Do not commit to Video will Finish You

63 replies
I'm getting a little fed up with the trend of video only products, every video that I've watched has never given all the information that was described in the sales letter.

If you are a marketing person that produce's these video's, please remember that marketers are clinical people and the information they receive has to be concise and informative, some people actually like to read words and take notes…strange as it seems.

So can we please have an option to read your products, because not all of us like to watch…….unless you’re a voyeur…….different niche, wrong email, sorry
#commit #finish #sales………it #sales………it #video
  • Profile picture of the author Newbie11
    I agree 100%. I would rather have an e-book with detailed instructions. I recently bought a video course and when I need to go back to get detailed step by step instructions weeding through all of the videos is a pain in the ...
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    • Profile picture of the author Azzurro
      All people and buyers have different attitudes, selecting them to go direct to a video is a dangerous decision for any business, irrespective of your niche, supply good quality information and products to them and they will trust and stay with you,.

      Force them into a situation whereby they are uncomfortable, and they will ditch you like the plague
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      • Profile picture of the author Laurie Rogers
        I like videos for some things, but for others I absolutely detest them, I also dislike that most don't have rewind or fast forward options (excuse me for what I am about to say, but sometimes you need to use the washroom during a 90 min or so video). And well to put it point blank, some IM'ers are not cut out for teaching marketing using the video method ... why? .... YAWN, is all I can say.

        I was on a webinar not long ago and I swear that these guys had a great product, but their pitch absolutely sucked! It was repetitive beyond reason and I literally almost fell asleep watching/listening to it. Needless to say, they lost a sale. Just because you think you're cut out for video, doesn't mean you are ...

        Need FRESH PLR? Limited PLR sales, ALWAYS Fresh!

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        • Profile picture of the author Azzurro
          Funny rendition Laurie, glad you made it to the washroom
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          • Profile picture of the author Matt Barrington
            Besides appealing to a broader audience, having a written product also gives you extra credibility. All you have to do is pay a freelance to transcribe your videos for you, throw in a few graphics, and you have a whole new bonus or product. i don't even mind if they charge more for the who "whole package" with videos, ebooks, workbooks, and whatever else.
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            • Profile picture of the author Azzurro
              Matt, exactly the point I was trying to make in a nutshell, better product, wider audience and all sales mediums can purchase.

              Why drive your funnels into a un known sales process, i.e video, give them PDF as well
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Originally Posted by Azzurro View Post

    If you are a marketing person that produce's these video's, please remember that marketers are clinical people and the information they receive has to be concise and informative, some people actually like to read words and take notes...strange as it seems.


    Quit speaking for only you and me!!

    As a product seller, many people bitch and moan if I don't also give them video...

    Being clinical and detail-oriented with my reports is never quite good enough, if I don't give people the option of listening to me on video, since a lot of people seem to be allergic to reading.

    And to be honest, I always write the report first, and build the video based on what is covered in the report. The problem is in doing it that way, some extra details always find their way into the video product.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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    • Profile picture of the author Azzurro
      And you made the point there. you give them the "option" of transcrips, video or both, I just wish that people would wake up a realise that one way is not always the best way, marketing is about multi chanels
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    • Profile picture of the author Azzurro
      Guy's and Girls..... if you were selling a product that you have thrown your ass into to, and you would kill your Grandmother to defened it, would'nt you make sure it was avalable in all formats ?
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  • Profile picture of the author Newbie11
    I would recommend giving your buyers both the written instructions along with the video. I know from experience that I would appreciate being able to refer to both if I run into problems.
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  • Profile picture of the author blillard
    Well the easy answer to that is to offer all forms of media via ebook,video, and audio all in one package that way you cater to all you buyers likes. I would of course charge a little more.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    I think it depends on the type of information you are giving. For those products where it is just someone talking a bunch of slides or theory then yes, I think a pdf should also be provided. If however the information is very technical and computer based then I think screencast videos are a far more efficient way to convey the information - especially for newbies who want to 'watch over your shoulder'.

