Technical knowledge lacking, what should I do?

Profile picture of sadiecopywriter
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
20 replies
When I read this forum, I feel like everyone is so far ahead of me in terms of technical knowledge, I don't know how I'll ever catch up. :confused:

Yes, I can write a free report and a squeeze page, but I don't know how to set them up technically so they'll work like they're supposed to. (I have all that written now, I just can't do anything with it.)

It seems to be my stumbling block no matter what I try. I hit a brick wall when it comes to tech. I've taken classes and watched youtube videos, (lots of them,) but they seem to start in the middle of what I need to know.

I guess I need pre-beginners on that sort of stuff. Any advice?
#knowledge #lacking #technical
  • Profile picture of the author Melanie Crouse
    Melanie Crouse
    Profile picture of Melanie Crouse
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    Well, you could hire someone to do it for you, but it really would be better to learn how to do it yourself.

    Where exactly are you stuck? Do you have a domain? Is it hosted? If so, you'll need to learn your way around your cpanel a little to upload your squeeze page and report.

    Are you using aweber for your autoresponder?

    I'd love to help you, but I'm just not sure exactly where you are in the process. And there is probably someone here who has a video or report that can guide you through step-by-step faster than I can.
    • Profile picture of the author jrgattison
      Profile picture of jrgattison
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      There is a few things that can be done but basically you have 3 choices. You can hire someone, you can learn yourself by reading or you can have someone personally teach you.

      I have learned things using all 3 methods but I will now lean towards hiring someone. It doesn't have to be expensive by any means but there is a financial outlay. If you know what you want done you can go to and get things done for $5. I have used Fiverr many of times and I have worked with some excellent people. One thing I've also done is created relationships with these people beyond Fiverr so that I can get work done directly.
      Now I have a Virtual Assistant in the Philipines that I have working full time. I pay the person about $200 a month. He is excellent. I found him on Manila Craigslist and he can do a lot of different things. There are many people in other countries that can do the things you need done.

      As far as learning yourself there are some WSO authors that write some really detailed step by step information. You would have to search for what you are trying to do but one person that gives way more than what you pay for is Mao Flynn. There are many others but currently I am going through one of his WSOs and you won't believe how detailed it is for cheap.

      Try posting in the different areas to see if someone is willing to walk you through some of the things you need done. I would be glad to help but I am not versed in a lot of things. I am well versed in ebay if that could help

      I hope this helps.
      Kendall "The Awkward Entrepreneur"
      Floors | Tiles | Decks | Concrete
  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    Istvan Horvath
    Profile picture of Istvan Horvath
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    Sorry, you already started a similar thread... and you never ever returned there. At least you didn't acknowledge any of the advice given there.

    My advice here is NOT to ask general questions. Ask precise, targeted questions.

    Of course, the bad part is that people will get upset and will tell you this is not a technical support forum. All the software you should use - FTP client, zipping tool, HTML editor - have their own sites and support. Use them.

    Or outsource. Or barter: offer writing in exchange for technical jobs.

  • Profile picture of the author Jon Shawcross
    Jon Shawcross
    Profile picture of Jon Shawcross
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by sadiecopywriter View Post

    When I read this forum, I feel like everyone is so far ahead of me in terms of technical knowledge, I don't know how I'll ever catch up. :confused:

    Yes, I can write a free report and a squeeze page, but I don't know how to set them up technically so they'll work like they're supposed to. (I have all that written now, I just can't do anything with it.)

    It seems to be my stumbling block no matter what I try. I hit a brick wall when it comes to tech. I've taken classes and watched youtube videos, (lots of them,) but they seem to start in the middle of what I need to know.

    I guess I need pre-beginners on that sort of stuff. Any advice?
    We all start somewhere, so don't fret over it. Trust me, once it sinks in, it really is simple.....

    There is a well known marketer called Chris Farrell who has a membership site for beginners. He has helped thousands of people get their careers going online and his success is down to a manner of being able to explain things in a way that is absolutely simple to follow and grasp. He also has an excellent forum on the site where you can ask anything, no matter how simple it may seem. He shows step by step all the tech stuff as well as considerably more.

    I can't remember the rules here about posting url's so i won't just in case - but if you Google him (or look up on Facebook), you will find it with ease using "chris farrell membership". I've not been on it for a long long time, but still hear people talk very highly of it. If i recall, he does an introductory offer of something like $5 for the first week so you can get a feel

    Good luck

  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Profile picture of HeySal
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    That's what I do, Ivan. I'm on the top of the list of WF techno-morons. Don't really have time or will to do much about it -- So I have a tech who takes a % of all my sales. I don't earn as much that way but I have time to do the things I'm good at instead of wasting all my time in a learning process.

