Selling Software to Non-Tech Customers

Profile picture of Kurt
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16 replies
It's been a long time since I sold any software to non-tech customers. A while back they used to struggle with almost everything, including unzipping compressed files, etc. But it's been over 10 years since I tried selling to these markets.

My question is, do most PC owners now-a-days know how to unzip a download and open a ReadMe file?
#customers #nontech #selling #software
  • Profile picture of the author MarkJones
    Profile picture of MarkJones
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The non-tech market place has gotten smarter over the last few years, but you still need to account for those that have no idea on how to do anything...

    A simple video showing them how to unzip a file would only take you 5 minutes to create and save you hours of support and allow you to still market to those "tech challenged" customers.

    • Profile picture of the author Kurt
      Profile picture of Kurt
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by MarkJones View Post

      The non-tech market place has gotten smarter over the last few years, but you still need to account for those that have no idea on how to do anything...

      A simple video showing them how to unzip a file would only take you 5 minutes to create and save you hours of support and allow you to still market to those "tech challenged" customers.

      Thanks...But how do you get them to the video without them unzipping it?

      Do you put that video on the download page?
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      • Profile picture of the author calhoun
        Profile picture of calhoun
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        Yes, put the video right (above the download link) in front of them so they can't miss it even if they tried scrolling up or down to escape it. I am sure people who don't want to watch the video and learn exist out there.

        Maybe some sort of disclaimer would be in order. Something along the lines of; "Hey, it's not my fault you don't know how to unzip a zip file. Ciao." :p
      • Profile picture of the author Syamsul Alam
        Syamsul Alam
        Profile picture of Syamsul Alam
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        Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

        Thanks...But how do you get them to the video without them unzipping it?

        Do you put that video on the download page?

        I always zip my product if its pdf or script, but I always embed my video product.

        It's a good idea to embed the video that teach them how to unzip things. Or provide link that go like this: "Have any difficulties in extracting these files to your computer? Watch the instruction video by clicking here >>"
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        Move your cursor to my link and it will magically turned red when you do it. Try (and click) it!
        • Profile picture of the author BradleyC
          Profile picture of BradleyC
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          I gave up on people unzipping files properly.

          If you have a video, host it on your website so they can watch it there. That's a whole lot easier for user. You can, if you want, create a download link for those who want to download it. Generally, these are people who know how to unzip a zipped file.

          The other solution is to use an "install" program. I use Astrum (Thraex Software). It's one of the lowest priced programs on the market. Most people are familiar with install programs so that parts handled.

          You can then just put a copy of the HTML page on their desktop for them to watch the video. This will greatly reduce support calls and issues.

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  • Profile picture of the author BackLinkingNinja
    Profile picture of BackLinkingNinja
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    By the download button lI normally give them a simple Read Me For Easy Install PDF that has some really simple instructions with embedded links to a quick how to video hosted online. You could naturally include instructions in autoresponder email, or why not use an exitsplash/redirect to a how to page online.

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  • Profile picture of the author rrm
    Profile picture of rrm
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    Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

    My question is, do most PC owners now-a-days know how to unzip a download and open a ReadMe file?
    The vast majority of people I know who use a computer have no idea what a zipped file is, much less how to open one. They can open the ReadMe file once inside, but there's the rub. Most of them don't read that file anyway, because they think it's just boring lawyer talk or techno mumbo jumbo. And these are people who surf the internet, do social networking, email, buy on Amazon, etc. They know how to upload junk like crazy, like pictures and comments to networking sites, but they download files rarely, however, and that experience (or lack thereof) with downloads in general translates in not knowing how to unpack those files.


    It's not enough to want it... you have to want it enough.

  • Profile picture of the author Edwin101
    Profile picture of Edwin101
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    Some of my friend is a total noob on zipping a file.

    Perhaps you can send them a video tutorial on how to zip/unzip a file along with your product
  • Profile picture of the author mywebwork
    Profile picture of mywebwork
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    As a software developer I am constantly trying to make my software as idiot-proof as possible. It's a hopeless battle, because they keep building better idiots!

    I'm actually kidding of course, not knowing how to unzip a file is no reflection upon a persons intelligence. But what I am saying is that you should leave nothing to chance.

    Put up a video on your site showing how to unzip and install everything, and place a link to it in an illustrated PDF installation manual. And provide a readme file, for people like me who don't like to waste time watching a 10 minute video just to see how to install something. That should satisfy every type of user.

  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    Dennis Gaskill
    Profile picture of Dennis Gaskill
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    Windows comes with it's own unzip utility nowadays. I don't do anything special. Most people will be able to open a zip file even if they don't know what they're doing simply because windows already has a zip association built in. I never get asked about it anymore, not for the last few years. Your mileage may vary.

    As for PDF files, every once in a while someone won't know what to do with them still, but it's getting rare. I still include a blurb on the download page about needing the free Acrobat Reader to open the PDF, and link to Adobe. Of course, better safe than sorry is still a good theory.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

    • Profile picture of the author rts2271
      Profile picture of rts2271
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      Pack it in a installer that they double click and it does the rest. People are to dumb for things like zip files, readme txt files, logging on to the internet, walking and breathing. If you have to ask the question "Can my clients do this?" They can't give it up and make it automatic or provide some kind of online version.
  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    Profile picture of Andyhenry
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    Hey Kurt,

    i'm with Dennis - Windows now has unzip capabilities by default so they don't need a separate program.

    If you think it's still going to be an issue just point them to a Youtube video showing how to unzip.

    I think it's such a common thing nowadays that it's not the problem it used to be.


    nothing to see here.

  • Profile picture of the author r2r
    Profile picture of r2r
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    Now a days all have basic knowledge of PC.. So some people who use PC regular know how to unzip and read only file... But some are no-tech people who still don't how to download and unzip files..
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  • Profile picture of the author xMarkPro
    Profile picture of xMarkPro
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    Readme files are a bit (ok, really) outdated nowadays. Customer support section on your site, searchable knowledgebase, user manual, video tutorials, etc. Do that.
    • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
      Profile picture of kindsvater
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      No, they know nothing.

      You cannot assume anything.

      "Offline" people I know certainly would have trouble unzipping files, and then trying to figure out where they ended up on their computer.

      Several times a year I find someone who has no idea how to find files on their computer.

      I'm dealing with someone right now where simply downloading a Word .doc file is proving to be a surprisingly difficult challenge. (No zip, just click and download).

      OMG - now editing the document in Word is something I need to provide help with.

      Apple is making money hand over fist not because the iPhone or iPad are mobile devices. It is because they are stupid easy to use.

  • Profile picture of the author JamesGw
    Profile picture of JamesGw
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    I think most people will know how to unzip a file. Nowadays you have techy people, those in the middle, and very few completely clueless people. I'd still include a video and readme, though.

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