Define Experts
This is not about "Guru". My assumption is that a Guru is called a Guru when there are many followers worshiping his theories, concepts and philosophies.
This take is about EXPERTS.
Some experts do require special licenses such as legal, medical and other professionals.
Some experts do not require licenses but instead certified as members of certain independent bodies, organizations or artisan groupings.
Some experts do not require licenses at all even though they are people with lengthy experience, training and unique skills.
I name some examples in the offline world :
- indigenous jungle tracker
- sharp shooter
- sportsmen
- break-dancer
- kung fu exponent
- hustler ... lol ..
- and many more of course.
So for the Internet Marketing world, how will I know whether the person is an expert or not.
Since I'm not sure how to define IM experts properly, so I evaluate them with the following attributes - regardless of age, gender, race, lingo or location:
-> accomplishments ( & project experience )
-> network of resources
-> proclaimed skills set and systems
-> speed of mobilization
-> customer services
-> testimonials ( list of clients )
I consider IM experts are not merely people with experience but people with quality experience. And they can help others to resolve issues, optimize use of resources or guide others to achieve goals.
Please note, I refer EXPERTS as people who can help others only.
Comments and inputs would be greatly appreciated.
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