    Either way I always try to include some form of written correspondence that at the very least, just contains the main resources from the videos so people don't have to go back and sift through the videos to find any resources, urls, or tools I have mentioned.
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  • Profile picture of the author Troy Broussard
    Originally Posted by Azzurro View Post

    I'm getting a little fed up with the trend of video only products, every video that I've watched has never given all the information that was described in the sales letter.

    If you are a marketing person that produce's these video's, please remember that marketers are clinical people and the information they receive has to be concise and informative, some people actually like to read words and take notes...strange as it seems.

    So can we please have an option to read your products, because not all of us like to watch.......unless you're a voyeur.......different niche, wrong email, sorry
    The thing is, you're expressing YOUR personal preferences here, not a market consensus. You're just looking at what YOU want. Actually, I agree with you. I personally HATE video based training. I would much rather read as I can process it much quicker and jump directly to points of interest, etc... plus I print it out and take notes, etc.

    However, as a product creator I can tell you that you and I are in "the minority". Most people do not associate nearly as much value to eBooks as they do to video (at least in my niche and from my experience).

    In the end you have to ask yourself if you're creating products for what you like or for what your subscribers like?
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    • Profile picture of the author Azzurro problem is not with the process of video, which i beleive is a great selling medium, but with the lack of PDF transcrips to back up the video, give your buyers a choice.....full stop
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      • Profile picture of the author Troy Broussard
        Originally Posted by Azzurro View Post problem is not with the process of video, which i beleive is a great selling medium, but with the lack of PDF transcrips to back up the video, give your buyers a choice.....full stop
        Yes, I completely agree with that Azzurro... transcripts should be provided for videos. However, a transcript of a video is a much different product in my opinion than a well crafted eBook.

        Transcribing verbal communication just doesn't come across the same way as a book written from scratch. More thought goes into it, more effort, more finesse - whereas a transcript just becomes a written version of what (in many cases) is a "rambling notion"...

        But yes, I agree with you, at a minimum, a transcript should be provided.

        When you have to write something down, you take the time to go over it and double check it, make sure it sounds good and illustrates your point effectively. That's why I too, much prefer eBooks to video.

        To me Video can usually be replaced with quality written text and annotated screen prints and be far more effective. There are, of course, somethings that just require video. But even in those cases, you could likely just supplement a quality eBook with some video tutorials of very specific segments.
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        • Profile picture of the author Azzurro
          Troy, thank you, you have just confirmed my post

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        • Profile picture of the author tpw
          Originally Posted by Troy Broussard View Post

          Yes, I completely agree with that Azzurro... transcripts should be provided for videos. However, a transcript of a video is a much different product in my opinion than a well crafted eBook.

          Transcribing verbal communication just doesn't come across the same way as a book written from scratch. More thought goes into it, more effort, more finesse - whereas a transcript just becomes a written version of what (in many cases) is a "rambling notion"...

          When you have to write something down, you take the time to go over it and double check it, make sure it sounds good and illustrates your point effectively. That's why I too, much prefer eBooks to video.

          That is the whole issue for me in a nutshell.

          I have a great deal of regard for written works.

          I know that I spend far more time making sure the PDF version is above average, covering the information in great detail, and presenting the information in an easy-to-understand manner.

          Transcripts of the video, to me, seem like a half-hearted attempt at providing backup for the videos.

          I am sure if I did the videos first and the written report later, I could do a better job at covering all of the touch points in the video, BUT I would be trying to force the text into an uncomfortable box.

          While more details would be covered in the text version doing it this way, the readability and the flavor of the written work may be lost by trying to make the written text representative of the video rather than a product capable of standing on its own.
          Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
          Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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      • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
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        • Profile picture of the author Alan Petersen
          Does the sales letter states PDF transcripts of the video are included? Usually they do because it adds value. If they don't, ask them. If they say no it's just videos. Don't order it. Problem solved for you.
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        • Profile picture of the author Laurie Rogers
          Ok but to be fair, if those people paid $1997 for the product they'd probably complain too Brian. I don't think anyone in this discussion is suggesting that we wouldn't pay for the extra formats, as we understand the costs incurred to offer them. One thing I was always taught is, to never just let the majority rule, if people want both and are willing to pay for both, offer both or you lose a customer and that customer can be your golden egg.

          Need FRESH PLR? Limited PLR sales, ALWAYS Fresh!

