setting up two google places pages for two locations of same business

2 replies
I have a client who just opened a 2nd location and I need to optimize for 2 Google Places. I'd like to know the best way to do this. One is in Miami and the new one is in Coral Gables. The current google places page is optimized for Miami with a general url (ie:

So for Coral Gables do I:
1) create a whole new google places page with a new email address? or a subpage on the existing places page?

2) do I use the existing same url ( or get a keyword rich one ( and use that on the new Google places page and then do a 301 redirect to the main site?

Any general advice on setting up more than one google places for multiple locations for the same company would be appreciated.
#business #google #google places #locations #multiple locations #pages #places #setting
  • Profile picture of the author seoma
    1)You should be able to subpage on the existing Google places account. I had a few different businesses running on one Google places account at one time, as long as you register a second address you should then rank for that location.

    2) Not sure on this one, you can use the same URL but I believe you would rank better anyway for the coralgablepoolsupplies one as it mentions the location in the URL.

    Hope this was of some help!
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  • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
    Your post is in the wrong forum, it belongs: Here
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