Your Road Sign---> Newbie Slow Dow; There is DANGEROUS Curve Ahead!

3 replies
Yes, that is the truth... If you get caught in the web

There is information overload waiting for you on the other end if you love every make money online idea and definitely want to try it out.

There are too many hype driven sales page waiting for you... control you emotions when you are reading any sales page treat with a pinch of salt.

There are a lot of lies nobody want to tell you except you find out for yourself...

Nobody can make money for you, but yourself.

One thing you should know is that ACTION IS WHAT YOU NEED to drive home the DREAM.

know you weakness as well as your strength, it will help you in the long run

Don't be deceived by the latest MONEY SECRET; it could just be another pot of hot water and time wasted in HELL...

Look before you leap and respect every penny in you pocket wisely
#ahead #curve #dangerous #dow #newbie #road #sign&gt #sign> #slow
  • Profile picture of the author leppozdrav
    Yes! That's true. Being a newbie in the IM, It will be tempting to try out almost every thing which we see, but what sticking on to one, gathering a good knowledge on it and then trying it out will work out for sure!
    Look before you leap and respect every penny in you pocket wisely
    The one to be followed by every newbie!

    Thanks for your post jideofor
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Miranda
    Very true indeed. This is something most new people will have to go through. If you are lucky enough to not be effected by this then you are well on your way!
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    • Profile picture of the author dragoncpa
      Originally Posted by Steven Miranda View Post

      Very true indeed. This is something most new people will have to go through. If you are lucky enough to not be effected by this then you are well on your way!
      You are right, I did that before
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