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    • Profile picture of the author Laurie Rogers
      Originally Posted by Troy Broussard View Post

      The thing is, you're expressing YOUR personal preferences here, not a market consensus. You're just looking at what YOU want. Actually, I agree with you. I personally HATE video based training. I would much rather read as I can process it much quicker and jump directly to points of interest, etc... plus I print it out and take notes, etc.

      However, as a product creator I can tell you that you and I are in "the minority". Most people do not associate nearly as much value to eBooks as they do to video (at least in my niche and from my experience).

      In the end you have to ask yourself if you're creating products for what you like or for what your subscribers like?
      Ahhh .. but it's not just his opinion and this subject has been brought up before and there's lots of people that still prefer to read. And Marlon Sanders has went on many a rant about this very subject, that utilizing both is much more effective.

      Need FRESH PLR? Limited PLR sales, ALWAYS Fresh!

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      • Profile picture of the author Azzurro
        Im on Marlons list, but have'nt heard him rant about this before, do you have a link for it

        Thanks Azzurro
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        • Profile picture of the author Laurie Rogers
          Originally Posted by Azzurro View Post

          Im on Marlons list, but have'nt heard him rant about this before, do you have a link for it

          Thanks Azzurro
          He's went on a few rants about that and honestly I can't remember when they were. One of them had something to do with article writing versus video sales - err I mean video marketing (brain is fried atm), I'll ask him, I've got him on FB.

          Need FRESH PLR? Limited PLR sales, ALWAYS Fresh!

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  • Profile picture of the author MissLauraCatella
    As has been said, you cannot attribute your preferences onto the marketplace. It'll always surprise you.

    Lots of people prefer PDFs, I see it commonly said on this forum.

    The fact of the matter is that for a lot of (but by no means all) product creators, shooting video is easier.

    But, imho, all product creators should see that their videos get transcribed. This way those who prefer to read have that option.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheKeys
    I would rather have videos that show me step-by-step what to do rather than have some half-assed e-book copied from someone else.

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  • Profile picture of the author Carol_A
    It seems the older I get, the more I depend on learning visually. May have to do with a new prescription for my glasses, not sure.

    That said, I will ALWAYS provide transcripts, eBooks, PPT, etc. with any product I market because it is foolish to provide one source only.

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  • Profile picture of the author Azzurro
    Carol_A..... Your first sentance is pure humour, thank you so much, I'm laughing my socks off (English phase)
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  • Profile picture of the author Azzurro
    That's the point I'm trying to highlight, don't be miss led into tactics that are single chanael
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  • Profile picture of the author Sardent
    Can I get an AMEN! on this!!!

    Originally Posted by Azzurro View Post

    I'm getting a little fed up with the trend of video only products, every video that I've watched has never given all the information that was described in the sales letter.

    If you are a marketing person that produce's these video's, please remember that marketers are clinical people and the information they receive has to be concise and informative, some people actually like to read words and take notes...strange as it seems.

    So can we please have an option to read your products, because not all of us like to watch.......unless you're a voyeur.......different niche, wrong email, sorry
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  • Profile picture of the author Money on the Side
    Originally Posted by Azzurro View Post

    I'm getting a little fed up with the trend of video only products, every video that I've watched has never given all the information that was described in the sales letter.

    If you are a marketing person that produce's these video's, please remember that marketers are clinical people and the information they receive has to be concise and informative, some people actually like to read words and take notes...strange as it seems.

    So can we please have an option to read your products, because not all of us like to watch.......unless you're a voyeur.......different niche, wrong email, sorry
    Well said...I'm with you. I actually cannot stand video.
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  • Profile picture of the author Azzurro
    Wake up to multi chanel Internet Marketing, it's a new Guru concept, not !
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  • Profile picture of the author Azzurro
    Originally Posted by Azzurro
    I'm getting a little fed up with the trend of video only products, every video that I've watched has never given all the information that was described in the sales letter.

    If you are a marketing person that produce's these video's, please remember that marketers are clinical people and the information they receive has to be concise and informative, some people actually like to read words and take notes…strange as it seems.

