.

        I mentioned above that I've suspended 3 recently, the reasons where:

        2 of them were hosting proxy servers on a shared hosting account. We only allow proxies to run on our reseller and VPS hosting plans.

        1 was using us to share pirated videos. I found 7 movies that he uploaded to his account and his buddies were downloading from us. Not only is that against our AUP (as he had absolutely no legal rights to the content), but it also violates US federal law.
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        • Profile picture of the author quickregister
          Hi Christian, yes it really is judgement call because many times the accounts really are in violation and should be terminated. It is important to run a tight ship otherwise you will have no business at all. However, if the company is too trigger happy they risk alienating good customers and creating bad press.

          I had a safelist hosted with Rackspace once. When I signed up for the server I told them the nature of the business and that I had a safelist and asked if that was ok. They said yes. Months later and after several personel changes they decided they no longer wanted to host safelists. Even though I had no complaints they nuked the server with no warning. This is bad business. I have many dedicated servers now even a web hosting forum and I would never use them. They should have at least given me time to switch to another provider.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisMcDonald Peerfly account was closed without question within minutes after receiving funds. This was on the back of a WSO too the Warrior has gone quiet as has the Freelancer I used ;( wasn't a good start, but I haven't been put off.
    English Speaking Writers - 400 word, 100% original articles for $6. Larger projects undertaken
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  • Profile picture of the author webapex
    And if you create Facebook groups, be sure you have multiple administrators so it won't get orphaned if one admin is knocked off.

    “An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field” Niels Bohr

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  • Profile picture of the author traderbenji
    I had my adwords account suspended, now the best bit is, I hadn't done any advertising with them for one and a half months to two months. Their reason was, crappy landing pages or something like that...I'm like what the, I haven't been advertising and supposably im sending traffic to poor quality pages. I laughed a lot and then put my thinking cap on and had to find alternatives, which is possibly one of the best things to happen as I found free sources, and cheap sources as alternatives to the traffic I would have gotten and was getting.
    Great Treasure Hunts
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  • Profile picture of the author redfieryheart
    I am now suspended with Yahoo answer for the reason so unclear to me. I just answered some questions with relevance but then I am still suspended...thinking to change my account there...
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  • Profile picture of the author rob1980
    I've seen this happen with yahoo with a few friends of mine, it took them a while to get things back on track again.
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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    yeah the problem is their TOS change overnight no warning then all of a sudden yuu are brsking them so are booted off.

    The more control you have the better you are and palying the Google/Paypal/Ebay TOS game is a futile road to travel down.

    15 Minute Forex Bar Trading System Free at

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    • Profile picture of the author quickregister
      Yes you can go nuts trying to comply in detail with all the TOS. It got so bad one time I thought hey I know how to make money. Just go into every business that is against Google's TOS (I am joking... sort of)

      Originally Posted by sloanjim View Post

      yeah the problem is their TOS change overnight no warning then all of a sudden yuu are brsking them so are booted off.

      The more control you have the better you are and palying the Google/Paypal/Ebay TOS game is a futile road to travel down.
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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    yeah in 2003 I lost my accounts..emails everything no questions asked. Why? I got 3 spam compplaints when i sent a messgae to my 7,000 list...

    I have lost just about every account in my 13 years online.....90% i had no idea why..... It's why I think trying to juggle too many "balls at once online" leads to massive frustration.

    It really depends on the specific hosting company.

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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    i had the word stock picks in my web address....wasn't even usng it but man......I can't believe how paranoid some of thes hosting companies are these sneeze too loudly it's like "we'll be banning you for that..."
    What are some reasons a web hosting account would be suspended?

    15 Minute Forex Bar Trading System Free at

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    • Profile picture of the author quickregister
      Yes sometimes if you just "seem" to be in the wrong neighborhood some companies will not take the time to actually analyze what is going on. Maybe you had a site which told people not to make stock picks. Who knows. I find the more you are paying for hosting though the more leeway you have. Let's face it. Yahoo and Google aggregate some of the most offensive violent even illegal content on the web and their servers are up.
      Originally Posted by sloanjim View Post

      i had the word stock picks in my web address....wasn't even usng it but man......I can't believe how paranoid some of thes hosting companies are these sneeze too loudly it's like "we'll be banning you for that..."
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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    yeah i was exactly the same. They told me i was breaking their TOS on my landing pages...So I paused all campaiugns and told them so...everything was ok then 6 months later i have been suspeneded for "continous breaking their TOS"

    I even emailed them after the first incident and they aid everything was now fine..I guess a new worker took over and decided to kiss his bosses ass for a day?

    Lesson is you simply cannot rely on any other biz for your biz!
    I had my adwords account suspended, now the best bit is, I hadn't done any advertising with them for one and a half months to two months. Their reason was, crappy landing pages or something like that...I'm like what the, I haven't been advertising and supposably im sending traffic to poor quality pages. I laughed a lot and then put my thinking cap on and had to find alternatives, which is possibly one of the best things to happen as I found free sources, and cheap sources as alternatives to the traffic I would have gotten and was getting.

