Do you have any secret about IM, which you don't want to share with anyone else?

Profile picture of bestrevenueshare
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
56 replies
Yes or no. Please justify your answer
#secret #share
  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Profile picture of tpw
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If I told you what it was, it would no longer be a secret, would it?

    There are thousands of people viewing this forum daily, so if I were to share it here, I would be sharing my secret with thousands of my friends and some of my competitors.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
    • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
      Mark Andrews
      Profile picture of Mark Andrews
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      If I told you what it was, it would no longer be a secret, would it?

      There are thousands of people viewing this forum daily, so if I were to share it here, I would be sharing my secret with thousands of my friends and some of my competitors.
      Exactly. The question is a contradiction in terms.

      And sometimes one asks oneself, what is the point in sharing anyway?

      A day or two ago, I posted up a new thread, gave away some excellent tips and not one reply. Not one word of thanks. So what's the point?

      Newbies these days, a lot of them are just bone lazy and think the world owes them a favor. If you want to get to your financial destination whatever that may be, you'll need to do what the rest of us had to do when we were starting out years ago... get off your backsides, stop looking for easy push button solutions, show some dedication and hard work, commitment too, and research the answers for yourself. Find out the hard way and start treating this like a real business.

      We're not helping you if you can't be bothered to put in the work yourself to begin with.

      That's ^ no secret.

      Pete Walker
      • Profile picture of the author sal64
        Profile picture of sal64
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        Originally Posted by Pete Walker View Post

        A day or two ago, I posted up a new thread, gave away some excellent tips and not one reply. Not one word of thanks. So what's the point?
        ^^^ THIS ^^^

        Internet Marketing: 20% Internet - 80% Marketing!
        You Won't See The Light Until You Open Your Eyes.
    • Profile picture of the author bestrevenueshare
      Profile picture of bestrevenueshare
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      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      If I told you what it was, it would no longer be a secret, would it?

      There are thousands of people viewing this forum daily, so if I were to share it here, I would be sharing my secret with thousands of my friends and some of my competitors.
      Well well well, I did not tell you to share your secret, then the question would be - please share your secret? Is not that true?
      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by bestrevenueshare View Post

        well well well, I did not tell you to share your secret, then the question would be - please share your secrete? Is not that true?
        You asked him to justify his answer, and he did, smart guy...:rolleyes:

        And I'm not sure I want that Okie sharing his "secrete" anyway...
      • Profile picture of the author scrofford
        Profile picture of scrofford
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by bestrevenueshare View Post

        Well well well, I did not tell you to share your secret, then the question would be - please share your secret? Is not that true?
        Well then what's the purpose of your thread? Because if you just want to know if someone has a secret they don't want to share, what good does that do? All you'll find out is that people have secrets, and I'm pretty sure you can find that out without posting a thread asking if someone has a secret they don't want to share or not.
  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by bestrevenueshare View Post

    Yes or no. Please justify your answer

    To quote my mother, "Because I said so."

  • Profile picture of the author carolf
    Profile picture of carolf
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    Pete I So want to know what you shared and trust me, I am the queen of gratitude. You will be showered with thank yous... Ask the lovely ms rose trees just how much I appreciate help....oh and I know exactly why your miffed, I get that in my line of work sometimes...
  • Profile picture of the author kaper7
    Profile picture of kaper7
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    All secrets are eventually revealed!
    Think Tank >>> Devise Wealth Mastermind <<<

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  • Profile picture of the author trytolearnmore
    Profile picture of trytolearnmore
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I guess the OP asked whether you know something that others don't know (or at least only a few chosen ones know).
  • Profile picture of the author Leo M
    Leo M
    Profile picture of Leo M
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    My secret is pretending I have one

    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      Steve B
      Profile picture of Steve B
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Here's a secret about IM . . .

      All Marketers Are Liars

      Why? Seth Godin says so and he's an expert.

      Now go find a copy of his book and read it.