    So can we please have an option to read your products, because not all of us like to watch…….unless you’re a voyeur…….different niche, wrong email, sorry

    Well said...I'm with you. I actually cannot stand video
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  • Profile picture of the author NoBSGuy
    Originally Posted by Azzurro View Post

    I'm getting a little fed up with the trend of video only products, every video that I've watched has never given all the information that was described in the sales letter.

    If you are a marketing person that produce's these video's, please remember that marketers are clinical people and the information they receive has to be concise and informative, some people actually like to read words and take notes...strange as it seems.

    So can we please have an option to read your products, because not all of us like to watch.......unless you're a voyeur.......different niche, wrong email, sorry
    I see videos as a great traffic source to direct prospects to my sites with lots of further information related to a product. If you do it right, video can be a huge eye catcher and make viewers hungry for more.
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    • Profile picture of the author tpw
      Originally Posted by DeLighter View Post

      I see videos as a great traffic source to direct prospects to my sites with lots of further information related to a product. If you do it right, video can be a huge eye catcher and make viewers hungry for more.

      You seem to be talking about video as part of the sales process, and I am pretty sure the OP is talking about video as the product.
      Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
      Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author Azzurro
    Video is great traffic, and works...end of, simple provide transcrips always, let your custmers enjoy their information
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  • Profile picture of the author George Chernikov
    Originally Posted by Azzurro View Post

    I'm getting a little fed up with the trend of video only products, every video that I've watched has never given all the information that was described in the sales letter.
    I don't think this is unique to video products alone, otherwise everyone on this forum would be making $345,107 a month (on autopilot! in their sleep! while dating a model!)
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    • Profile picture of the author tpw
      Originally Posted by George Chernikov View Post

      I don't think this is unique to video products alone, otherwise everyone on this forum would be making $345,107 a month (on autopilot! in their sleep! while dating a model!)

      I thought they said "per hour"... :p
      Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
      Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author Azzurro
    My only promlem with the business does not work.....for me
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    • Profile picture of the author tpw
      Originally Posted by Azzurro View Post

      My only promlem with the business does not work

      To which business model are your referring that "does not work"?

      The $345,000 a month? Or the Video without Transcript?

      If the latter, the business model works fine... You just don't like it...
      Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
      Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author RAGolko
    I go through too much information to sit and watch entire videos. On longer ones I find myself clicking ahead, kinda like speed reading, to get through it quicker. I much prefer the shorter 2-4 minute CONCISE videos rather than the rambling ones. I especially lose patience with those where the person speaking has a horrible habit of repeating phrases "you know?" "you know?" "you know?" or "um" "um" "um" -- you know what I mean?

    A pdf copy is much better for busy people but videos are good where motion is needed to show a process or something like that.
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    • Profile picture of the author Laurie Rogers
      Oh hell yeah, those people drive me nuts, it's like hurry up and get to the point already, if you've got one! I get like that with a lot of video's, tell me what you got, what's it going to do for me and how much is it ... that's all I want to know, then I'll either buy or not buy ... you can pitch me for 5 mins or 5 hrs, but I'll buy in the 5 mins if I want it, because after 5 hrs, I'd probably want to choke you lol

      Originally Posted by RAGolko View Post

      I especially lose patience with those where the person speaking has a horrible habit of repeating phrases "you know?" "you know?" "you know?" or "um" "um" "um" -- you know what I mean?

      A pdf copy is much better for busy people but videos are good where motion is needed to show a process or something like that.

      Need FRESH PLR? Limited PLR sales, ALWAYS Fresh!

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  • Profile picture of the author Karen Connell
    I detest the sales pages with just a video with no copy. In these cases the video is usually about an hour long with no pause or fast forward facility.

    I simply click the little 'x' in the top corner.

    I would never buy a product that does not come with at least a transcript of the videos as I would much rather read than watch.

    Videos do have a place in a product, it is sometimes good to be able to watch someone actually do something than read their explanations.

    But give me a good, well written .pdf anyday.


