What Do You Do When You Have Nothing On Your Agenda?

54 replies
I usually catch myself browsing Sedo and Godaddy for domains.
I would write articles for my sites but I am way too lazy for that. I wish I had more motivation to do that.

What do you do?
  • Profile picture of the author Dan Allard
    I know how it is, I always find myself checking my email, Twitter, etc.

    I think the best thing you can do (and I'm trying to get used to this) is to write out your daily tasks in a notebook. Then work on them and only take a break to check other things maybe every hour or so. So discipline yourself to work for a straight hour, then check Sedo for 5 minutes, then back to work for another hour.

    Things you could do on your break is check this forum, comment on a blog or two, or brainstorm new ideas for your business.

    Facebook page for inspiration & JV opportunities-


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  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    I think this thread belongs to off the topic... but I'll answer: if there's nothing to do in the agenda, I'll do some refreshing a bit, plan tasks to do ..

    That's it.

    For best hostel in malang https://bedpackers.com & mold inspectors orlando : https://waterdamagerestorationorland...d-inspections/

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  • Profile picture of the author christopher jon
    What Do You Do When You Have Nothing On Your Agenda?
    Slack off.

    Just watched a movie.

    If I wanted to work I'd get a real job.
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  • Profile picture of the author Victoria Gates
    I go post on Warrior Forum and get distracted really easily.
    Victoria Gates - Digital Marketing Specialist

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  • Profile picture of the author christopher jon
    I'm also keen on stalking Victoria.

    Just playin'
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      I come to the Warrior Forum and participate. I usually come away with a few new agenda items.

      Some people slack off, but I build 'slacking off' time into my agenda - gives my brain time to work in the background without my interference...
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        I end up posting here when I have nothing on my agenda (and sometimes when I don't).
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        • Profile picture of the author Sam England
          Write down your daily tasks and stick to them...if you have any...

          If you don't have an agenda, then find one...

          It's better to do something, than do NOTHING AT ALL!!

          My 2 cents...

          Have a great day...
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          • Profile picture of the author Daret
            Originally Posted by Sam England View Post

            Write down your daily tasks and stick to them...if you have any...

            If you don't have an agenda, then find one...

            It's better to do something, than do NOTHING AT ALL!!

            My 2 cents...

            Have a great day...
            Absolutely right

            If a ship is sailing, it has to have a destination, If you really wanna achieve and earn more income online, you got to make plans and then , stick to them

            Although its easier said than done, but if we write these in a notepad and keep reminding ourselves of it, I am sure we can get going !
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  • Profile picture of the author christopher jon
    I end up posting here when I have nothing on my agenda (and sometimes when I do)
    Fixed that for ya.

    I'm also fond of stalking Alexa.

    OK, time to stop before someone thinks I'm serious.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by christopher jon View Post

      Fixed that for ya.
      This he calls "fixed". I originally typed it as "do" and then amended it to "don't", realising that it referred to "nothing" ... :p

      Originally Posted by christopher jon View Post

      OK, time to stop before someone thinks I'm serious.
      Likewise, I suppose ...
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  • Profile picture of the author Ruth P
    If I have nothing specific on my agenda I often end up wasting time - not good wasting time in a way that's a nice break - bad wasting time where I just procrastinate and realise I should have let myself waste time in a good way instead

    So if I'm being good I'll use the time to actually plan. It's just the way I work, I need a plan to make sure I'm productive
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    • Profile picture of the author Chuck Avants
      Yogi Berra said if you come to a fork in the road --take it.
      With that in mind I think he would say it's time to get a new agenda.
      Do the right thing---
      Because it is the right thing to do
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  • Profile picture of the author Jaymark
    Guess it's easy to slack off, especially when you are in a "non office" environment like your home. However if you are seeking to make money online then you have to treat it like the real job it is.

    Set daily objectives for yourself and make a plan. Don't get easily distracted by checking emails all the time or browsing new offers. STICK WITH THE PLAN...

    If you are diligent and work hard, you'll find success. If not, then don't be upset when you aren't accomplishing nearly as much as you'd like. Good luck!
    Article Writers - American article writers, sharp pricing, quick turnaround, quality articles and web content
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  • Profile picture of the author Henry White
    Move on to my 'round-to-it list!

    There's always a laundry list of things of things you don't have time for - put them on this list.

