I'm newbie.What's the best presell technic?

Profile picture of ChuckGreen
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
6 replies
Hey guys, I'm new on IM. BUT I'M GONNA PUT MY ENERGY AND FREE TIME IN THAT! So.. I watched the google sniper 2.0 and some Chris Farrel's video.

And I created a site with a poor keyword. I forgot to mark the "phrase" box in the google keyword tool (typed 92 times per month...well..we make mistakes).For this site I won't expect money, sincerelly.

BUT, my blog received some commentaries saying that the posts was really good. My strategie was: create a character, make a story about this character that connects with the reader and try a "soft sell" through some links.

Now I want to create something on the dating niche: to get back the ex. I found a keyword that I think is hot. I created I domain. But the hostgator is sucking, so I will change to bluehost when my Internacional Credicard comes. Until there, I want to learn.

SO, My questions are:
#1.Is good make a character?If Yes.Just one or one by niche?
#2.A "about me" page for that character?
#3.What work best: A soft sell or something that appoint direct to the buyer problems(Something like a list of 10 big mistakes of that niche or 10 big problems that a product can solve)?
#5.If I blog and do the soft sell, is the autoresponder important?

Thanks very much. Please, don't need to be anwers to my specified niche. I gave preferences to the general.
#autoresponder #newbie #newbiewhat #presell #soft sell #technic
  • Profile picture of the author dsbusiness23
    Profile picture of dsbusiness23
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Auto-responders are very important. I think most people on warriorforum use Aweber. I just use a free one. In internet marketing one of the most important things to do is create a list. This way you can continue to send your list value and in turn make yourself more sales. Don't make the same mistake I did starting out which is do all sorts of social media linking, back linking, and SEO work without having a list where you give your potential customers value so they trust you.

    Write a short E-book on how to get your ex back or if the offer you promote has one in their affiliate account management backroom use that and change the links to yours. This way you will give your list value and they will be really interested in what else you have to offer.

    Content is king, make sure that the information on your website also offers value to your customers.

    To your success, Dan
    • Profile picture of the author ChuckGreen
      Profile picture of ChuckGreen
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      So, do you think that is better to forget the idea of create a ficticious story that connect me with the buyer?
      • Profile picture of the author dsbusiness23
        Profile picture of dsbusiness23
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        That's entirely up to you as to if you want to create a fictional character or put your real self on your website. Personally most of my websites are actually me not a character but like I said that is all up to you. Just remember most people coming to your websites as brutal as this sounds don't care about you at all! Just about what "you" can offer them.

        My biggest advice is stick to one niche before expanding, if you make a dollar after 3 months then just scale that until you make 100 and 1000 ect. How many small business owners do you know that switch their main product every few months just because they are not pulling in thousands with one. Not very many that would be ludacris.

        To your success, Dan
        • Profile picture of the author magnates
          Profile picture of magnates
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by dsbusiness23 View Post

          That's entirely up to you as to if you want to create a fictional character or put your real self on your website. Personally most of my websites are actually me not a character but like I said that is all up to you. Just remember most people coming to your websites as brutal as this sounds don't care about you at all! Just about what "you" can offer them.

          My biggest advice is stick to one niche before expanding, if you make a dollar after 3 months then just scale that until you make 100 and 1000 ect. How many small business owners do you know that switch their main product every few months just because they are not pulling in thousands with one. Not very many that would be ludacris.

          To your success, Dan
          I don't know about creating fictious character , but pre-sell is about showing that you understand your audience problems , you relate to their needs , wants and frustrations and you make it very clear that you it is a product launch and sell to them after you have already helped with some steps in your pre sale steps and just tell them why they should buy the product and what it will do for them

          It is important to be sincere and have an excelent product otherwise they would ignore future recommendations
  • Profile picture of the author Kate C
    Kate C
    Profile picture of Kate C
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Someone once told me to think of this business like borrowing money from someone. If you meet someone for the first time on the street or even at a friend's house, you would not be comfortable asking to borrow money from them. However, if you see that person a few more times and get to know them, you might feel more comfortatable asking them for money then. Start with building that trusting relationship with your clients before you even think of selling them anything. That way, when you do finally recommend something, they will buy from you because they trust you.
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
    Mike Hill
    Profile picture of Mike Hill
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by ChuckGreen View Post

    And I created a site with a poor keyword. I forgot to mark the "phrase" box in the google keyword tool (typed 92 times per month...well..we make mistakes).For this site I won't expect money, sincerelly.

    Huh? I'm not following you on this one...

    PS. When you are writing a post and you see a word that has a red squiggly underline, that means the word is spelled wrong. Right click on the word and it will give you some options. Just thought I'd point that out.

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