    On the other hand - you do learn a little bit just being continually exposed to the stuff. I have learned to wield a pretty sharp axe in the area of computer security.

    There's so darned much to this business that I don't know how anyone can expect to do it all and do it on a professional level. Learn to JV. It's one of the best survival skills you'll learn in this jungle.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

    • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
      Istvan Horvath
      Profile picture of Istvan Horvath
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      That's what I do, Ivan.
      I will tell my son that you agree with him
      (that's his name)

      • Profile picture of the author HeySal
        Profile picture of HeySal
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Istvan Horvath View Post

        I will tell my son that you agree with him
        (that's his name)
        LOL - sorry. Should either slow down on the keyboard or start to proofread I guess.

        Ya know, though - it could be worse. You look incredibly like ThomM - and I've yet to call you Thom, so at least the lapse is still contained at the level of digital acuity.

        When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
        Beyond the Path

        • Profile picture of the author AshJM
          Profile picture of AshJM
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          Partner with someone who compliments your abilities. I'm a marketer and I sell my own software products - but I couldnt code to save my life. How do I do it? I partnered with someone who could code. It's a win-win.
  • Profile picture of the author NathanPowell
    Profile picture of NathanPowell
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    Hey Mercedes,

    I have definitely been where you are on this subject of technical struggles with IM. I have built a number of websites and have gone through the "school of hard knocks" when it comes to uploading files, editing HTML, etc.

    Honestly the best help I can say I ever found was my hosting company. They were extremely helpful when I had a small technical issue(which was huge in my opinion), and would chat with me and do whatever it took to fix the problem. If I had a line of code that had a character wrong, they would figure it out quickly and with very little hassle.

    I don't know what kind of hosting service you have, as I am sure the support varies a lot, but just sharing with you my own personal experience. Hope this helps!
  • Profile picture of the author JSanti7
    Profile picture of JSanti7
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    Hire someone to do it for you and concentrate on the things that you're good at. Or better yet, do what Micawber says, partner with someone who's good at technical stuff so you won't have to worry about it.
  • Profile picture of the author Dee Odus
    Dee Odus
    Profile picture of Dee Odus
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    You can either learn it, outsource it or partner with someone that will do the technical side of things. For example I am not very comfortable with my written English, so instead of learning how to write perfect grammar etc I have a proof-reader, I also have a PHP developer so I don't have to code things myself :-)
  • Profile picture of the author kakaboo
    Profile picture of kakaboo
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    There are wordpress themes that can easily set up squeeze pages or sales page for you without you having to learn all the technical details and stuff!
  • Profile picture of the author Rick Britton
    Rick Britton
    Profile picture of Rick Britton
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    yes I have tried to learn everything to run a whole online business by myself - it is just too huge

    have been collecting partners, outsourcers and freelancers for one offs. Makes it much easier

  • Profile picture of the author bagpuss0001
    Profile picture of bagpuss0001
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    When knowledge is lacking, its time to learn.

    Mind you, if you have the funds then you can outsource the bits you cant do. It is better to learn the basics of things though, mainly so you can tell if your outsource is doing it correctly
  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    Istvan Horvath
    Profile picture of Istvan Horvath
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    Look, I don't want to get this personal...

    (Oh, you have changed your initial reply - hm...)

    Anyway, in the other thread 3-4 people (including me) were asking you very targeted, precise questions. Because they wanted to help you. They all asked you to tell exactly at which step you got stuck. You never answered those questions.

    You preferred to start another vague thread. Sorry, for a professional writer you should do a better job formulating your questions.

    This is a bad question:
    I don't know how to set them up technically so they'll work like they're supposed to
    - How do we know what is it that you consider as they are "supposed" to work...?

    Good questions:
    As a writer I wrote the content of my squeeze page but I don't know how to put it in a HTML file
    I made a simple HTML file for my squeeze page but I don't know how to upload it to my host server
    ...then anybody would know what the next step should be and they could give you exact instructions.

  • Profile picture of the author Mary Wilhite
    Mary Wilhite
    Profile picture of Mary Wilhite
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    I did a google search of "internet marketing course" and saw several interesting tutorials, some are even free.

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