    Never Mistake Activity for Accomplishment

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  • Profile picture of the author gorufus
    I actually have a great tool that cuts down my video watching time. It's called myspeed and I'm not on my computer right now to tell you who makes it (Enounce). But in short, I speed up the video to about 1.5x and all is good in the hood. Sometimes if I'm lucky I can go up to 2.0, just depends on the presenter (Laura B. Ryan D.).
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  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    I produce two types of products. There are the quickie products and there are the enterprise products. The quickie products are called that just because they are quick to make. That doesn't mean that they contain less information on the topic at hand, it just means they were quick to make. My enterprise products are much more planned and put together in a way that is easy to navigate, available in different formats, and usually much more targeted to a sub niche.

    Which product do you think costs more? The later of course.

    I understand that your preference is to have your information delivered in a wide variety of mediums, but you must also expect to pay more for that. I find it peculiar when somebody pays three dollars for a two hour video that contains everything the person wanted to know about a topic and then complains that it wasn't delivered in multiple formats.

    More mediums equals more work, which in turn equals a higher price. I do my best to over deliver, but when people start buggering about their three dollar purchase not being delivered in a Rolls Royce, it is certainly a sign that we, as marketers, have driven the perceived value of what we have to offer way down.

    EDIT: This post was not meant to make you think that I don't have the customer in mind. I absolutely have the customer in mind with every product that I create or recommend. If I don't think it will benefit my customer, then I don't have anything to do with it. I just wanted to point out that as a product creator, sometimes it is a difficult balance to please everybody and price your products right. I am always looking to improve myself, my mind, and the value that I dish out in my products. Threads like this help me t achieve that.

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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  • Profile picture of the author boxoun
    Take 2 seconds to add at least a cliff notes type of ebook. If you are too busy and too important to add written material well you have lost me as a customer.

    I might be just one person but you better believe I'm telling my momma and my mommas momma not to buy your product lol.
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    • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
      Originally Posted by boxoun View Post

      Take 2 seconds to add at least a cliff notes type of ebook. If you are too busy and too important to add written material well you have lost me as a customer.

      I might be just one person but you better believe I'm telling my momma and my mommas momma not to buy your product lol.
      My post was not meant to make you think that I don't have the customer in mind. I absolutely have the customer in mind with every product that I create or recommend. If I don't think it will benefit my customer, then I don't have anything to do with it. I just wanted to point out that as a product creator, sometimes it is a difficult balance to please everybody and price your products right. I am always looking to improve myself, my mind, and the value that I dish out in my products. Threads like this help me to achieve that.

      Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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  • Profile picture of the author hzwill
    Originally Posted by Azzurro View Post

    I'm getting a little fed up with the trend of video only products, every video that I've watched has never given all the information that was described in the sales letter.

    If you are a marketing person that produce's these video's, please remember that marketers are clinical people and the information they receive has to be concise and informative, some people actually like to read words and take notes...strange as it seems.

    So can we please have an option to read your products, because not all of us like to watch.......unless you're a voyeur.......different niche, wrong email, sorry
    I do agree with you. sometimes I like to watch video, but most time, especially for the tutorial, I prefer the ebook or a post or someting like that.Just as some guy said, it is a real pain for repeat.

    But the video also has some advantage, some successful guys use the video to make real proof.

    So I think the best choice is that make this two options in one post. Of course it will increase your work, but also it will take benefits.
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  • Profile picture of the author teerak
    I think the most people prefer look than read but it will be good to put text too for more explanations
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  • Profile picture of the author LeslieMB
    Remember, too, that some folks have disabilities that mean they either can't hear your video or see it. To reach the greatest number of people (in terms of both disabilities and learning styles), it's best to offer products in multiple formats (including PDFs that can be read by screen readers). If you think your market is composed only of people without any kind of disability...think again.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    Originally Posted by Azzurro View Post

    I'm getting a little fed up with the trend of video only products, every video that I've watched has never given all the information that was described in the sales letter.

    If you are a marketing person that produce's these video's, please remember that marketers are clinical people and the information they receive has to be concise and informative, some people actually like to read words and take notes...strange as it seems.

