6 replies
Hello, I'm interested in getting into affiliate marketing and was wondering if any of you could tell me a good place to start. What I mean by that is learning what all the marketing terms mean and how to get started. Thanks!
#place #start
  • The Warrior Forum itself is a treasure trove of Information and a great place to start. This is,perhaps, the best place in the whole world to get your IM education from PLUS make new friends, forge new relationships, etc

    You might also want to visit the old forum for some golden nuggets.
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  • Profile picture of the author gilbertm
    Here's is a tip. Affiliate marketing is basically marketing other people's products. You can use Click bank or Paydot.com. What I recommend if you want to those types of marketing is to build your self a website first. Capture the names and emails of others and redirect them to your sales page once they opt in. You'll need an autoresponder and a specific domain that you are targeting. You can do a keyword research to see which niche you would like to target. There are literally tons of ways to do affiliate marketing.
    1. Buy a domain relevant to your specific product.
    2. Get an autoresponder.
    3. Build a capture page.
    4. Drive traffic to your capture page.
    5. Capture their names and emails.
    6. And redirect them to your affiliate product.

    If they don't buy right then, you send them emails through the autoresponder promoting your product. They will either buy or they won't.
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  • Profile picture of the author netstrife
    When you first start out the key is just to throw stuff out there and get something going. Try writing articles, doing a little SEO etc. to begin with. Doesn't matter if you're not making any money to begin with just as long as you're learning and getting stuff done.

    Of course you'll want to join clickbank, paydotcom, commission junction etc. which are the main affiliate networks most people use.
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  • Profile picture of the author Meanna Blog
    I started the affiliate ball rolling by signing up to the gurus and becoming an affiliate of theirs. I did a little report from scratch to my first sale of over $300 that you can easily folow and shortcut. If you want to of course, you may not...

    Make Money Online

    Hope that's useful. There's also a HUGE amount of great advice here on the forum.
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    • Profile picture of the author ExtTrail2
      The Warrior forum is a great place to learn from others who have probably done just about everything regarding IM.
      Use the search and advanced search and you can pretty much find what you will be looking for.
      One of the best pieces of advice we got from this forum is to pick one system/guru/strategy and become very proficient at it before moving on. This drastically helps with information overload.

      We also signed up the the private members area and it is well worth it.
      Good Luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author RedSynergy
    Yes I agree that you are best to start here. Also try and spend a few weeks researching free stuff before parting with your dollars. (although the private forum here is worth it)

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