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

  • Profile picture of the author commoditytrainer
    Profile picture of commoditytrainer
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There are no secrets - ever; the reason why is no one can keep their mouth closed and anytime you see the word secret, like to secret to success it is all baloney. Period.
    If you want insurance quotes then check out one of the best ways to compare at and your insurance costs could be reduced to more than you think?
  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Profile picture of tpw
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The secret to success is no secret at all... WORK!!
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
  • Profile picture of the author bestrevenueshare
    Profile picture of bestrevenueshare
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The meaning of the question was not so cheap, my frineds.

    I did not asked you to share your top secret, if you would share it, it would not be a secret indeed.
    I am partially agree with trytolearnmore.

    I meant

    Do you have something... that you think anyone could make money easily by knowing your formula,
  • Profile picture of the author owenlee
    Profile picture of owenlee
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    check out the WSO..there are many secrets...
  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    Profile picture of timpears
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The only secret is hard work, as not too many people seem to know how to do that. I know I have a lot of trouble with it as I am a lazy S*B.

    But then if more than one knows it, it ain't a secret any more, now is it? But, bottom line, there isn't any secrets and all the hype in the WSO forum and on Clickbank and other places is just baloney, crap, BS.

    Tim Pears

  • Profile picture of the author ColinChia
    Profile picture of ColinChia
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    From the wise words of Kung Fu Panda's Dad "The Secret Is That There Is NO SECRET".

    People are infatuated with secrets... so when someone says "Hey, I have a secret about how you can make $20,000 a year - pushing a couple buttons" it sets off those endorphins in the brain and you automatically want to know, because human beings are curious creatures and we like to know what he knows and how he pushes more than a couple buttons.

    Not lies exactly - just bending the truth!
    IT'S UNDISPUTED! :D You Make More Money Working With A Professional Copywriter.
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  • Profile picture of the author t0mmy
    Profile picture of t0mmy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    HARD WORK! thats the secret people cmon you get what you put into this business

    btw hi this is my first post nice forum
  • Profile picture of the author Nick Walker
    Nick Walker
    Profile picture of Nick Walker
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    My secret is to not expose my secrets.
  • Profile picture of the author David Chung
    David Chung
    Profile picture of David Chung
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is not really helping anyone at all hahaha.

    Here's a 'secret': Work backwards before you go forward.

    Every method you come across has an 'essence' to it, a general idea that makes it work.

    People get so stuck in the details that they get into a rut and prevent themselves from thinking creatively.

    Article marketing = submitting content to other websites to increase traffic (SEO or direct) to your website (and increase your authority) = add value to other websites in a way that benefits yourself.

    Thinking in terms of 'article marketing' severely restricts your thought processes and you're forced to work within the constraints of 'exchanging words for traffic'.

    Instead if you ask yourself, "What other ways can I add value to different websites/businesses in a way that benefits me?" You'll broaden your perception and allow yourself to see new possibilities.

    Once you've worked backwards and gotten the core idea down you can adapt it to whatever situation arises. And you can always go back to article marketing if you need to, but now you'll be aware of other possibilities.

    So when you see a new website or place people visit frequently you'll be able to remind yourself that "Here is a place people hang out, how can I add value to it in a way that benefits me?"

    When you first saw YouTube, how long did it take before you realized you could use it to drive traffic to your websites/products? I bet you clicked around looking at amusing videos for quite a while before you thought to look at it that way. Or maybe you even needed a WSO to show you the potential.

    So now we have all these Groupon sites. What can you do to add value to these sites that will also benefit you? Interviews? A guest post about picking the best deals? Mp3s? Videos? Software? Forums?

    It's a great question to ask yourself that will get your brain juices flowing.
    "How can I add value to this website in a way that benefits me?"

    And I got that simply from working backwards from the idea of 'article marketing'.
    • Profile picture of the author ak1lz
      Profile picture of ak1lz
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      The only way you will succeed in the industry is giving people what they need or have been looking for. And to do this, im going to give allot of you IMs a little secret called STOP.

      STOP re selling retarded PLR products as WSOs with your re spun sales pitch walls of text.
      STOP sending people to eye gouging squeeze page's, its not the 80's anymore so stop using those damn colors.
      STOP using PLR Websites, Audio & Videos or Anything that you bought off fiverr, its worthless.

