Need some help gathering email addresses

11 replies
Hi Warriors,

When people leave messages on my blog, WordPress sends a copy of their comment to my email address. This notice includes their email address. I have about 5000 of these messages and I would like to send them an opt-in email.

Does anyone know of a way I can gather all these email addresses into a file so that I can send them an email. I use GetResponse and I know how to upload the email addresses. What I don't know is how to "lift them" into a file that I can then upload into my GetResponse account.

Thanks in advance!
#addresses #email #gathering
  • Profile picture of the author snidge
    Have you checked WP web site? Maybe there is a plugin for that?

    Check out my WSO for 60% off my autoresponder, Bulk Mailer, Opt In Software.
    60% OFF Mail List Management Software! Multiple List Capabilities!

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  • Profile picture of the author Steve MacLellan
    I don't know what mail program you use, but most of them have an export function. For example, here is how to do it using Windows Mail:
    How to Export Contacts and Email Addresses from Windows Mail - About Email

    Once you have it in CSV format, you can open it in Excel, and strip out the columns you don't want (assuming you just want names and email addresses) and then import the list into your get response account.

    Steve MacLellan

    Website building Discussion and Hosting

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  • Profile picture of the author snidge
    I think she just needs to get them from the database into a list in the first place though. I'm sure there is a plugin to do that. If not maybe that will be my next project lol.

    Check out my WSO for 60% off my autoresponder, Bulk Mailer, Opt In Software.
    60% OFF Mail List Management Software! Multiple List Capabilities!

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    • Profile picture of the author Steve MacLellan
      Originally Posted by snidge View Post

      I think she just needs to get them from the database into a list in the first place though. I'm sure there is a plugin to do that. If not maybe that will be my next project lol.
      If this is the case, she can export the email addresses from MySQL into a CSV file from the table wp_comments/comments_author_email.

      Best Regards,
      Steve MacLellan

      Website building Discussion and Hosting

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  • Profile picture of the author daddyg
    Going forward you might want to consider Robert Plank's Action Comments wp plugin. I'm not sure if it's available as a standalone product aswell but it's a bonus at Action

    It puts a little checkbox option when people make comments asking if they want to receive blog updates. Integrates with Aweber and probably other autoresponders too afaik.
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  • Profile picture of the author Darren Mothersele
    Do you have phpMyAdmin on your host/server?

    I think you can export this data straight from the Wordpress database.
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    • Profile picture of the author seamusb
      Originally Posted by Darren Mothersele View Post

      Do you have phpMyAdmin on your host/server?

      I think you can export this data straight from the Wordpress database.
      I am not sure that the OP will understand what phpMyAdmin is, so avoiding geek speak, here is the simplest explanation (note this is not a full explantion, just an overview)

      - phpMyAdmin is a web based GUI admin tool for managing MySQL databases, the standard database used in Wordpress.
      - Most web hosts give access to this tool. Check with yours...
      - The kind of information you are trying to get from WP is not standard, so you probably need to go straight to the database. This is why you need phpMyAdmin.
      - You would choose to export the comments table to CSV and then open the file in Excel to just take out the email address.

      Alternatively, you could try one of these WP mailing list plugins -

      A Trek Through Wordpress Mailing List Plugins - Email Mailing List Manager - Social Media Marketing Sys

      Perhaps if you can get a mail to all commenters, you could ask them to subscribe to you new list?

      - Seamus
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    • Profile picture of the author seamusb
      Browser is slow - posted twice , duh.
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  • Profile picture of the author Solidsnake
    You can use email extractor and upload the emails in your autoresponder...
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  • Profile picture of the author SusanUSA
    Thanks for the insights and ideas, Warriors. I should have stated that this is a blog hosted by WP and not me. I started this blog when I was totally broke, and now it gets so much traffic that I've been advised not to change anything with the hosting.

    I will check with WP to see if there is a way I can get a download as they would be on their file . . . and I will also check out email extractor, which I have never used.

    I'll check back and let you all know my success!

    Thanks again!
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  • Profile picture of the author camforbes
    If you use Aweber, check to see if they have an email parser built for that format. Then you can just forward all those messages to your aweber list and it will suck out all the email addresses.
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