Adsense advice for a begginer.....

8 replies
Hey guys,

Everyone tells me to stay well away from WSO's, and to try and make it on my own.

I've just signed upto adsense and just wondered if anybody has an action plan for me or some advice as what to do next?

Kindest Regards.
#adsense #advice #begginer
  • Profile picture of the author RobCopywriter
    I was faced with this question a long time ago and never found a proper way of going about it and I have never made much money with adsense, although one good tip of getting alot of clicks is TEXT ads, these tend to be more targeted and seem to get more clicks than image rich ads, don't take my word for it? Google it! See for yourself. Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author rekerlolz
    Some quick tips I can give on AdSense are that you should create channels and see what ads are being clicked on more than others ...see what style of ads get clicked the most and see if your ads get clicked more or less in certain positions. According to the AdSense team the best place to put your ads is in the middle of your content + the side bars / header. Hope that helps you a little bit!
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    • Profile picture of the author admee

      First post hehe!

      I know Adsense very well in fact I am currently on my 20th site all based around adsense and getting the highest CTR from the visitor.

      I have built a custom formula around the Sniper Package and a Adsense Recipe along with a thread on this forum I studied a few years ago! (if you dont know what they are just google sniper site and adsense recipe)

      My Adsense sites take about 1hr to build (once I have the content ready) then I set it and forget it and let them rank without any link building).

      I will show you exactly what to do what I use (a great tool sold on clickbank that saves you hours of manual work).

      I would be willing to show you how to get the best start just PM me.
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      • Profile picture of the author RobCopywriter
        Originally Posted by admee View Post


        First post hehe!

        I know Adsense very well in fact I am currently on my 20th site all based around adsense and getting the highest CTR from the visitor.

        I have built a custom formula around the Sniper Package and a Adsense Recipe along with a thread on this forum I studied a few years ago! (if you dont know what they are just google sniper site and adsense recipe)

        My Adsense sites take about 1hr to build (once I have the content ready) then I set it and forget it and let them rank without any link building).

        I will show you exactly what to do what I use (a great tool sold on clickbank that saves you hours of manual work).

        I would be willing to show you how to get the best start just PM me.
        Sounds interesting, You could probably make an ebook about that sort of thing! And maybe you could make a bit of money with it aswell, sell the ebook on clickbank for a good price!
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  • So do i need to get myself a website, and have the ads on there? Is this how everyone would do it?

    Set up a few websites and have adsense on all of them? and then earn money from people simply clicking on the adsense adverts?
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    • Profile picture of the author RobCopywriter
      Originally Posted by I Ask Lots Of Questions View Post

      So do i need to get myself a website, and have the ads on there? Is this how everyone would do it?

      Set up a few websites and have adsense on all of them? and then earn money from people simply clicking on the adsense adverts?
      Yes that is indeed how you do it, maybe have a few blogs aswell, but just simply having a website with ads is just the start, its all about traffic, without it your website is nothing and you will not get any/little clicks on your ads.
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      • Originally Posted by admee View Post


        First post hehe!

        I know Adsense very well in fact I am currently on my 20th site all based around adsense and getting the highest CTR from the visitor.

        I have built a custom formula around the Sniper Package and a Adsense Recipe along with a thread on this forum I studied a few years ago! (if you dont know what they are just google sniper site and adsense recipe)

        My Adsense sites take about 1hr to build (once I have the content ready) then I set it and forget it and let them rank without any link building).

        I will show you exactly what to do what I use (a great tool sold on clickbank that saves you hours of manual work).

        I would be willing to show you how to get the best start just PM me.
        That would be great, I basically need to get feet wet with something asap. I'm a very fast learner just struggle to start things like this, once i get going and have a plan I'll be fine.

        Your unable to have pms yet neither am i we dont have enough posts, would you be kind enough to provide me with your email here?

        I'd be very greatful if you were to pass on a small bit of knowledge to me.

        Originally Posted by RobCopywriter View Post

        Yes that is indeed how you do it, maybe have a few blogs aswell, but just simply having a website with ads is just the start, its all about traffic, without it your website is nothing and you will not get any/little clicks on your ads.
        Indeed. as soon as I'm started I'll be able to learn seo etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ken Strong
    Originally Posted by I Ask Lots Of Questions View Post

    Hey guys,

    Everyone tells me to stay well away from WSO's, and to try and make it on my own.

    I've just signed upto adsense and just wondered if anybody has an action plan for me or some advice as what to do next?

    Kindest Regards.
    The first step of your plan of action is to post AdSense questions in the AdSense forum.
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