      Here's a great example of a fail

      Here's a secret about IM . . .

      All Marketers Are Liars

      Why? Seth Godin says so and he's an expert.

      Now go find a copy of his book and read it.


      Stop being cheesy, try providing people with use-full information. Learn how to use forums, join at least a couple and get active.. but don't sit there all day.. or anymore than 2-3 hours tops. You aren't going to make a sale by reading the random posts here.. you will get miss guided.. I feel allot of IMs end up doing this. Do your own research, and when you find an answer.. compare it to other sources and get a second opinion.

      Asking for people to share secrets on here isn't going to get you any good info, just a bunch of posers saying they got all these tricks up their sleeves and if they shared it to the whole 130 people that will view the thread.. the "methods" or "secrets" will prove wrong and not work anymore because everyone else is doing it. Thing is.. we know your damn secrets and we don't need them their is no secret to IM, just give people something use full. stop shoving sh** stained PLR websites into your users faces.

      It really all comes down to how lazy you are, if you are lazy.. this isn't a business you should be involved in. If you have ADD or a BI**** Needy wife, this is again probably not a business to get into. It takes time, dedication, motivation, money, and risk. Don't take un educated risks.. that's the worst you could do. A couple tips for being successful in this industry is stay organized, consistent, and aggressive. Don't be discouraged if you mess up along the way, and don't come back here to boast when your making enough money to forget about everything you had worked for and you want to show us BCZ WE KNOW YOUR LYING.

      Anyways, if you can pull any use full information out of this illiterate rant, give me a thanks! and if you really want to know some sh**.. PM with questions and ill answer as best as I can.

      "The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today." - Elbert Hubbard

  • Profile picture of the author Steven Miranda
    Steven Miranda
    Profile picture of Steven Miranda
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have a secret about how to make money online but I won't be releasing it as WSO for $9.95
  • Profile picture of the author bestrevenueshare
    Profile picture of bestrevenueshare
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    @ak1lz you can answer my question or anything you want to share here at this thread publically, this question is open for all.
  • Profile picture of the author showmack
    Profile picture of showmack
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just spend more time in this forum and you will understand all those secrets yourself. Frankly there is no shortcut for success only you need to do hardwork!
  • Profile picture of the author addison.agnote
    Profile picture of addison.agnote
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Secret is something that's not meant to be known as such by other. If we will tell you our secret that will be no longer a secret haha
  • Profile picture of the author MikeTucker
    Profile picture of MikeTucker
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The Two Ultra Secrets to Supreme Universal Power (Including Marketing Perfection):

    1. Never tell anyone everything you know.
    2. _________________________________.

    But, Seriously, who needs to "justify" anything? Nobody owes their knowledge to anybody else.

    The bartender says: "We don't serve faster-than-light particles here."

    ...A tachyon enters a bar.

  • Profile picture of the author infear_takao87
    Profile picture of infear_takao87
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Actually I found the secret just in this forum... you need to work hard to dig more IM knowledge
  • Profile picture of the author johFF
    Profile picture of johFF
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ok, I will share with you my secret. I don’t work 4 hours per day, as I told everyone. I work 8-10 hours almost EVERY day.

    I just want to all this IM story looks like the easiest thing in the world to my friends. Why? Because I want to motivate them to join me in this online word.
  • Profile picture of the author Anonymous Affiliate
    Anonymous Affiliate
    Profile picture of Anonymous Affiliate
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I dont really have any secret. I don't think there's any "secret" to run a business.
  • Profile picture of the author Patrick
    Profile picture of Patrick
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Many of these "SECRETS" are revealed in "how to make money" products.