    So can we please have an option to read your products, because not all of us like to watch.......unless you're a voyeur.......different niche, wrong email, sorry
    I couldn't agree more. People seem to forget that everyone doesn't learn the same way. So while videos help a certain group of students, there is another who prefers to learn via written words, and yet another group that loves to hear their lessons. The best products won't be done one way only, but with a platform to help all types of students.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Riley
    Originally Posted by Azzurro View Post

    I'm getting a little fed up with the trend of video only products, every video that I've watched has never given all the information that was described in the sales letter.
    Yup. I hate them. I know others hate them. Myself, when I create a video lesson product - since I script the video first - find it very easy to take the script, put it into a PDF, and provide a link to download it. Really, it doesn't take too much extra effort - and you get happy customers.
    Kevin Riley, long-time Warrior living in Osaka, Japan

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  • Profile picture of the author Eduard Stinga
    Video products tend to have a higher perceived value to potential customers, compared to just a pdf, guess that's the reason.
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  • Profile picture of the author mariebnichols
    There are many types of person in the world. there are people who are visual, audio lingual etc. That's why sites should always cater the possible needs of their client for their own convenience.
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Originally Posted by Azzurro View Post

    [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]I'm getting a little fed up with the trend of video only products, every video that I've watched has never given all the information that was described in the sales letter.

    This part of your original post is right on the money, but the point that everyone seems to be missing is:

    The SALES COPY was Less Than Honest...

    The point about providing PDF documents with the videos is an entirely different point altogether.

    If the copy tells you that there are good cliff notes, and there isn't, that is less than honest.

    If the copy tells you that there is a PDF Report and the Videos, that is honest.

    If the copy tells you that the PDF report supplements the video, the seller has given you no reason to believe that the PDF file is a transcript of the videos, and you should not expect it to perform in ways it was not advertised.

    Expecting the sales copy to deliver what it promised is something we all want to happen.

    But expecting the product to deliver something that was not in the sales copy is as dishonest as the seller not delivering what was promised in the sales copy.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author ladywriter
    Some people need to also realize they are not video folks. That's the biggest pet peeve I have. Seems like a lot of people figure video is easier to produce so they slop something together and sell it.

    Just because video is the new thing doesn't mean that it's right for you personally. That's another reason offering products in multiple formats is preferrable, imo.
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  • Profile picture of the author Azzurro
    Good to get your input...................Because at the end of the day it's all about delivering what our customers need, whatever the current sales trend is

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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
    Actually, a successful marketer will figure out how to deliver what the customer is willing to pay for, which is rarely what they "need".

    I'm in the camp of different strokes for different folks.

    If someone's business model determines the channel they use to most effectively reach their targeted customer, then it's really nobody else's particular concern.

    The medium itself becomes a major part of differentiation.

    That being the case, maybe you simply aren't that person's targeted customer.
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesGw
    As a consumer, I prefer text over video. I don't think videos are very good for instruction.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
    Originally Posted by Azzurro View Post

    I'm getting a little fed up with the trend of video only products, every video that I've watched has never given all the information that was described in the sales letter.

    If you are a marketing person that produce's these video's, please remember that marketers are clinical people and the information they receive has to be concise and informative, some people actually like to read words and take notes...strange as it seems.

    So can we please have an option to read your products, because not all of us like to watch.......unless you're a voyeur.......different niche, wrong email, sorry
    Did someone say voyeur?

    I have no idea what that means!

    On a serious note *ahem* you are right!

    I love video products and as a product owner they make an easy way to add value to a product but agree there should be a written guide to back it up.

    It is all down to how you like information fed to you, for me video can be a little slow sometimes and also when you don't quite understand something first time through you find yourself rewinding and searching for the place in the video where they address it...

    I think your point about not getting what was promised in the actual product is down to the product, but agree sometimes I actually PREFER the written guide.

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  • Profile picture of the author Candela
    Originally Posted by Azzurro View Post

    I'm getting a little fed up with the trend of video only products, every video that I've watched has never given all the information that was described in the sales letter.

    If you are a marketing person that produce's these video's, please remember that marketers are clinical people and the information they receive has to be concise and informative, some people actually like to read words and take notes...strange as it seems.

    So can we please have an option to read your products, because not all of us like to watch.......unless you're a voyeur.......different niche, wrong email, sorry
    I think that maybe,and this is a big maybe,the person who designed the course loses track of what they are actually supposed to be covering when they use video to transmit the info instead of the printed page or ebook format. Just a hunch.
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