Maxbounty's sending a clear message to their affiliate...
here's the message:
Hello Joel,
Over the past several weeks, we've seen a tremendous increase in the number of affiliates making use of freelancers and/or guaranteed lead services to generate leads through their affiliate account.
While the use of freelancers and/or guaranteed lead services may seem like an easy way to generate low cost leads, the reality is that these low cost leads are fraudulent and are being created using fake data and stolen identities.
These freelancers and/or guaranteed lead services are scammers who are taking advantage of inexperienced affiliates. They are requesting payment in advance for leads, then putting your affiliate account at risk of termination (and non-payment) by delivering these fraudulent leads.
If you are using freelancers and/or guaranteed lead services, PLEASE STOP IMMEDIATELY. You could find yourself in a situation where you have paid them for leads for which you will NOT be paid. In other words, you'll lose money.
I'd also ask that you spread the word about these freelancers and/or guaranteed lead services. Feel free to send this e-mail to your colleagues and/or post to your favourite message boards. Let's stop these scammers before they further victimize our industry.
Thank you.
The message is pretty clear... DON'T CHEAT THE SYSTEM.
You could lose big time : Loosing the money you invested in "Black hat" method and all your affiliate payout and your biggest asset: Your cpa account and your own reputation.
hope this help!
Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
Tim Pears
How To Make An Above Average Online Income From Maximum 15 Hours a Week.