    But the truth is that there is no secret at all. The only secret is hard work, patience and determination.
  • Profile picture of the author butters
    Profile picture of butters
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    My secret is beer, friends and pizza To justify, it's fun so why not, gotta have fun right, it can't all be work.
    • Profile picture of the author IMWinner
      Profile picture of IMWinner
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Personally, there is no secret in this. Secret is just an illusion that there are really some secret. When you observed how people have earned and how they succeed, you don't need a secret to attain that. As proven again and again, and I could say, that success can be attained through hard work, perseverance and determination. And in addition, the desire to learn, to learn more and continue learning is also part of the so-called secret for success.
      For the IM business, some people will always present that there are secrets to attain success. But to attain some of these secrets, you have to pay for it and that you will be given a share of the secret. And then, it will no longer a secret. But in fact, the secret that was shared to you as you read what's in it, is just to motivate you and these are just basics.
      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Here's an open secret, one which almost demands that you try and fail a few times before you get it...

        At its core, IM or any other business success depends on one thing and one thing only. Offer enough people something they want more than any other alternative available, including keeping their wallets in their pockets.

        Do that one thing well and you won't have to waste your time asking if other people have secrets.
        • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
          Richard Van
          Profile picture of Richard Van
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          The secret about IM and all business is you can either do it or you can't.

          Incidentally, successful people don't look for secrets, they just get on and do what they need to do to make their business work.

          IM is a business. There are no secrets, just like there are no magic bullets.

          Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

  • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
    Will Edwards
    Profile picture of Will Edwards
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have revealed many of my secrets in my past posts here on the forum.

    But, yes - I do have a secret and I am prepared to reveal it to you. Thing is, you might miss how powerful it is and not believe me when I tell you that it really is one of my best secrets.

    Anyway here it is ...

    I hope you appreciate a bit of drama ...

    "Observe the masses and do the opposite!"

    And I got it from James Caan.

    Be your own man. Do it your way. Be true to yourself and your values.


    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Richard Van View Post

      Incidentally, successful people don't look for secrets, they just get on and do what they need to do to make their business work.
      Sure they do. They just don't do it by posting 'do you have a secret' on a public forum.
    • Profile picture of the author bcagle
      Profile picture of bcagle
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Will Edwards View Post

      I have revealed many of my secrets in my past posts here on the forum.

      But, yes - I do have a secret and I am prepared to reveal it to you. Thing is, you might miss how powerful it is and not believe me when I tell you that it really is one of my best secrets.

      Anyway here it is ...

      I hope you appreciate a bit of drama ...

      "Observe the masses and do the opposite!"

      And I got it from James Caan.

      Be your own man. Do it your way. Be true to yourself and your values.


      While I don't promote 'reinventing the wheel' we all should look to out own strengths, ethics, and business model and go for the gold with all we've got.

      There is so much "copy this...copy that..." out there, when I come across something unique, that is what get's my attention.

      Nicely said, Will
  • Profile picture of the author warrich
    Profile picture of warrich
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well lets just say that the best things that are left unanswered. The suspense and curiosity get the better of you.
  • Profile picture of the author lotsofsnow
    Profile picture of lotsofsnow
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you have been reading up to here you might have come to realize that are no secrets.
    Looks like it does not satisfy you...

    Call Center Fuel - High Volume Data
    Delivering the highest quality leads in virtually all consumer verticals.

  • Profile picture of the author MoneyMagnetMagnate
    Profile picture of MoneyMagnetMagnate
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    We Could Tell You...

    But then of Course, you know what happens next...
  • Profile picture of the author bestrevenueshare
    Profile picture of bestrevenueshare
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You guys are so unpredictable, you want to say that, if you told the secret, then the agency would take actions against you. That mean, are you doing some kind of crime or the secret is some kind of ?????? He..he...he, I'm a non USA person, Laughing out loud
    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by bestrevenueshare View Post

      You guys are so unpredictable, you want to say that, if you told the secret, then the agency would take actions against you. That mean, are you doing some kind of crime or the secret is some kind of ?????? He..he...he, I'm a non USA person, Laughing out loud
      Which is why the line sneaked past you. I don't remember the name of the movie where I first heard 'I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you' but it's been kind of code for "mind your own business" with a smile ever since.
  • Profile picture of the author megalinktraffic
    Profile picture of megalinktraffic
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    there are good secrets which can help every IMers and best thing to know these secrets is a secret which i am going to expose moments...
    You get it revealed to yourself as you become a war room member here...
    don't delay know the secret today as you become the war room member
    be the best..
  • Profile picture of the author DarrenHaynes
    Profile picture of DarrenHaynes
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have an amazing secret - it is so secret in fact that I tell people all the time and it passes through some sort of etheral secret filter in their ears - and therefore remains unheard.

