Any Professional Site Sellers Out There?

8 replies
I have so many different things going on right now and would love to have some extra money a project I am more passionate about. I have an E-Commerce website that is 100% drop shipping and has over 12 k in rev within four months. I don't have the time to keep working on it or the extra funds to outsource everything so I think selling it is my best option at the moment.

I would like to get the max for it and think it would be worth hiring someone who does this stuff for a living and knows how to market a site. Any of you out there offer a service or anything? Thanks
#professional #sellers #site
  • Profile picture of the author michaelcorvin
    You can do this yourself. BizBuySell - The Internet's Largest Business for Sale & Franchise for Sale Marketplace is a great place to sell the site. Its not that difficult. Just have a sales agreement in place. Depending on cash flow you may want to sell it on I would need to know more details to give you any idea on what it would be worth.
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  • Profile picture of the author JeffHylands
    Thanks Michael right now I am around $12,700 in rev within the last 4 months, possible $8,000 dollar sale to take place next week which would put it around 20 k in four months. If I sell it Id like to get a minimum of 20 k for it, not sure if that's realistic or not would love to hear what you think.
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    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Originally Posted by JeffHylands View Post

      Thanks Michael right now I am around $12,700 in rev within the last 4 months, possible $8,000 dollar sale to take place next week which would put it around 20 k in four months. If I sell it Id like to get a minimum of 20 k for it, not sure if that's realistic or not would love to hear what you think.
      How much of that revenue is actually profit?
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  • Profile picture of the author Enis
    Go to flippa and sell it yourself. It's not that large of a site and you probably won't have any problems selling it for 10x the monthly revenue.
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  • Profile picture of the author carloru
    I believe there is a flippa expert here called Abayomi Aje. I hear he is really good at website flipping. I believe he is here on warrior forum. You may like to check out his blog here
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  • Profile picture of the author UnlimitedSEO
    I guess I am a professional website buyer I buy them often from small to large. Honestly, I don't see websites sell often for 10x the monthly revenue on Flippa unless it has been established for a long time and can show steady numbers for at least a year or so. However, as others have said, go with Flippa for sure.
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  • Profile picture of the author JeffHylands
    Guys thank you so much for your info! Exactly what I was looking for. Sbucciarel at the moment it's roughly over 4 k profits. If I get the 8,000 sale after it gets approved by a counsel It would go over 5,000 in profit. Someone who can dedicate time to getting the big terms ranked *which they aren't too far* could see a big time increase. Id rather keep it and build it but out of all my projects it's one I have to let go, but for a reasonable amount of money. I don't expect to make gold off of it, but id like at least what I put into it counting man hours back.
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