Thanks - To The Moderators.

by 21 replies
Before anyone flames me for ass-kissing just ask yourself if you've seen something you thought was inappropriate disappear, or a thread you thought was in the wrong section suddenly move or get locked.

I've been here a long time and I'm still amazed at the great job that the moderators here do.

Sometimes I click on the button to report a spam thread and it's already been nuked - between when I saw it and when I went to report it.

I know it must be a really frustrating job so I want to say a big THANKS!!!!.

#main internet marketing discussion forum #moderators
  • Banned
    Yes, you're right. Without them this forum would become a worthless forum, full of spam.

    And also with our help, you can make the job easier for the mods. When you see a spam post, advertising, or bashing somene, simply report it.

    And I think, that everyone should thank them , because without them we won't have this great place for learning something new, resolving our problems or getting professional advice.
  • Agreed Andy. Moderators always do an excellent job here.

  • Ok,, i just can't help myself. Let the flaming begin!!!

    This reminds me of one of those drum circles,,, except it's more like a butt kissing circle.

    • [1] reply
    • Well I guess since you're new here I can forgive you this one time
  • I think moderators are good so they regulate the forums.

    • [1] reply
    • I for once completely agree with you. Previously I had my own forum and after less then 6 months, I decided to close the forum solely for one reason. I cannot and don't have time to moderate the forum.

      It's not an easy job. So the moderator here deserve million thanks :-)
  • Banned
    • [1] reply
  • This happens to me a lot.

    Although the mods here are all volunteers (which many seem to not appreciate), they do a thorough and professional job of moderating.

    The proof is in the experience Andy mentioned. And in the occasional rants by clowns who get nuked and want to bitch about it.:rolleyes:
  • not when i post a thread in War Room and it NEVER gets approved and i don't get a reason for it. i posted about 6 times different versions of my free service in War Room it NEVER got approve. they just reject it and don't give me a reason or tell me what i'm doing wrong. poor moderating as far as i'm concerned!
    • [1] reply
    • Ouch. Talk about precision.

      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • Right on Andy!!

    They keep this place sane and workable 24/7. Without them this would turn into a wild west pretty fast.

    Go Mods!!!
  • I think everyone is a moderator here, and besides the forum categories are not so much like forums that have over 50 categories
  • Banned
    While it is 100% true that the mods deserve the pat on the back, don't forget that Members are Moderators here and that if you want to pay the mods back or help the mods keep the forum clean of spam and other objectionable posts, that you need to do your job and use the report button.

    Mods cannot cover the entire forum and read every post, but if the posts are reported, they can act on it. Don't sit by and wait for the mods to catch everything. Hit the report button (the red triangle)
    • [ 6 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Exactly!

      And I thank everyone who takes the time to play their part and help make the mods job easier by highlighting problem threads/posts.

      It's not an easy job and you're never going to please everyone but in a forum as big as this it's amazing just how well it does get moderated.

      We've all had posts deleted, but because we know that it's usually done from a considered and community-improving mindset it just reminds us to try and keep thing positive and helpful and not as the community for selfish ends.
  • Yup, especially them getting the WSOs getting reviewed so quickly. This forum isn't much like some other forums where mods and members talk in threads like the best buds! LOL.
  • It must be a real pain to moderate a forum in this IM niche. I don't know how they do it, but I have to give it to them. They are doing an excellent job. Thanks to the Mods!
  • Indeed, they do a great job looking after the forums. Thanks a lot and keep up the good work.

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  • 30

    Before anyone flames me for ass-kissing just ask yourself if you've seen something you thought was inappropriate disappear, or a thread you thought was in the wrong section suddenly move or get locked. I've been here a long time and I'm still amazed at the great job that the moderators here do.