How Do YOU Feel About Long-Winded, Slow Talking Videos, Time Taking Videos?
I have thought about this for a while now, and I have to say in a lot of instances I give up on the videos and hope there is a PDF to read instead. I love video tuition, and who doesn't, but these long-winded, slow talking video makers lose my interest very quickly!
WHY do "some" people who offer video lessons/tutorials/some WSO's/or whatever the case may be, take forever to spit out the words? Get to the point, right?
This IS the day and age of videos, but so many of the video tutorials are wasted space. Isn't your time valuable?
The thing is, it's great to learn from videos, but when it's dragged out with slow talkers, long intros, and other such crap, it eats into your time.
I have bought a lot of video WSO's - some are great and they get to the point without wasting half my day, but "some" people talk so slow, or talk about nothing worthwhile for ages until they get to the "point"... How many hours do you have??? I can see why YouTube has a time limit!
Do you feel that you get bored, annoyed, and perhaps think that a video could have been cut down by half the time sometimes?
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The bartender says: "We don't serve faster-than-light particles here."
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