    15 Minute Forex Bar Trading System Free at

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    • Profile picture of the author hikerguy777
      The lesson is you have to have multiple sources of revenue of course. I just got banned by google adwords and when I appealed sent me a note back saying I was deleted (no explanation).
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  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    Originally Posted by quickregister View Post

    First realize this. You are not safe. Have back ups to your back ups. Do not put all your eggs in one basket.
    Thats why i married 3 times in 3 states, solves the problem of having all my eggs in the same basket and if one breaks down or fails, i have a back up in 2 more states. (They say not to keep back ups in the same location.)
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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    • Profile picture of the author quickregister
      Very funny Pete! I like the way you think. But I hear you. Eventually you can only have so many back ups. You just have to do your best and try to work your way up the food chain.

      Originally Posted by tryinhere View Post

      Thats why i married 3 times in 3 states, solves the problem of having all my eggs in the same basket and if one breaks down or fails, i have a back up in 2 more states. (They say not to keep back ups in the same location.)
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  • Profile picture of the author serena85
    I think that I read a post like this many years ago and after that I expended my business and after that I begin selling add space on my websites.
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  • Profile picture of the author tgdrew
    One of the reasons that Google is so strict on the TOS agreement is due to all the abusers of the tools. So many people abuse the system which ruins it for the whole of us.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marc Lindsay
    Yep my adwords account..... twice.

    I got it back through sheer luck and talking to the right people.

    Right people.... not being their support.

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  • Profile picture of the author BIG Mike
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    • Profile picture of the author quickregister
      Very well said Mike. Aweber is a good service but understand it is high risk because they have control of your business. Of course this goes for the other third party services we use as well though it is impossible to completely avoid them.

      I am glad to hear you are doing well with your email deliverability on your own. I have an autoresponder software on my own server with Active Campaign. I actually went through the steps to get my ips listed in the feeback loops with all the isps. Not that big of a deal actually, just apply and ask your host to send them an email. Now when someone clicks the spam button I get an email from yahoo, comcast or aol and I just remove them.

      With the pricing of autoresponder services being based on subscriber count once your list gets big you can easily pay for a dedicated or VPS server.

      The great thing about having your own system is that you never have to worry about logging into your autoresponder account and seeing "your account has been deleted!" Peace of mind is worth something too.

      I wrote an article about email deliverability on the Warrior Forum here too. You can check it out here.

      Originally Posted by BIG Mike View Post

      The more your business relies on 3rd-party products and services, the more Risk Management and Contingency Planning is needed.

      In many ways, IM is a very high-risk business, simply because of how Internet marketers approach it. Far too often they focus on using free or low-cost services with strict terms; services that attract a disproportionate number of potential abusers.

      A lot of IM'ers use Aweber, even though they could (under the right circumstances) use their own AR. When I ask people about this, the first response is always deliverability. That's fine, except the second response is always, "No, I never tested this"

      I've got a couple of dedicated servers that I've used for my own AR for years with only one serious deliverability problem that came up a couple of years ago with MSN, Live and HotMail - got it resolved and back on track.

      I don't do anything special in terms of making this work except try to comply with CAN-SPAM, so my thinking is that if it works for me, why aren't others testing it and trying it? For the size of my lists, I'd be paying a minimum of $130 per month - you can get a decent dedicated server for that amount.

      I'm not knocking Aweber either, I've mainly heard very positive comments about them over the years. But, they do constitute a high-risk service that many IM'ers depend upon completely for their business to work. I say high-risk, because as a user of their services, you have zero control over them and their policies and their impact on your business.

      Pretty much the same is true with most other services IM'ers are using. This is why contingency planning is so important - having a solid plan in place in the likely event of having your account deleted.
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesJeffery
    Try being sued by Facebook and losing a lot of money. Happened to me on a large scale. I'm now permantly banned from Facebook. If I ever join, I'll have a lawsuit on my a$$.
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  • Profile picture of the author snovakor
    All this Services take rights to close our Acc. Without any explanation. And that is not fair. On FB, they have warned me twice. Why ? Because I send several people Request and .... in 10 people you can always find some "weird" person who can just click "spam" or some other button ! And this person can "kill" your Acc in 1.sec. !!! Unfortunately.

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  • Profile picture of the author rekerlolz
    The good old AdSense team has deleted one of my accounts before they even got to paying me. #&$^#^$!
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  • Profile picture of the author Goldenboy
    Just to share an experience. A friend of mine got a notice from yahoo and eventually banned his email account because of sending a certain mail about drug trafficking which is actually a part of a school play script. Hearing it literally almost made me fell out of my seat. Are they reading the mails? I know privacy online is vague but I never knew it was that severe.
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