    I don't have that deep, morbid aversion to writing, so that's usually at or near the top of my lists - agenda and 'round-to-it.

    Or reading - IM or pleasure.

    So much of my time is sedentary, I have to schedule it or I don't get the fresh air, sunshine, and moderate "exercise" I need.

    This is also the perfect time to spend with family and friends - if their schedule meshes.

    Just vegging out in front of the boob-tube for a couple of hours is probably okay-fine, too - as long you don't revert back into a couch potato.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I've always got something on my agenda. Not going to get anywhere without actually doing stuff. But I have down time too ... time that I want to just get away from work and the computer and do things like watch movies, read, gardening. You can see I don't have a very exciting life. lol.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ceri
      Apparently you should schedule everything and set a timer - so, 20 minutes for checking emails, 20 minutes for Facebook, that kind of thing... I have never succeeded in doing this
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  • Profile picture of the author celticGreen
    I work FT, but spend the majority of my days off working on my sites. When I have free time I try to write articles, and if that doesn't take I tend to stare blankly at my screen while refreshing my Adsense/Analytics pages.
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  • Profile picture of the author DireStraits
    Play guitar; watch movies; sleep; go for a ride (bicycle / car) or walk (though rarely these days ... not round here so much, anyway - walking in the city sucks); read; stuff my face (eat!); post here; or - rather often - walk to town, get drunk out of my mind and presumably act like a complete sleazebag.

    I'd probably spend a lot of time working with wood (or making / fixing / tweaking stuff in general) if only I had the space for a workshop. Oh well ... something for the future, I guess.

    Nothing out of the ordinary, really.
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  • Profile picture of the author nadavs
    Zynga poker on Facebook until I lose all my chips. Then I regain them with daily bonuses just to lose them again.

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  • Profile picture of the author Vici
    Research, research, and more research. A lazy marketer can not be successful. It is against the laws of physics. Every successful marketer, that I have met while on this forum, has a solid ethic. If you follow the habits of successful people, success will follow you no matter what your personal endeavor.
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    • Profile picture of the author Josh MacDonald
      Originally Posted by Vici View Post

      Research, research, and more research. A lazy marketer can not be successful. It is against the laws of physics. Every successful marketer, that I have met while on this forum, has a solid ethic. If you follow the habits of successful people, success will follow you no matter what your personal endeavor.
      Oh buddy, give me a break. You're rediculous. I wasn't asking for an 8 hour seminar, just a personal opinion on what you do when you have nothing on your agenda. And don't assume I, as a matter of fact, don't assume anyone online, that they are not successful. You have no idea at all if we are successful or not, nor have any knowledge regarding personal experiences including family businesses and such.
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      • Profile picture of the author pluto1
        Pay a visit to Marketing Thread to see what everyone is upto, read a thread and reminded of something to do on my own project and off I go.

        Sometimes, I wish there were more than 24 hours in a day ... sigh :rolleyes: !!!
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  • Profile picture of the author deannatroupe
    I play facebook games during those rare times that I don't have anything to do. Usually that doesn't happen that often. My family usually takes care of the downtime for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    I can't even remember the last time I didn't have something on my agenda. I'm constantly working on something tweaking my campaigns ads and sales videos.

    Always creating new products, setting up affiliate campaigns, networking with potential partners, looking for new places to advertise. There's always something to do.
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  • Profile picture of the author WebPen
    Play with the dog
    Hang out with the wife
    Try to get friends together for dinner
    Go for a run
    Read a good book
    Play video/computer games
    Call my family/college friends (I live 3000 miles from them)

    ......oh, I mean, umm... WHAT spare time?! I'm always doing my IM!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Barker
    Originally Posted by macdonjo View Post

    I usually catch myself browsing Sedo and Godaddy for domains.
    I would write articles for my sites but I am way too lazy for that. I wish I had more motivation to do that.

    What do you do?

    Honestly, I have no room on my agenda at all! It is crammed full all of the time with family, church, my business, schooling and education, etc, etc, etc.

    If I had some time on my agenda, I would relax. But I see it as we can sleep when we are dead!

    Thanks for making me think a little bit though!

