Some WSO Pro Questions...

6 replies
Hello Warriors,

I'd like to clarify a couple things about WSO Pro:

1. Can you finalize the price on odd numbers,
while the increments are not of its fold.
ex: you start at $5, increasing it by $1.00 but
you want to end it at $9.11. Is that possible?

2. When you do JVs, can you setup different
commission rates for JV partners?

3. When buyers coming from an affiliate link,
will you still get them in your list automatically?

4. If you offer 100% commissions, will you still
get the buyers in your list automatically?

5. Can you purchase WSO Pro before your WSO
even gets approved and goes live?

I think that's it for now...

Thanks a bunch,
#pro #questions #wso
  • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
    Originally Posted by Ray Abraham View Post

    Hello Warriors,

    I'd like to clarify a couple things about WSO Pro:

    1. Can you finalize the price on odd numbers,
    while the increments are not of its fold.
    ex: you start at $5, increasing it by $1.00 but
    you want to end it at $9.11. Is that possible? Not sure on this one.

    2. When you do JVs, can you setup different
    commission rates for JV partners? Yes.

    3. When buyers coming from an affiliate link,
    will you still get them in your list automatically? Yes, if you integrate with your autoresponder.

    4. If you offer 100% commissions, will you still
    get the buyers in your list automatically? Yes, same as #3.

    5. Can you purchase WSO Pro before your WSO
    even gets approved and goes live? Yes.

    I think that's it for now...

    Thanks a bunch,
    Hope this helps and good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author JCamp
    Great questions, i actually had a few of these i was unsure of.
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  • Profile picture of the author ShayB
    Originally Posted by Ray Abraham View Post

    Hello Warriors,

    I'd like to clarify a couple things about WSO Pro:

    1. Can you finalize the price on odd numbers,
    while the increments are not of its fold.
    ex: you start at $5, increasing it by $1.00 but
    you want to end it at $9.11. Is that possible?

    Yes, you can do this. My WSO's end on odd numbers different from the price increments.
    "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships called Enterprise." ~Commander Riker
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  • Profile picture of the author Coby
    Originally Posted by Ray Abraham View Post

    1. Can you finalize the price on odd numbers,
    while the increments are not of its fold.
    ex: you start at $5, increasing it by $1.00 but
    you want to end it at $9.11. Is that possible?
    Just set the "max price" to $9.11
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonas B
    I got a question too.. do you need to use WSOPro? Because i don't think you can post paypal buttons in here or can you? (since they are form html tags)
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  • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
    This isn't the WarriorPlus support forum,
    This is: WarriorPlus Support
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