Very Important Google Adwords Keyword Tool Tip

Eric Stanley
Profile picture of Eric Stanley
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
1 replies
Whether you are aware of this or not, I thought I should clear this up.

When conducting keyword research in Google Adwords Keyword Tool, there is a large distinction between the 'broad' and 'exact' search results. Broad results are displayed by default, and this is where the tool can be deceiving.

When performing long tail keyword research, you may notice that xxx xxxxxx xxxx gets roughly 60k searches a month. Now if you filter the results to 'exact' for said long tail keyword, you may see a dramatic drop down to 5k or less. This isn't true of all keywords, but for more than 95% of keywords I have looked at there is a large discrepency. Just want you guys and gals to be aware of this, and to use the 'exact' filter if you are trying to target specific long tail keyword phrases.

Trust me, those broad keywords you see with 50k plus searches, and no competition are such as for a reason -- unless of course you stumble onto gold

To your success,

#adwords #google #important #keyword #tip #tool
  • Profile picture of the author Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg
    Profile picture of Mad Dawg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    good tip eric. I actually fell victim to this when I initially started IM. I would see a longtail keyword getting a lot of searches, and then set up a site based on those numbers, only to be dissapointed by the amount of traffic I was getting.

    Hopefully this will save others a bit of time and effort.

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