Your ADVICE please.....

2 replies
Was using on a few domains...worked out OK, got paid every month (x,xxx - xx,xxx). September 2011, received the infamous "Your AdSense account for this login is currently disabled" message.......

This was on the email account I used for however I got the same message a day later on the email connected to my Paypal which I used to register domains......

For me it means Goog.le is using lots of other data to determine what to do with your account........

any opinions/ideas....???
  • Profile picture of the author Angelz
    Were you breaking the Adsense TOS?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4692163].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
    They probably tracked your IP address, address, social security or Analytics accounts to the other domains or email. They keep a tremendous amount of data about you and they do use it to shut down other accounts. Been doing this for years.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4692367].message }}

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