    There is an old vedic story about a guy who is walking down the road and sees that a guy is looking for something in his garden. So he asks hme what he is looking for and if he can help. The guy says he is looking for a pin that he dropped. So the other guy asks him in what part of the garden he dropped it so that he could help him. The guy says he dropped in the shed, but he doesn't want to look in there because it is way to dark and the floor is really messy and it would be just toooooo difficult to find it!!!

    Anybody see the connection between the "push button" make money online thing, and then those who make good sites, work hard and monetize them because they got enough sense in their head to realize it is a much better long term strategy.

    The secret is simply "common sense". So then why be surprised that poorly researched cheap ass niche sites get Panda wacked.
    Buy Paragraph, Sentence, and Word Spun Articles
  • Profile picture of the author jasonl70
    Profile picture of jasonl70
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Here's how I look at it:

    There are 2 things to IM - strategy, and tactics.

    Strategy is the most important thing to success.. the overall method/system to your business.. and there are no secrets there. In my opinion, this is where most newbies fail, yet they are least interested in this part. This is the "treat it like a business" part..

    tactics are the small things done to implement your strategy - and yes, people probably have their own 'secrets' there.. maybe they found a great source of traffic, a nice niche, coded some of their own tools, etc.. but overall, these are just implementation details - they are not the "secrets the pro's don't want you know" kind of things..


    • Profile picture of the author myob
      Profile picture of myob
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I have continually posted major "secrets" to my success including strategies, tactics, specific methods, niches, resources and more. However, there are some things that cannot ever be taught but actually are far more essential; desire, motivation, ambition, action ... Great achievements can only be matched by those having similar character traits of great achievers.

      "For me, winning isn't something that happens suddenly on the field when the whistle blows and the crowds roar. Winning is something that builds physically and mentally every day that you train and every night that you dream."

      - Emmitt Smith
      • Profile picture of the author Alan Ashwood
        Alan Ashwood
        Profile picture of Alan Ashwood
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        It's All Secret!

        Like any career or trade, when you first start out, you have a huge learning curve. The IM industry is full of new terminology, methods and systems.
        Probably the ultimate secret is How Do You Make Money From The Internet. From the many methods available, you have to discover the secret to what works best for you, and all the secrets of what steps you need to take to achieve this.
        When you discover the answers to each 'secret', it's like a revelation. Now YOU know another secret yourself, and can move on to the next.
        The answers to these secrets are all here, and on the internet. It's just tricky to find them sometimes.
        That's why it's worth finding a good coach or mentor to help disclose the secrets to your success.
        The one common answer that keeps coming up is HARD WORK. No matter what the product sales pages tell you, there really is no short cut (other than a good mentor), and you will have to apply yourself to achieve the results you desire.
        It's a minefield out there. Just tread carefully and avoid the mines.


        Now where did I put that pencil?

        Time for a cuppa.
  • Profile picture of the author Faithblaster
    Profile picture of Faithblaster
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I don't need any secret The point of IM is TAKING ACTION. Who doesn't shoot, never hits the target. Take a method, try it, if it is working then scale it up and stay with this method, if not, then brainstorm a twist and try it. Just don't give up any method too early, because that's the most common mistake of newbies, they are jumping from one method to another and just looking for a perfect method (holy grail). Give every strategy enough time and effort and focuse just on it. This is the proven way to success.
  • Profile picture of the author chillies
    Profile picture of chillies
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The secret to success is no secret at all...
  • Profile picture of the author Matt Broody
    Matt Broody
    Profile picture of Matt Broody
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Don't try to find magic button
    You need to build your own business plan and follow it each day
  • Profile picture of the author nevrak
    Profile picture of nevrak
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    My greatest secret are......persistence! I think that's an attribute lacked most.

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