I'm newbie.What's the best presell technic?
And I created a site with a poor keyword. I forgot to mark the "phrase" box in the google keyword tool (typed 92 times per month...well..we make mistakes).For this site I won't expect money, sincerelly.
BUT, my blog received some commentaries saying that the posts was really good. My strategie was: create a character, make a story about this character that connects with the reader and try a "soft sell" through some links.
Now I want to create something on the dating niche: to get back the ex. I found a keyword that I think is hot. I created I domain. But the hostgator is sucking, so I will change to bluehost when my Internacional Credicard comes. Until there, I want to learn.
SO, My questions are:
#1.Is good make a character?If Yes.Just one or one by niche?
#2.A "about me" page for that character?
#3.What work best: A soft sell or something that appoint direct to the buyer problems(Something like a list of 10 big mistakes of that niche or 10 big problems that a product can solve)?
#5.If I blog and do the soft sell, is the autoresponder important?
Thanks very much. Please, don't need to be anwers to my specified niche. I gave preferences to the general.
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