    Is anyone in the same boat as me on this topic?
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  • Profile picture of the author AmandaT
    I always have something on my list... articles to write, websites to tweak, products to work on... I try and plan some time outside everyday and a little family time. I take breaks where I normally post here. My main "off time" is the one to two hours I set aside a night to watch an episode of a show or a movie because if I don't let my brain shut down at least a little I'll go crazy!
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  • Profile picture of the author EconomicalDomains
    I usually browse Flippa when I know I should be link building and working on SEO and marketing efforts of the sites I already have.
    Basic Website Hosting - Hosting and Domain Name Registration starting at only $2.49/month!
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  • Profile picture of the author NoBSGuy
    I drink a hot cup of coffee then prepare for my next project
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  • Profile picture of the author Afreidman
    I somehow find myself browsing idiotic youtube videos.
    At other times I'm checking out new WSO's or just reading useless emails.
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  • Profile picture of the author DonMarketer
    I use it as time to relax and "recharge the batteries"
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesGw
    I write articles, do blog posts, or build backlinks from forum posting.
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  • Profile picture of the author aspiepower
    I just p155 about logging into various sites to see if I've got a sale in the pipeline... I wish they'd all email you the minute you made one

    Real Work from Home Ideas:
    RealWAHOnline Writing with Little Reward │ ...

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  • Profile picture of the author Nick Bykov
    I don't have an agenda, but I always have something new and exciting in my mind. :p
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  • Profile picture of the author marcuslim
    If there's nothing on the agenda, then the natural tendency is to seek out distraction to avoid boredom. Hence I aim to have something to do, or plan ahead one step in advance the night before, about the one most important task that needs to be done the next day to move things forward.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mutiny
      How do you get to a point where nothing is on the agenda? Sheesh - I feel like my agenda has been full since birth. So much to do in so little time!
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      • Profile picture of the author protraderz
        I go Fishing !!! Clears the head and fills the freezer !!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    When I have nothing else to do, I have four sites that I always go to. Yahoo (email and news), MSN (news and sports), espnboston (sports of course) and finally Cracked (to be amused). Of course I won't touch these until I finish my daily to do list, it really takes a lot of discipline though.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    I use to play pong, but that was in the 80's ha ha.

    Now now You will find me doing some serious xbox 'in or doing some gardening. It tends to distress me.

    It really is about not having too many distractions around you, but enough to give you a rest when you need it. :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Ginene
    I usually go on facebook
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  • Profile picture of the author Deltia
    There is always something on the agenda I could be doing so I use my breaks to have exactly that. Get outside and shut down my mind does wonders for my work levels when I get back to it
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  • Profile picture of the author 36burrows
    I play Starcraft II, although I shouldn't.
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  • Profile picture of the author jgant
    Hanging out with my wife, reading novels, walking, going to coffee shops, swimming (I love swimming), go the gym and sit in the sauna, watch DVDs, go out for the dinner ... the usual stuff.
    How I hit $10,000+ per month very fast w/ 1 niche blog - Click Here to learn more (no opt-in).
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  • Profile picture of the author Troy Broussard
    Whenever that day comes, I'll get back to you...

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      There's something therapeutic about occasionally finding a pleasant spot and simply staring out into space...

      If you plan to spend more than a few minutes at this, go fishing. With a line in the water, no one will give the vacant stare a second thought.
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  • Profile picture of the author jcruz
    I usually end up here, when i have things to do and when i don't. God this place is addictive.
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  • Profile picture of the author ladymd
    I'm a big news junkie. I like to browse blogs, and news sites and check in to the lives of people that don't resemble mine at all. It's a good way to take an "educational" break.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
    What Do You Do When You Have Nothing On Your Agenda?

    I like to go for a walk, clear my head and then come back and start researching
    niches that I've jotted down while I was working on other projects to see if they
    are viable/profitable.

    If I've already taken my walk then I fart around on FaceBook telling jokes or look for
    trolls here on the WF and try to zap um with my magic flyswatter ...

    If you have a plan laid out you should not have free time during working hours. If you do
    then you need to adjust your schedule so that you can get more work done.

    Don't get me wrong. Everyone needs free time although free time is easy and very
    addictive so don't allow yourself to get used to it when you should be doing something

    After hours and when your work for the day is officially complete then enjoy
    Family/Friends or PARTY DOWN. Your choice?

    Have a Great Day!
    PS, Disclaimer:
    I didn't read one post in this thread.
    I only read the Thread Title and that
    was the basis for my reply.
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