hot searches on a term in google - how to monetize it?

10 replies

i am going to share a big market that i found that clicks - tested

i have searched Google trends for trends
and i discovered that "hair styles" is a well searched term, so i decided to create a quick landing page to test the CTR, i got not bad CTR result.

for 8000 searches that i got in 2-3 hours the CTR was 1.5% more or less and the price per click was low as well.

the problem is...

i haven't find a way to monetize it
i did find a program, but it let you have very low ROI and for PPC it's not worth it

how would you monetize it ?
#google #hot #monitize #searches #term
  • Profile picture of the author BizBooks
    I would subscribe them to a newsletter - a list...

    then send them emails which would be sponsored and you could sell products to them in the future again and again.

    what else is there that they same customers buy besides "hair stuff'?

    think along those lines...
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    • the problem is iam not sure that these users really interested in hair styling
      with the number of searches it looks like that all they want is to see the new trends of hair style, so you can't sell them hair styling always. most of the searches made on keywords like:

      hairstyle 2009
      hairstyle 2008


      about the list is a good idea, but what content would you provide to these kind of subscribers ?
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  • Profile picture of the author BizBooks
    why.... i'd provide them with updates on the latest hairstyles! (sponsored by..... )
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  • Profile picture of the author jitendraag
    You might want to get into affiliates for people like instanthair or others who sell hair styling products.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Faber
    -Break it down into sub niches - find what your visitors are buying or are interested in.
    -Give them what content they want.
    -Get them on a list
    -Find affiliate products or CPA offers for each of those sub niches. You can do others besides CB. Look on some of the other aff networks such as CJ, Linkshare,and Shareasale. If it wasn't X-mas I'd actually do some research into it myself.
    For Killer Marketing Tips that Will Grow Your Business Follow Me on Twitter Now
    After all, you're probably following a few hundred people already that aren't doing squat for you.....
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  • Profile picture of the author TiMa
    Couple of ideas:

    1) People who search for hair-styles generally do wanna look good - put ADS of various cosmetic products on your page.

    2) Just one of the reason someone looks for a good hairstyle is to attract the opposite sex. Put links promoting various CB "Get a Girlfriend" products. =)
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  • Profile picture of the author lstoops
    Definitely build a list. Let's see when I look up hairstyles it's because I'm about to go get my hair cut and highlighted and I usually need a pic to show the stylist..ha.

    Well, you can cover celebrity hair or write about styling tips, products, how to take care of colored hair, wedding hairstyles, recommend other beauty products like makeup, skin care. Look for affiliate programs related to this niche like the hairstyler affiliate program. Create a hair guide maybe?
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  • Profile picture of the author BizBooks
    or maybe sell the domain in amonth with the hits coming.. you take money and look for the next thing... and let someone else monetize it further...!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kate Carpenter
    How about promoting style/fashion magazine subscriptions through Amazon or see if some national hair salons offer affiliate programs and coupons, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author marlondirk
    well well all you gonna do is so simple. just use a blog which related to your topic then look for affiliate sites in amazon,ebay, clickbank that related to your topic and as well as the adsense
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