A kernel of an idea....how do I flesh it out?

3 replies
Hello all, havent posted in about 3.5 years, lol.

So I have this idea based on something I am knowledgeable and passionate about. Problem being, I have no idea how to internet market.

Here is the gyst of the idea. Maybe you all can give me some direction on what will be involved and what would be the best way to market this idea.

This is in the area of physical self improvement and would fall under the umbrella of "bodybuilding." The idea is that a subject will improve a bodypart (no, not THAT bodypart, minds out of the gutter!) that is widely known to be hard to develop. The subjects progress will be noted with pictures, videos, measurements etc. The method and routine will be shown exactly.

Part of the pitch will be that this guy had lifted for years with no great results on the particular bodypart and then he hit upon the correct method and now has shown great results and he will show the buyer EXACTLY how he did it and how they too can get great results.

So what are we talking about here as far as how to market this idea? Are we talking about an ebook? How simple or how complicated will it be to get this idea to market? How costly?

Myself, I have no coding knowledge and I only have minimal experience (several years ago) with aweber etc. I will be providing the exercise expertise and photos/vids etc and will be doing some or most of the writing although of course I guess thats outsourceable as well.

After I have the subject showing the results and I have the pics/vids etc and most of the writing of the ebook done, is the rest of the project outsourceable?

It would be nice to set it up for passive income with the option to add on other ebooks later etc

Any ideas or feedback? Thanks
#flesh #ideahow #kernel
  • Profile picture of the author Jeffrey Betman

    Cost, in my experience, can vary widely depending on what you want to put up front. I would put up as little as possible to make a quality product.

    One place to start: see what the competition is doing. What else is out there? What else is out there similar to your idea? How do they market? What is the size of this market? How can you niche it down or up?

    An almost no cost way to get this out there is with a Facebook fan page. No cost for the page or hosting. You can run targeted Facebook ads with a daily budget that you set.

    To me, this is a very visual product. So, it would be pictures and/or videos. You want before and after kind of images. Testimonials would also be key.

    Just a few quick thoughts as I read through your idea.

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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      I would also think about back end or follow-up products. If you are just planning a "one and done" sale, you won't really have a viable long-term business. By capturing prospect and customer contact info, you can continue your relationship with the niche and add other products to your arsenal. If you don't do that, this will be a very temporary venture.


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author onSubie

    I think the price you want to charge and how much you want to put into the product will have a great bearing on what the product would be.

    You could do a great ebook but there is a limit to what you can charge for an ebook. Probably better to make it a course with a series of ebooks leading you through a program with a bunch of supplementary material like diet guides, meals, checklists, etc.

    But what you have described lends itself very well to a video course and member site which you could charge more for than an ebook and gain recurring income for a good membership site. Logging in would grant access to the videos, supplemental material, weekly/monthly updates and a discussion forum. If it is a number of exercises that aren't really standard in many workouts, videos would be a good way to demonstrate routines.

    Or try an ebook for a starter product then upsell the video course/member site to people who have bought the book. You can use an upsell after purchase, then follow up with emails to the list and some who said no to the upsell will check the deal again and buy.

    They key is deciding how much information you have to share (enough to charge recurring fees for a member site?) and what is the best way to impart that information to your intended audience.

    Also, is it the kind of thing where there would be room to develop new products that you can market to buyers or offer as continuing content for a member site?

    Having a case study and testimonial is a great thing to put together to market the product once it is launched.

    Great idea and good luck. It is a competitive field but if you have something new that actually produces results you will do well.

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